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  1. Thank you so much for this list! It is amazing. I have started to use Pinterest to store links to the books that are available online (both written and audio) from this list. I only have first and second grade done so far, but i will be adding the rest as I get a little more time. I'm not sure exactly how Pinterest works, but I think anyone can see the boards that I create. I think all you need is my name, Jennifer Owen. If that is not enough, just let me know what other information you need. I also am putting the lists in a Google spreadsheet so i can track when each of my kids reads these books. If that would help anyone out, just let me know.
  2. This is my basic mix that I use for everything but yeast breads. • 2 1/4 cups rice flour (brown or white) • 1/4 cup potato starch • 2/3 cup tapioca flour • 3/4 cup sweet rice flour • 1/3 cup cornstarch • 2 teaspoons xanthan gum I like that the xanthan gum (or guar gum) is already in the mix. I use it in a lot of my old recipes that are not gluten free and it works well. I grind my own rice flours in the VitaMix and purchase the others at the Asian market.
  3. My dad just went through the SSD application process. It took 8 months for his disablility to be approved. The first check he received was for the full amount from the first day he applied. It may be that his application has just not been approved yet. I have also heard that most people are not approved the first time they apply. I guess my dad was fortunate, because he was. He had a heart transplant 11 years ago, and last May had an aortic dissection and aneurysm and a stroke. The surgery to repair the aneurysm in November caused permenant visual probems and paralysis of half of his diaphragm and vocal cords. He has to have some one with him 24/7 to take care of him. He spent over 5 motnhs in the hospital last year.
  4. My hair sounds a lot like yours. I have found that shampoo causes problems, no matter what brand I use. I just use conditioner like a shampoo in the shower and then leave it on my hair while I finish the shower. Right before I rinse it out, I comb through it with a wide tooth comb. My hair is still dry, but nothing like before. It also seems to have more curl and less wave (or mess) than before.
  5. I have a VitaMix blender and grind rice, millet, quinoa, chick peas, etc into flour and use it for baking. We still have pizza and sandwiches once a week. I make cookies, cakes, pies, etc., but I substitute gluten free flour for regular. Some recipes it can be a straight substitution, but others need some tweaking. I have found gluten free blogs to be the best source of recipes. I love that I can read comments and make changes based on them. We are casein, gluten and soy free. Soy is the last item we dropped, and it has been the hardest for me to work with. It is in so many of the things we use. The key for me is grinding my own flours and making my own mixes. I can't even imagine trying to afford to bake for all 7 of us using store bought mixes. The VitaMix was a huge expense, but I save more than saved what I spent on it. I use it daily.
  6. My ds (5) has problems with visual processing, not auditory. He just had an EEG and it showed seizure activity. We are working on finding the right medicine to see if that solves the problem. My ds(16) has been incredibly inconsistent in every aspect of his life. He was diagnosed with ADHD about 2nd grade and has been medicated ever since. It helped during the good times, but the bad time kept getting worse. He started having grand mal seizures a few years ago, but on multiple EEGs there was no sign of any other seizure activity. He had an inpatient EEG this summer that showed activity. He is totally different now that he is on a new medicine. He will see the neurologist tomorrow to see about totally stopping his ADHD meds once he is at theraputic levels on the new seizure meds. I was with both of my boys when they had their EEGs and saw no sign of any seizure activity. I am so sad that it took 9 years of the wrong diagnosis and treatment to get him help. I think that checking into neuological issues should be considered, especially when other treatments are not working well.
  7. When I first started learning, my teacher used The Joy of Signing to teach us basic signs. I really like http://aslbrowser.commtechlab.msu.edu/browser.htm because is shows a video with each word. It tool me a while to be able to understand waht the books and dictionaries meant in their explanations. One of my long-term goals is to go back to school for ASL. I have done informal interpretation at our old church, but I really want to learn more. Maybe when the kids are grown up.
  8. We had this same experience with our 3 yo dd. She stopped having accidents within a week of stopping gluten. It was a wonderful surprise. All of my kids also stopped having constant asthma/RAD problems. We went from all 5 kids taking meds every 4 hours every fall and winter to an occasional need for a rescue inhaler after very strenuous exercise or mowing the yard.
  9. From the Amazon FAQ What is the maximum age of my child for me to be eligible? • Amazon Mom is open to anyone. If your kids are older than toddlers, you can still join the program; you just may not enjoy some of the benefits that are targeted at younger children.
  10. In Texas you can do parent taught drivers ed. It is $20-25 to register with DPS and then you have to use an approved curriculum. They range from $75-350. We have registered, but haven't purchased a curriculum yet. My friends have used Drivers Ed in a Box and loved it, but it is the most expensive curriculum approved in Texas.
  11. Very few GF breads can be rolled or shaped easily. A friend told me to get my hands wet to shape rolls, pizza crust, etc. I keep a cup of water next to whatever I am working on and keep my hands very wet. It works like a charm.
  12. After trying the bed trick and much frustration, I read somewhere that a lowercase "b" starts with a backbone and a "d" starts with a doughnut. It worked immediately for my dd. No more confusion. She is reading well now, but will still say backbone or doughnut if she gets confused sounding out longer words.
  13. My husband works for a small irrigation company. They offered insurance for almost a year, but dropped it because our family made the premiums too high for everyone. With a small business policy, pre-existing conditions can not be a reason to deny coverage, but it can make the policy up to 67% more expensive. Our family's policy was almost $1800 a month. We have 7 people in the family and 2 have epilepsy, 2 have asthma, 1 has had tubes in her ears and 2 were diagnosed failure to thrive as infants. It was great having insurance, but we couldn't afford to use it. We can not get an individual policy for our family, because of the epilepsy. We could cover my dh and ds with the high risk pool insurance, but that would be approx. $700 each per month, and we would still need insurance for everyone else. Even with the high risk pool, charges related to pre-existing conditions are not covered for one year. There is no way we could afford those premiums and still be able to buy their medicine.
  14. I have had a front loader for more than 10 years and just started having an issue with mold around the seal. Interestingly enough, it started when I started using a bottle of Tide that dh purchased by mistake. I never had this problem when using Wisk. I will never purchase Tide again. I was planning on trying homemade detergent when I run out, but now I am concerned that I will have to deal with mold with it also.
  15. I have heard really good things about Driver's Ed in a Box from several of my friends. I looked at it for ds, but it is out of our price range right now. You have to make sure you are using something that has been approved by the state. I think there is a list on the website. My understanding is that you can also use the materials you receive when you register. I have printed the form, but haven't sent it in yet.
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