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Book ideas for 12yo boy to inspire greatness?


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Ds has always enjoyed fantasy, but I am hoping to broaden his interests a bit, especially titles that encourage heroism, integrity, courage, sacrifice, etc. I would love ideas in any areas - biographies, fiction, historical novels, etc.


I have not tried the Henty books yet. I seem to have read a lot of negative opinions of them, so I am kinda scared off.


Thanks for any ideas!

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I always liked the book "Freckles" when I was a kid.


Here's a description from amazon:


Freckles (1904) by Gene Stratton Porter is the uplifting story of a plucky waif without a name and without one hand, disabled since infancy. Raised in a Chicago orphanage, he survives abuse and harsh circumstances and grows up a brave, loyal, and hardworking young man with a true capacity for self-sacrifice. Freckles becomes a timber guard in the Limberlost swamp in Indiana and exhibits extraordinary courage and resourcefulness on the job. He also falls in love with the Swamp Angel, a young girl whose beauty and kindness bring out the best in others.

A beloved turn-of-the-century Indiana classic for all ages.

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Here's a list that I recently compiled based on suggestions on just this topic from a blog I frequent:


The Horatio Hornblower series (11 books) & The Good Shepherd by C.S. Forester


Have Space Suit, Will Travel & Tunnel in the Sky by Robert A. Heinlein


Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling


Home of the Brave by Caspar Weinberger


Watership Down by Richard Adams

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Two inspiring men we have recently learned about are Sgt. Alvin York (WWI) and Dr. Ben Carson (Head of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins).


Both overcame tempers and bad behavior to become great men with strong moral character and earn success through hard work and prayer.


There are a number of books available on Ben Carson, including several he's written. He is truly inspiring.




I have to admit, for Sgt York we watched the movie with Gary Cooper, but there are several books on him. This one looks pretty good:



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Gene Stratton Porter is absolutely one of my favorite authors. My favorites by her are Keeper of the Bees and A Girl Of the Limberlost. My grandmother read Limberlost as a child and it is still a favorite at 86. My grandpa had me read Keeper because it was a favorite of his.


I was about the age of your son when I discovered nonfiction and biographies. Even if they were not people I had studied, I found that I enjoyed reading them more than fiction.


You may also find that he can read some of James Thurber's works. It is just too funny! Some has to do with the battle of the sexes, but most is just hilarious chains of events in the lives of supposedly common people.

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Famous Men of Rome has numerous stories of bravery, courage and integrity. It can be found online for free, but if he likes the stories, I would encourage getting the Memoria Press - - quality paper, nice layout, interesting color pictures.


My dds have both enjoyed many of the stories.

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