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Headache/migraine for 10 days now

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It began with a very stiff neck and is now local in my right side, still pain in the neck and slight nausea. Very much in pain. I have gotten some relief if I take two exedrins and drink something caffeinated. Get a few hours of no pain and then it returns in the middle fo the night with so much force I have pain while sleeping. Not sure if it is teeth-grinding (I accidentally threw away the thingies I had for teeth-grinding but never used years back), stress, dehydration, or what it is.

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I have had very similar bouts with migraine....just when you think you've kicked it, it comes back in the night. My headaches also start with neck and upper back tension and then can last for a week or more unmedicated.


My life has been radically altered by triptans, a medication specifically for migraine. They are not typical pain meds, and will not work on a headache that is not migraine. That being said, I take one and my migraine is gone within 45 minutes. Brand names are Maxalt, Zomig.... . They are expensive (about $20 per tablet) but certainly worth it. I feel like I have gotten my life back.


Please see a doctor. If it is migraine, s/he should be able to give you some samples to try.



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Not sure I'll be off to a doctor quite yet. For different reasons incl. the financial. However, I doubt it is something serious like meningitis, though, as I don't have fever and the neck pain is painful, but not excruciating.


I have had some respite with taking pills (but have only rarely done that). I understand it is not a migraine per se, but since I have nausea and like throbbing then it mimics what my migraines might be like.




Thanks for listening.

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Nadia :grouphug:,


I get migraines and migraine sufferers tend to find each other. For some reason I have been having headaches daily for the past 12 days, and so have three of my migraine friends! I'm typing right now with "squiggly lines" floating in my right field of vision and I had vertigo so bad yesterday I had to stop the car. I was up last night researching headaches related to weather. I read that researchers found the biggest link btwn headaches/weather when the temperature is rising. The weather around here has been fluctuating a lot lately so I'm wondering if that is causing headaches in so many people around here? Could that be a factor for you?


Ironically, I developed viral meningitis 5 years ago this month. I agree with the others that your 10 day headache marathon COULD be meningitis. When I was diagnosed with meningitis, I suffered with a "migraine" for 4 days before I couldn't stand and my husband took me to the hospital. They still sent me home with migraine meds, but I returned to the ER the next day with a fever, and they decided to do a spinal tap which was positive for viral meningitis. I was admitted and stayed 6 days in the hospital. The Dr. said my recovery would have been quicker if I had been diagnosed sooner and started a course of steroids to decrease the inflammation.


Viral meningitis is contagious, but does not have to manifest as meningitis in everyone. The week I was diagnosed, I had 4 kids with fevers. The Dr. said we all had the same thing, but mine manifested as meningitis. Has anyone in your household been sick?


Viral meningitis and migraines can feel very much the same. Please go to the Dr., especially if you have a fever.






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You could be having rebound headaches caused by the OTC pain killers. Rebound headaches are very serious. If one is lasting this long, you are seriously at risk for a stroke or some other bad result. You need to go to a doctor and get help. You may have to be weaned off the OTC meds medically because you could be addicted or causing other system problems with them. I have had migraines for years. What you are describing is not typical.


If it is in your neck, it may be a tension headache which will not respond to the OTC meds for migraines either.


If you think you are dehydrated, get more fluids in yourself now. Your children and dh need you. Your life is more important than the cost of the doctor visit.

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Can I suggest (if you haven't already) going to see a recommended Chiropractor? It sounds like you may have a pinched nerve. I will admit it may be uncomfortable, at first because it is like a hammer hitting your thumb, it will swell from the relief (if that is what it is) but you'll feel so much better getting that unpinched. They should first give an x-ray just to be sure (especially since they probably won't know your history).


If I may give a testimony (in a nutshell)...when our DD was born, it was a very traumatic birth. I will not explain in detail but when I was finally able to take her out of the house, the moment we would put her in her car seat she would begin to scream. She would scream from the time we put her in until the time we took her out. Making a long story short, she was also very gaseous and noone could comfort her. This went on for eight long months. A friend of mine kept suggesting I take her to see a Chiropractor. I was very skeptical to take such a small baby. I finally listened and the moment he adjusted her, she took a complete turn in her health. She ended up having vertebrae out in both her neck and back. She was screaming for the pain she was enduring. Her stomach pain got better as well. Imagine not seeing your baby ever smile until after 8 months old. It was very disheartening to see other babies smile at a couple of months old. She was miserable and we didn't know what to do. I wish I had listened sooner. We would all have been better for it!


