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I don't know what it means to you, either ;) :P


... but to me it would mean to dress in a way that clearly distinguishes me from a male. So I'd likely go for dresses and skirts over pants or shorts. Fitted tee-shirts, if tee-shirts at all (most likely would skip tee-shirts in favor of blouses). My hair would likely be adorned (barrettes, clips, etc). I'd put effort into make-up. I'd skip tennis shoes unless exercising, and opt for sandals or flats but likely heels. I'd probably add jewelry, even if it were a simple chain or bracelet or earrings worn on a daily basis. Me, I'd probably skip denim as well.


I wasn't permitted to wear pants or shorts as a child (nor denim). It was very much our culture to dress and behave distinctively feminine. Honestly, it stunk for me because I'm just not naturally wired that way. But the above is what I remember most about the women and expectations of my childhood. HTH.

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Absolutely get some ankle length skirts and a few nice pairs of dangly (but not too dangly) earrings. That will go a long way. I have a favourite pair of trousers made from a crepe fabric that hang nicely too. I love them so much I hope you can find some!




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I don't have a lotof money and was wanting to dress more femine than I had been. I still wear the same jeans and shorts but I have chosen to wear tops with more flash and pizazz. They have more ruffles, more decoration, and/or more styling in general than the pull over t-shirts I had previously been wearing in every color imaginable because they were cheap... Just having a delicate floral print ona soft shirt makes me feel more lady like. While I am not wearing make up again, I am keeping my fingers manicured and my hair styled in more than a ponytail.

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I don't have a lotof money and was wanting to dress more femine than I had been. I still wear the same jeans and shorts but I have chosen to wear tops with more flash and pizazz. They have more ruffles, more decoration, and/or more styling in general than the pull over t-shirts I had previously been wearing in every color imaginable because they were cheap... Just having a delicate floral print ona soft shirt makes me feel more lady like. While I am not wearing make up again, I am keeping my fingers manicured and my hair styled in more than a ponytail.



Thanks, Dobela. That sounds great! I don't want to spend a lot of money, either, but I do want to make some changes. Thanks for the encouragement! :grouphug:

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For cheap and modest/feminine clothes - I have found Cato to be really useful. Their stuff won't last forever, but they have some (NOT ALL!) long skirts, pretty shirts,e etc. You can even find some trends and make them appropriate there for not too much $. Their clearance rack is cheap, too. I've had great luck finding with long denim skirts w/o slits there. I'm a plus girl and it's still cheap and modest.

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I find wearing some pretty colours, a bit of eye makeup and lipstick (minimal), and a pair of earrings, goes a long way to making me feel more feminine. A good hair cut can make a difference too. Wearing "fitted" clothes rather than baggy ones helps a lot too- clothes that flow nicely, or that fit me well.

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I love a long, flowing skirt. Lipstick. A light perfume. Small earrings.


I think it's a great idea to watch your husband's reaction to certain colors or choices too, unless your husband prefers sportier attire. My husband loves feminine, but he loves pastel colors too (which I do not like LOL).

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Here's how I look like a feminine woman and not a dumpy woman or a man or boy:


I like to dress nicely every day. I don't wear only skirts, because an ugly skirt won't make you look feminine. A pretty one will, but just because you wear a skirt, it doesn't make you feminine. I know a few women who wear the ugliest skirts ever and it just makes them look old and dumpy. They would look more feminine in some pretty pastel capris with a pretty shirt on rather than the long shapeless skirts.


I never, ever wear t-shirts. Well, strike that--when we're going to the creek to play in the water, I wear a fitted t-shirt, but NEVER those baggy kinds. I feel ugly and boyish the second I put on a regular t-shirt that isn't very fitted.


I always wear earrings, usually a little dangly. I always wear eye makeup (because I look exhausted if I don't.) I always fix my hair. I do these things even when I'm not going out, because DH still has to look at me. (And he has some pretty co-workers, so I don't want him looking at them all day and coming home to me looking ugly.)


I take a LOT of care when I buy clothes to make sure they aren't too tight or too baggy. I buy a lot of shirts at the Goodwill, but will try on dozens and dozens of pieces and come home with just 5 or 6. They MUST fit well or I don't buy them. Pants and dresses look too dated from the Goodwill, so I buy those new, but shirts don't seem to get as dated as fast.


