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The AWESOME Power of Prayer

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Spinning off here, I know there are millions of answered prayers that can NOT be explained away. Praying for healing when the doctors say they'll die, etc., and even more measurable examples of His Power. One of the best ones happened to me 10 years ago....


I had a doctor's appt at noon. My sitter was to arrive at 11. It takes 45 minutes to walk to the doctors. My sitter was late... very late... she arrived at 11:30, but after I gave her instructions (her first time with my baby dd) it was already 11:45, that's FIFTEEN MINUTES before my appt. So off I go!


I was was walking at a very brisk pace for the first few minutes, but it was a hot day and I am NOT in shape, so I was sweating and panting. I looked at my watch, and it said I had 10 minutes to get there, and I had only been walking for 5. So I prayed. I prayed like Corrie ten Boom says to, to pray with expectation and pray specifically. I prayed that God would stop time.


Crazy, eh?


Well, I slowed right down, walked a very comfortable pace the whole way there. When I got to reception, I had 5 minutes to kill. Looked at my watch and the wall clock, and yes, it was 11:55. I made a 45 minute walk in 10 minutes.


God can and does answer prayers, and He can do amazing things if only we ask. He especially loves to answer prayers that build our faith, showing us His power... if we just believe!


I've experienced similar "miracles" dozens of times, with people, with things, etc. Our God is good! :D


So what about you? Have you experienced some amazing answered prayer? Let's share it and let it be an encouragement!

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Kind of silly... but two instances come to mind...


Once I was about 14 and got a cute little puzzle for Christmas. I took it in my room and opened it on a little corner table. I put it together and the best piece of the puzzle was missing... the kittens face! So, I prayed that God would give me the piece. I put the puzzle away and moved on with life. Months later my brother and I switched bedrooms. I also got a new sheet set. One morning I went to make my bed and between the sheets was the puzzle piece. Wow.


Another time my dad gave me this watch. I liked it a lot. It quit working and I put it into my dresser drawer and prayed that God would make my watch work (don't know why I didn't ask my dad about batteries...). Every once in a while I'd peek at my watch to see if it worked... nope... then one day it did. Maybe my dad put a battery in it as a surprise for me, he never said and I never mentioned that it didn't work or that I'd prayed... so, who knows...

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Thanks for starting this thread!


When I was pregnant with my fourth son, I was so afraid I would miscarry. I had lost my last three.


I started spotting and cramping one night when I was about 12 weeks along and thought, "Oh, here we go again." I went to bed depressed, but fell immediately asleep. I dreamed, what seemed like all night, that I could hear someone praying for me. I could see their hand outstretched over my abdomen. When I woke up the next morning I felt fine.


My dear friend called me early the next morning and said, "What in the world is going on with you. I prayed for you all night."


That baby is now almost 11. God is SO good.

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Why do I doubt THIS thread will also be deleted by a moderator, even though it was obviously started in response to one person's request not to be prayed for? :confused:


That's alright if it's deleted, I just loved hearing someone else's story on that thread about their baby surviving. It's great to share encouraging stories, that's all. :001_smile: Truly not meant to irritate anyone, really. :001_smile:

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That's alright if it's deleted, I just loved hearing someone else's story on that thread about their baby surviving. It's great to share encouraging stories, that's all. :001_smile: Truly not meant to irritate anyone, really. :001_smile:


OK, sorry. I guess now I'm a little irritated, but not at you!

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My youngest DD was born 8 weeks premature. The ultrasound done the day before she was born estimated that she would be around 3 pounds which is pretty normal for a baby that gestation. I have lupus and had severe disease activity while I was pregnant with her which led to them inducing me at 32 weeks. I was told to expect her to spend at least 8 weeks in the NICU and that she would have some severe issues because they suspected that my lupus had affected her development. We spent the night praying that God would strengthen her and that he would help us get through all of this.


Well Sarah was born the day after that ultrasound weighing in at 5 lbs. 2 oz. She had premature lungs and was on a c-pap for a about a week. She spent a total of 17 days in the NICU and is completely perfect. She's 2 yo now and hasn't had a single problem.


The doctors couldn't believe how great she did especially since the ultrasound showed issues with her kidneys while in utero. She had an ultrasound done on her kidneys after she was born and they found NOTIHNG wrong. God had his hand on my precious DD, and there is nothing that can convince me other wise.



