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Would you send your child to a kindergarten homeschool class once a week? Need help.

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My daughter is starting kindergarten this fall. The local homeschool store offers a lot of classes, including a new one for kindergarteners. It's Kindergarten Mondays. Every Monday, from 9-12:30 the class comes in and does all sorts of learning activities and brings a sack lunch to eat. It costs $450 plus a supply fee (they said less than $40). It runs September through April. And I think there is a max of 12 children (for all I know it could be full and I'm asking this question for nothing lol).


But would you put your child in this class? I'm thinking of it, but I have so many pros and cons though.


Pros? It would give us something different to do on Mondays. I was planning a 4 day school week for kindergarten and this could take place on our "off" day and still give us the afternoon to do something fun or run errands. Or I could run errands while my DD is at the class (assuming that I just leave her there....which I guess I do for that many hours). Another pro is that my DD is extremely shy and this could give her a chance to be in a setting with other children and another teacher for just a little while....maybe it would help her break out of her shell a bit. I know she'd be against the class at first, but hopefully would come to enjoy it.


Cons? The cost, for one. Also, I wonder how it would affect the homeschooling schedule that I have planned. I dont know if there will be any "homework" from the class that would carry over into our regularly planned school days....which would cause us to deviate from the curriculum I have already planned.


So what do you guys think? Do you think it would be a good thing for her or not?

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Guest janainaz

I would love to have something like that for my ds4.5. I don't want him in ps full time, but I think a little class like that would be a lot of fun (for him).

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I think that is a question that only you can answer for your family. The factors I would consider are:

1. Is this in our budget?

2. Will this hinder the schooling things I want to get done at home (and for a K student, the answer is probably no to this question)

3. Will this make me busier than I want to be?

4. Do I trust the people that I would be leaving her with?

5. What will she gain by doing this?


Good luck in your decision. I think it sounds fun, but there a million fun opportunities for homeschooled kids these days, so you can be choosey about what you want for your kids! :-)

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My kids have attended a 1/2 day hs program like this for the last 3 years. It's probably their favorite activity and gives them a strong sense of community with other hsers. The one we attend offers classes for 4yos to 13 yos and the cost is similar to the program you're considering. Of course, you'll have to see if you like the teacher and the activities that are planned. I don't mind having Fridays off of school, but we do work a bit on weekends so we don't really follow a 4 day a week schedule. For K though, 4 days a week plus a day of outside group activities is plenty.

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My ds did whole days (6h) twice a week when he was K age at a local "homescholing school". It gave me a break to do school with older dd, take care of a toddler, and at the same time he learned a lot :001_smile: and made new friends.


I would probably want to meet the teacher and ask about the program before making a decision. Then, if money is not an issue, I would go for it.

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I have done things like this with older children. We never had the opportunity with kindergarten age children. If you have the money and you get good vibes about the place, why not? It isn't like kindergarten is so jam packed with schoolwork that you can't do it in four days a week.

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We've always done a one-day-a-week enrichment program (for grades 1-5 so far), and I think it's a good idea. Of course we have no way to know whether the class you have access to will be a good one, but assuming it's OK, it gives your child a taste of "real school." It gives mom a day off. It let's your child learn how to deal with other kids and other adults. It should be fun. They'll have access to some equipment or stuff you don't have at home, even if it's just group games. In general, I like the idea.


If you divide $450 by 30 class days (just a guess), that's only $15 a day. A babysitter would cost that much.

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Ooooh, I would do it.


I have a high schooler now, and I can honestly say I wish we had taken advantage of more activities when she was younger. There are years when you need to limit outside activities in order to focus on academics -- K isn't one of them!


Having a morning to run errands can minimize interruptions later in the week.


Also, you never know what a day will bring. If a severe illness or other circumstance results in you enrolling your child in a traditional school, it will be to her advantage to have had some classroom experience. (In my experience, children adjust VERY quickly to a classroom; still, having "been there, done that" could help make it less scary if and when the time comes).


I would find out if the entire tuition has to be paid up front, and/or if there is any wiggle room if you try it and it is a *really* bad fit.

