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Yesterday, my son was playing "Fallout 3" and I heard him say: "OH NOOO!" so I went upstairs to see what was what. He told me his XBOX made a grinding sound like a paper shredder does so he quickly removed his game. Then he put another game into the console and it said that the disk couldn't be read. It did the same thing with all of his others games, too. My son was so upset because he saved and saved in order to buy this game system--$500 BTW!!

I called Microsoft and--here's a surprise--talked to someone from India!! I couldn't for the life of me understand this person. I had to ask again and again to repeat what they said. This game console is only 1 and a half years old and my son takes care of all of his possessions. Thankfully he bought an extended warranty on the thing, but still it should last longer for the price he paid for it.

Anyway, we sent it out to be fixed today by way of UPS and had it insured for $500 just in case. Any other kids out there had their XBOX crash on them??

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We had to replace ours three times in three years - twice for the "red ring of death" and the last time for the grinding sound (drive gone bad). The last time we had such a hassle (I seriously considered going the BBB route) that we dumped xbox and went ps3. Couldn't be happier.


I'm going to sound bitter, but Microsoft is only out for as much money as they can get. They deliberately send out buggy, half @ssed products so that the consumer has to pay to upgrade, repair or replace them. I avoid them as much as I can.

(can you tell we've had several bad experiences with them?) ok, rant off.:rant:


Seriously, Xbox is known for it's problems. Your son should consider trading/selling and getting a wii or ps3.

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I've yet to hear a single person say they've had a 360 for more than a year or two without any repairs.

Dh is able to fix ours when it red-rings, but it has had to go out for repair for the grinding. Microsoft is good about taking care of it.




My dh has had the "red ring of death" 2 or 3 times and we always have to send in. It would be great to know how to do it ourselves.

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LOL. I have been reading the rest of the responses, and am beginning to wonder if we are on some sort of blacklist with Microsoft. We've never been able to get ours repaired without major hassle, or major bucks. I even start out very nice....and get progressively more firm as they stall, throw up roadblocks, and refuse to take responsibility.

What do you all do to get good service from them? (seriously, what?)

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Xbox has a 3 year warranty, call them or go online and request a repair, they will send you a box with shipping paid


keep the box when your system is return, the next time you need repair they will send or have you print a FedEx shipping label


Yeah its a pain, we have sent our system in twice.

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We had to replace ours three times in three years - twice for the "red ring of death" and the last time for the grinding sound (drive gone bad). The last time we had such a hassle (I seriously considered going the BBB route) that we dumped xbox and went ps3. Couldn't be happier.


I'm going to sound bitter, but Microsoft is only out for as much money as they can get. They deliberately send out buggy, half @ssed products so that the consumer has to pay to upgrade, repair or replace them. I avoid them as much as I can.

(can you tell we've had several bad experiences with them?) ok, rant off.:rant:


Seriously, Xbox is known for it's problems. Your son should consider trading/selling and getting a wii or ps3.


:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: Whole-heatedly. Exactly. They suck. We had ours repaired and then promptly sold it. It was a big expensive piece of junk.


I think Baby Boy is saving for a PS3 now, but he keeps getting sidetracked with other minutia he has to have, so we'll see. We do have a Wii though, and love it.

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am amazed at all the other people who have had problems with the XBOX360!! You're all right...it's junk!!


I just wanted to let you all know, that we have an original Playstation 1 console that STILL works and a Super Nintendo 64 that STILL works as well!! What does THAT tell you?? Yes, you guessed it, everything that's made today is junk. I feel sorry for the kids who save and save like my son for something they really want and it's a big disappointment. It's ALL about the money, I think.


Oh well, we sent it out to be fixed so we'll see what happens. It would be great if it can't be fixed and they send my son a check for the amount he paid for the piece of cr@p!

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am amazed at all the other people who have had problems with the XBOX360!! You're all right...it's junk!!


I just wanted to let you all know, that we have an original Playstation 1 console that STILL works and a Super Nintendo 64 that STILL works as well!! What does THAT tell you?? Yes, you guessed it, everything that's made today is junk. I feel sorry for the kids who save and save like my son for something they really want and it's a big disappointment. It's ALL about the money, I think.


Oh well, we sent it out to be fixed so we'll see what happens. It would be great if it can't be fixed and they send my son a check for the amount he paid for the piece of cr@p!


We still have an original Sony Playstation as well as a Nintendo 64 and a Nintendo Game Cube that have never given us a moment of trouble. My son got them when he was very young (actually the Playstation was passed down to us from an older family member, I don't think my son even knew about game systems because he was so young) and he has beat the devil out of them and they are still going strong. That's the way things should be made, you know, to play with. *SIGH*

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