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Which one do you prefer&why :MFW or Sonlight?


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Well I never considered Sonlight for very long for a number of reasons.


1. I don't like how the IG's are set up (petty, I know)

2. Not chronological

3. My kids are far apart in age so I would end up teaching 3 separate cores.:eek:

4. Really really expensive

5. We need more than just reading

6. They often choose books that I don't feel are content appropriate for the age listed


I have used MFW for ECC, R2R and I just started Exp - 1850 this week. For me it comes down to balance. We get good living history books matched to a spine, hands on activities, note-booking and timeline resources, Bible integrated (not just an add on), world view, art,science, music, some memory work. There is just enough of each component w/out being weighed te heavily on any one thing. It's not just hands-on or just reading or just anything. It is balanced and simple to use. I can just open the TM and with about 5 min. of prep I could start. In reality I do more prep than that, but I don't have to. I really like their book list because each listing tells a bit about the book and notes anything that could possibly offend in any way. This helps me to be confident in choosing books for my children.


Same list here...and we've used ECC and are starting Exp-1850 this week also. I also have many children to teach at once, from Jr High on down to Kindy. MFW caters to that. SL does not.

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I'm using Sonlight's P4/5 for Kindergarten. I looked at MFW's K and 1 for my ds. I loved the Biblical content of the programs, but I couldn't figure out how to customize them to my ds. It's the same problem I had with HOD. My ds is gifted in math and advanced in LA, but he still has the maturity of a typical 5yo. Because of that, an all-in-one program won't work for us. Plus, the MFW K and 1st programs didn't come with the books. I would have had to work (either on Amazon or the library) to finish out the core.


For K (using P4/5), SL provides our social studies, literature, science, readers, and math. I got to choose the levels of the readers and math. I chose a separate LA program. In later cores, we'll use SL for history, geography, lit, readers, math, and art and use other programs for LA and Science. It is easier for me to customize my ds's subjects this way.


Oh, and did I mention that I'm addicted to books? I drool when I get the SL catalog. :D


Not to make things more complicated, but Winter Promise is another company that sells similar programs. Have you checked them out?

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I have used MFW K and Sonlight K. They are completely different. Neither worked for us. MFW K requires more work (library books) and is more appropriate for a 3 or 4 year old, IMO. So we tried SL K, which is more appropriate for a 6-7 year old, and is all reading aloud, which my visual learner cannot stand. :lol:


Winterpromise works well for us, along with the link in my sig. I hope you are happy with your choice.

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We're doing sonlight Core 1, so I can give you my review...


Every one of the sonlight read-alouds is coming from the library... I bought the readers, but only because I have so many kids that the younger ones can just read them later. Half the history core books are coming from the library also... I bought the IGs on their own. We're doing CLE LA and math from singapore and horizons. This was the only way I could afford sonlight for two kids. It's really cut the cost down to a fraction of buying a core.


The history is nice...it's ok for that age...but the read-alouds and readers are awesome. We're doing read-alouds from core 1 and readers 2 and 2 intermediate. My kids end up looking forward to the sonlight reading, as opposed to fleeing from the CLE workbooks. :willy_nilly: (Although CLE has a really good amount of material in it - it's a necessary evil)


It's just reading books :hat:, but the kids really look forward to the sonlight reading. It's the highlight of their schoolday. I'll probably do this again next year.

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I've used SL Pre-K, K, 1, 2, and currently 3. I do not use SL LA. I've used most of MFW-K and about half of MFW Adventures.


I love the book selections in SL and my kids look forward to our reading time each day. It is the one part of my homeschool that I always feel good about. I thought MFW was good too, but I prefer SL's book selections. My children enjoyed the books in both programs, but SL really holds my attention, whereas the MFW books were boring to me.


Also, there is more reading in SL. With MFW, I felt like I read for 15 minutes and we were done. You can add in books from the MFW book basket, but I really enjoy having a schedule for our reading. MFW teaches more about the bible and SL has you just read from the bible. Even though I got a lot out of the MFW bible lessons, I was surprised my children seemed to feel I was just lecturing at them. They love me to read from the bible, though. The activities in MFW were enjoyable, especially the K science activities. I have very good memories of that with my daughter. She was so excited when we did those.


This year, I am using SL core 3 and adding in one hands-on activity each week. I am also doing the science experiments for the first time, and I think my children will really enjoy that. For me, this makes it a perfect fit.