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Why do I doubt THIS thread will also be deleted by a moderator, even though it was obviously started in response to one person's request not to be prayed for? :confused:


Here's a prayer (metaphorically speaking) that it isn't. I hate seeing threads deleted, even if I disagree with many of the comments.

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We just learned we are expecting a baby after 7 yrs of prayers and against many odds. Nobody, nobody could convince me that this is not an answer to pray.


I have a friend whose car overheated. She out in the middle of nowhere and didn't have any water, so she prayed and the ingine cooled off right before her unbeliving eyes. It was smoking hot before the prayer and cool to the touch after the prayer.


I once recieved a phone call, in answer to prayer,and the guy had not known or dialed my number. It was totally unexplainable.


I could go on and on, we serve a prayer answering God.

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We just learned we are expecting a baby after 7 yrs of prayers and against many odds. Nobody, nobody could convince me that this is not an answer to pray.


I have a friend whose car overheated. She out in the middle of nowhere and didn't have any water, so she prayed and the ingine cooled off right before her unbeliving eyes. It was smoking hot before the prayer and cool to the touch after the prayer.


I once recieved a phone call, in answer to prayer,and the guy had not known or dialed my number. It was totally unexplainable.


I could go on and on, we serve a prayer answering God.


Amazing, eh? I love it!

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I was on a mission trip to Africa (Kenya). Four of the missionaries, including me, got in a matatu (taxi van that says it seats 14 but they squish people in--every person is another fare! There were 23 people in the van when this incident happened!) to head to town. There's a joke there that there are two speeds for matatus: fast and stopped! :D So we were expecting to move right along! one of the other ladies and I started noticing that we were REALLY moving, and we were going down a winding road! We started praying for safety. Suddenly everyone erupted in talking and yelling things to the driver. One guy (nice of him!) turned around and interpreted the Swahili: "The brakes are not working!" Then we REALLY started praying! As we swung around another corner, there was a little straight area, and suddenly the brakes worked and the driver pulled over and stopped. some men jumped out, grabbed rocks, and stuffed them in front of the front tires so the vehicle wouldn't roll (the road was still facing downhill). People started piling out, and the driver, not wanting to lose his fares figured that if the brakes had worked to stop the matatu, he might as well go ahead and go into town! But when they tried moving the rocks, it started rolling forward, and the brakes wouldn't stop it! A bunch of guys barely got it stopped and put the rocks back in front of it. Much to the driver's dismay, everyone had to catch a ride with another matatu, which took awhile, but we finally made it into town!


I have no doubt in my mind that that was a huge answer to our prayers! Praise the Lord!

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My best friend's son (10) lost feeling in his leg and arm and had a very bad headache. They took him to the ER, where the Doc order a CT scan. Based on that, they transferred him to another hospital for an MRI. What the doc didn't tell my best friend at the time was that they were prepping for surgery for him. She called her Mom (who was on vacation at the time) and her Mom let everyone know to pray. In the 2 hours between the CT and MRI, the aneurysm shown on the CT was completely healed. The doc actually told my best friend that she should thank God, because that was the only way he could have been healed.

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OOOO that reminds me of another one!


My son has severe autism. When he was 3, we visited a cousin who has an older girl (10) with autism. They built their house so that the basement had 14' high ceilings, and made a huge jungle gym for her. Hanging from this high ceiling was a swing, in the middle of the room. The girl hopped on and started pumping like mad. She went higher than any "typical" person would go, ignoring that internal alarm and just seeking the height that defies human ability. Well at first, when she was going slow, my son was running circles around the swing. As she went higher, his circles grew larger. Eventually, she was suspended in air for so long, that he forgot what he was circling. So he came back to the centre. And stood there.


The other mom and I ran and yelled, but it was a fraction of a second too late. She came barrelling down with all the force of a quarterback and slammed him 4' off the ground and 5' back, where his head crashed into the concrete floor. 1 second. 2 second. 3 second. And he screamed.


We brought him to the children's hospital, where they performed several tests. The CAT scan clearly showed bleeding in the brain. They repeated the scan several hours later. More bleeding.


We prayed. We called a pastor friend who started a prayer chain.


