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What are your thoughts regarding demons 'showing' themselves? (cc)

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Personally, I don't believe in demons or satanic temptation. I think possession is some form of mental illness and that we don't need to blame an outside power for our bad behavior. Humans are perfectly capable of getting into trouble all by ourselves.

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Personally, I don't believe in demons or satanic temptation. I think possession is some form of mental illness and that we don't need to blame an outside power for our bad behavior. Humans are perfectly capable of getting into trouble all by ourselves.


I respect your right to have your opinion. Sure, we can't blame the devil for every rotten thing we do. I know that sometimes, though, we are subtly tempted to do more harm and rotten things than we would normally do. I am sorry, I do not know if you are a Christian, nor do I know if you read the Bible. I am, and I do, and I Peter 5:8 says..."Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." This wasn't written down for our amusement or to terrify us, but to give us strength and awareness that there is much beyond our human ability to understand fully.

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I am, and I do, and I Peter 5:8 says..."Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." This wasn't written down for our amusement or to terrify us, but to give us strength and awareness that there is much beyond our human ability to understand fully.


I think there's some real truth in that verse, but I read it more as metaphor. People are destroyed by devils: drugs, malice, envy, sexual appetites. I believe the origin of these things lies within, however.


That's just my opinion of course, and I know that many, if not most Christians take verses like the above quite literally.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I must confess I am a skeptic. I tend to believe that we are our own worst enemy, that we let things separate us from God which causes emotional and physical stress- our "demons." Or we let stress itself separate us from Him.


After reading through all these posts, I remember both times that I had miscarriages. Talk about physical and emotional stress! I have always described those episodes as "the closest thing to hell that I have ever experienced." During both those times there were medical professionals who were insensitive and callous to say the least. They still come to mind as "tormentors" and those doctors and nurses who were caring and considerate still impress me as "angels of mercy."


I am reminded that how we treat others can make a great deal of difference in their lives. When I think about the emergency room, on call, obstetrician who yelled at me for not having an personal obstetrician at 14 weeks along, and then sat in my room in a dark corner waiting for the anesthesiologist to come so she could do a d&c, I still shudder. I turned my head away from her and prayed silently. I never saw her again. She did not see me the next day but called my dh and asked him for permission to give me a birth control shot, she also asked him if I hated her. He told her that she would have to talk to me herself, she never did.


I can not claim to have had any spiritual manifestations visit me. But I do believe that the extent to which we give up our thoughts and actions to God makes a big difference in the quality of our lives and the lives of others.

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Personally, I don't believe in demons or satanic temptation. I think possession is some form of mental illness and that we don't need to blame an outside power for our bad behavior. Humans are perfectly capable of getting into trouble all by ourselves.



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Donna, how did you find out for certain this was Lucifer. Sincere question. I really need to know. You can PM me if you prefer. Thanks.


In part because he declared his authority over all darkness and I believe him. He first claimed to be the Lord Jesus Christ but when my eyes were open and I came to understand that he could not have possibly been God, he unleased great torment which included speaking. There is much more to it.

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I respect your right to have your opinion. Sure, we can't blame the devil for every rotten thing we do. I know that sometimes, though, we are subtly tempted to do more harm and rotten things than we would normally do. I am sorry, I do not know if you are a Christian, nor do I know if you read the Bible. I am, and I do, and I Peter 5:8 says..."Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." This wasn't written down for our amusement or to terrify us, but to give us strength and awareness that there is much beyond our human ability to understand fully.




When we were tested, even my three year old was tormented. My six year old was tormented. It effected our whole family. It came in at a particular time and it went out at a particular time. There was a coming and a going that was very real.

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Ay, I feel really akward about sharing this here since it is something very personal and private and I certainly prefer not to "open up" in such a public way, but if what I say will help even one person here then I am willing to put myself out on this limb for their sake.


When I first got saved in August 1989, God took me out of a VERY dark place. All of my life up to that point had been in utter darkness to be honest. Jesus came to my rescue in my darkest hour and I know that had He not, I would not be alive today. I can say that with 100% assurance. I got saved on a Sunday in a church after a supernatural close encounter with God. I had one of those "Paul on the road to Damascus type of experiences". I was filled with joy that I had never known in all of my life at the point of my accepting Christ and the heaviest burden was lifted off of me. It felt as if an elephant had been sitting on me all my life and had suddenly decided to get up and walk away. It was all so wonderful, except when I went to bed that night I felt the most terrifying evil presence in my room.