My children are 2 years apart, so I am able to keep them in the same core. If I had lots of children with ages spread out, I'm sure I'd pick MFW over doing separate cores.


Really, I don't think you can go wrong. SL happened to be a better fit for my family, but MFW is great too.



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I have used SL cores 1+2, 3,4,5 and have 6 on the shelf waiting for me. I have read some of 6 already (I preread everything.)


I have never considered MFW at all.


What I like about SL:


the IG gives me a rough framework and order to study the theme. its set up with a daily plan, which I need. I cant use a weekly outline. I dont tie myself to it and if I prefer to work across rather than down some days then I do.


I like the discussion questions and other info provided by the IG. I like the maps and background in their guides.


I like that history and lit are combined for me.


I think this is BY FAR te most effective way for kids to gain cultural literacy and a well rounded view of history.


I enjoy the books SL chooses MOST of the time. My children enjoy them as well. When we struggle with a book we get it on audio instead and that generally solves any issue we have. If I actively dislike a book I ditch it. It is up to me.


I am reading to my children every day which is a sustained period of guaranteed positive interaction.


Sl is a time tested curriculum in which MANY of the bugs have long been worked out.


I can generally buy an entire core USED and save a bit of money.

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Not to make things more complicated, but Winter Promise is another company that sells similar programs. Have you checked them out?




I have used SL, MFW, and WP, and have found WP to be the best fit for us -- there is enough separation in the subjects that I can customize the LA and math, and we like doing our own thing for Bible anyway. The book selections are great, and tied to the history theme. There are more choices of themes, but you can still follow a classical/chronological sequence. There is a good mix of learning strategies: hands-on, research, straight reading, dvd/website suggestions, etc. Plus, if you buy the IG and exclusives from them, and the books used or from the library, the prices are comparable to the other 2 programs.


But you didn't ask about WP, so I'm sorry for manipulating my post.


Anyway, with regards to MFW and SL. The book basket in MFW was difficult for me to maintain, even though I have a great library system. It requires a lot of planning ahead, and keeping track of all the library books, and making sure to return them on time, and not to return my own personal books within the lot of library books, etc. The book choices weren't as exciting, either, in MFW. BUT, I do like having the science coordinated with the history theme.


Anyway, all three programs are great, and you can modify any program to make it work for your family.

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I have no experience with MFW. We are using three SL cores this year because of the age differences with my children. I chose Sonlight because of the book choices, the fact that the IG is all set up and I can work vertically or horizontally, whatever works for a given day/child.


I don't use the LA or the science so I can't comment on those. I love that I sit down with my children, curl up and read with them versus feeling like I'm lecturing. They are loving it and I am able to adapt the reader levels to the individual child.


I bought one core on the payment plan because it will go through all the children, the others I bought the IG and then either use my library or buy used with the exception of readers, again figuring the use they will get validates the cost. Plus I am a book lover, have my husband working on another bookcase right now...


I think it enables me to give my children a rich history and an interest in history as well as exposure to literature that is sadly missing in the PS.

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Thank you ladies . I am still undecided. I tend to like Sonlight better but without LA and science. I heard that MFW has more crafts and I like that too! However , I don't live close to a library and in my understanding I would need to go to the library every week. I have a lot of great books (mostly from garage sales) and I want to used them instead of using a library .

Edited by blessedmom3
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I have no experience with MFW. We are using three SL cores this year because of the age differences with my children. I chose Sonlight because of the book choices, the fact that the IG is all set up and I can work vertically or horizontally, whatever works for a given day/child.


I don't use the LA or the science so I can't comment on those. I love that I sit down with my children, curl up and read with them versus feeling like I'm lecturing. They are loving it and I am able to adapt the reader levels to the individual child.


I bought one core on the payment plan because it will go through all the children, the others I bought the IG and then either use my library or buy used with the exception of readers, again figuring the use they will get validates the cost. Plus I am a book lover, have my husband working on another bookcase right now...


I think it enables me to give my children a rich history and an interest in history as well as exposure to literature that is sadly missing in the PS.



melmichigan ,

you said you use 3 SL cores . WOW ! I heard only one core takes 1-2 hours . Math and electives not included . How do you do that ?

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Well I never considered Sonlight for very long for a number of reasons.