I don't wear shorts, but I do wear knee length or mid-calf length capri type pants. I think that unless you've got a perfect lower half, shorts look dumpy on women.


I pay close attention to the tush when buying pants. For me, there must be pockets on the tush. If there aren't, my end looks like a big blob and just isn't attractive. The pockets give it a little definintion and makes me look more girly. I'm not sure why, I guess a fashion designer could explain it. I'm just letting you know that well placed pockets will make you look a lot nicer. Tiny little pockets just make your rear look weirdly big in comparison, but normal sized pockets can make you rear end pretty, but not too sexy. (Hope you understand what I'm saying....I can't describe it.) And we all know that people always end up looking at the rear when you walk away, so you don't want it to look big and blobish.


I always wear a nice dress and heels at church on Sunday. Usually mid-knee length as that's most flattering on me, and on most people. I try to buy a new dress or two every season so that I look fashionable. I get them at the Dress Barn.


I can't wear a lot of ruffles because when I try them on I just look silly, but my shirts are certainly women's shirts. Button down, or pretty patterns or flowy shapes, that still fit well and don't look baggy. Of course, maybe ruffles look good on you. I'm just saying that you can still be feminine without ruffles.


I tend to look very good in a fitted button-down shirt with an open color and a necklace and matching earrings with simple pants/capris and nice shoes. I have a few plain skin-colored camis to wear under shirts that are cut too low. Lots of shirts are cut too low, but 2 or 3 camis can be worn a few times a week if you need to. You don't have to buy a bunch of them.


No clumpy shoes in the winter. I wear sandals in the summer, not flip flops.


Ok--there's my take on femininity. I enjoy looking like a woman.

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I like to dress nicely every day. I don't wear only skirts, because an ugly skirt won't make you look feminine. A pretty one will, but just because you wear a skirt, it doesn't make you feminine. I know a few women who wear the ugliest skirts ever and it just makes them look old and dumpy. They would look more feminine in some pretty pastel capris with a pretty shirt on rather than the long shapeless skirts.



I agree with you, though I admit I don't usually wear pants except to lounge around at night or if I am working outside or something. I have friends who look so feminine and modest in pants.

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My Maternal Grandma was the classiest woman I know. To me, she was the epitome of feminine fashion. Very classy 40's and 50's look. Hats all the time, well tailored clothing, a nice broach. I'd love to emulate her, but I'm so clueless about clothes. I'd love to see us go back to the day where you dressed yourself to go to the store, not just what ever schlubby thing you were wearing at the time.

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Here's a really cool blog about that subject, and the clothes they describe are decidedly stylish, too!





There goes my chores for the rest of the night, I will be spending the rest of the night checking out this link.


I have also been feeling the same way, and have been switching back over to more dresses and skirts, but keep ending up back in jeans because I can never find enough time to keep my darn legs shaved lol


Before kids I almost always wore dresses and skirts, wore makeup, did my hair etc. Then stopped all that when I had kids, got busy and gained 60 lbs. I feel like I need to get back to the way I used to dress as I felt much more attractive and feminine.

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My Maternal Grandma was the classiest woman I know. To me, she was the epitome of feminine fashion. Very classy 40's and 50's look. Hats all the time, well tailored clothing, a nice broach. I'd love to emulate her, but I'm so clueless about clothes. I'd love to see us go back to the day where you dressed yourself to go to the store, not just what ever schlubby thing you were wearing at the time.


My Great aunts are like that as well. They are in their late 80's and still so beautiful. They are the classiest ladies I know in dress and manner. :)

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Here's how I look like a feminine woman and not a dumpy woman or a man or boy:


I like to dress nicely every day. I don't wear only skirts, because an ugly skirt won't make you look feminine. A pretty one will, but just because you wear a skirt, it doesn't make you feminine. I know a few women who wear the ugliest skirts ever and it just makes them look old and dumpy. They would look more feminine in some pretty pastel capris with a pretty shirt on rather than the long shapeless skirts.


I never, ever wear t-shirts. Well, strike that--when we're going to the creek to play in the water, I wear a fitted t-shirt, but NEVER those baggy kinds. I feel ugly and boyish the second I put on a regular t-shirt that isn't very fitted.