I felt as if something were sitting on my chest with it's face just inches from my face and snickering at me. It was pitch black in my room but I swear the darkness was even greater right in front of my face and it seemed almost as if it had a form of some kind. I could feel the weight/pressure of this thing on my chest and as if it were breathing in my face. It was the evilest presence I have ever felt and I was literally scared stiff. I didn't know what to do. I just closed my eyes and tried to pray, but I didn't know how to pray yet and I could feel as if this presence were literally mocking me. This same thing happened EVERY SINGLE NIGHT for that first week that I was a Christian.


The next Sunday after service I pulled the pastor aside and told him what was happening to me. He told me, "Just say 'Get behind me Satan' and it will go away." I'm sure he meant to be helpful, but his advice had absolutely no effect on this creature. When I realized that even the pastor couldn't help me I was even more afraid. The pastor had told me to start reading the Bible in the New Testament before reading the Old which I did. I was devouring God's word and had read the entire New Testament and had gotten as far as Exodus after that first week. I was praying for God to help me and He showed me something from His word. I know that it was all God because I am not clever enough to have pulled this out of this story on my own and certainly not after being a Christian for only 1 week.


I read Exodus 12:7 where God tells the Israelites to sprinkle the lamb's blood on the door posts and the Angel of Death would pass over that house. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me so strongly what to do and I just knew all at once what to do and say. I passed my hands over the window in my room and over the doors that led into it and I said, "I plead the blood of Jesus on this room. This is a Holy sanctuary to God and no evil is allowed in here." I said this while passing my hands over the openings.


That night I felt the same evil presence, but it wasn't on my chest anymore I felt it concentrated distinctly outside of my bedroom window. I heard the most horrible tapping and scratching at my window. I lived on the first floor. There was no tree or bush outside anywhere near my window. There was no wind blowing or anything that could account for that noise. That thing was out there and I could feel that it was furious. I was inside terrified, but I then realized that it was staying outside. It couldn't come in! What God had shown me had worked!


The next day while my mom was at work, I went through the rest of the house and sanctified it just as I had done to my bedroom. The thing came back a few more nights but again could only stay outside the window. Eventually it went away altogether and the house was full of peace. Things went along fine until we moved from that house to another city. I had forgotten by then all about those nights and I was excited to be going to college. After a busy day of unpacking and staying up very late, I finally went to bed in my new room. As soon as the lights were off and I was laying down I again felt that same presence right on my chest!! :eek: I was full of fear, but I also knew that God was with me. I told it, "In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to get out of this house!" I said this a few times and it went away. I was shaking all over and I immediately got up and passed my hands over the windows and doors and consecrated my room to the Lord by saying "I plead the blood of Jesus on this room. This is a Holy sanctuary to God and no evil is allowed in here.". I then snuck downstairs and did the same for all the other rooms and windows in the house except for my mother's where she was sleeping. (She wasn't a believer yet then and certainly wouldn't have been to keen on my waking her up to sanctify her room). As soon as she was gone the next day, I went into her room and sanctified her's as well.


That night when I went to bed I could feel the presence again outside my window, tapping and scratching. I was on the second floor, again with no tree or bush near the windows that could account for the noise. I got a bit cocky and told it, "you can knock but you can't come in." hehe Teenagers! It went away after that and I wasn't bothered again the entire time I lived there. When I got married and moved into my house where I live now, you better believe the first thing I did was consecrate my entire house and I have never been bothered by it again.


I am telling you all of this only for this reason. God Himself is the one who gave me the remedy and it has worked not only for me, but for other friends of mine who have gone through a similar experience one lady recently that I serve with at church did this after having a very similar experience to what you are describing with your husband. It worked for her as well and her husband (who is not a believer is even praying now and is willing to go to church with her).


Believe me when I tell you that these things are VERY real. I have had a few encounters with these things and was once even physically attacked. When Satan was cast out of Heaven other angels fell with him. I assure you, they are not swinging in hammocks and playing pool all day long. They are very busy at work, in these days more than ever I think. The Bible says in Ephesians 6:12 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. I think that speaks pretty clearly as to what we are dealing with. But we are more than conquerers through Christ Jesus our Lord and there is no weapon that is fashioned against us that can prosper. Isaiah 54:17.


I strongly encourage you to sanctify your house (with your entire family if possible). Trust in God to be your defense and remember that even the demons tremble at His name. I hope this helps you. God bless you sister. :grouphug:


Wishing you abundant blessings,




:grouphug:Bless you for sharing this. Praising God that the blood of Jesus is powerful! Amen!

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Also, I agree that we should never provoke the enemey nor battle him in our own strength. When I had my experience, I prayed the blood of Jesus over my home and asked for God's protection. I never spoke directly to the demons. I took comfort and refuge in the arms of my Savior.


