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A call to prayer for husbands

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Just reading other threads, seeing local friends, and struggling in my own marriage, I have to ask for a call to prayer for husbands everywhere. No excuses offered, no slamming either, but will you please join me in prayer for husbands. It seems marriages are under attack all around me and although I would have a few choice words about men currently, I have never been a man-hater, and hope that through prayer, I never will be.


Thank you and :grouphug: to us all.

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Count me in! There are so many families falling apart, causing a ripple effect of sadness in the wake! I pray for husbands to be committed to their marriages, their children and their faith!

Edited by BettyL
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:confused: I'm confused. Is something bad happening to husbands?


Men and women all over are failing in their roles in marriage -- whatever those roles are. All around me I see men cheating, losing their jobs, dealing with issues from childhood, not knowing how to lead their families. When a man is struggling, often his wife, and therefore his dc get hurt in the process. There are wonderful husbands, but most of the ones I witness or hear about are having a hard time fulfilling their roles in marriage. They need prayer. Everybody does, but I thought I'd specifically ask for prayer for husbands.

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I'm praying for my husband, daily. Praying that he has the patience to put up with me as I change. Praying that God gives him the strength to get through each day, bring him home safely...the list goes on. He's uppermost in my mind and heart, so I always pray for him, about him, giving thanks for him in my life.

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What?! No, we're not. Well, some men may be, but not "husbands."


I can tell you that my own husband is a GOOD man who would never leave his family. However, he is a normal man who has had his struggles, and I feel blessed that we have been able to communicate openly about them. It is only through prayer and staying focused on God that we have been able to hold it together. I know that he and I are both very grateful for anyone who cares enough about our family to use valuable knee time on our behalf.

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I'm praying for my husband, daily. Praying that he has the patience to put up with me as I change. Praying that God gives him the strength to get through each day, bring him home safely...the list goes on. He's uppermost in my mind and heart, so I always pray for him, about him, giving thanks for him in my life.


Very nice. Now that's something I can get behind. :)


For some reason, the "pray for husbands to stop being cheating home-wreckers" idea gives me a shudder.

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I'm praying for my husband, daily. Praying that he has the patience to put up with me as I change. Praying that God gives him the strength to get through each day, bring him home safely...the list goes on. He's uppermost in my mind and heart, so I always pray for him, about him, giving thanks for him in my life.

...and what she said :blushing:

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What?! No, we're not. Well, some men may be, but not "husbands."


What?! No, we're not. Well, some men may be, but not "husbands."



Kindly spoken and intended, no snarkiness...

If you'll notice my explanation (2nd post in this thread by me) you'll see I mention husbands and wives are not fulfilling their marital roles--whatever those roles are for their family. The fact is, the divorce rate in our nation is higher than the staying married rate. This thread is in NO WAY a slam against husbands. Please refer to my OP and you'll see I specified that as well.


If you are a faithful husband, living your life with strength and integrity, I truly, truly applaud you. Thank you for not only loving your family fully, but also being an example to others.


My call for prayer is a reminder that some men are struggling in that role and if those who believe in prayer could remember husbands in their prayers, it may be just what some men, those who are struggling, need.


My husband is extremely low on work. Beating himself up in a variety of areas and is generally depressed these days. My dear friend's husband was cheating and left his family. Another on this board, same. I can list 8/10 friends whose families are struggling with very specific husband-related issues. That does not mean that wives don't have issues...we do :)


At the same time, I can list a myriad of wonderful things about my husband; however, that is for another thread. This one is just reminding us all to lift up our husbands. To thank God for them and to encourage them daily in all that they do.

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At the same time, I can list a myriad of wonderful things about my husband; however, that is for another thread. This one is just reminding us all to lift up our husbands. To thank God for them and to encourage them daily in all that they do.


I can get behind that, too. Maybe I was oversensitive.

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:confused: I'm confused. Is something bad happening to husbands?


Umm... you're incapable of controlling yourselves without intervention?? :confused::confused::confused:


I don't get it, but then maybe I wasn't meant to.

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What?! No, we're not. Well, some men may be, but not "husbands."

Here ye, here ye! I've got one of them! I couldn't ask for a better husband and father. We are not Christians but we do have what most strive for in a respectful and loving relationship. Eighteen years and not counting! I'm sorry for everyones else's perils. My wishes are that these boys grow up and become real men.

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Men and women all over are failing in their roles in marriage -- whatever those roles are. All around me I see men cheating, losing their jobs, dealing with issues from childhood, not knowing how to lead their families. When a man is struggling, often his wife, and therefore his dc get hurt in the process. There are wonderful husbands, but most of the ones I witness or hear about are having a hard time fulfilling their roles in marriage. They need prayer. Everybody does, but I thought I'd specifically ask for prayer for husbands.


I agree with you and the spirit behind your post!! I just thought I'd tell you that. :)


I also want to say that I covet my dh's prayers. I've got plenty of junk that needs prayer too. A lot of my praying for dh leads to heart changes in me towards him. A lot of my praying involves me praying for his joy, safety, happiness, fulfillment in life and as a father and husband. I don't see it as "Please, Lord, help perfect little me by fixing my messed-up husband." I see it as, "Lord, make the changes in him that YOU see need to be made while changing me and my way of viewing him and treating him." Often, through praying for my dh, I find that the real problem was MINE!! ;) I don't even know if that will still make it make sense to those who don't pray. I just thought I'd throw it out there. I come at it as one flawed human praying for another.

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