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We did a morning a week program for 3 years, but not this past year. My kids have missed it a lot. We can't afford to go back there, so I'm starting a co-op this September in our area. It sounds to me like you want your dd to do it for a lot of good reasons. If you can handle the money, time, and you like the teacher and what she'll be teaching, I would do it. Can you get a syllabus so you'll know just what they are going to be doing?

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My daughter is starting kindergarten this fall. The local homeschool store offers a lot of classes, including a new one for kindergarteners. It's Kindergarten Mondays. Every Monday, from 9-12:30 the class comes in and does all sorts of learning activities and brings a sack lunch to eat. It costs $450 plus a supply fee (they said less than $40). It runs September through April. And I think there is a max of 12 children (for all I know it could be full and I'm asking this question for nothing lol).


But would you put your child in this class?


I liked Mindy's list of questions to consider, and Carol in CA's considerations.


No, I wouldn't do it. 3.5 hours seems long to me for a young child. We can do K level activities at home. I don't want to pay for doing something I can do at home. It would disrupt and take a big chunk out of our week. I don't want to have to negotiate possible relational problems with 11 other kids every week from Sept. to April. I wouldn't want to have to deal with possible work sent home for the child to do. I think my kids benefit more by socializing via regular family activities, inside our family and on errands or get-togethers with family and friends.

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My DD did an enrichment program for K, it was all day (9-3:30) on Monday. She loved it.


Because it was through a public school district, it didn't cost anything except a small contribution to the classroom supplies at the beginning of the year and bringing snacks a couple of times through the year.


She only brought home something she had to complete and take back twice all year--once when it was her turn to be the "star student" on a bulletin board in the classroom, and once when the "class pet", a stuffed dog was sent home and we had to narrate his adventures. Honestly the assignment (especially the former) were more for me to do than DD. :tongue_smilie:


We wouldn't have been able to do the program you're describing, $450 is a lot of money, though not unreasonable for a private program.

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Thanks for all the input everyone!! I think this would be good for her....if only because she is so extremely shy, and quite clingy at times. I'll have to talk it over with DH. The cost is quite high so that will be our major consideration. They did say that we can pay in four installments. And I'll also want to know if we can back out after the first semester without paying for the rest....just in case DD absolutely hates it or something.


I actually know who the teacher is, so I trust that she will be in good hands.

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If you think your dd might be too shy to participate in the class, I'd talk to the teacher to see if she's willing to take her first. I never sign ds up for anything without talking to the teacher first to see if they'll be able to handle his issues. This is especially important if there's a waiting list and they might not be able to fill the space after the start of classes. I've had very few disasters, but I have had to pull ds out of 2 classes over the years. I had spoken to the teacher first so there was no financial problem in either case.

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I think this would be good for her....if only because she is so extremely shy, and quite clingy at times.



I think that at 5, a shy, clingy child should be allowed to stay home with their mom. I think that kids clinging to their mothers is one of God and nature's ways of keeping them safe, and that it is natural and just fine. One of the benefits of homeschooling is that you don't have to 'push' kids because of some artificial school requirement.


I don't think that kids need to be taught not to be shy. I think that they need to feel secure enough to leave on their own, by being very attached to you.


I would wait on this, especially as the money is an issue.


There is plenty of time for something like this down the road. In the meantime, go on field trips and invite other kids over to play. Let your daughter's sociability blossom gradually, at its natural pace. JMHO.

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I think that at 5, a shy, clingy child should be allowed to stay home with their mom.


I don't think that kids need to be taught not to be shy.


I would wait on this, especially as the money is an issue.


There is plenty of time for something like this down the road.




My daughter was like this when she was younger. She has grown more confident as she has gotten older (but still lavishes us with hugs, which we love), and I've not (in my remembrance) pushed her to do something social, away from us, that she did not want to do.


EDIT: I just also saw in your OP that you know your dd would be against it at first. For me, that would for sure be the clincher. But then again, you might think of this class as a requirement you want to make of her, so I can see why you'd do it. I guess I'm just still answering your question of WWYD and explaining why.

Edited by Colleen in NS
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If your dd is shy and slow to warm up, I would probably look more towards a park day situation. That would give her the chance to interact with other kids in a way that's probably more comfortable for her, with you nearby.


I wouldn't be worried about a 5yr old being clingy.

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