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Has anyone here ever eaten horse meat?

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Ok, so once, a long time ago when I was pregnant, I went to Tijuana to get some asthma meds, and stopped at a taco stall. I like a certain kind of taco you can get in TJ. So I order them, turn around to look at people, casually look back into the stall....and the man had an entire horses head in the sink and was scraping off the flesh. I immediatly thought, if I think about this too much, I will barf. I am probably eating horse. Took my tacos, ate them and left.


So...I think I ate horse meat. I couldn't tell - at the time.

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Not that I know of.


But I had to let you know while we were in Italy this summer we saw horse meat baby food. The jar had a picture of a smiling horse on it. The kids and I couldn't stop laughing. The next grocery store we went into I brought my camera, this store didn't have horse meat for babies, but we got pictures of the smiling pigs and cows.


So I would have to think there a few babies in Italy who have eaten horse.

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This is a riot. I thought for years that I had eaten horse meat because my mother told us every time we begged for McDonalds that we could not have it because it was horsemeat. And how could you ask me to give you horsemeat you know my horse's name was Dolly blah,blah, blah. Dad on the other hand was more reasonable he told us that if your mother says it is horsemeat, so it is but I will get it for you anyway. I actually believed for years that our" burger Saturdays" were being enjoyed at the expense of some poor old horse. Now I realize they were just a nasty chemical, soy craptastic imitation of a fine Angus burger. The stuff my mom got away with telling us that we believed without question is just stunning.Trained as a RN by the nuns that one and she knew how to get results with guilt and shame frosted with a little white lie for the improvement of our souls... No horse but plenty of lamb and goat consumed by this lady.And Mom did really have a horse as a girl named Dolly they just never had to eat her or starve as she told us. I am telling you, guilt and shame by the truckload!!

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Horse meat is the most expensive and preferred meat in most of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. So we had it there at weddings and funerals. Personally, I avoided the organs, but the meat itself wasn't bad, although I don't much like red meat. I thought it was similar to beef and I didn't really notice a distinctive taste.

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This is a riot. I thought for years that I had eaten horse meat because my mother told us every time we begged for McDonalds that we could not have it because it was horsemeat. And how could you ask me to give you horsemeat you know my horse's name was Dolly blah,blah, blah. Dad on the other hand was more reasonable he told us that if your mother says it is horsemeat, so it is but I will get it for you anyway. I actually believed for years that our" burger Saturdays" were being enjoyed at the expense of some poor old horse. Now I realize they were just a nasty chemical, soy craptastic imitation of a fine Angus burger. The stuff my mom got away with telling us that we believed without question is just stunning.Trained as a RN by the nuns that one and she knew how to get results with guilt and shame frosted with a little white lie for the improvement of our souls... No horse but plenty of lamb and goat consumed by this lady.And Mom did really have a horse as a girl named Dolly they just never had to eat her or starve as she told us. I am telling you, guilt and shame by the truckload!!


Hysterical, Elizabeth! Sounds like you and I had pretty similar upbringings--- right down to the mother-nurse-trained-by-nuns part!

Thanks for sharing that story-- made me smile after a long day! :001_smile:



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Guest Virginia Dawn

In the early 70's, grocery stores in this country still sold horsemeat. Most people used it to feed their dogs. It was considered "low class" for human consumption, but not unheard of. I still remember the huge fight my parents had when my father accused my mother of serving horsemeat for dinner. She would neither confirm nor deny.


Her policy regarding food was "don't ask, don't tell." We were the guinea pigs.


So, yes it is possible I have eaten horse meat. But I don't remember what it tasted like.

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When my family lived in Peru as a missionary we could buy a ground meat that was much leaner and less expensive than beef called "carne especial". It seemed strange to me that the leaner meat was so much less expensive. I soon discovered that we were eating horse meat. The taste and texture of the meat was similar to beef. Personally, I don't have a problem with it and wish it was an option here in North America.



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In the early 70's, grocery stores in this country still sold horsemeat. Most people used it to feed their dogs. It was considered "low class" for human consumption, but not unheard of. I still remember the huge fight my parents had when my father accused my mother of serving horsemeat for dinner. She would neither confirm nor deny.


Her policy regarding food was "don't ask, don't tell." We were the guinea pigs.


So, yes it is possible I have eaten horse meat. But I don't remember what it tasted like.



Don't ask don't tell? :lol::lol::lol: You poor thing! hehehehe

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There is a big debate in the horse world about horse slaugther and the meat market.


It has been banned here in the US as the conditions the horses were transported in and held in could be very bad. Some still do try to take horses over the border to Canada or Mexico.


I am against the horid conditions the horses were in BUT..........since the ban on slaughter there are so many starving/neglected horses because people don't have the time, money, or sometimes even desire to feed them properly yet there is no market for these horses. You can't even give them away so they end up suffering anyway.


Personally, while I love my horses and they are pets to us, I do think there is a place for HUMANE horse transportation and slaughter. There is a huge market for horse meat and properly regulated it would even help the horse market as it would weed out the untrained, unsound, etc. horses.

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