1. I don't like how the IG's are set up (petty, I know)

2. Not chronological

3. My kids are far apart in age so I would end up teaching 3 separate cores.:eek:

4. Really really expensive

5. We need more than just reading

6. They often choose books that I don't feel are content appropriate for the age listed


I have used MFW for ECC, R2R and I just started Exp - 1850 this week. For me it comes down to balance. We get good living history books matched to a spine, hands on activities, note-booking and timeline resources, Bible integrated (not just an add on), world view, art,science, music, some memory work. There is just enough of each component w/out being weighed te heavily on any one thing. It's not just hands-on or just reading or just anything. It is balanced and simple to use. I can just open the TM and with about 5 min. of prep I could start. In reality I do more prep than that, but I don't have to. I really like their book list because each listing tells a bit about the book and notes anything that could possibly offend in any way. This helps me to be confident in choosing books for my children. It all adds up to a nice balance for our family. I do use WTM LA recommendations as theirs are too CM for me, but with that change it is like having WTM in a daily plan.


I haven't read any of the replies past Christina's, as she said it all for me. :lol: Well, almost. We did try SL one year when my firstborn was younger (I think it was the K Core? It's been a long time), but we never actually did it because it was pretty much all "just reading". We did eventually read the books out of that core, but not according to the SL schedule.


Now I have three children with gaps between them, so SL would never work for us either logistically or financially.


I find MFW to be very balanced. If time is short and we're pressured to "just get school done", we can do just the basics without any Book Basket or other extras. OTOH, if one or more of us is especially interested in delving more into a particular topic, there are multiple ideas listed to choose from, as well as the myriads of book and video titles in the Book Basket. I can either use my library for that, or purchase favorite titles to keep on our own bookshelves. LOVE the flexibility with all that! No pressure to read a ton of books every day... but if we have the time and want to, we can. :D


Love the biblical worldview/discipleship built into the program, and also love the fact that it's not denominational specific. I have a hard time treating Bible as just another "subject" in our academics, and I appreciate how MFW builds a strong biblical worldview bit by bit, precept upon precept, over time... as well as strong academics. MFW high school is definitely college prep material.

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We've used SL Cores K, 1, & 2.


We've used MFW K, ECC, Exploration to 1850 & are currently using 1st & 1850-Modern Times.


We loved them both!


Our main reason for changing form SL to MFW was that I felt it would be easier to group children in MFW, and I could not see how in the world to fit in all the reading with different cores.


We miss the SL books, but my dc love the book basket. We live 30 minutes from the nearest library, so we do not go very often. However, my dh actually works at one 45 minutes away, so I send him a list once/week. I do as much of the "leg work" as I can...requesting from ILL, checking to see what is actually there, organizing a list so he can find things easier. It is like Christmas here when he comes home with a big box of books.


Sometimes I check SL's lists and add books from their lists to the book baskets.


Both programs are great. :)

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I used SL P 4/5 and K. LIke this poster, I couldn't find a good "fit" with MFW K or 1st--but know that once you get past those levels, you add your own math and LA into MFW so it's not an issue!


I love to read, and my boys love to listen, but like another poster said, SL was more weighted to just the reading, and MFW is having a wonderful balance so far. We liked the books in P 4/5 and K, but not the experience altogether. MFW is much more in line with WTM and classical, with some of the great Charlotte Mason ideas as well--and we're tweaking it to be a bit more classical but not much.


Really, 2 years and over $1000 spent on SL and i can't figure out what it's all about. They do use some nice books though--we will be using the INtermediate and Advanced Grade 2 readers this year--and I will buy some things from them to support their company since I"m using their book list :) but I don't think we'll do a complete core again.


We've done 2 WP cores also--well, not completed either because I did not like their crafts in Animals and Ready to Learn, and some of the books in Animals were--annoying IMO. MFW has the Bible all through nearly every aspect, and that is a good thing for us; WP--is a Christian company but it's not integrated into most of the day-to-day work.




I'm using Sonlight's P4/5 for Kindergarten. I looked at MFW's K and 1 for my ds. I loved the Biblical content of the programs, but I couldn't figure out how to customize them to my ds. It's the same problem I had with HOD. My ds is gifted in math and advanced in LA, but he still has the maturity of a typical 5yo. Because of that, an all-in-one program won't work for us. Plus, the MFW K and 1st programs didn't come with the books. I would have had to work (either on Amazon or the library) to finish out the core.


