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funerals & gravesites -- general thoughts & an inspiration

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I have written before about my parents' deaths at an early age. I was a teenager & they were 49 (mom) & 56 (dad.)


I have gone to their grave less than 5 times in 20 years. I don't think it is an important or worthwhile or valuable thing to do.


My brother disagrees & visits their grave when he comes home to visit. he'll be here at the end of the week. He'll take his dd and any of my kids that want to go. They spruce it up, pull the weeds, etc.


This week, we happened to drive by the cemetary and I said, "What do you think Michael would do if he went to the grave & it was all cleaned with flowers?" And I meant it as a joke, b/c Michael knows I don't visit the grave. I feel like it is a waste. I had no intentions of doing it.


When I die, people can do whatever they want & need for my funeral & burial. I don't care. I'll be long gone. :D


But today, it hit me...instead of being a sarcastic @$$, I should go & clean my parents grave. For Michael, b/c it means something to him, not b/c it has any effect on my parents at all.


In all these years, I've been so caught up in "proving" that the grave means nothing, I didn't see it means something to my dear, dear brother.


So in addition to cleaning the house & washing the bedding & buying Michael's favorite foods (And my dear sil's & niece's favs, too!) I am going to go get a silk wreath & clean up their grave. Not too much, cuz he'll want something to do beside stand there.

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I actually like sitting at my grandmother's grave. I know she is gone, but I still feel a connection. She was so very dear to me. I like to sit and talk to her... tell her I am okay... and I cry a bit... because she loved me so...


I am nearing the time when my parents will leave... and it hurts deeply. One parent wants to have his ashes scattered in a mountain area where he has camped many times... that makes it different for me... to not have a "place" to connect with. And my mom wont have a "place" either. I'll probably make my own area to sit and "talk" to them.


Thank you for this kind gesture, that is lovely of you.

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I think its a really nice gesture on your part but you are still entitled to feel like you do.


My father died two years ago and I have never been to visit his grave. My brother lives very close to the cemetery and goes regularly.


I am just paralyzed at the thought of going and start crying whenever I have to think about it. I prefer to visit a place he loved and remember the good times, reread a favorite book we both loved, etc.


My children's father died nearly 3 years ago and they have no desire at this point to go visit his grave. I am fairly certain my daughter will never ever visit his grave.

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I have written before about my parents' deaths at an early age. I was a teenager & they were 49 (mom) & 56 (dad.)


I have gone to their grave less than 5 times in 20 years. I don't think it is an important or worthwhile or valuable thing to do.


My brother disagrees & visits their grave when he comes home to visit. he'll be here at the end of the week. He'll take his dd and any of my kids that want to go. They spruce it up, pull the weeds, etc.


This week, we happened to drive by the cemetary and I said, "What do you think Michael would do if he went to the grave & it was all cleaned with flowers?" And I meant it as a joke, b/c Michael knows I don't visit the grave. I feel like it is a waste. I had no intentions of doing it.


When I die, people can do whatever they want & need for my funeral & burial. I don't care. I'll be long gone. :D


But today, it hit me...instead of being a sarcastic @$$, I should go & clean my parents grave. For Michael, b/c it means something to him, not b/c it has any effect on my parents at all.


In all these years, I've been so caught up in "proving" that the grave means nothing, I didn't see it means something to my dear, dear brother.


So in addition to cleaning the house & washing the bedding & buying Michael's favorite foods (And my dear sil's & niece's favs, too!) I am going to go get a silk wreath & clean up their grave. Not too much, cuz he'll want something to do beside stand there.


I think that is awesome. My dh and I are grave visitors. I've always found a certain peace about visiting. My dh's father died when dh was 9, his stone is simple and none of the relatives that live in that town go to visit. We've gone hours out of our way to make the trip and dh always cleans up the site. It means a great deal to him to go there. I know my dh would be thrilled if he went to visit and someone had taken the time to clean it up.


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I'm not much of a grave visitor, I do pop in sometimes when I'm passing (which is not often as it's in a different country now) but my Nana visits my Mum and Dad a lot, and I know she gets comfort from it.


What a lovely thing you are doing for your brother.

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What a lovely gift to give your brother. I'm also not really into visiting graves, but my mother was. She kept all the graves neat, weeds pulled, always decorated. So I do the same in her honor - maybe not as well as she did - but I give it a good shot.


That was just a lovely post.



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My grandmother is a big visitor of cemetaries and family graves. To her it is a big issue of respect and honor of someone she loved. We live a long way off now, and have never been that keen on visiting the sites, but we send her memorial flowers each year that she can divide and put at sites all she wants. Sometimes she likes to make her own so we watch for fake flowers on sale that are of good quality and ship those to her as well. Those are a labor of love.

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We live in the same city where all of Dh's grandparents are buried. My older children knew both sets of grandparents very well. We visit a couple times a year on the grandparent's birthdays, or patriotic holidays as both grandpas served in the military. When my oldest dd was younger she would talk to Grandma the way she did when she was alive.


"Look at my new shoes!" or "I got a haircut."


Now when we go, we clean up the headstones, decorate if we have brought something and tell all of our favorite stories about grandma & grandpa. The younger kids are getting to know them this way.


On Memorial Day our favorite family outing is to get a huge bag of American flags and pinwheels and after we visit the grandparent's gravesites we let the children try to find undecorated graves of those who have served in the military and we decorate them. They love to find the ones that have served in the Spanish American War, the nurses and female pilots from the two world wars and people who have served in more than one conflict.


Visiting the gravesite is a ritual for the living. I think it is a sweet gesture you are planning for your brother.


Amber in SJ

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Wonderful idea. I never thought much of them, but...


In a great-minds-think-alike moment, my brother emailed me he "stopped by for a visit" on Papa's hundreth birthday, just as I was about to email him about the date.


My son is very curious about the spot, so when we go back, we go visit. I like how Papa's uncarved stone stands out among the very fancily carved stones (of the same rock) as a testament to his frugality, his nature-lovingness, and his degree in geology.

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What a lovely thing to do.


My grandmother died a year and a half ago and despite me being in the town where she is buried twice since then I have yet to go to the grave. For me there is so much of a finality to seeing the grave. Her death is still to raw. I can't do it just yet. I thought I would be able to when I was there earlier this month but it just hurt to much. Sorry I am rambling and I have tears in my eyes. I should go now.

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