See, here's where it gets scary: they would have to do surgery to stop the bleeding. Brain surgery is always risky. Brain surgery on a 3 year old? Even more risky. Brain surgery on a 3 year old with autism? Never. been. done. The only brain surgery that had occured (at that time) on people with autism was post-mortem, and the findings are that people with autism HAVE DIFFERENT BRAINS! They're wired differently, things are not always where they should be! So... the doctor at the hospital did not feel comfortable doing it. We agreed: if he's uncomfortable, forget it. So they put a call out to all surgeons. None would touch him. They all refused... until one on vacation said he'd come in to do it.


I held my boy in my arms. Rocked him. Cried. At any minute they could come and take him into surgery. I may never see him again. My precious boy could die... oh how I prayed!


The surgeon came in and requested one more CAT scan. It was clear. Completely clear. The techs and the surgeon were baffled. They said they could not explain it, there should be at least some bruising showing if it had started to heal. But there was nothing.


They may not have been able to explain it, but we could. :001_smile:

Edited by specialmama
Typo. I hate typos. ;o)
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This one may seem a little less "exciting" but it's the one I immediately thought of.


Background: 8 or 9 years back we really were in financial straits. I was a children's minister at a new start-up church, just doing it on a volunteer, unpaid basis. My ds needed a "big boy" bed. We also needed tables and chairs for the children's area at our start-up church, along with organizational type shelving for craft supplies. A friend of mine whose dh was in the ministry and also didn't have much $$ at the time told me she had prayed for some furniture because they couldn't afford it at the time, and God had delivered.


I sat down one a.m. and asked God for new stuff for the children's ministry and a new bed for ds. A few hours later, our neighbors who were about to move came over and offered us the frame for a bunk bed. It's one of those that holds a double on bottom and a single on top. I had a single mattress but no double. I accepted it and thought, well, that's great and all but I have no double bed for the bottom. The next a.m., my mil called and asked me if I would like to have a double pillow-top mattress she was getting rid of. Then the next day, dh was helping to remodel a school and they had left all of their unused stuff in the building for anyone to take. I went up there and got tables and chairs and 3 of those rolling bookshelves. Two of them were the kind with the plastic drawers for organizing. There were also rolling wall maps and school desks for my dc. So within a few days' time I had the tables, chairs, organizational items, bed and mattress for ds, along with some extra things I hadn't even asked for for our homeschool area. That was one amazing week. I think that's when I really started "getting" that God is very involved and VERY personal!! :)

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My answered prayer was literally that...an answer. During my second pregnancy my doctor started to voice some concern that not only was I not gaining weight like I should, but my uterus was not growing the way that it should. I was sent for repeated ultrasounds and tests. Everything was fine, they said. We watched the blood wooshing through the umbilical cord, checked the placement of the placenta and everything looked great. When I was 37 weeks along I delivered my exactly 4 lb dd. The most troubling part was the fact that the placenta weighed less than 200 grams (normal placentas are 900-1200 grams), was chronically infarcted, meaning very little in terms of oxygen & nutrients were getting to the baby and the umbilical cord only had 2 vessels instead of the normal three. As the list of delays and disabilities that I could expect to develop due to oxygen deprivation en utero grew I sank deeper into depression.


I prayed constantly. I asked God why He hadn't let me know my baby was in danger. Was it because I wasn't faithful enough? Had I offended God in some way? Was I not listening for the promptings of the Spirit? I read everything I could about others who had similar problems, but had been diagnosed earlier in the pregnancy. Generally the mom is placed on bed rest to ensure that maximum nutrients go to the baby (I had been selfishly using nutrients!) and the baby is closely monitered so that when the baby's needs outgrow the limitations of such a small & malformed placenta they give a steroid course and deliver the baby. Usually this is between 29-32 weeks. Of course there is a whole slew of problems with having a preemie, but the risk is considered greater if they let the baby go to term. I had had so many tests & ultrasounds why didn't the trained medical professionals see the problem?


When my dd was about 4 months old and I was again on my knees after a night time nursing. I was asking the same questions. Why, Lord, why didn't you let me know something was wrong? We could have done something to help her. Now we have a lifetime of who knows what problems that could have been prevented if we had known. I prayed & prayed, crying again; when I heard a voice as clear as if I had said it out loud myself; "My daughter, you didn't need to know." At that moment the hard knot in my chest that I had been carrying for months unravelled and I knew that He had known what was happening, He knew my dd would be OK, and that He had protected her from the medical intervention that would have, in this case, done more harm than good.


