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Couch to 5k runners, check-in here!

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Hi! I thought it might be nice to start a thread for anyone who is doing/has done/wants to do the Couch to 5k program. I am about 40 lbs overweight and I hate exercising. But I am going to do this. Going for my 2nd run tonight. I loved it on Monday!!! I never thought I would, but I did. I think it was because I was just so stinkin' proud of myself. Plus, I have a running buddy-my best friend of almost 20 years!


Who else?? Share your story and let's inspire each other!!

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Great job!!! I think having a running partner would help a lot with motivation! I'm currently training for my first 1/2 marathon (I started running 1 1/2 years ago) and I'd love to read updates on how you're doing!!! My kids are going to start running after baseball season is over next week. I'm having them do the C25K program! Do you know where your first race will be? (I say first because it is SOOOO addictive!)

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Great job!!! I think having a running partner would help a lot with motivation! I'm currently training for my first 1/2 marathon (I started running 1 1/2 years ago) and I'd love to read updates on how you're doing!!! My kids are going to start running after baseball season is over next week. I'm having them do the C25K program! Do you know where your first race will be? (I say first because it is SOOOO addictive!)


I was just thinking today that I need to register for a local 5k this fall so that I will definitely have something to look forward to/work toward. I don't know how to find one though. I guess I will ask around. I have several friends that run.

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I was just thinking today that I need to register for a local 5k this fall so that I will definitely have something to look forward to/work toward. I don't know how to find one though. I guess I will ask around. I have several friends that run.


Definately ask!! It'll give you a goal and after the race you'll feel SOOOOO good!!!! I swear you'll be looking forward to the next one! I'm addicted. I'm currently signed up for two more races and planning to sign up for at least another few before the end of the year!!

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I have been thinking about this. I really need to lose 25 pounds and am pretty out of shape. I need to get motivated. I do have one question, though. If you cannot complete the week, do you just repeat it until you can run the distance? Would I need to walk a couple of weeks first? Did I tell you I was really out of shape?:lol: I have even downloaded the podcast so that I would know when to walk and run...but I haven't started. Someone PLEASE motivate me! I re-arranged my closet the other day and only about 10% of the clothes fit. Ten pounds would make a huge difference in my wardrobe selection!


Keep us posted with your progress.



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treadmill and it didn't work. I don't like walking/running on the treadmill.

I have been trying to get dh to go with me this week, so I would be motivated, but he won't go! He likes the treadmill.


I can not jog for very long at all, so I am not sure if I am doing the program right.


I have been thinking of posting on our neighborhood board to see if I can get a buddy to do this with.

I am scared to run/walk by myself so early in the morning. I want to get a can of mace or pepper spray.

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I am in the middle of my 3rd week. I have never been a runner, but so far, I am really enjoying it. I am not fast, but at least I am doing it. Since I started having kids 14 years ago, I have not exercised regularly. I would do aerobics or walk for a few weeks, and then I would let something get in the way to stop me. I really do not want this to happen again.


Fortunately, I am not running to help lose weight. For me, it is all about getting into shape to be able to keep up with my very active older kids. I just wish getting into shape at 41 was as easy as it was in my 20's!


So far, I haven't needed a running buddy because one of my kids gets up at 5:30 and goes with me. I hope they continue because it sure makes doing it much easier.

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I just recently ran my first 5k and enjoyed the process of despair, struggle, and eventually the triumph of meeting my goal. One of the reasons I wanted to do the training was so I would not have to be disciplined in my eating habits.


Unfortunately, exercise is not enough. I stopped gaining weight, but I have not lost those vanity pounds that I wanted gone. I am healthier and have more muscle tone, but that extra belly fat is still there.


So, those of you that are doing this to loose weight, might not get there doing the Coach to 5K program alone.

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Two years ago, I started on it and made it through week 6 before we all get sick and sidetracked with life. I just started up this week. :) One of the things that has helped me was to download the podcasts for the runs. That way, I didn't have to work on the times at all. I walk when he says and run when he says. (and I also talk back to the guy when he tells me to get ready to run that 7th and 8th time!)

