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Are people just really more argumentative lately in general?

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Well, sometimes a slice of peanut butter is not JUST a slice of peanut butter. If you care so little about your children to give them such prepackaged garbage, then clearly you are overscheduled or overly focused on your own needs. Am I right??? (Or am I punchy on albuterol again? :lol:)

Sometimes I just hook my kids up to a high fructose lard IV.


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Seriously, the food/cart/shoe/free-range stuff has just gotten so TIRESOME. I mean, do people really (really) believe that someone's child is going to turn out deranged because they were allowed to walk home or else watched mommy ditch the cart or (shudder) ate pre-packaged food without mommy's love in every bite?

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Sometimes I just hook my kids up to a high fructose lard IV.


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Hey, I can't talk, I have a soda drip, myself. :lol:


Seriously, the food/cart/shoe/free-range stuff has just gotten so TIRESOME. I mean, do people really (really) believe that someone's child is going to turn out deranged because they were allowed to walk home or else watched mommy ditch the cart or (shudder) ate pre-packaged food without mommy's love in every bite?


Ugh, I agree. I love to cook from scratch but I also eat spaghettios sometimes :blush:

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What I find strange is that, IRL, I may disagree with a friend, but it doesn't get all messy like it does here. Either I can't express myself properly on message boards or the people here just don't read what I post beyond the part they find to be "horrific." I have never had something IRL get that ugly.


Yeah, I have to say that the Paypal thread was just about as bad as I've ever seen it, anywhere. I can't believe the mods didn't delete it long before it got that bad (not that I mind, I'm just surprised).


I try to always keep in mind that online, people are relatively anonymous and feel *safe* enough to say things they wouldn't online. I know for me, I'm far more articulate in print than I am in real life, and I've found that that contributes to how much I might argue in a thread. If I'm feeling very passionate about something (say, the spanking thread), I'll stick with something longer because I feel comfortable expressing my thoughts, where I wouldn't be so comfortable in a discussion because I can barely form sentences on the fly these days!


Good name! I might use that next time. I suspect it will appeal to my lot too. I think of them as lazy mashed potatoes, I'm too lazy to peel them :D


Hey, that's the only way we make them. It's healthier! Everyone should make them that way! :tongue_smilie:


Sometimes I just hook my kids up to a high fructose lard IV.


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Seriously, the food/cart/shoe/free-range stuff has just gotten so TIRESOME. I mean, do people really (really) believe that someone's child is going to turn out deranged because they were allowed to walk home or else watched mommy ditch the cart or (shudder) ate pre-packaged food without mommy's love in every bite?


:lol::lol::lol: Oh, you just made me laugh so hard I had a coughing fit.


Well, if you follow a traditional foods diet, lard is just fine. The HFCS will get you promptly locked down in a vegan commune so you can rethink your Satanic influences. Shame on you!

(Psst, I'll tell you a secret. I use Welch's grape jelly with my organic peanut butter! I hate natural jam with a passion!)

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Ugh, I agree. I love to cook from scratch but I also eat spaghettios sometimes :blush:


We're on our way to Kentucky Fried Chicken for the kids and Wendy's for me. Seriously. We're making two stops for junk food, going through the drive-throughs. And it's 8:30 p.m.! :scared: (I'm so tired of being sick :()

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What I find strange is that, IRL, I may disagree with a friend, but it doesn't get all messy like it does here. Either I can't express myself properly on message boards or the people here just don't read what I post beyond the part they find to be "horrific." I have never had something IRL get that ugly.


Around here we call it their "internet muscles" because they would never pick a fight with you IRL but man, look at the size of those internet biceps they have! :lol:

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:rofl: the lard IVs are available locally at your roadside stand, but you could check with the meat in the back of his truck man ;)



I had a bad experience with spaghettios, but the kids still love them. Frankly, with our given financial climate (in my house) we're just happy to eat. IOW, we can't afford the luxery of being picky. The "organic" in my sig line, is because, imo, my kids are fully organic. I use absolutely no pesticides on them, and they did not come from a factory, but were grown by yours truly ;)

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What I find strange is that, IRL, I may disagree with a friend, but it doesn't get all messy like it does here.
I imagine if a group of us got together in person and brought up some of the more contentious topics (or topics that turned into that) there wouldn't be much contention. At least for me, I tend to avoid confrontation and if I can tell a friend feels really strongly on a given issue I just avoid discussing it with them. I'll listen, but won't comment. I'd have to be pushed pretty hard to get into a heated discussion with just about anyone in person, let alone a friend.


I guess I"m a big pushover. :001_huh:

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I've stopped posting in controversial threads, unless you consider this one. :-)


Whatever comments I make are almost always completely misunderstood, or the reaction to what I say seems way out of proportion. So I've been sticking to safe topics for the most part.

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Sometimes I just hook my kids up to a high fructose lard IV.


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(flexing internet biceps) Why yes. I do. You're giving your kids lard? Come on, it's trans fats or nothing.




(Psst, I'll tell you a secret. I use Welch's grape jelly with my organic peanut butter! I hate natural jam with a passion!)


I'll send you some of our home made jam. Yes, we did indeed, grow the grapes in our backyard...thank-you-very-much. Now, if I could only convince DH that two rows of grape vines are plenty. Oh, and I won't make you try his wine.

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Sandra, consider those HEALTHY mashed potatoes. The skins are packed with nutrients! Don't know if they cook out in the process, though......

LOL yes I know, but if I tell them THAT They won't eat them now will they ;)


(flexing internet biceps) Why yes. I do. You're giving your kids lard? Come on, it's trans fats or nothing.

