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Work: One day, at least 8 hours, dd comes, OR 3 hrs each am, early?

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Two possible choices--

A> Caring for a 7yob, getting him ready for school and taking him there (to Minnieland or camp this summer). Hrs are 5am-9am (8am some days) 5Xweek.


B> Caring for an 11 mogirl for a minimum of 8 hours, possible some weeks up to 14 hours, starting at 6:15am, ending around 8pm on the long days. No driving once I'm there, dd9 has to come for part of the time (fully allowed by the family). Only one day a week.


$ is an issue--I'd make more but not much more with the everyday job.

One advantage is it's only one day a week for the B job, but disadvantage that dd has to be there. Advantage of 5 days a week is slightly more money, but it's all over before my husband goes to work, so dd can stay home with him.



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Oh I second the all day 1 day. Usually my work hours are 4 hrs in the afternoon 2 days a week. For the summer this year I'm working one 8 hour day. I really prefer the one 8 hour day. I frees up a whole day- I don't have to worry about lunch or what to wear or will the kids be driving me nuts, I get to take mine to work with me too, which is nice.

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Interesting. Dd is willing to come with me (would have no choice, of course). We could either call it a very light day (bring a few worksheets and our read aloud, and her reading), or call it a day off and either do a 4 day week, or pick up some hours on Saturday. Hmmm. I'll have to think it thru more.

The Mom is calling Friday, so I might have to make a decision quickly.


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I'll be the odd man out here. I'd go for the early everyday job. It would be the least intrusive for me, and I'd make slightly more money. I wouldn't want to give up an entire day out of our week. The early everyday job would still allow the most flexibility for how I want our homeschool days to look.

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Yes, that is true--she naps in the am and afternoon, so far (I'm sure she'll drop the am nap soon). We certainly could do a full day, if I plan it well.


And Judo, yes, I am still not sure--I wouldn't have to lug my dd with me at all for the early morning, and I would have more $. I need a certain minimum and could meet it with the am job, but not the once a week one.


Still pondering. Still need to cobble together my work stuff--one more job, at night, perferably.

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I think I'd prefer the morning job. I am an early riser and I would like the idea of having my job done without it interfering much with my family life.


The only thing that would change my mind is if I had to wake the 7 yob and he was tough to get out of bed. I wouldn't want to have to start my day getting someone else's difficult kid out of bed.


Then again, I'd love to get my hands on an 11 month old baby again. My kids are getting older and I'm yearning for the baby days.


So, I'm not really a lot of help, am I?



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Yes, that is true--she naps in the am and afternoon, so far (I'm sure she'll drop the am nap soon). We certainly could do a full day, if I plan it well.


And Judo, yes, I am still not sure--I wouldn't have to lug my dd with me at all for the early morning, and I would have more $. I need a certain minimum and could meet it with the am job, but not the once a week one.


Still pondering. Still need to cobble together my work stuff--one more job, at night, perferably.


I'd pick the one day/week.


I am happy for you! Weren't you having a hard time finding a job?

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I would take the every day job since that is sort of my schedule anyway. No, I don't work, but I get up early and take care of pets, the kitchen, the garden, and the bills. I don;t get the girls up unitl around 8:30. I am not up at 5:30 either but I found easiest to have a routine of things to do without children. On the other hand, I could certainly adjust to a one day a week but it sounds like a very long day for your child. That would be my hesitation.

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I'll be the odd man out here. I'd go for the early everyday job. It would be the least intrusive for me, and I'd make slightly more money. I wouldn't want to give up an entire day out of our week. The early everyday job would still allow the most flexibility for how I want our homeschool days to look.


:iagree: I wouldn't want to give up a whole day.

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Chris, I do the early morning thing and it works well for us. I round every morning at the hospital. It's a bit more variable as the length of time depends on number of kids we have in the hospital and it's possible to not have to go if noone is there (although that's fairly unusual). I usually leave around 6:30-7 and am home by 8-8:30. The plus is that I'm done early and it's easy to do while dh is home. Being disciplined about getting up early (I usually get up at 5 to have some time to myself first) and going to bed at a good hour is sometimes a downside to this schedule. I also work two part days in the office, but am never gone for a full day. For me personally, I like it that way. I have found when I did work for a full day that it was more distruptive to the family life.

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Lots of help, I know. :tongue_smilie:


Although I would prefer one long shift in order to get it over and done with, plus that's only one car trip . . .


I think the every morning thing might be better homeschool-wise. Sounds like it would be so predictable. You'd be up and dressed and ready. Each day would flow the same. KWIM?


For myself, I'm trying to get a one or two day per week college teaching thing, BUT I have 2 dc in public school. Working everyday this year has prevented me from being able to go on field trips, attend parties, etc. with them.


BUT it sounds like you could schedule any other things you need to do -- dr/dentist appts, errands, etc. around either job.


Would the increased $$ cover increased car trips?

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I did a one day a week (10a-3p) with an infant (6mo-14mo). My son 7 at the time had to come with me during the day. We brought our school work and did it at their house. It was very stress full on me to make sure I brought enough for my son to do during the day, and things that he would need minimal help from me if I was busy with the baby. After the first few months my son didn't want to go anymore, but I had made a commitment (it was a friend's baby I was watching). It was wintertime and they lived in an appartment over some stores, so we couldn't have any outside time.

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I am so glad that you have a choice. Given the option I would probably go with the everyday one. I have worked PT for a while and have found for me that trying to maintain the same schedule each day is better for everyone. I would like getting out in the morning and getting it done. If you are a morning person at all you might be invigorated by it. Also for an infant/toddler I think that it might be difficult to only keep them one day a week for a whole day. Sometimes that can be tough on the child. My children never really were able at that age to bond with a caregiver that they only had one day a week. Just my thoughts. Either way sounds like a great opportunity.


Laurel T.

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