For K (using P4/5), SL provides our social studies, literature, science, readers, and math. I got to choose the levels of the readers and math. I chose a separate LA program. In later cores, we'll use SL for history, geography, lit, readers, math, and art and use other programs for LA and Science. It is easier for me to customize my ds's subjects this way.


Oh, and did I mention that I'm addicted to books? I drool when I get the SL catalog. :D


Not to make things more complicated, but Winter Promise is another company that sells similar programs. Have you checked them out?

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Which one do you prefer&why :MFW or Sonlight?


Please mention the core/ grade you have used


I have used MFW K and Sonlight K and preffered Sonlight. I don't care for SL La though. I tried the K LA's twice with two different dc and both times it didn't work for us. With that said I would by Core-K without the LA's.


I have used SL Pre-K, K, Core-1 & Core-2 (own but haven't used Core-3)

MFW we used Pre-K, K (1/2 way), 1st (1/4 way) Adv. and ECC.


I do prefer SL for the younger years. I actually would have continued with SL but Core-3 would have been way over my dc head. At the time I had a 3rd & 2nd.

What I should have done was use SL Pre-K for Kindergarten and SL K for 1st. That way they would have been a little older by the time they reached core-3.


Both IG are wonderful. I didn't like the book basket with MFW. I much prefer to purchase everything and have it all on hand, so that's a plus for SL.

I liked both programs:D

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When you get to the levels in MFW that have a book basket (not K and 1), you can always purchase some of the books recommended for the book basket, instead of using the library. I know some ladies have done that and you could probably get some help from them.


I did purchase most of them, but I like a one-stop-shop where everything is included and I like them all scheduled in :leaving:

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I juggle a lot. :D Since you asked...In the AM my DS goes to speech and my oldest DD is at ELA (again we don't use the LA or the science). So my Core 1 twins get their SM, HWT, Spelling, VE, and history done, usually readers too if we are on the ball. Then mid day recess,and everyone's home by lunch. Then we do Core 1 read-alouds after lunch while I'm rocking the baby for nap. I do my DS's history before his nap. Then my twins have quiet reading/play while I work with my DD (core 6) on history and science, and we do their science while my DD works on math, then I do my oldest DD's read-aloud while the DS's are waking up and playing with my twins. My DS does his seat work while I get the kitchen organized for dinner. We do the K read-alouds in the evening.


We only do 4 day cores because we spend Thursday afternoons at the YMCA for gym and swim. We also school all year with the exception of about six weeks in the middle of summer, that way we don't have to review as much. It can be done. :lol: Actually it's a little easier than last year. I print out additional schedule days and use those to plan out all the non SL subjects so I can always work horizontally if I need to or time allows. I keep two weeks ahead on all the lesson plans so that I don't have to pick up things on the fly. It does force me to be very, very organized.


I don't live the IG, if we do more math one day and spend more time on history the next that's ok too. Sometimes my girls don't want to stop the read-aloud so we go on. Sometimes I read to my older DD on the weekends. I'm making it work for us. I plan on doing this for years, once my younger is ready to start my older will be more independent.

Edited by melmichigan
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Great thread....I'm mostly interested in the responses about Sonlight. I'm trying to tackle planning my own curriculum tonight (after what feels like years of research, but was actually just a couple of really loooooong months), but if I fail (don't get my virtual shopping carts checked out and some actual calendars filled in) then I am buying Sonlight!! And then try not to feel guilty for not being some kinda super mom....it's not like I get a merit badge for planning my own right? :lol:

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I was curious about that. So it is better to have them scheduled in then. Good to know.


Well, that depends, Carmen. It's better for Linda's family to have them all scheduled in. It's better for our family to have just a few core books that are scheduled, and then have more flexibility with the rest. ;)

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Well, that depends, Carmen. It's better for Linda's family to have them all scheduled in. It's better for our family to have just a few core books that are scheduled, and then have more flexibility with the rest. ;)
So what exactly does it look like for your family to use the book basket method? I am having a hard time knowing how it would work. And is it enough if you decide to not use any book basket books?
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I've used both (MFW K, 1st, Adv, and part of ECC and SL Cores Pk, K, 1 and 2) and prefer SL. I would be using SL now if 1) my children were closer in age and we could combine in a Core 2) there were more assignments in the IGs 3) I liked the SL LA. Those are the main three reasons that I looked elsewhere for this school year and I found HOD which is really just what I've been looking for all along.