ETA: I do believe that we can rebuke the enemy in Jesus' name, just not of our own authority.

Edited by freeindeed
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i saw your question as i sat down this morning...i do not have to read the whole thread, so i apologize if i am redundant or raise questions. feel free to pm me...


absolutely, at the risk of sounding crazy to the average person, demons show themselves...rather, i would say that they are "unveiled" to us. i have encountered them often in dreams, primarily, but i saw one as clear as day in waking time, and it identified itself...strange but not scary because i know i am protected. i can also become aware of different spirits at work, as the holy spirit reveals, but not "see" them.


when i began to show signs of having the gift of discernment, (which i think i've always had but have in the past couple of years needed to exercise it faithfully,) things started happening that i didn't really like...like the above situation. i talked about it with a trusted friend, and she said, "rather than be bothered by this, thank god that he is showing you so that you can properly pray. we can get freaked out or scared by the enemy's attacks, or we can just take them as a matter of fact, realizing that there is a whole dimension that we are not typically privvy to, and if we are given a glimpse, it is for our benefit. the bible speaks clearly about the "spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" and the prophets of the old testament speak to the evidence of the heavenly armies, etc.


pray for confirmation, pray for protection--but never address or speak to the demons...Jesus is the mediator and he has already won the battle. speak to him concerning it. claim the protection of his blood and covering over you and your household, and sleep peacefully at night. the best defense is resting in him, not giving undue attention to the evil that is constantly present. are you aware of attack? noted...climb deeper into the cleft of the rock. ;)


I think the part I've made bold in this quote is an important distinction. I believe in the supernatural realm, but in our western culture we tend to think that if we can't see it and touch it, it's not real. I think the reason many missionaries encounter supernatural things is because the cultures they are working with are quite open to the reality of the supernatural, and interact with it on a regular basis. In our culture, it is not normal to interact with the supernatural, but sometimes the Holy Spirit will reveal things to us that we wouldn't naturally see. IMO, we are surrounded by things that we are unable to see. I believe that when things are revealed to us, it is God's grace to reveal it so that we can be aware of what is going on, and adjust our paradigm.


While I agree that we should not "engage the enemy", I also believe that we are given authority in Jesus' name to rebuke the enemy. I have experienced the same physical presence on my body that other posters have mentioned, and I was able to verbally rebuke it "in Jesus' name", and it left. An example of this is found in Acts 16:18, when Paul addresses a demon that is possessing a slave girl: "She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so troubled that he turned round and said to the spirit, In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her! At that moment the spirit left her." The Bible is full of examples of supernatural encounters.



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I can't say that I've seen physical manifestations (thank God) but I know spiritual warfare is very real in my home. I think it is more so because my dh is not a believer, and there is a battle for my son's soul. I have had big behavior problems with him over the years. I have tried to narrow down causes/triggers..only one thing keeps coming up. Each time he goes into one of his meltdown rages and just a general meanness (usually lasting days/weeks) is following a time of an apparent spiritual battle. For example. When he was 6 (he is 9 now) he went to VBS. That week his behavior was awful...it was so bad that we had to keep him home from visiting his grandparents the following weekend (while his sisters went away and stayed with them without him). The following year at VBS he accepted Christ as his saviour and following that I noticed great changes in his overall behavior. In October he was baptized..and that day after church and prior to his baptism that afternoon, he was totally out of control, thrashing and saying the most hateful things. I could look him in the eye and not even recognize my son. I think it was then I connected that their was major spiritual warfare going on--and my unbelieving husband even seemed to realize it. It was like the devil was trying to keep him from being baptised (of course, after that took place, he was fine).


Another time I revamped our whole hs schedule to put Christ first, as in making sure we study the Word every morning before or no matter if we do anything else. It was also the day after I had a revelation the my 'purpose' was to homeschool my children (I had read Purpose Driven Life and never figured it out until that point). All I can say is that the next several months were pure h#ll in our house. My son would cover his ears and hum when I'd try to read our devotions, he was resistant to everything, mean, etc... Finally months later during fasting, I got my son back.


Again it started up with him when we started going to Wed. night services at church.


So anyway, I definitely believe in spiritual powers and warfare. I know it is real. I feel that he goes after my son as opposed to my daughter because she has always been very strong in her faith. You could say she was born with the holy spirit already in her. The devil knows that there is no point going after her. But my son, he is the weak one. (by the way, he has been evaluated by a psychiatrist who said he doesn't have depression or bi-polar).


I think what you experienced could be spiritual warfare. I think that now that you are aware of it, you'll be able to know what to look for.