I always wear earrings, usually a little dangly. I always wear eye makeup (because I look exhausted if I don't.) I always fix my hair. I do these things even when I'm not going out, because DH still has to look at me. (And he has some pretty co-workers, so I don't want him looking at them all day and coming home to me looking ugly.)


I take a LOT of care when I buy clothes to make sure they aren't too tight or too baggy. I buy a lot of shirts at the Goodwill, but will try on dozens and dozens of pieces and come home with just 5 or 6. They MUST fit well or I don't buy them. Pants and dresses look too dated from the Goodwill, so I buy those new, but shirts don't seem to get as dated as fast.


I don't wear shorts, but I do wear knee length or mid-calf length capri type pants. I think that unless you've got a perfect lower half, shorts look dumpy on women.


I pay close attention to the tush when buying pants. For me, there must be pockets on the tush. If there aren't, my end looks like a big blob and just isn't attractive. The pockets give it a little definintion and makes me look more girly. I'm not sure why, I guess a fashion designer could explain it. I'm just letting you know that well placed pockets will make you look a lot nicer. Tiny little pockets just make your rear look weirdly big in comparison, but normal sized pockets can make you rear end pretty, but not too sexy. (Hope you understand what I'm saying....I can't describe it.) And we all know that people always end up looking at the rear when you walk away, so you don't want it to look big and blobish.


I always wear a nice dress and heels at church on Sunday. Usually mid-knee length as that's most flattering on me, and on most people. I try to buy a new dress or two every season so that I look fashionable. I get them at the Dress Barn.


I can't wear a lot of ruffles because when I try them on I just look silly, but my shirts are certainly women's shirts. Button down, or pretty patterns or flowy shapes, that still fit well and don't look baggy. Of course, maybe ruffles look good on you. I'm just saying that you can still be feminine without ruffles.


I tend to look very good in a fitted button-down shirt with an open color and a necklace and matching earrings with simple pants/capris and nice shoes. I have a few plain skin-colored camis to wear under shirts that are cut too low. Lots of shirts are cut too low, but 2 or 3 camis can be worn a few times a week if you need to. You don't have to buy a bunch of them.


No clumpy shoes in the winter. I wear sandals in the summer, not flip flops.


Ok--there's my take on femininity. I enjoy looking like a woman.



Seriously an entertaining read. Now I want pictures. ;)

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I'd love to see us go back to the day where you dressed yourself to go to the store, not just what ever schlubby thing you were wearing at the time.


I so agree.


We went to the Art Museum and there were people walking around in pajama pants and flip flops. I'm sorry but I just don't see that as appropriate museum attire.


I attended a wedding and people came in shorts. I can't imagine doing such a thing.


I like to dress up, sadly it's just not practical for changing diapers and scrubbing toilets. But I do have some long skirts that I wear when I actually get out of the house.


I'm another person that won't wear the baggy tee shirts either. I have some of the fitted ones for when we go camping, hiking, etc, but I won't even walk around my house in the big baggy tee shirts. I feel so frumpy when I wear them.

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I'd love to see us go back to the day where you dressed yourself to go to the store, not just what ever schlubby thing you were wearing at the time.


Oh my gosh, I'd kill myself! :lol: This is a great thread and has given me something to think about. But I am just not this girl! :lol: I wear nothing but jeans. I don't even own a dress. I have 1 pair of black dress pants that I wear to weddings and funerals with a blouse. My favorite clothes are cotton T-shirts! Anything 100% cotton! Nice and cool and loose fitting! I have long hair cuz that's what hubby likes, but I keep it in a ponytail 85% of the time....too hot or too busy to fix it. I wear flip flops EVERYWHERE, even to church. ( New Balance are the best, you can even hike in them!) I have not worn heals since I was a teenager. Couldn't wear them even then due to orthopedic reasons. Give me a pair of cowboy boots any day anyway! Much more functional! I am alergic to make up AND have dry eyes, so make up of any kind is out - even hypoalergenic. If I do wear makeup, I put it on RIGHT before an event and then have to wash it off after about 4 hours - times up, weather the event is over or not. I NEVER paint my finger or toe nails. Can't sit still long enough. (Sometimes my DD8 makes me let her do my nails. I'll do it for her.) I will go to the store in what ever I'm wearing so long as it's not PJ's. Who cares??? Honestly, I just don't think about clothing that much. It just doesn't cross my mind. Boring. I am busy, busy, busy on the farm and with my kids and horses and most of my clothes are chosen for comfort and coolness and well as funtionality. Style is low on the totem pole. I shop 2X year for clothes and hate even that. Again, boring.