Both are very, very good if you like "packaged" curricula. SL was far more enjoyable for us because we really do love the books that SL selects. SL has a very relaxed feel to it and I found it easy to set my own pace. It's just a very natural and engaging way for the children to learn, especially since my boys are auditory learners. However, it is very easy to get lazy with SL and just read and read and forget about developing skills in other areas. I was always teaching other things like grammar and spelling but I wasn't very good at making up assignments that were appropriate for where they were at skill-wise and that were relevent to the rest of their studies. So, there always felt like something was missing and I began to worry about gaps in their development. I think it would have been better if I were using the SL LA, maybe I wouldn't have felt that way so much.


MFW does a better job of giving you things for the children to do to compliment their books. There is much more variety of learning experiences. The assignments are more specific. Also, MFW definately integrates the Bible more thoroughly, if that is important to you. We enjoyed SL's Bible but it's just not the same as MFW where the Bible is applied across a wider variety of subject material. Also, MFW does consider character development to be important and they will focus on that more where with SL, that's just something that you are expected to address as you bump into situations through the literature... like discuss a particular topic when a particular character in a certain book faces that issue. With MFW, it's more intentional and you are more actively teaching character development. It's not that you don't do that with SL, it's just not as formal feeling.


If I were trying to decide between the two, I would consider how important it was to me to have most (if not all, because there is alot with SL, depending on the core you choose - you may not have time for other books) of our school books already chosen and scheduled out for us. With MFW, you will have more time to pick and choose the books that you want to add to your main program (using their book lists or whatever you have on hand). In my limited experience with MFW (and I have looked at all the guides extensively though I only used the four), you will most certainly want to add literature to the basic package. It's intended that you do so and that's how MFW is set up. You could get by with just the books that are scheduled, I suppose, but for us, MFW would not be so interesting without additional titles.


Also, consider if you want some hands on activities to go along with the children's studies or not. With SL, there is mapping, a timeline book, and alot of oral work but there is not the variety that you will find with MFW. MFW's strength is the notebooking and crafty things that go along with what the children are learning. If you look at the sample pages of the guides at the MFW site, you will get a good feel for the type of activities they recommend. SL makes up for this by having more hands-on with their science cores. We definately preferred SL's Science. We love the variety that SL offers in their science cores, the DVDs and especially the science kits.


As for expense, for me, it was comparable... not a big difference. I always purchased a large portion of my SL books used. Most of them are mass produced paperbacks and easy to find at the public library. I guess MFW is less expensive overall, but if you use the library and buy used books, SL isn't so bad.


Consider what children will be combined and how. We were headed into Core 3 and there was no way I was going to combine my 2nd grader in with my 5th grader for that Core. And, my little guy is a very mature listener (as far as sitting still and being attentive), so that was not the issue. I just wasn't ready to have him exposed to some of the topics in that Core, so we choose a different path. There is alot of reading with SL and I knew I personally would not have the time or energy to adapt the core (by seeking alternative titles for my younger son) and especially the future cores to teaching the two of them together. We love books, but by the end of a typical SL day, I was tired of books, to be honest. If they were closer in age, I would have combined them and we probably would have continued with SL.


Definately easier to combine with MFW but you will still have to select books for your children based on wherever they are age wise/maturity level. That shouldn't be hard to do with MFW because you get the book lists but it will take time to make your choices, decide if you are going to buy or borrow them, and then make sure you have them on hand when you need them. In my experience, SL is open and go but that was not my experience with MFW but I know alot of users find it very easy to just open and go with it. I didn't. I was always planning and driving myself nuts looking for just the right books.


Too bad you aren't interested in HOD (and, I understand your reasons) because it is like a very happy in between.

Edited by Donna T.
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I've used Sonlight core 1,2,3,4 & 5 with olders. Sonlight was a good option for my olders since I could combine them and it was the only option of its kind that I knew about in 1996. I remember how excited I was when someone handed me the original Sonlight catalog. However I can look back at my older's school career and now realized that I totally demolished my older child's desire to read with Sonlight. Oh he can read but he HATES it and even to this day will not pick up a book to read for pleasure! MFW's bookbasket would've been a perfect fit for him and I wish I had the foresight to back off the reading when he was younger. Sonlight's LA was a mess and we were never able to make it work for us. Sonlight's science was alot of fun and we enjoyed it. Overall I liked Sonlight selection it was just. too. much. reading. I remember being hoarse from reading aloud so long and our days could be really , really long if I attempted to do the IG as written.