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I believe in the supernatural realm, but in our western culture we tend to think that if we can't see it and touch it, it's not real. I think the reason many missionaries encounter supernatural things is because the cultures they are working with are quite open to the reality of the supernatural, and interact with it on a regular basis. In our culture, it is not normal to interact with the supernatural, but sometimes the Holy Spirit will reveal things to us that we wouldn't naturally see. IMO, we are surrounded by things that we are unable to see. I believe that when things are revealed to us, it is God's grace to reveal it so that we can be aware of what is going on, and adjust our paradigm.



:iagree::iagree: My family is Cuban. I live in South Florida and almost all of my friends are from the Carribean islands. I even married one! :p I have talked with people from St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Martin, Dominica, Cuba, Jamaica, They Cayman Islands, The Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe, Puerto Rico, The Bahamas, The Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago and Haiti. These were all friends for years (some were family) and all of them have been witnesses to the types of supernatural occurences we are talking about here in this thread . All of them. It is something that is quite common knowledge in these places and my friend from St. Lucia even told me about the meanings of certain types of "visions" or "apparitions" as they are so common they even have interpretations for them! My own grandmother talked to me about the things that she has seen and about things that have happened to family members in Cuba. My friend in the Bahamas has seen demon possessed people with her own eyes and my friends in Haiti have many stories about people being possessed by demons and demonic activity. My husband's father (and all that side of his family) come from Duverge in the Dominican Republic not 80km from the Haitian border and my husband has told me of the things he saw there when he was a kid visiting his dad's family.


I often wonder if what I experienced when I first became a Christian was something that was near me all the time like a "familiar spirit" or something that came after me after I gave my life to God? I don't know, but I know that these things are real. A thought or emotion cannot physically attack you or wake you out of a sound sleep by touching you physically. I'm sorry but I find that really difficult to believe.


I'm not going to argue with anyone's disbelief. They are free to believe whatever they want, but I wonder for those who think the Scriptures are metaphorical how do they reconcile themselves with passages of Scriptures where Christ is casting demons out of people? Matthew 8:16 says, "...they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick." There are many stories in the NT like this. The boy who had a demon in him that threw the boy often into fire and water until Jesus cast it out (Matthew 17:14-18), The man who had Legion inside of him who lived among the tombs that Jesus cast out into the herd of pigs and the pigs were all drowned (Mark 5:1-13) just to cite a few. Also I'm curious, if you don't believe in demons do you not believe in angels either?? I don't want to derail this thread, you can answer me via PM if you want to, but I'm just really struggling here to try to see things from your perspective. Thanks. :)




Edited by Ibbygirl
se me olvido Jamaica. Sorry Donna. :)
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The Bible talks about BOTH our own sin and weaknesses (which are within us) and about spirits that can come and go, in and out of a person and even animals (remember the herd of pigs? the evil spirit left a man and went into the pigs and drove them off a cliff. the man was left in his right mind, and that scared everyone more than his "insanity." that episode could not be explained by strictly a mental illness). The evil spirits described in the Bible appear to be separate from us ("Satan entered Judas"), but able at times to exert control or influence over us or even inhabit us, most likely gaining a foothold through our own sin. But apparently they are able to leave us as well.


So really it's not possible to lump all of these things into just one category, biblically speaking, that is.

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I often wonder if what I experienced when I first became a Christian was something that was near me all the time like a "familiar spirit" or something that came after me after I gave my life to God? I don't know, but I know that these things are real. A thought or emotion cannot physically attack you or wake you out of a sound sleep by touching you physically. I'm sorry but I find that really difficult to believe.




The Bible does speak to familial spirits and so your experience would certainly make sense according to scripture. If your soul is inhabited by the Holy Spirit then any other spirits would be cast out.


My Dad has talked about this (familial spirits) for the last 10 years, since his life has changed. I grew up with an angry father. My brother and sister and I all agree that when he was angry, his eyes actually changed to a different shade of green. 10 years later, I do not recognize this gentle, loving man who is my father. No medications or anything - he was delivered of this evil influence during a mens retreat. Following that experience he was physically exhausted for days. 10 years later, he is still the most loving, compassionate man.


And now that I think of it, his mens retreat experience is around the time I felt the presence of something sitting on my chest in my sleep. Hmm. Never put that one together before.


Coming from a totally left-brained, cynical, sane lady with no mental illness in my family. :001_smile:. My experience is so totally real to me.

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The Bible does speak to familial spirits and so your experience would certainly make sense.


in my spiritual path we belive in hamingja. it is a similar concept to familial spirits, in that not only does the bloodline pass down the legacy of the family name, but also the associated karma (which we call wyrd). however, i've never heard of spiritual manifestation in association to a person's hamingja. i do believe in a spiritual realm, by the way; but refuse to accept a 'devil made me do it' mentality.