Just goes to show ya, people are different and that's a good thing. If I were to stop and think about it, I'd think you all look real pretty. But I have no interest in trying to look "put together" all the time like some are saying. None, what so ever. It is off my radar, I guess and would bore me to tears. I do try to look "nice" by MY standards when going out with DH. I wear my cleanest jeans, a button down shirt, fix my hair and wear make up to start off anyway ( I bring wipes to clean my face with later). Good thing my hubbie adores me just the way I am! Usually, when he gets home from work, I am wearing my grungiest barn clothes and am covered in sweat and some sort of animal poop. :lol: He gives me a kiss anyway!

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I was just thinking of throwing my hair in a ponytail and running some errands without make-up. Now I'm starting to feel guilty.:lol: It is 10:00 here, 92 degrees (feels like 101) with 54% humidity. What is the purpose of make-up or even a shower? I will need another one when I get back.


This is a really great thread, though. I would love some ideas of where to shop for petites. I just took petite jeans back yesterday that were too long. Can you imagine that? Long skirts do not work on me at all. Capris are great for petites, but my husband despises them for some reason. Does anyone have any suggestions?



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I was thinking that a pretty bra and undies help me feel feminine, too, though no one sees them but dh (and sometimes my little kids when they won't leave me alone for two seconds to throw on some clothes in the morning! sheesh!)


oh, and shoes help, too! I bought a nice pair of sandals with paisley fabric and they make jeans and a tee-shirt feel so much more feminine!!!

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I'd love to see us go back to the day where you dressed yourself to go to the store, not just what ever schlubby thing you were wearing at the time.


I love the French way of dressing up a bit for errands. It seems in the French culture it is rude to the pharmacist or butcher if you look like a slob. Offensive is the way someone described it to me. Heaven only knows I don't want to offend the clerk at Kroger.... :D


Still, I like the idea of being pulled together during the day. A few years ago, I realized that my boys would only remember me in baggy tees and ratty shorts unless I changed my habits. I can do better than that. Prettier tees for at home, nicer shorts or jeans. Mascara, earrings. When we go out, I dress casual, but pretty. A simple feminine shirt that isn't a tee is a good start. I love wearing a dress (with the hemlines just above the knee 'cause my legs are one of my good points) and modest heels to church on Sunday. It feels good to dress up.


Earrings, a touch of make-up, and a good haircut go a long way towards making me feel feminine on a daily basis. I live in Clark's sandals/shoes (no flip-flops) unless I'm working out or gardening.


Enjoy finding your style!

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There are tons of ways to do 'feminine,' but not all of them will look or feel authentic on you. So a lot of it is figuring out what you enjoy wearing, and what compliments you, style wise. I also like to dress for my mood, so I have sort of a range from bohemian artsy to tailored 40's. :D


We have some great thrift stores, so I can find really nice clothing for very affordable prices. First, you should look around and discover what style of skirt is most comfy and flattering for your figure and lifestyle. A-line and tiered are my faves. Then skirt length: I like just past the knee, and floor length for the days I haven't shaved. ;) I like to have a selection of solid color, neutral skirts (denim, black, khaki) that I can pair any cute/patterned top with. And then I have some fun patterned skirts that I pair with sleeveless sweaters or fitted tees in the summer. Love capri pants as well with cute tops. I like flowy fabrics, and I don't iron as a rule.


I like casual metalic flats, as they go with any color as well, and don't show when your toenail polish needs redone :D I love cute and comfie shoes, and will totally choose an outfit based on my shoes.


I stick to only 3 pieces of jewlery MAX, and usually it's just a simple pair of sterling hoop earrings. Sometimes I throw on a cute pin, or some fab 1950's choker necklace, or the bottlecap and yarn 'locket' that my little girl made for me. Sometimes just a bracelet with my earrings. It depends on what makes you feel beautiful, and lights your man's fire. ;)

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