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Praying for BMW's dd's prego friend

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another UPDATE: Her abortion was again postponed! Today she is having her ultrasound, without an abortion following it. I will let you know what she decides when we hear from her. I would have posted sooner, but she hasn't been in contact with us much...



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It's a wonder so many are murdered if postponing abortions is common. I can see someone making the decision and jumping in but trying to harden your heart to killing multiple times would seem to save a lot of lives!


I wonder if people had to have several sessions over a couple weeks of ultrasounds, counseling, development info, etc if they'd still kill their babies. Or would they not get up the nerve to work towards that goal if it were so emotionally and spiritually challenging?

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another UPDATE: Her abortion was again postponed! Today she is having her ultrasound, without an abortion following it. I will let you know what she decides when we hear from her. I would have posted sooner, but she hasn't been in contact with us much...




Praise the Lord!!! and thanking Him for providing an ultrasound for her without the abortion scheduled. Doing a major happy dance, and continuing to pray.

And a deep, heart felt thanks to you BMW, and your dd, for being a support to this girl.



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It's a wonder so many are murdered if postponing abortions is common. I can see someone making the decision and jumping in but trying to harden your heart to killing multiple times would seem to save a lot of lives!


I wonder if people had to have several sessions over a couple weeks of ultrasounds, counseling, development info, etc if they'd still kill their babies. Or would they not get up the nerve to work towards that goal if it were so emotionally and spiritually challenging?


I know a friend of mine had an infant and got pregnant again immediately...she drove to the abortion clinic and found them inexplicably closed that day. Thankfully, she then reconsidered and now has a grown son to show for it.

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That is heartbreaking. They make it so easy..."here, take this pill, you will bleed a bit and that is all." :( :( What happened to wire coat hangers and crazy doctors? I am sure if a teen had THAT to face, I bet it wouldn't be so EASY.


Okay, that was harsh...but really? Can it get much easier????


ETA: The poster below made a good point. I would not want it to be "hard" for someone who had a baby that they wanted that would suffer and not make it to their birthday. :( That is so sad! And what a hard choice it must be for a parent in that place. :( I guess maybe I just wish it were harder for teens who "messed up" to make life ending choices.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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Wow, it wasn't too late for that? And I was told that the pill would only work as emergency contraception (I didn't take it, thank God) That you can conceive up to 7 days after intercourse and it would prevent that.


When I was scheduled for my abortion, the doctor gave me a pill (or maybe two) that I was to take the night before or early morning of, to start the cervix dilating before the procedure. (It's been about four years now, and I didn't actually take the pills, so I might be slightly off.)


This was for an abortion at around 13 weeks.


(To answer the obvious questions--we were considering abortion because we were told our baby had a <1% chance of being born alive, and would not survive his birthday in any event. Subsequent tests proved the initial diagnosis incorrect.)

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