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I'm on day 4 (yes you read that right) of week one. I have no idea when I'll be able to move up to week 2. The last 2 runs have been the hardest for me, but today, they weren't quite so hard. That's something right? My husband (an avid runner) got me some fancy running shoes that I got to try out today and they were like miracle shoes. My shins and arches don't hurt!


I also picked up a nike plus chip. I like that too. It tells you how far you went, how fast and how many calories burned. It was only 225 calories for me. I thought It would be more.:glare:


I'm hoping that this in combination with my Wii Active, will help me get into shape, and in return, loose weight.


Good luck to all of you guys!


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I hurt my knee 2 weeks ago and I was only 1.5 weeks into C5K, though I was going to do Week 1 for two weeks. :D When my knee felt better, I started walking again. But I really, really miss C5K! I loved it for the same reason as you, because I was so proud of myself for getting through it each time. My DH suggests I wait another 2 weeks before starting again. I'm going to get a great knee brace and new shoes, just in case my current shoes are losing their support.


During the program, I did very well with the first 2 running intervals. The 3rd was more difficult. The 4th was pretty good because I knew I was halfway done. Runs 5 and 6 were awful because I felt like it would never end. Run 7 was good because I knew there was only one more. And of course in run 8, I got a second burst of wind because I knew I was on the last run!


I hope I can do the C5k again. I'm worried my knee won't let me.

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I made it through the 2nd run, barely. I am having TERRIBLE shin splints. EEEKKK!!!


Ouch!!! Those are VERY painful. How are your shoes? When I started running, I used an old pair of running shoes. I had awful shin splints and then tendonitis. I very nearly quit. But, I decided to buy a new pair of running shoes at a GOOD running store. They watched how I walked, measured, looked at my old shoes, etc. I got to try them on and run on them outside for a block. The salesman watched me run and walk in them to make sure they were giving me the right support. I never had pain since!!!


So, my advice - go to a good running store and get a good pair of shoes. No Foot Locker or store like that. Expect to spend around $100.

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I'm on Week 5 right now. Yesterday I jogged 8 minutes, walked 5, and jogged 8 more. I really love this program. I would never have imagined being able to jog for 8 minutes straight, when 6 weeks ago (I repeated one week) I could barely jog for 1 minute at a time. Tomorrow I am supposed to jog for 20 minutes straight!! Not sure if I will be able to do that, but I'll give it a try. If it's too hard, I will repeat this week again next week. Either way, I've made obvious progress every single week, and that is a great feeling!!

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Ouch!!! Those are VERY painful. How are your shoes? When I started running, I used an old pair of running shoes. I had awful shin splints and then tendonitis. I very nearly quit. But, I decided to buy a new pair of running shoes at a GOOD running store. They watched how I walked, measured, looked at my old shoes, etc. I got to try them on and run on them outside for a block. The salesman watched me run and walk in them to make sure they were giving me the right support. I never had pain since!!!


So, my advice - go to a good running store and get a good pair of shoes. No Foot Locker or store like that. Expect to spend around $100.


I got a new pair of running shoes last week. They aren't really all that great, but better than what I had. We actually have a running store close to me, so maybe I will go there and see what they have to say. Thanks!!

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I was going to wait until my week one was complete, but I'm so excited that I'll post it early! Have done 2 days of week one; day 3 is scheduled for tomorrow. So far going great! (I found out where my shoes rub, though - a couple awesome blisters have developed!)


I was a big walker before trying this (2-3 miles 4-6x per week) and I think that has helped immensely. The 60 seconds of jogging is just right. I've tried before to run, doing too much too soon, and became discouraged quickly. I'm thinking this will help.


DH used to run distance - he's getting back to running too, and I'm hoping we can do a 5K together at the end of this.


One question for you who are further along - what week did you find most challenging?