I'll send you some of our home made jam. Yes, we did indeed, grow the grapes in our backyard...thank-you-very-much. Now, if I could only convince DH that two rows of grape vines are plenty. Oh, and I won't make you try his wine.

Oh man, my husband already makes his own beer... which apparantly tastes fabulous, not that I'll be trying it any time soon 1/I hate beer 2/ beer has gluten. He has also started some cheese making and is looking longingly at cheese equipment catalogues, and I'm OK with that too.

But he is also making mutterings about making his own wine, and seriously.... THIS is where I draw the line. No way, no how.

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I'll send you some of our home made jam. Yes, we did indeed, grow the grapes in our backyard...thank-you-very-much. Now, if I could only convince DH that two rows of grape vines are plenty. Oh, and I won't make you try his wine.


Oh, you lucky girl, you. We can't grow anything in our shady grove of a backyard, and I tried SO hard this summer! I was really bummed. Actually my problem with natural jam/jelly/preserves is not the flavor. It's the *bits*. I cannot stand jelly with bits in it! They totally gross me out, which is weird because I eat Really Raw Honey with cappings and mashed potatoes with skins and all that. I don't know. I just need crystal clear jelly. Isn't that bizarre?

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I don't know if people in general are more arguementative, but I know I am more cranky than usual. With the level of stress going on I am more sensitive to certain things, so I have been trying hard to avoid those things and/or bite my tongue though I mess up. Hopefully I have not been one causing frustration/irritation etc in others on here.

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It doesn't bother me, really, but I have noticed it.


For me, I am honestly just so very tired of so much I see every day -- disregard for people and property. I am tired of being wary of what the world will be like in 20 years. It seems everywhere I go, I see evidence of laziness, rudeness, entitlement and lack of integrity. It is rather depressing. I cannot even hardly drive without being behind people who are dialing a cell phone and holding up traffic. The world out there is just not a happy place for me, and it puts me in a grumpy mood.

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Well, Uncrustables are clearly evil, and how anyone could NOT be against them is beyond me. They are right up there with these and those single-serving, plastic-wrapped potatoes that you microwave.


Listen, if you are not WITH US, you are AGAINST US.






LOL... this is why Mrs. Mungo has fans. *grin* Thanks for lightening up the mood on these boards!

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Good name! I might use that next time. I suspect it will appeal to my lot too. I think of them as lazy mashed potatoes, I'm too lazy to peel them :D



But, you must disguise your laziness and sell it as health food, all the extra fiber!


And, the picky will get all sorts of extra exercise picking out the skins if they must.

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May I say that Uncrustables = Heaven in your mouth. Seriously! I don't buy them because I'm always afraid of what people will think and I have this weird food = love thing going on BUT Uncrustables are melt in your mouth wonderful.


I was at a festival & they were giving these out for free & I remember loving the fact that the jelly was cold in the center!

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What I don't get is people who go into threads just to complain about the thread & how the thread is pointless.


There are thousands of threads!


Pick a non-pointless one!


But I guess that is their thing -- to call attention to what they think is pointless. :lol:


I don't think it is very argumentative.


There are people here who are pretty predictable about what they'll argue about & people who will start a thread and then get porky if other posters don't agree with them.


Just stay away from those threads.

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(flexing internet biceps) Why yes. I do. You're giving your kids lard? Come on, it's trans fats or nothing.






I'll send you some of our home made jam. Yes, we did indeed, grow the grapes in our backyard...thank-you-very-much. Now, if I could only convince DH that two rows of grape vines are plenty. Oh, and I won't make you try his wine.

TRANS FATS! Do you think I'm trying to KILL my children???? :rofl:

What I don't get is people who go into threads just to complain about the thread & how the thread is pointless.


There are thousands of threads!


Pick a non-pointless one!


But I guess that is their thing -- to call attention to what they think is pointless. :lol:


I don't think it is very argumentative.


There are people here who are pretty predictable about what they'll argue about & people who will start a thread and then get porky if other posters don't agree with them.


Just stay away from those threads.

Guilty as charged. It's like a scab I just have to pick off. The recent 'too protective' thread just sucked me right in. S'okay, though, I killed it :)

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I don't know if it is life in general or just this board but I have been here a long time and it has definitely devolved. It used to feel like a small gathering of close friends who occassionally squabbled. Now it feels like a large subset of the American populations through together with only one thing in common much like the parent of children in one public school or everyone who lives in your city at a town meeting.


I started noticing the change about six months after we changed to the new format. I think it is because our popultion has grown so much and we have so many newer people who haven't formed the same bonds as the ones that have been here a long time. In a larger group you are bound to have greater diversity and it seem like less respect due to the fact that the established comraderie is not there. The political threads didn't help and well it just seems that this has been a rough year for everyone. Life id stressful right now and people are cranky. It is bound to leak out somewhere and well this seems to be one of the somewheres.


It also seems to have something to do with the format itself. I have had three minor squabbles with people in the past year whereas I think I may have had one in the entire six years before that. And all of these squabbles were with people I liked, admired and respected. They were people whose opinions mattered to me. So all I can figure is that it was issues that I fet strongly about (I don;t usually post on these topics) or that there is something different about how we communicate here.


Just wait the holiday season is coming up and things will get worse before the get better.


A lot of our old timers are gone, others only post rarely and many have been banned. The dynamics of the group are changing. There are still enough good people left that it is worth it to skip the contencious threads or at least read them with bemused indifference. I still come here for support, encouragement and education. I also like to try and give back to the community that has given me so much over the years.

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There are people here who are pretty predictable about what they'll argue about & people who will start a thread and then get porky if other posters don't agree with them.


Just stay away from those threads.


That's funny.



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