I am currently using MFW 1 with youngest son. I am going to stick with MFW. If I attempted Sonlight with my younger children I would have to use 2 cores and I cannot imagine doing that! MFW selections are similar if not identical to SL. I like that the read aloud books are not scheduled and we can pick and pace ourselves. The science list is extensive and we have plenty of options for more reading. MFW 1 is a much better fit for my younger children than Sonlight 1. I just wish I knew about MFW for my older children!

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I have never tried MFW but, I did try sonlight. The K program was ok, we were very laid back with it. Last year we tried core 1. I bought the whole kit'n kaboodle! I really only did the first 11 weeks. It felt disjointed to me. For example: we spent a whole 5 min. reading about early people groups and then read a chapter of Charlotte's Web and then a mother goose rhyme. It was weird to me. I have been told that the read a louds start to correlate to what you learning in history when you get to core 3. It seemed awkward to me. DD and myself both like to immerse ourselves (as much as a 7yr old can of course:001_smile:) into what we are learning not 5 min unrelated chunks. Plus, my daughter is a huge hands on, artsy crafty girl and SL just didn't do it for her.


We started TOG this yr and it has been awesome! The weird thing is that everyone keeps saying how much prep there is to it and I can't figure out why/where. It was so funny when I told 2 ladies at my home school group that we started TOG, they looked at me and there expression read like "you mean, on purpose?" "why would you do that?":glare: My irl bf is a sonlighter so she doesn't quite get it either.:001_smile:

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I find it very interesting how different families pick curriculums and the different priorities of each. It's one of the these I love about home schooling the ability to make choices based on what's best for your family.


We have chosen to go with MFW and have done everything from the beginning. We have done K - Exp to 1850 including ADV and are in 1850 - MOD now. Here's why I love MFW:


1. IMHO, it's one of the most thorough Bible/character curriculums around. My kids have grown so much spiritually, they not only have a lot of head knowledge but they understand the why's of the Bible and how to apply them to their everyday lives.


2. Chronological History. I definitely fall more on the classical end of the spectrum so love that I can be classical and still have a open and go curriculum. Did I mention that they use all but one of the SOTW? I really like SOTW, it's so readable.


3. I love the Book Basket option. It gives me the option to go to the library if finances are tight or I can go and buy the books. I often do buy extra books from Sonlight.


4. Do-able hands-on projects that enrich the curriculum. From recipes of colonial times to cardboard shields MFW plans hands-on activities that I can actually do without spending too much time at Hobby Lobby. We find MFW to be fun and I like that my kids enjoy school. It makes it so much easier.


5. I love the idea of supporting a company that gives a portion of it's profit to Bible translation.


6. Integrated subjects. One of my favorite things is when Bible, history and science are all talking about the same thing.


7. Great art and do able music history. It's all planned for me and in the TM.


8. I can teach all my kids together. I love, love, love the family learning aspect. It enriches our lives together. We can plan vacations based on what we are learning, dinner topics are really interesting and everyone can join in. One of the reasons I home school is so that we can be together and MFW helps us to do that.


Those are my main reasons. Do I tweak things? Sure I do, but I would tweak anything. Again, different families have different needs but that's ours.:001_smile:

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I have never tried MFW but, I did try sonlight. The K program was ok, we were very laid back with it. Last year we tried core 1. I bought the whole kit'n kaboodle! I really only did the first 11 weeks. It felt disjointed to me. For example: we spent a whole 5 min. reading about early people groups and then read a chapter of Charlotte's Web and then a mother goose rhyme. It was weird to me. I have been told that the read a louds start to correlate to what you learning in history when you get to core 3. It seemed awkward to me. DD and myself both like to immerse ourselves (as much as a 7yr old can of course:001_smile:) into what we are learning not 5 min unrelated chunks. Plus, my daughter is a huge hands on, artsy crafty girl and SL just didn't do it for her.


We started TOG this yr and it has been awesome! The weird thing is that everyone keeps saying how much prep there is to it and I can't figure out why/where. It was so funny when I told 2 ladies at my home school group that we started TOG, they looked at me and there expression read like "you mean, on purpose?" "why would you do that?":glare: My irl bf is a sonlighter so she doesn't quite get it either.:001_smile:


Until you mentioned it, I had completely forgotten that I did not like this about Sonlight either. I did not like reading just a few pages from so many different books each day, so I revamped the schedule. :blink: Then I started wondering why I was buying the IG if I was just going to read the books at a different pace. To me, there didn't seem to be much else in the IG that I really paid attention to.