I just sent that dd, now 12 and while small for her age, healthy in every way off to camp. I still draw on the peace I received that night knowing that He loves and knows His children and is in charge of it all.


Amber in SJ

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when I heard a voice as clear as if I had said it out loud myself; "My daughter, you didn't need to know." At that moment the hard knot in my chest that I had been carrying for months unravelled and I knew that He had known what was happening, He knew my dd would be OK, and that He had protected her from the medical intervention that would have, in this case, done more harm than good.


I just sent that dd, now 12 and while small for her age, healthy in every way off to camp. I still draw on the peace I received that night knowing that He loves and knows His children and is in charge of it all.



*shivers* :D

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Thanks for starting this thread!


When I was pregnant with my fourth son, I was so afraid I would miscarry. I had lost my last three.


I started spotting and cramping one night when I was about 12 weeks along and thought, "Oh, here we go again." I went to bed depressed, but fell immediately asleep. I dreamed, what seemed like all night, that I could hear someone praying for me. I could see their hand outstretched over my abdomen. When I woke up the next morning I felt fine.


My dear friend called me early the next morning and said, "What in the world is going on with you. I prayed for you all night."


That baby is now almost 11. God is SO good.


I prayed for both my kids because I had also had 3 miscarriages before them. I also spotted- at 8 weeks. For both kids. And I prayed, both times. And, they are now 13 and 15.

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and haven't had one single bad side effect. No nausea, mouth sores, fatigue, nothing. In fact, even the nurse commented that in her 19 years she's never witnessed someone NOT have at least one side effect.


People from all over the world are praying for me. God's hand is on me. Why me? I don't know. But I'm so grateful!

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I just sent that dd, now 12 and while small for her age, healthy in every way off to camp. I still draw on the peace I received that night knowing that He loves and knows His children and is in charge of it all.


Amber in SJ


Wow!! That was an amazing story. I'm sitting here crying...I can so imagine struggling through those questions and then having that peace when He speaks.

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The day I asked to lift up husbands, I spent a great deal of time before the Lord for my husband, as did my closest friends. He has come home since then with a smile on his face, and no signs of depression. I believe the prayer is working on him and changing my heart! Praise be to God.



That is wonderful news!! :)

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Okay, I have a "time" prayer that was answered. For me it was 11 years ago and I had flown from Chicago to Colorado Springs to stay a week with my mom. I was about 4 months preggo with twins (but didn't know they were twins at that time) and I had my 2 year old son with me. I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE flying. Did I say I HATE flying? Anyway, on the way home I was in the LAST row of the plane, crammed into the seat by the window. Pregnant with twins AND a 2 year old my lap. The 2 people next to me were rude and literally I just had to sit perfectly still with a 2 year old boy without moving. AND, I am completely closstrophobic (however you spell that). I thought I was going to explode. So I sat and prayed, and prayed hard. Lord, please bring this plane down quick I cannot take another minute. Please, I implored. Long story short, the plane arrived literally 55 minutes before expected. Oh my, I was so relieved and thankful. How'd that happen? Just look toward the hills from which cometh our help.

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I don't even have enough time to psot all of my answered prayers. Some of the prayers that are at the top of my mind are:


1) My 2 year old son had no verbal skills whatsoever and would spend a great deal of his time screaming these hoorible screams. He had no. emotion. I took him in and they told me that they would need to do an in-home visit, but it was rather obvious that he had pretty severe autism. That weekend we were at church and we had a speaker from another town there for a healing conference. Afterwards, we took my son up. I had been pretty much in denial. I was scared. Within a week after he was prayed for he went from not speaking at all to speaking 3 and 4 word sentences. His emotions returned. He is not the same child. It IS a miracle. The best part is that when they came to do the home visit 2 weeks after the first appt. they walked in the door and literally said "this is not the same child." " it can't be". "there is no way that he will qualify for state help now." Praise God!


2) I have missionary friends who on a regular basis. Very regular basis. See food multiplied in their orphanages. Food that should only feed 30 feeds 150+. All of the time. How do you explain that? There are only 30 cookies and then 150 people each get a cookie. A whole cookie.


I could share more, but I'll let other people share.