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I am on week 2, and I am really enjoying it. I was a runner in high school, and I was pretty decent at it, but sometimes I would have this sharp stitch-like pain in my arm. While I was in college, having starting lifting weights and bulking up more in the shoulder area (to prepare for my wedding, which was after my sophomore year!), I got a big blood clot in the my shoulder area, in the subclavian vein. It turns out my right first rib had been impinging on the vein (hence the pain in my arm when running), and the added muscle mass was enough to cause a blood clot. I eventually had surgery to remoer the rib at the end of my senior year of college, but I pretty much never ran again.


SO now it's been 14 years since the surgery, and my veins in that arm have healed a lot! I know this because now techs are able to draw blood from there, and they were not able to for many, many years! Plus, I've had 7 kids, and things have taken a toll, LOL. I wanted to get more bang for my workout buck than just walking, which is what I have mainly done in the past few years. Even with just walking, I have been having some problems with my right hip and left calf. Finally it dawned on me that I needed new shoes, which I just got this past weekend. I think they are helping.


I love the gradual way that C25K starts! It's been great, and I am looking forward to building up my endurance. I do run on the treadmill, which looks out a window, and listen to music. It's a nice slice of alone time for me!

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I've never jogged before. I thought I was going to fall over on the running path the first week. Now, I'm jogging over 2 miles a day five times a week. I walk five minutes before and a few minutes after.


Here's what I found:


When going this program, follow either the time *or* distance requirements, not both. I used a stop watch and followed the timing requirements.


If I skip the stretching after jogging, my knees really bother me. I just can't skip the stretching.


I starting using running/jogging shoes pretty early in the program. I think that has really helped.


I'm not an athletic person and have never played a team sport. I'd never understood the point of pushing oneself physically...until now. I really just wanted an efficient, low-maintenance way of exercising, so I thought I'd try jogging. It took about two months before I could say I liked it. I was very pleased with the accomplishment (especially the first day I jogged for 20 minutes straight) but still found it difficult. Now, I almost look forward to jogging in the morning. I can't believe that I've gone from struggling to jog for 90 seconds to running over 30 minutes.


Getting a heart rate monitor has helped me see when I'm working a little too hard and not getting the full benefit of exercise. This has been especially helpful for me. (Because I'm jogging in the heat, my heart rate was getting way too high.)


Hang in there! It's worth it!

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I love this program! I needed to lose about 40 lbs and, while I used to run back in the day, it had been quite a while and I was having a hard time running even 1 full minute. We have a treadmill and so I grabbed my running shoes and decided to just start. I ended up getting to a point, right around the walk 2 minutes, run 3 minutes stage, where I started turning it into my own workout because I couldn't move forward with the program quite yet. I actually think this was best, because it was more of an interval workout than it was a "getting into a grove (re: running rut)" 3 mile run. I used to just go run 3 miles and I had such a hard time losing weight. Using the program about half way through the weeks and then increasing the distances and the speeds, but keeping it an interval (so keep the walking bits inbetween running sessions) was one of the best things ever. I lost 30 lbs in about 6 months and looked AWESOME. I am now 31 weeks pregnant, and I will certainly have to lose that 30 lbs again, but I am not nearly as intimidated about it. Interval traning!!!

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really want to do this. I got new asics running shoes but when I did the first one I wasn't able to finish because my knees started hurting.


Anyway I did walk for a two weeks but when I tried the running piece I got discouraged. Running is so much more efficient that walking. I have a hard time finding big chunks of time to do it alone. And I most certainly do not want my children out there laughing at me as I huff, puff, and struggle my way through -- not just yet.

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Well, I bit the bullet and did day 1 last night. I couldn't do the last running interval. My calves were so tight. I was surprised that I even got that far though.:lol: I think that the podrunner music helped a lot. It kept me on pace with the beat during the jogging intervals. I guess I'll try again tomorrow.



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It's great to read about everyone's progress. I am doing Week 1 Day 3 tonight. I am looking forward to it, and I NEVER thought I would say that. :001_smile:


I found a 4 mile run/walk on October 31st near me. It is called The Power of Pink. I am so excited to register and run for a good cause!! I know it will hard, but I am so determined to do it!

