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May I be a hog? I have several prayer requests

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1. My uncle's colon cancer has reappeared, and it is not looking good at all. He cares for my aunt who has post-polio syndrome -- essentially constant pain, difficulty getting around, etc.


2. Hopefully, by Friday, I will get some test results on my blood work. My obgyn called to tell me I have elevated tsh (thyroid issues) and leukopenia (low white blood cell count). They are retesting to make sure the results are accurate before going forward. At this point, I'm scared. I cannot stop thinking of things like leukemia (my maternal grandmother died of this when she was 39).


3. My sister-in-law is being induced tomorrow (early because her amniotic fluid is very low).


4. My friend Tess (from the board) is having marital trouble.


5. My mom has one of her lungs removed on Aug 19.

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Wow. What a list. If the secular 'prayer alternative' is sufficient, I shall do that for you.


I've read that miso is great in helping combat the ickyness resulting from chemo, if that's any use to your uncle...




Yes, Rosie. The fact that you would post here and offer your kindness encourages my heart. Thanks!

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Praying for you and yours!


Dear Heavenly Father please lift up my friend and bless her and her requests in a way that only You can. Please keep Your arms around her and hold her and those she has mentioned through these times!~ Amen




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1. My uncle's colon cancer has reappeared, and it is not looking good at all. He cares for my aunt who has post-polio syndrome -- essentially constant pain, difficulty getting around, etc.


2. Hopefully, by Friday, I will get some test results on my blood work. My obgyn called to tell me I have elevated tsh (thyroid issues) and leukopenia (low white blood cell count). They are retesting to make sure the results are accurate before going forward. At this point, I'm scared. I cannot stop thinking of things like leukemia (my maternal grandmother died of this when she was 39).


3. My sister-in-law is being induced tomorrow (early because her amniotic fluid is very low).


4. My friend Tess (from the board) is having marital trouble.


5. My mom has one of her lungs removed on Aug 19.


:grouphug:, Dawn.

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I understand the stress of waiting for important test results. We always fear the worst. I found at least 38 causes for leukopenia, if the results are accurate. Don't assume the worst one on the list.



You're dealing with so much right now.

God bless and strengthen you :grouphug:

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