I pray you get better soon!



Edited by mikeandlisa1995
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A pinched nerve sounds plausible. It actually began the day after I had been laying on the couch reading, head propped on the side of the couch. I never spend that long reading. The first several hours were just a stiff neck that then turned to a headache. I have then had this on and off sinc ethen, progressively getting worse.


About meningitis, then I now recall a fellow mom who got this two years ago. However, I don't have fever.


I might actually set up an appointment with the chiropractor. I saw one 2 1/2 years ago. I think this is the most plausible reason.


Thanks, gang.

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One thing I have to say (going through unbearable pain at times) is that a pinched nerve can happen out of nowhere. It can build up and may not even seem like we're doing anything (and we may not feel it at first). Then the day comes where you may move just the perfect way for an explosion of pain. I've been putting off going to the D.C. but really need to.


PM me if you go and let me know how it went.



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A pinched nerve sounds plausible. It actually began the day after I had been laying on the couch reading, head propped on the side of the couch. I never spend that long reading. The first several hours were just a stiff neck that then turned to a headache. I have then had this on and off sinc ethen, progressively getting worse.


About meningitis, then I now recall a fellow mom who got this two years ago. However, I don't have fever.


I might actually set up an appointment with the chiropractor. I saw one 2 1/2 years ago. I think this is the most plausible reason.


Thanks, gang.


I've had what you have MANY times, stemming from bad posture. If you don't want to go to the doctor, go to the chiro to get some relief. Back that up with a lot of heat and stretching. Go heavy on the OTC pain meds. I am a small person but a spine specialist told me that I should take at least 400-600 mg of Tylenol or similar, not the 200 mg dose on the bottle. Perhaps your doctor has a triage nurse that you could call for advice. Cost you nothing. OR, lastly, go to an urgent care center. It might be affordable to go even if you don't have insurance. Just call ahead and find out what the fee is. It might be the same as a chiro visit.



Water helps a lot, too.

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I was going to say pinched nerve too.


Recently I started exercising and doing things I hadn't done before (kind of like you reading in a funny position) and I had a three day headache, that started with a neck ache. I'd take meds for it, but then it always returned. Once I stretched really good, then had my back popped, it went away.

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If you are taking alot of excedrin, it could be rebound headaches. Imitrex and Zomig are wonders for migraines, and fiorinal is great for stress headaches (and it comes in a generic). Fiorinal also comes with or without the caffeine. DH and I both get migraines. Weather is a trigger for DH. As is alot of other things. If it started after laying on the couch for a while, I would suggest the chiropractor or a Dr. and some muscle relaxers.


Good Luck!

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I have TERRIBLE migraines - so I consider myself somewhat of an expert (unwilling albeit) on the subject. I just got out of the hospital from a 3 day stay with a migraine that lasted 5 days. I have migraines 3-5 days out of a week.


However, if you go to the doctor (even go to the er where you don't have to pay immediately if you don't have the cash) they will give you something for the pain and nausea and then run tests to see if something else is up. This last time I was in the hospital (I've been in there many times) they did a CT (I've had that and an MRI before) and found nothing. I just have migraines. Really bad, frequent ones.


BUT there could be something seriously wrong. Go to the doctor!


They might be able to put you on something to help you from getting them too if it's just a migraine. I have started on a new medication regimine (I've tried many) and so far it's working pretty well. I got out of the hospital last Thursday and I've only had one since then. That's a vast improvement!


Praying for you...let us know what the doctor says :)

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I have an appointment to see the chiropractor tomorrow. Not the one I had seen before, but a practice where dc have gone. I'll look into the medications you have recommended as well as the muscle relaxant. I have been very stressed (emotionally) lately and have felt tension in my neck.


I am very sorry to hear about those of you with frequent headaches and migraines. Just awful.