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If it gets to be too much there is this


8-week Conditioning Program


Walk/Jog, more forgiving and incremental than Couch to 5K


Can follow that with the 5K and then the 10K plans

Scroll all the way down for the 10K




And then the Half Marathon plan here



These are popular schedules with Busy Moms, New Beginner runners, and overweight and/or under-fit folks.

Nice way to get that first Running Year under your belt injury-free.

Second running year you can try something more rigorous if you find you've kept it up!


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I just wanted to pop in and give a great big :thumbup: up to all of you who are doing this for yourselves. I am crazy about working out and running.. I need it like I need air! However, it wasn't always that way. I remember how tough it was to make the mental switch, and I applaud all of you for going out and making it happen!! Good Work Ladies!! You will not regret making this time for yourselves (and your families will all benefit from a healthier, happier, more energized You!!) Keep it up!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping this up so all the runners can check in!


I just got home from doing week 3 day 1, and it was awesome!!! I honestly never would have thought I would be at a point where I would want to run. And I surprised myself tonight because I could actually run 3 minutes without passing out. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I have never worked out or exercised so it is a big deal to me!!


I just want you all to know that if I can do this, anyone can!! The shin splints are virtually gone, and I am enjoying it!! And I lost 3 lbs these last two weeks.


Let me know how you all are doing!!

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Great job Nakia!!! Are you officially signed up for that race? That'll only make you love running even more! It's totally addiciting.


I'm on week 3 with my three boys. They are 13, 11, and 9. I officially signed us up for a race on September 17. What's embarassing is that I have been running for nearly 2 years and they are just starting. The 13 and 11 year olds are beating me!! Luckily, I signed up for the 10K and signed them up for the 5K, so we won't be competing!!!

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I know I'm not up for a 5k, but I've recently gotten back to doing brisk walking and jogging on the treadmill. I really can't stand jogging, but I found to be helpful is puttin on an action movie. Watching a good movie, really distracts me from what I'm doing on the treadmill.


Don't forget to adjust you meal portion to actually see the result of your run, jog etc.

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Bumping this up so all the runners can check in!


I just got home from doing week 3 day 1, and it was awesome!!! I honestly never would have thought I would be at a point where I would want to run. And I surprised myself tonight because I could actually run 3 minutes without passing out. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I have never worked out or exercised so it is a big deal to me!!


I just want you all to know that if I can do this, anyone can!! The shin splints are virtually gone, and I am enjoying it!! And I lost 3 lbs these last two weeks.


Let me know how you all are doing!!


Hey, we're at the same place! I did week 3 day 1 yesterday! I was wondering why I was feeling so much more tired and winded after the workout. Then my husband came home and ran (on the treadmill) after work, and he hollered down to me, "Hey, why do you have it at such an incline?!" LOL, one of my sons had run on it and upped the incline, unbeknownst to me, and left it that way! No wonder I was so tired! So I'll be curious to see how I feel tomorrow with it at a normal level!

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I just started this program last week. My body doesn't really like me right now, but it will in a few weeks.


I hear you!


Great job Nakia!!! Are you officially signed up for that race? That'll only make you love running even more! It's totally addiciting.


I'm on week 3 with my three boys. They are 13, 11, and 9. I officially signed us up for a race on September 17. What's embarassing is that I have been running for nearly 2 years and they are just starting. The 13 and 11 year olds are beating me!! Luckily, I signed up for the 10K and signed them up for the 5K, so we won't be competing!!!


I went to the fitness center to try and sign up last week, but they didn't have the paperwork yet. I am going up there every week to hound them until they let me sign up!


I know I'm not up for a 5k, but I've recently gotten back to doing brisk walking and jogging on the treadmill. I really can't stand jogging, but I found to be helpful is puttin on an action movie. Watching a good movie, really distracts me from what I'm doing on the treadmill.


Don't forget to adjust you meal portion to actually see the result of your run, jog etc.


Let me tell you it took more willpower not to go through a drive through on my way home than it took to run. I love to eat! Instead I came home and ate a salad.




Just keep the post going on a daily basis so those who are exercising keep encouraged! I'll definitely check back to see what is going on.


I definitely will!!