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Oh thank you, Karyn, for starting this thread!! I am so in awe of everyone's stories and am completely covered with goosebumps!!! I pray a prayer of protection every day over my family members and I have seen God come through time and time again on that score, especially when my kids were very little. Edges of coffee tables that should have gouged and eye or a forehead miraculously just missed when my little ones would fall when they were learning to walk. (I don't have coffee tables anymore! :p) So many times I've seen my kids just miss a catastrophe and it is almost like I could see God's restraining hand holding them back. Praise His name! I've had many answered prayers, but a couple in particular that blow my mind are these....


When I was relatively new in the Lord, I was working a part-time job at the mall to pay for my college classes. When I filled out my W-2 form for the job I always put down extra allowances because I was single and didn't have dependents, I would always owe money to the IRS at the end of the year. Well, whoever imputed my information put down NO allowances and I never noticed it. A year later, I had quit that job so that I could focus on my studies and when it came time to prepare my taxes I realized that I owed $1,500!!! and it was due in 1 week!! :eek: I didn't know what to do. I had no job, no money in savings and I couldn't borrow that amount from anyone. I said to the Lord, "God, only you can help me with this one. Please God give me the money to pay these taxes." I prayed and prayed and then I got a call from my brother who was in the ARMY stationed in Ft. Leonardwood, Missouri. He told me that someone on our father's side of the family had died and they left an inheritance for us and that he had been contacted by the attorney for the estate who found him through his ARMY records. He gave the attorney my information and I should be expecting a check. I went and checked the mail and there was a check for.... $1,500!! I paid my taxes on time and always made sure to double check my tax information and pay stubs after that! ;)


Another one was when I was pregnant with my son. When I was 5 months along, there was a red flag on my alphafetal protein test. They said that my son would have Down's Syndrome and Spina Bifida and sent me to a genetic specialist for a consultation and an amniocentesis. While I was in the waiting room filling out the paperwork, I saw this release form that I had to sign in order for them to perform the amniocentesis. It said that there was a 2% risk of complications, infections or spontaneous abortion with the amniocentesis and it was a relase form to not hold the doctor's office liable if something should go wrong. I didn't sign the form and when I went in to see the doctor she asked me again to sign the paper to perform the test. I told her that I was concerned about the risks for the test and she said it was just a formality and that there was a very small chance of anything going wrong. I told her I didn't want to take any risks in regards to my baby and asked her what is the purpose of the amniocentesis. She said it was just so that I would know 100% if the baby had the Down's and Spina bifida so that I could "prepare" if we didn't want the child. I told her that this baby was a gift from God and that no matter what he had I wouldn't get an abortion and I refused the amniocentesis and told her I'll find out when he's born. She said it was my choice and after the genetic consultation I left the office. My husband and I had not put a name on the baby yet and we prayed so hard for him that he would be healthy. I had a profound peace about the whole thing I just KNEW he would be alright. We gave him the name Josiah which means "Jehovah heals" and we trusted in God. When he was born, I asked them to check him for Down's Syndrome and the Spina Bifida and he was perfectly healthy!! Praise God!! :)

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and haven't had one single bad side effect. No nausea, mouth sores, fatigue, nothing. In fact, even the nurse commented that in her 19 years she's never witnessed someone NOT have at least one side effect.


People from all over the world are praying for me. God's hand is on me. Why me? I don't know. But I'm so grateful!


This makes me cry. I am so happy that God has chosen to bless you this way. Of course every cancer patient does not recieve this blessing so you are right to be gratefull. Isn't He just wonderful! Add my prayers for your full recovery!

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Here's my favorite of many:


After a late night time of personal Bible study, I felt overwhelmed with Love for God and the desire to share it. At that time in my life, I was raising little kids and did not work and had no opportunites to share with non-Christians. I just did not have a life where that happened very much. Everyone I knew was from Church! So I prayed to God and asked Him to bring someone into my life that I could share the Truth with. I asked him for the blessing of being able to tell someone about His love for me.


Well just you guess what???? THE NEXT MORNING! My neighbor knocked on my Kitchen door. We lived in a two-flat, us downstairs and she upstairs. We had barely met and only spoken briefly in passing in the hallway. I didn't even remember her name. But she heard me singing through the door each morning as she went to work. On THIS morning, she came knocking on my door and when I answered, she said this, "I just have to know...why are you so happy all the time?" CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT????


I asked her in, wiped a tear or two, and shared with her my love for Jesus. I said my prayer at about 10:30 PM. By 8:00 AM the next day, the answer to my prayer came walking into my kitchen. I didn't even have to lift a finger! I was dumbfounded. Still am....Praise God!

