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False negative (female content obviously)

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How many has had a false negative? And did you repeat and still find it negative? I tried this with dd #2 where I did three tests at home, all negative PLUS I had been at the doctor's where he had done a vaginal ultrasound. I was probably 4-5 weeks then and nothing showed. I had gone due to an out of wack period.


On the same topic, what has been your experience with bleeding while pregnant? I once had this happen too (ds and third pregnancy). I thought it was a delayed period since it came a bit later, but then it was too short to be a period.

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I haven't had this but I have a friend who had false negatives on all 6 of her pregnancies. For some reason her body didn't release enough of the (is it HCG?) hormone that the pregnancy tests measure. She had to have all of them confirmed by blood tests. All 6 of her pregnancies were otherwise normal.


With my 1st pregnancy I had some bleeding at the time of my "period" but it was very light.

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I actually got a negative blood test with my first, even though I was pregnant. I think it may have been the phlebotomist who took my blood though. It was her first day.


I have never bled at all while pregnant (except for my miscarriages).

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I had false negatives with my second. I went to the dr about 10 days late and their urine test was negative. I was sure that I was pg so they told me to come back in a week if I didn't get my period. I assured them that I would be back. It was finally positive at 17 days past. I never bled, but did have some spotting early on in both my pregnancies.

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Not sure if there is a congrats yet needed... Possibly. Hopefully. Dh thinks so, but I am ambivalent due to the lack of actual changes apart from a bigger tummy and a different-looking navel. Plus a period days delayed lasting only a couple of days. That's about it!!

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up until about 5 weeks along. I also had bleeding with my first pregnancy. It happened at about 16 weeks and was due to placenta previa. In my case the PV corrected itself in about 8 weeks time. In other cases placenta previa is very serious. If you find our you are expecting you for sure want to tell your MD or midwife about the spotting/bleeding.

Congratulations if you are expecting!!

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Yes and yes.


I had three false negs w/ my oldest son. All of the tests were performed at a doctors office or the hospital, I don't think they had home tests then. I didn't get a positive until I was 13 weeks along and that was only because I had gone to my gyn for a check up and he asked how things were going. I mentioned that my period had been a bit off, very light/very short. During the exam he said I looked like I was about 13 weeks along, ran another test and sure enough I was. However, the spotting went on until about 5 months.


I had 4 miscarriages (all after 8 weeks) between my oldest and middles ds. At some point I learned that if I take a home test before I'm about 2 weeks late it will come back negative.


With my other dss, I spotted up until about 3 months. In fact, the spotting was usually my first clue that I might be pregnant. For me, the spotting, it turns out, is due to low progesterone levels. Although when tested, they come back in the normal range, for my body they are too low.

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It stands to reason, human physiology being somewhat variable, that some women just aren't going to excrete enough of the pertinent hormone in their urine to set off a test.


I spotted off and on during my whole first trimester. Apparently, my cervix is "easily bruised.", so any time something would irritate it, I'd spot. The Dr. said it was nothing to worry about, esp. if it was dark, old-looking blood (which it mostly was).

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I got an "inconclusive" blood test result with my dd. I was really REALLY hoping I was pregnant, and went to the doc on the very day that my period was due. I had some HGC present, but it wasn't enough for them to call it. So I had to test again a few days later, and then got the news I was hoping for. I had no bleeding though. Picture perfect pregnancy. Wish I could repeat . . . (sigh).

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I had false negatives with home tests for every pregnancy but the last. Of course, I was way further along with that one than the others due to the fact that I was absolutely positive I could not possibly be pg! With the first pregnancies, I had negative a.m. home tests and still tested positive during the afternoon on a urine test at the doctor's office. I had early light bleeding with the first and last babies.

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On the same topic, what has been your experience with bleeding while pregnant? I once had this happen too (ds and third pregnancy). I thought it was a delayed period since it came a bit later, but then it was too short to be a period.


I spotted for a couple of weeks pretty severely at the beginning of my pregnancy (only had 1) and everything turned out fine. Dr. was a little worried and ran all kinds of tests, but all ended well.

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