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in my spiritual path we belive in hamingja. it is a similar concept to familial spirits, in that not only does the bloodline pass down the legacy of the family name, but also the associated karma (which we call wyrd). however, i've never heard of spiritual manifestation in association to a person's hamingja. i do believe in a spiritual realm, by the way; but refuse to accept a 'devil made me do it' mentality.


I have been given the gift of free will and would never blame the devil for my bad choices. However, I do believe there are forces that attempt to influence us, and that the war being fought is between Satan and God and we are mere pawns (for Satan, of course). We have the ability to flee from the devil according to the scriptures.


I'd never utter the words or possess the mentality of "the devil made me do it." :confused:

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The Bible does speak to familial spirits and so your experience would certainly make sense according to scripture. If your soul is inhabited by the Holy Spirit then any other spirits would be cast out.


My Dad has talked about this (familial spirits) for the last 10 years, since his life has changed. I grew up with an angry father. My brother and sister and I all agree that when he was angry, his eyes actually changed to a different shade of green. 10 years later, I do not recognize this gentle, loving man who is my father. No medications or anything - he was delivered of this evil influence during a mens retreat. Following that experience he was physically exhausted for days. 10 years later, he is still the most loving, compassionate man.


And now that I think of it, his mens retreat experience is around the time I felt the presence of something sitting on my chest in my sleep. Hmm. Never put that one together before.


Coming from a totally left-brained, cynical, sane lady with no mental illness in my family. :001_smile:. My experience is so totally real to me.



Wow!! I'm SO happy for your father!! Praise God! He is so good! :)

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What do you say to someone who suffers from what they call "night terrors"? Lets just say you "know" someone who has told you that most of their adult life they wake up screaming on the top of their lungs at night? A blood curdling scream and has no nightmares, just an image of something very "dark" standing next to them as if it were about to attack them. Just a very quick image with no nightmares?

The person wakes up shaking and heart beating out of their chest...


I know someone who does this very often, at least several times per month.


What do you make of it?

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What do you say to someone who suffers from what they call "night terrors"? Lets just say you "know" someone who has told you that most of their adult life they wake up screaming on the top of their lungs at night? A blood curdling scream and has no nightmares, just an image of something very "dark" standing next to them as if it were about to attack them. Just a very quick image with no nightmares?

The person wakes up shaking and heart beating out of their chest...


I know someone who does this very often, at least several times per month.


What do you make of it?


Have they seen a doctor and had an EEG done??

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Thanks for posting your testimony. When I was 15 I was a very devout Catholic, prayed the Rosary 3 times a day, did morning prayers, evening, and night prayers. I wanted to become a nun. During that whole time, I began to feel something heavy on my chest at night. I would feel like something was trying to prevent me from breathing. On other nights my bed would shake, or I would have nightmares about the devil trying to get me. It was so bad I slept with my parents in their room beside their bed for 3 years. Unfortunately, after that time I had a serious boyfriend who drew me away from Christ...


I have since been baptized again but I still struggle daily with my relationship to Him...but that's for another post...


I have no idea what happened during that time in my life but I don't doubt anyone who has shared their own experiences. I couldn't.I can't. And I consider myself to be a very logical person.


Nevertheless, there is a quote I once heard and I think it goes well for this thread:


"For those who believe, no explanation is needed; For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible."

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What do you say to someone who suffers from what they call "night terrors"? Lets just say you "know" someone who has told you that most of their adult life they wake up screaming on the top of their lungs at night? A blood curdling scream and has no nightmares, just an image of something very "dark" standing next to them as if it were about to attack them. Just a very quick image with no nightmares?

The person wakes up shaking and heart beating out of their chest...


I know someone who does this very often, at least several times per month.


What do you make of it?


I'd say that they might have a magnesium deficiency. Taking a Cal-Mag supplement at night has helped me. And yes, the night terrors present exactly like that for me.

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Thanks for posting your testimony. When I was 15 I was a very devout Catholic, prayed the Rosary 3 times a day, did morning prayers, evening, and night prayers. I wanted to become a nun. During that whole time, I began to feel something heavy on my chest at night. I would feel like something was trying to prevent me from breathing. On other nights my bed would shake, or I would have nightmares about the devil trying to get me. It was so bad I slept with my parents in their room beside their bed for 3 years. Unfortunately, after that time I had a serious boyfriend who drew me away from Christ...


I have since been baptized again but I still struggle daily with my relationship to Him...but that's for another post...


I have no idea what happened during that time in my life but I don't doubt anyone who has shared their own experiences. I couldn't.I can't. And I consider myself to be a very logical person.