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I was curious about that. So it is better to have them scheduled in then. Good to know.


After 2 years of SL and now into MFW--I'm finding I like the Book Basket. Now, Book Basket isn't read-alouds, so they don't NEED to be scheduled in. They are free reading for your kids to go along with the core. What I'm seeing is that my older son will look through 10-20 books alongside each subject instead of one that SL would have scheduled in---


I'm thinking if we go back to SL at any point, I will have to add my own "book basket"; it is something my boys are really enjoying, having so much enrichment from the library to look through--



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So what exactly does it look like for your family to use the book basket method? I am having a hard time knowing how it would work. And is it enough if you decide to not use any book basket books?


I go to the library each week and pull books from the Book Basket list for the upcoming week or two, as well as any interesting books I find nearby on the shelves--


Come home and put them in a basket in the boys' room. They take a one-hour quiet reading/resting time each day; most days I remind them to use the first 10 minutes looking through Book Basket books. My 5 year old looks at pictures, my 6 1/2 year old reads the books. If I have seen one I think looks particularly interesting, we'll look through it together sometime during the week--as bedtime reading or whatever.



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Yes, MFW has scheduled reading with books that they sell in their Deluxe package (these would been their fun read alouds) AND they have the book basket which are simply ideas of books for free reading that go along with the curricula. You don't have to follow the book basket list. You can swap out for books you may already have on your shelf (I collect books at yard sales and thrift stores even if they don't apply to that year's schooling).

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Thank you ladies ! Your replies really help me .

Now I would like to know how long does MFW take each day , not including math and LA ? Mostly interested in Adventures and ECC .


It's been a couple of years since I've done Adventures, but I think it took about 20 minutes a day to do the reading. If there was a project scheduled, that usually took a half hour or so.



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I've used both and I prefer MFW by far! I think it is very well balanced while Sonight is not. I love them both though but I will never go back to Sonlight after using MFW. And we don't use the book basket! We get our readers from WinterPromise.


We are using EX-1850 this year so it takes longer for us then it would for you, and we are still completely finished with school in about 3 and a half hours. It takes about an hour/hour and a half for MFW and then they individually complete their other subjects.


We love MFW!

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I have never considered MFW at all.


What I like about SL:


the IG gives me a rough framework and order to study the theme. its set up with a daily plan, which I need. I cant use a weekly outline. I dont tie myself to it and if I prefer to work across rather than down some days then I do.


I like the discussion questions and other info provided by the IG. I like the maps and background in their guides.


I like that history and lit are combined for me.


I think this is BY FAR te most effective way for kids to gain cultural literacy and a well rounded view of history.


I enjoy the books SL chooses MOST of the time. My children enjoy them as well. When we struggle with a book we get it on audio instead and that generally solves any issue we have. If I actively dislike a book I ditch it. It is up to me.


I am reading to my children every day which is a sustained period of guaranteed positive interaction.


Sl is a time tested curriculum in which MANY of the bugs have long been worked out.


I can generally buy an entire core USED and save a bit of money.


This is our experience as well. I have used SL cores: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,100, 1+2, and 3+4. Core K was our least favorite. My daughter loved Core 5. I love history so I can't say which of the others I liked best although doing a 2 year rotation was better than squeezing the info into 1.


I have managed to combine many age groups and used different Language arts guides to accommodate either older or younger children. We do not use the bible curriculum and sometimes dropped books with a more religious bent to them.


If you order a Sonlight catalog they devote an entire section to reasons why you should or should not use their curriculum.


I have never bought a core brand new. I always find them used, using eBay, the used forum at Sonlight, Vegsource, etc, and the library.

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I used Sonlight pre-K and I used MFW 1st and Adv. I didn't finishe Adv. I really didn't like either curr.

Last year we did GTG and it was ok. This year we are using HOD Bigger and loving it. I think I can see us using HOD for several years. I love the way the whole program is centered around the scripture used for that week and yet you can do your LA and Math seperately without interupting the flow. I like the way the TM is laid out as it is very easy to follow. I love that there isn't a large amount of reading required and yet there are additions that can be brought in for more if you want. I just love it.:001_smile:

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