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Great stories!


I'll share something that happened recently.


One morning I was an absolute mess. Unable to get up from the bed, thinking about my life crashing around me. I had contractions most of the night and was sure that I'm going to lose this baby on top of everything else.


I started praying for help. In the middle of my prayer, the phone started ringing. A friend of mine who has four kids and very busy life had called me. She was driving her kids to some activity but felt that I really need her help, so she told me she's coming to pick up my girls and taking them to her house for the day. I was speechless.


I was able to get some rest and go to the counseling that helped us in many ways.

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Just mentioning a few...


I desperately prayed day and night for 7 years for a child. One night I was alone in my living room and I opened up my Bible. Immediately I felt the presence of the Lord with me very strongly. I looked down and the first verse I read said "I love the Lord because He has heard my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, I will call upon Him as long as I live." (Ps 116:1) I started crying because I knew He was telling me He heard and answered my prayer. Two weeks later I missed my period and found out I was pregnant!


I had a similar experience 7 years later with our 2nd child.


My dd was instantly healed of a 1.5 year battle with severe chronic fatigue caused by a virus.

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Both my DS and DH are my answered prayers.


When I was pregnant with DS I started bleeding and having contractions. I was only six weeks pregnant and hadn't even been able to get in with my OB/GYN. I called the office and they sent me immediately to have an ultrasound. They found a clot around the sac and placed me on bedrest. I had no clue if I was going to miscarry and they didn't give me any answers. I prayed that God would keep my baby safe, but if he had to take him to please not make me suffer not knowing. I continued to bleed and 10 days later went back for another US. The clot was bigger than before but still no real answer as to what my chances of losing the baby were. I continued on bedrest going for US every two weeks and everytime I went the clot was still there. It was around 3/4 of the baby. When I went in at around 6 months the clot had shrunk significantly and within a month it was completely gone. God kept my son safe but continues to have to teach me he trust and patience. My DS is a miracle from GOD!


DH was diagnosed with cancer a month after his 30th birthday. By the time it was found it had spread and he had an extremely large mass in his right lung. He was started on chemo but was doing really bad. He needed a chest tube placed but his platelets (what makes the blood clot) were too low. We waited all night for him to be transfused. When the doctor came in the morning he saw DH and told me that he needed to take him NOW to the OR to place the chest tube. (This is aprocedure normally done in the room.) While DH was down for the procedure he stopped breathing. I knew nothing about it. I spent the entire day waiting for someone to come and get me but no one did. I had expected complication because of the low plts but nothing further. I had to leave the hospital and go to work so I left a note for him to call me. I went home showered and got ready for work. I was actually on the way out the door when I just got this sick feeling and called the hospital. I was told by the nurse on the floor they had taken him to ICU but nothing more. When I finally got a hold of the ICU nurse she told me I needed to get to hospital right away. I got there and he was unconscious on a ventilator. One look at his doctor told me it was really bad. He hugged and while trying to lessen the blow told me the odds of DH making it through the night weren't good. I saw the test results with my own eyes. DH shouldn't have been alive. I don't think I have ever prayed so hard in my life as I did that night. He was in the ICU for 4 months unconscious on a vent. but he is alive today. Although he still has some residual effects from the cancer, chemo, and loss of oxygen he has come much further than any doctor ever expect. God is the only answer.


I tell DS all the time GOD is so awesome in all that he does. I don't always do the right thing or have faith but everytime I am in need he answers my prayers.

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Both my DS and DH are my answered prayers.


When I was pregnant with DS I started bleeding and having contractions. I was only six weeks pregnant and hadn't even been able to get in with my OB/GYN. I called the office and they sent me immediately to have an ultrasound. They found a clot around the sac and placed me on bedrest. I had no clue if I was going to miscarry and they didn't give me any answers. I prayed that God would keep my baby safe, but if he had to take him to please not make me suffer not knowing. I continued to bleed and 10 days later went back for another US. The clot was bigger than before but still no real answer as to what my chances of losing the baby were. I continued on bedrest going for US every two weeks and everytime I went the clot was still there. It was around 3/4 of the baby. When I went in at around 6 months the clot had shrunk significantly and within a month it was completely gone. God kept my son safe but continues to have to teach me he trust and patience. My DS is a miracle from GOD!