Nevertheless, there is a quote I once heard and I think it goes well for this thread:


"For those who believe, no explanation is needed; For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible."


I love that quote! It is so true. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony as well. It's wild how so many of these experiences are so similiar. I wonder why so many of these things sit on the chest. :confused: Strange.

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I love that quote! It is so true. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony as well. It's wild how so many of these experiences are so similiar. I wonder why so many of these things sit on the chest. :confused: Strange.


I was so surprised to hear the same experiences, too. Mine only occurred about 4 times in two years, when I was really working to turn my life back to God. And yes, it definitely feels so heavy you can't breathe or speak. I still don't know if I believe it's some kind of darkness, but in the moment I had no doubt what it was. My immediate response was to utter the word Jesus - and it disappeared as soon as I choked the word out. I never felt like it was influencing me or my life or anything. I never feared it, either, even though it happened more than once. I woke up the next day and carried on as usual. There is a side of me that continues to wonder if there's a medical reason for it (having to do with waking up during a certain stage of sleep), but with some of the other things that seem to go along with it now I don't know. I asked my dad about it, and he said he used to have the very same thing happen to him, but not after he changed into the person he is now.

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The sensation of something sitting on a sleeper's chest is not a rare phenomenon. I remember reading about it years ago... but I can't recall where. So I wiki-ed it and here's a cliff notes version:


Nightmare was the original term for the state later known as waking dream (cf. Mary Shelley and Frankenstein's Genesis), and more currently as sleep paralysis, associated with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The original definition was codified by Dr Johnson in his A Dictionary of the English Language. Such nightmares were widely considered to be the work of demons and more specifically incubi, which were thought to sit on the chests of sleepers. In Old English the name for these beings was mare or mære (from a proto-Germanic *marōn, related to Old High German, -in modern German it would become "Nachtmahr"-, and Old Norse mara), hence comes the mare part in nightmare. Etymologically cognate with Anglo-Saxon /mara/ ('incubus') may be Hellenic /Marōn/ (in the Odusseid) and Samskṛta /Māra/ (supernatural antagonist of the Buddha).

Folk belief in Newfoundland, South Carolina and Georgia describe the negative figure of the Hag who leaves her physical body at night, and sits on the chest of her victim. The victim usually wakes with a feeling of terror, has difficulty breathing because of a perceived heavy invisible weight on his or her chest, and is unable to move i.e., experiences sleep paralysis. This nightmare experience is described as being "hag-ridden" in the Gullah lore. The "Old Hag" was a nightmare spirit in British and also Anglophone North American folklore.

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Same experience here. "A darkness darker than the dark" to quote a pp, and a heaviness that takes your breath away. I've had it happen about 4 times in bed before going to sleep after becoming a christian. You know right away something evil is present and you better pray. I had read a book by Kay Arthur about Spiritual Warfare shortly after being saved, which taught to rebuke in Jesus name. I would just pray in Jesus name flee, and it would. I would then be filled with the spirit, and lead to praise God for His power and all he had saved me from.

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Same experience here. "A darkness darker than the dark" to quote a pp, and a heaviness that takes your breath away. I've had it happen about 4 times in bed before going to sleep after becoming a christian.


That is describing a phenomena of the physical world that is well-documented and exists across cultures and religions. Because it happens in a semi-sleep state, it feels supernatural to us, but I don't believe that it is.

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That is describing a phenomena of the physical world that is well-documented and exists across cultures and religions. Because it happens in a semi-sleep state, it feels supernatural to us, but I don't believe that it is.


I was wide awake everytime it happened to me. I had just gone to bed and wasn't asleep yet. It takes me at least a half an hour of just laying in bed before I finally doze off, always has. I usually pray while I'm waiting for sleep to come. I have no doubt in my mind that I wasn't asleep when it happened to me. Just throwing that out there to clarify not to persuade you. You may not believe. You may think I was asleep. That's fine. You're entitled to believe whatever you want to. I DO believe. I was NOT asleep. So I will agree to disagree with you and that's fine too. :)

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Your chest is the home for your heart... if we believed that our hearts or souls resided or related more to our feet, I wonder if the pressure would be based in our feet?


I've had that feeling too, but attributed to an overstocked book shelf, iykwIm.


Oh, and for what it's worth, I don't think that God/Jesus/demons/satan respect cultural boundaries. IOW, a demon could sit on the chest of a Peruvian as easily as it could the chest of an American.

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Oh, and for what it's worth, I don't think that God/Jesus/demons/satan respect cultural boundaries. IOW, a demon could sit on the chest of a Peruvian as easily as it could the chest of an American.


