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I cannot believe what an amazing day I had. Truly perfect. I have been working in schools for 15 years and I have faced the "beginning of the school year" teacher meetings 15 times. Never like this.


Imagine being in a room with 70 educators who all believe in Christ and love Him. The day opens with prayer and awesome worship music. That was followed by testimonies by all the new staff and the current staff prayed for each of us individually. That was followed by a short bible study in small groups which we then discussed as a large group. Then lunch. Then the afternoon was free to work in your classroom (I spent the afternoon in admissions meetings and even those were God-honoring!). After the day was done, we spent the late afternoon playing on the beach and swimming.


Everyone was incredibly warm and friendly and welcomed us with open arms. We received notes of encouragement, hugs, prayers and smiles.


I am never going back to Michigan. :D


OK, OK, I know nothing is perfect but today was pretty close.

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I am never going back to Michigan. :D


Ok Heather, between this and your 'driving in Malaysia makes Detriot drivers look like a bunch of old ladies' comment, I'm starting to feel a bit hurt here in my Detroit suburb.




Seriously though, I'm so blessed to hear how well it's going for you. :001_smile:

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