Hey, we're at the same place! I did week 3 day 1 yesterday! I was wondering why I was feeling so much more tired and winded after the workout. Then my husband came home and ran (on the treadmill) after work, and he hollered down to me, "Hey, why do you have it at such an incline?!" LOL, one of my sons had run on it and upped the incline, unbeknownst to me, and left it that way! No wonder I was so tired! So I'll be curious to see how I feel tomorrow with it at a normal level!


Way to go! We actually did some small hills today, and it burned, but I loved it!!

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I'm on week 7, and am jogging for 25 minutes straight now!! I can't believe it. It is difficult still, though, I will say. I was lax for the past week on walking in between running days, and I think that might be part of the problem. I'm going to try to get back to walking every day in between. But all things considered, I still am amazed that through this program I have gone from struggling to jog for one minute intervals, to running 25 minutes in 8 weeks!! (I repeated one week-- maybe Wk. 4 or 5.)


Next week I'll be up to 30 minutes, and from there I'm going to work on increasing my speed. I've never measured my distance, only gone by time, and I went for a distance jog last week with my sister who is also doing Couch to 5K...we were laughing so hard when we finished running 2.25 miles, and then checked the time-- it took us about 35 minutes!!! :tongue_smilie:17-minute-miles weren't quite what we had in mind!! :lol: I knew I wasn't running really fast, but that was pathetic!!! I think I could have walked faster than that!! So I have some work to do in the speed department, but first I'm going to focus on running 30 minutes straight, then pick up the pace.

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Next week I'll be up to 30 minutes, and from there I'm going to work on increasing my speed. I've never measured my distance, only gone by time, and I went for a distance jog last week with my sister who is also doing Couch to 5K...we were laughing so hard when we finished running 2.25 miles, and then checked the time-- it took us about 35 minutes!!! :tongue_smilie:17-minute-miles weren't quite what we had in mind!! :lol: I knew I wasn't running really fast, but that was pathetic!!! I think I could have walked faster than that!! So I have some work to do in the speed department, but first I'm going to focus on running 30 minutes straight, then pick up the pace.

Oh, my goodness! This is me, exactly! I'm doing a 10K training right now (1st week), but I'm feeling discouraged at how slow my pace is. I just keep reminding myself that I'm doing this for ME, and that my goal is to finish the distance. I'm feeling so, so proud that I can actually run (okay, jog) for 3 whole miles! And I know I need to focus on that fact instead of the fact that it takes insanely long to do so. :D


I'm glad to see this thread! It's encouraging and inspiring! :001_smile:

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I'm happy to see this thread. I started running this past Sunday. I posted some of this on my own thread but only one runner responded. :)

I statted exercising the last week of May 2009. I walked briskly for one hour per day. About four weeks ago I alternated with Leslie Sansone tapes. My goal had been to get in shape cardio wise. I started to like the look of my toned arms and thighs and decided I'd add the goal of weight loss. I've lost 14 lbs so far. I'd like to lose seven more lbs.

I noticed that the walks and exercise tapes started to become fairly easy and I stopped losing weight. 2 weeks ago I started to add strength training 2 days a week. That stopped working too.

Sunday afternoon I started walking 1-2 minutes alternating with 2 minutes of walking for one half hour. Not knowing any better Sunday night I did some strength training and Monday an exercise tape. Yesterday I ran again 1-2 minutes alt. with 2 minutes of walking. Last night I felt very fatigued. My thighs hurt and it hurt to sit in some chairs. It hurt to walk up my stairs too.

I did some reading online and now I see I should have rested on Sunday night and on Monday.

I would still like to do some sit ups to prevent low back pain I have a couple times a week when I'm sleeping.

I didn't realize I should have stretched the first time I ran. The second time I ran I stretched after. Since then, I read I should stretch before and after the run.

I bought some running shoes for my third run tomorrow. I've been reading that I shouldn't be running in my walking shoes. :) I'm looking forward to the run tomorrow.

I think I would like to do a 5K. I'll have to look into that.