:iagree:I'm not a Christian, but I do believe there are dark forces at work in the world, and that they do not discriminate.

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:iagree:I'm not a Christian, but I do believe there are dark forces at work in the world, and that they do not discriminate.

I think, sometimes, we forget that the supernatural world is not bound by our property/cultural/religious/and all those other lines. It's funny, we make it all so personal (as it should be), but then forget that supernatural anything works on a completely different level where our rules and lines are moot.

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I was wide awake everytime it happened to me. I had just gone to bed and wasn't asleep yet. It takes me at least a half an hour of just laying in bed before I finally doze off, always has. I usually pray while I'm waiting for sleep to come. I have no doubt in my mind that I wasn't asleep when it happened to me. Just throwing that out there to clarify not to persuade you. You may not believe. You may think I was asleep. That's fine. You're entitled to believe whatever you want to. I DO believe. I was NOT asleep. So I will agree to disagree with you and that's fine too. :)


I absolutely believe that this happened to you. It has happened to most people, myself included. I've also had the opposite feeling, having just gone to bed and feeling like I'm floating outside my body; a very pleasant sensation.


I just think there is a natural, not supernatural explanation for these events. The human mind craves order and so we craft a narrative for what is going on whenever we have a transcendent moment.

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That is describing a phenomena of the physical world that is well-documented and exists across cultures and religions. Because it happens in a semi-sleep state, it feels supernatural to us, but I don't believe that it is.


Again, I ask...why does a physical manifestation of something need be only physical in origin? I think we can all attest to physical symptoms that have an emotional/mental/spiritual cause, so I would think just because we can document something physically does not mean we can necessarily identify the origin of it.


I think we would all agree that the emotional/mental/spiritual/and physical parts of our being cross over and influence each other--a messy business to try to separate them from each other. Why couldn't spiritual forces from the outside have influence over our physical bodies, if they truly exist and have power as described in the Bible?

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The sensation of something sitting on a sleeper's chest is not a rare phenomenon.


It is a type of sleeping disorder. I used to have sleep paralysis very regularly. It is a misfire of the brain where the mind wakes up, but the central nervous system does not restore "power" back to the muscles. Sleepwalking is the opposite, where the brain is sleeping, but the body wakes up. When I was reading books about it, I remember reading about night terrors and the heavy chest thing. I started taking supplements to help me sleep and it has not happened since. My daughter is prone to sleep walking and wakes up and cackles like a witch. It is very creepy, but I believe it is biological in origin. That does not in any way take away from my belief in demons.

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It is a type of sleeping disorder. I used to have sleep paralysis very regularly. It is a misfire of the brain where the mind wakes up, but the central nervous system does not restore "power" back to the muscles. Sleepwalking is the opposite, where the brain is sleeping, but the body wakes up. When I was reading books about it, I remember reading about night terrors and the heavy chest thing. I started taking supplements to help me sleep and it has not happened since. My daughter is prone to sleep walking and wakes up and cackles like a witch. It is very creepy, but I believe it is biological in origin. That does not in any way take away from my belief in demons.

I also have sleep paralysis once in awhile! It is so scary. My eyes are open but I cannot move my body! I can try to speak and call out to my husband who usually gives me a shove to wake me up, otherwise, I *will* myself to wake up, it's very difficult. It literally feels like you are paralysed. UGH! I thought I was the only person who that happened to. I am also the one who posted about having night terrors. I am going to start taking cal/mag to help. My husband says I am more active when I am asleep than when I am awake, I talk alot, a move alot and the night terrors are horrible! And on top of that the sleep paralysis...I'm telling you, I am exhausted by the time I wake up in the morining!

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I also have sleep paralysis once in awhile! It is so scary. My eyes are open but I cannot move my body! I can try to speak and call out to my husband who usually gives me a shove to wake me up, otherwise, I *will* myself to wake up, it's very difficult. It literally feels like you are paralysed. UGH! I thought I was the only person who that happened to.


I started using 5-HTP before bed and the symptoms are totally gone. Before that I was using mag/cal and valerian with moderate success.


I wish I could remember the name of the sleep disorder book that I liked the best. It was quite a fascinating read and quite scary all the things that you can do while sound asleep!

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Again, I ask...why does a physical manifestation of something need be only physical in origin? I think we can all attest to physical symptoms that have an emotional/mental/spiritual cause, so I would think just because we can document something physically does not mean we can necessarily identify the origin of it.