DH was diagnosed with cancer a month after his 30th birthday. By the time it was found it had spread and he had an extremely large mass in his right lung. He was started on chemo but was doing really bad. He needed a chest tube placed but his platelets (what makes the blood clot) were too low. We waited all night for him to be transfused. When the doctor came in the morning he saw DH and told me that he needed to take him NOW to the OR to place the chest tube. (This is aprocedure normally done in the room.) While DH was down for the procedure he stopped breathing. I knew nothing about it. I spent the entire day waiting for someone to come and get me but no one did. I had expected complication because of the low plts but nothing further. I had to leave the hospital and go to work so I left a note for him to call me. I went home showered and got ready for work. I was actually on the way out the door when I just got this sick feeling and called the hospital. I was told by the nurse on the floor they had taken him to ICU but nothing more. When I finally got a hold of the ICU nurse she told me I needed to get to hospital right away. I got there and he was unconscious on a ventilator. One look at his doctor told me it was really bad. He hugged and while trying to lessen the blow told me the odds of DH making it through the night weren't good. I saw the test results with my own eyes. DH shouldn't have been alive. I don't think I have ever prayed so hard in my life as I did that night. He was in the ICU for 4 months unconscious on a vent. but he is alive today. Although he still has some residual effects from the cancer, chemo, and loss of oxygen he has come much further than any doctor ever expect. God is the only answer.


I tell DS all the time GOD is so awesome in all that he does. I don't always do the right thing or have faith but everytime I am in need he answers my prayers.



Wow!!! Your stories really touched my heart!! Thank you so much for sharing them!! I agree with that your precious son and husband are miracles!! Praise God! :)

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I was told at 16 weeks pregnant with my first child that her heart was on the wrong side of her body with only 2 full chambers and a small third. She had a hole in her left lung that was also filled with fluid. I remember the words on the report "Findings are not compatible with life". Her heartbeat had been faint and slow and she didn't really move on the sonogram. The sonographer lied and told the vcr (yes it was 18 years ago!) was broken and she couldn't record it for me. In truth, she later said she expected my baby to be dead soon. The doctor sat me down and explained if she made it birth, they would fly to a hospital 2 hours away and a pediatric cardiologist would be at her birth. We were annointed and prayed for, we believed that God healed her and that when we went back, she would be perfectly normal. Two weeks later, we had another sonogram and she was!


I was also diagnosed with precancerous cervical cells and the doctor wanted to do a procedure to get rid of them. I asked for 3 months in which I spent believing God for a miracle. Went back, had a normal examination and have had normal paps for the last 2 years.


A friend of mine who has spent her life in service to others, gave her kidney to her diabetic brother. Years later, doctors discovered her body had grown a new kidney in it's place! This wasn't even something she asked for! Our God does exceedingly, abundantly, above anything we could even ask or think!!!!!

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Spinning off here, I know there are millions of answered prayers that can NOT be explained away. Praying for healing when the doctors say they'll die, etc., and even more measurable examples of His Power. One of the best ones happened to me 10 years ago....


I had a doctor's appt at noon. My sitter was to arrive at 11. It takes 45 minutes to walk to the doctors. My sitter was late... very late... she arrived at 11:30, but after I gave her instructions (her first time with my baby dd) it was already 11:45, that's FIFTEEN MINUTES before my appt. So off I go!


I was was walking at a very brisk pace for the first few minutes, but it was a hot day and I am NOT in shape, so I was sweating and panting. I looked at my watch, and it said I had 10 minutes to get there, and I had only been walking for 5. So I prayed. I prayed like Corrie ten Boom says to, to pray with expectation and pray specifically. I prayed that God would stop time.


Crazy, eh?


Well, I slowed right down, walked a very comfortable pace the whole way there. When I got to reception, I had 5 minutes to kill. Looked at my watch and the wall clock, and yes, it was 11:55. I made a 45 minute walk in 10 minutes.


God can and does answer prayers, and He can do amazing things if only we ask. He especially loves to answer prayers that build our faith, showing us His power... if we just believe!


I've experienced similar "miracles" dozens of times, with people, with things, etc. Our God is good! :D


So what about you? Have you experienced some amazing answered prayer? Let's share it and let it be an encouragement!




Thanks for sharing this.....yes, God is good, faithful, merciful, kind, loving, and so much more!! Wonderful! Sheryl <><

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