I'm so happy that I am a regular exerciser now. I am able to handle things that overwhelmed me in the past. It has changed a lot of areas in my life.



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I am so excited to have a goal. For years running triggered an asthma attack, now for some reason it isn't. I run 3 days a week and do Pilates the other days. Right now that seems to be working for weight loss and toning. I'm sure I'll have to start doing more soon though. I really have to get some running shoes. The shoes I bought 8 years ago when I was teaching aerobics are not cutting it now.



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I am so excited to have a goal. For years running triggered an asthma attack, now for some reason it isn't. I run 3 days a week and do Pilates the other days. Right now that seems to be working for weight loss and toning. I'm sure I'll have to start doing more soon though. I really have to get some running shoes. The shoes I bought 8 years ago when I was teaching aerobics are not cutting it now.




You know what's funny about running shoes? I've been jogging in cheapo, totally unsupportive sneakers for the past 8 weeks, and had not a single problem-- no pain in the ankles, legs, knees, feet, not even once! I thought I should get some good running shoes, to make sure my feet were well-supported, bought them last weekend, and now every time I run, my ankles and feet are killing me!!! :confused: I don't understand that at all!

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Oh, my goodness! This is me, exactly! I'm doing a 10K training right now (1st week), but I'm feeling discouraged at how slow my pace is. I just keep reminding myself that I'm doing this for ME, and that my goal is to finish the distance. I'm feeling so, so proud that I can actually run (okay, jog) for 3 whole miles! And I know I need to focus on that fact instead of the fact that it takes insanely long to do so. :D


I'm glad to see this thread! It's encouraging and inspiring! :001_smile:


LOL, yeah, I was really surprised that I was *that* slow! I was glad I was with my sister when I found out, because we really had a good, hysterical, exhausted laugh over it. Otherwise it would have been a little depressing. She was telling me that in her gym class, 8 minute miles were the goal, and that the really slow kids who hated gym came in around 12 minutes. And here we were at 17 minutes, thinking we were doing so great!! :lol:


My plan is to finish out the couch to 5k program (only one more week!), and then start measuring by distance, so that I can work on my speed. I don't want to be running 3 miles, but taking almost an hour to do it!! It would be great to get the time down to more like 30 minutes. So that can be my new goal. Once I can do that, maybe I'll try extending the distance.

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I'm happy to see this thread. I started running this past Sunday. I posted some of this on my own thread but only one runner responded. :)

I statted exercising the last week of May 2009. I walked briskly for one hour per day. About four weeks ago I alternated with Leslie Sansone tapes. My goal had been to get in shape cardio wise. I started to like the look of my toned arms and thighs and decided I'd add the goal of weight loss. I've lost 14 lbs so far. I'd like to lose seven more lbs.

I noticed that the walks and exercise tapes started to become fairly easy and I stopped losing weight. 2 weeks ago I started to add strength training 2 days a week. That stopped working too.

Sunday afternoon I started walking 1-2 minutes alternating with 2 minutes of walking for one half hour. Not knowing any better Sunday night I did some strength training and Monday an exercise tape. Yesterday I ran again 1-2 minutes alt. with 2 minutes of walking. Last night I felt very fatigued. My thighs hurt and it hurt to sit in some chairs. It hurt to walk up my stairs too.

I did some reading online and now I see I should have rested on Sunday night and on Monday.

I would still like to do some sit ups to prevent low back pain I have a couple times a week when I'm sleeping.

I didn't realize I should have stretched the first time I ran. The second time I ran I stretched after. Since then, I read I should stretch before and after the run.

I bought some running shoes for my third run tomorrow. I've been reading that I shouldn't be running in my walking shoes. :) I'm looking forward to the run tomorrow.

I think I would like to do a 5K. I'll have to look into that.

I'm so happy that I am a regular exerciser now. I am able to handle things that overwhelmed me in the past. It has changed a lot of areas in my life.




Hey Karen you might want to check out Karen Voight workout. That might wake up those muscles of yours. She really pushes the body. It feels good when your finally able to keep up with her and not feel like she's trying to kill you.


Can't wait til I can handle her workouts again.



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