You might be right, I don't know. My tendency is to vote purely physical because it seems to happen in the same way to people in all sorts of different cultures. Why should a demon sit on the chest of a Christian, an Atheist, a Hindu, and a Shintoist alike and all when they're lying in bed, getting ready to go to sleep or just waking up. Why not in the shower, or while you're driving the car? Now that would be scary.


But you might very well be right. Who knows?

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Actually, I'm rather relieved to find this sitting on the chest phenomena a common thing and that there is a physical explanation for it. I'm going to accept the sleep paralysis theory as a good sign and be on my merry way :D


To the OP, your experience is a truly unique experience that made you take notice, and possibly for good reason. It sounds like you are on the right track, regardless of the source of the mark on the wall that appeared and disappeared, and I know you will continue fighting the good fight.

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You might be right, I don't know. My tendency is to vote purely physical because it seems to happen in the same way to people in all sorts of different cultures. Why should a demon sit on the chest of a Christian, an Atheist, a Hindu, and a Shintoist alike and all when they're lying in bed, getting ready to go to sleep or just waking up. Why not in the shower, or while you're driving the car? Now that would be scary.


But you might very well be right. Who knows?



You are so right...there is SO much we don't know, even when when it seems clear. Hate that. :D

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...To the OP, your experience is a truly unique experience that made you take notice, and possibly for good reason. It sounds like you are on the right track, regardless of the source of the mark on the wall that appeared and disappeared, and I know you will continue fighting the good fight.


Thank you! We are all doing just fine, and so much happier this week! I pray more earnestly and consistently now, for my dear ones and friends near and far, with appreciation and thankfulness. I have gained so much from everyone's sharing! Thank you all~

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You might be right, I don't know. My tendency is to vote purely physical because it seems to happen in the same way to people in all sorts of different cultures. Why should a demon sit on the chest of a Christian, an Atheist, a Hindu, and a Shintoist alike and all when they're lying in bed, getting ready to go to sleep or just waking up. Why not in the shower, or while you're driving the car? Now that would be scary.


But you might very well be right. Who knows?

I would think that when you're in bed you're at your most vulnerable, not necessarily on a spiritual level, but a physical level. Showering and driving, while modern vulnerable situations are not as ingrained into humanity as sleeping. You sleep at night, when there are predators that are strange and different, it is dark, your vision is hindered. People have been fearful of the dark, night and sleep, since there has been people, dark, night and sleep :) Sleep, being a time when your concious mind and the control of your body are given over, left passive and unable to defend itself, sparks a less modern frame of mind.


Also, there are corallaries between darkness and being out of God's graces. If you wanted to draw spiritual connections between dark, sleep and night they would go to lack of God's presence and death. Spiritually extremely chilling ideas.


Either way, it would be prime time to scare the beejesus out of anyone.

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I have not read all the responses but will give you mine. The first time I experienced demons was when I was 14 living in a children's home. One of my room-mates was a worshiper of satan. She called on the demons to come to me. I did not know about it. I was lying in bed and all the sudden these dark shadows were coming at me and I felt they were trying to smother me. I was freaking out, not crying or saying anything,just freaking out. Then this girl asked me how I liked her friends (she was across the room). I told her to get the away from me. This was all in response to me telling her she was messed up that she didn't "really" worship satan. Well, she proved me wrong. I cried out for our houseparents who were strong Christians and they came in and demanded the demons leave in Jesus name and prayed a peace into the room like I had never known.


That was the first time I saw demons but certainly not the last. I see them from time to time and believe you me, I recognize them. I have found the best way to deal with them is to demand they leave in the name of Jesus. Works every-time.


I do not know if I would recognize demons as what they are if I had not had the experience I did when I was 14. That being said, they are very real and very scary. I can now feel their presence before I spot them. It is a very eerie uncomfortable feeling.

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I haven't read all of the thread...but spirits, entities, are recognised in many cultures as a matter of fact, and I have seen /felt many myself over the years.

Our western so called scientific mind has shut us off from other dimensions, but that doesn't make them any less real. They are as real as this one. It is the shaman's job in many cultures to intermediate between the spirit world and this one, and there are many plants that are used as openers to the other dimensions. And obviously some Christian churches still recognise the existence of bodiless entities (called angels and demons in Christianity).

One thing I think the darker ones feed on though, is fear.

And even though I recognise the existence of bodiless entities, I also achnowledge there is a lot of New Age hocus pocus in the field as well.

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I think what happened is perfectly "normal" in the spiritual sense. Satan IS real and would love to destroy any and all relationships. Especially those that are foundational in Christ. Our son was on a mission for a while and he said he had experienced a very real "spiritual upset" while teaching a family about Christ. One so real that he dared not speak of it other than to testify that the evil one is present and would love nothing more than to bar any work of God.:001_smile:

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