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I get these headaches that lasts for several days. I had an accident couple of years ago & it has worsened since then. Mine starts at the base of the neck & then the whole haed gets haevy & begins to hurt. I was taking prescription medicine but stopped everything a year ago. Now I am using realxing techniques as soon as the headache starts. Eating a good meal & apply a balm & take a shower massaging the part where it hurts, relax watching entertaining TV, treadmill etc. Taking a a antacid works wonders for me. Changing bedroom also sometimes helps for me. Once it gets worse I have to start popping pain pills, so I have to work on it at the initial stages itself. I have to avoid stress both physical & mental totally. After the headache goes away I am careful for a day to avoid the hot sun as it brings it back again.

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Hmm, I have spent a lot of time in the sun, trying to get those D-vitamins in so I wouldn't feel depressed due to the headache... Perhaps I was making matters worse...Now I have been feeling totally fine for the last 2-3 hours. No stiffness or anything. Not sure how much is due to the effect of the exedrin or the caffein from coffee. I might decide to chicken out and cancel if I have no symptoms later today as the appointment tomorrow might cost $150. We'll see.


BTW some people mentioned headaches due to backlash from taing exedrin. I should mention that I went most days wihtout medication and max. have taken 2 pills in 24 hours (with a regular migraine I pop 3 at a time if need be). I am not a big pill-taker.


Thanks again.

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Hmm, I have spent a lot of time in the sun, trying to get those D-vitamins in so I wouldn't feel depressed due to the headache... Perhaps I was making matters worse...Now I have been feeling totally fine for the last 2-3 hours. No stiffness or anything. Not sure how much is due to the effect of the exedrin or the caffein from coffee. I might decide to chicken out and cancel if I have no symptoms later today as the appointment tomorrow might cost $150. We'll see.


BTW some people mentioned headaches due to backlash from taing exedrin. I should mention that I went most days wihtout medication and max. have taken 2 pills in 24 hours (with a regular migraine I pop 3 at a time if need be). I am not a big pill-taker.


Thanks again.


Glad to hear you are finally feeling better! I suffer from migraines, and, yes, I have had an episode that lasted 10 days.


About six months ago, I was given a prescription for Relpax (which is a triptan), and it works wonderfully for about 24 hours. Typically, my migraines stick around for 3-5 days.

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It began with a very stiff neck and is now local in my right side, still pain in the neck and slight nausea. Very much in pain. I have gotten some relief if I take two exedrins and drink something caffeinated. Get a few hours of no pain and then it returns in the middle fo the night with so much force I have pain while sleeping. Not sure if it is teeth-grinding (I accidentally threw away the thingies I had for teeth-grinding but never used years back), stress, dehydration, or what it is.

You have mentioned dehydration a couple of time. I would start there. You need to drink an ounce of water for every 2# of weight. If you weigh 130# you need to be drinking a min. of 65oz of water. This is the stuff that comes out of a water facet not something like pop or coffee, water.

I used to have migraines that lasted for 5 days night and day. They were awful. I can also fight one most of the night and until I get up and take some Excedrin if I don't drink enough water.(I take water to bed with me anymore).

Other thinks that can be a trigger and can give you an exstended migraine are alergies from food or food additives, chemicals in your home or where you work/shop. If you keep exposing yourself to one of these that you are reacting to you could have an ongoing migraine.

Hope you figure out the problem quickly. I would definitely see a Dr if uping my fluids didn't do the trick.

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I suspect this episode was tirggered by the uncomfortable position my neck was in and kept on going from stress and yes, dehydration. Yesterday I drank an abundant amount of pure water and called dh at night to ask him to cancel the chiropractor (just a very hefty fee when you are trying to make ends meet). I have been fine and still am except for a very slight lingering that begain two hours ago (probably from dehydration in the might). So, I am feeling today is a new life actually....



P.S. Dh did buy those muscle relaxants and I mgiht apply the creme around my shoulders as well.

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I'm glad your feeling a bit better. Migraines can be triggered by so many things and getting rid of a big one can take days.


I did the headache journal (free off the web) and was surprised by my results. Stiff neck, cola, sun and hormones were biggies for me as well as the mild dehydration. I ditched the cola, always wear sunglasses outdoors and carry water.


Anyway, I hope you find complete relief.

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