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Do you have the fall planned out yet? if so what are you doing?


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Have you looked at this? http://www.walch.com/product/1757


What kind of general science are you looking for? A little of each (physics, chemistry, biology)? Or Earth sciences, too?


Have you looked at Singapore science?

I've got a good Anatomy text with coloring books, I'm looking mainly for an Integrated Science--something that has the Physical, Phsyics, Chemistry, Life--ahh well almost all the sciences thrown in.


And yes, I've looked at singapore(and your link) and Singapore just looks too young and I can't afford the walch.. but I'm scouring amazon right now anyway..


thanks though...

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4th grader (My baby cannot be in 4th grade!)


BJU Math 4 & Reviews book


TOG Year 2 Upper Grammar (w/SOTW)


GWG 4 & Writing Aids from TOG; possibly also Writing Tales 1




Apologia science (2 of the elementary series; depends on what we do this summer)


Art & Music - Harmony Fine Arts w/Artistic Pursuits


at co-op: probably an extra art, music, and writing class, since she likes those; maybe French


For my middle girl (9th grade):


Either Jacob's or Chalkdust Geometry (leaning towards CD)


TOG Year 2 Rhetoric


BJU Writing & Grammar 9; Writing Aids; we'll see what else


Continue Cambridge & Henle into Latin II


Apologia Chemistry


Art & Music - looking at Barb's line up (Harmony Fine Arts), and I'll probably do that. Looks good.


@co-op: Spanish I most likely; maybe a writing class


My oldest went to ps this year and will be a junior next year! Oh my! She's taking a couple of AP classes, so I'll glean what I can from those. At ps, she'll be taking:


Alg 2


AP English language

AP US History

French III



I'll keep *trying* to get some Latin into her at home, but she doesn't have a whole lot of time.

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We've already started fall because 1) it's our first real year of HSing full time and I want to make sure that I have lots of time for screwing it up, and 2) I'm pregnant and due in Oct, which will cut a big hunk out of my year!


I'm teaching two, and I've developed a schedule that gives them lots of activity and play breaks but also leaves them pleasantly tired at the end of the day. We've got:


-Music, singing (3 new songs a week), music appreciation (from my classical music library--they listen while playing or coloring or drawing), violin, Suzuki method, will add The Violin Book--I'm teaching right now, though the older one's pace is disturbing me because I'm afraid I'll only be able to handle it for a year or so without outside private lessons.


-Memory work (2 new poems a week, 1 Bible verse every other week, and various science and history bits, as needed)


-History, SOTW as a spine--I correct the history as we read--with lots of picture books and an activity of some sort every day


-Penmanship, Getty-Dubay Italic plus copywork from the memory work for the older one--I'm having him copy two lines on the Getty-Dubay K-2nd level paper. I'm a bit worried about how little writing I'm making him do at the moment, but I don't want him to hate other subjects because he can't write well yet.


-Science, mostly my own curriculum with various books I have plus RS4K Chem pre-level 1, Apologia Zoology, and MPH Science (sequentially, not simultaneously)--some reading and an activity every day


-Bible, currently Egermeier's Bible Story Book but soon Bible Study Guide For All Ages


-Spanish, I'm just using Voces y Vistas (old high school level text) as a guide on what to teach since Spanish was one of my majors--plus independent activity is either from The Complete Book of Spanish (pretty worthless, but the kids love bright workbooks, *sigh*, and it was cheap), or Rosetta Stone Spanish


-Math--RightStart, will add Singapore Challenging Word Problems


-Spelling--Sequential Spelling 1 (to be bought) for older one


-Grammar--Growing with Grammar 1 (to be bought) for older one


-Lit--read-alouds done by Daddy at bedtime, various literature, mostly from the 1000 Good Books list (older one)--Explode the Code/Bob Books (younger one, not taught by me)


-Art--not taught by me!--Child-size masterpieces, a dorky kid's craft book, various kid-oriented art books, and instruction from a professional artist--I can't tell you how glad I am to get out of arts and crafts! Can't stand 'em!


-PE--gymnastics, swimming, and later dance and martial arts (not me!)


Next year, we'll probably add Chinese and piano.


With the combo of two kids, particularly one with a lower attention span, we do everything every day (except grammar will be 3x per week). The kids are/will be accelerated between 1 and 7 years for everything except for the older one's handwriting, which isn't good at all. :-) I do the subjects in batches so the kids have time to earn up a considerable amount of free time between the scheduled start times for play. We're outside as much as we can be. We'll probably homeschool all summer on the covered porch, with shrieky, shirtless boys dashing between science and the swing set.


I work mornings and a little in the afternoon, so if they're both awake and conscious before school start time, they have even more free play outside.


I'm changing away from scheduled lunches to having them eat during listening times because when given a fixed lunch, they spend it talking instead of eating! (WOW can they talk...) So lunch has turned into another recess instead.

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Both kids (second grade & kindergarten)


Unit studies, from magnetics to the solar system to dinosaurs

Social Studies:

World Cultures (using library books, cooking, hands-on projects, etc.)

Art & Music:

Will use a Charlotte Mason approach to art appreciation

Hands-on art projects based on social studies

Classical Kids series


Steck Vaugn's Maps, Globes, Graphs, levels C and A


Handwriting Without Tears (Printing Power, Letters & Numbers for Me)



Second grader

Language arts:

Oak Meadow 3rd grade LA

Explode the Code 4 & 5

Thinking about Just Write book 1

Reading library books at grade level


Saxon Math (last third of 2, and 1st third of 3)


Stories (library books) about Rome - Middle Ages, treating this more as a story time for ds and myself than "lessons" so to speak



Language Arts:

Oak Meadow 1 LA

ETC 1 & 2

Phonics Pathways


1st half of Saxon Math 1

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I know, at least for the most part, what we'll be doing.

For ds 7:

MUS Beta, FLL2, Pathway Readers, copywork, SWR, guitar.

For ds9:

MUS Delta, Im. in Writing (maybe also some WWE), mandolin, German, maybe we'll keep going with SWR.


finish SOTW1, start TOG 2, some art, some music appr.

I'm still undecided about grammar and science.

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My plans:




Suppose the Wolf Were an Octopus, level 1 with the books that go with it.

Math U See Alpha

Handwriting w/o Tears

TATRAS phonics with Explode the Code books

??? I'm not sure what else


3rd grader:


Horizons Math 3 with Singapore 2B

McRuffy Language Arts 3 with a diagramming book that I found on RR

Various novels with Teaching the Classics

HWT cursive

Blast off with Logic

Latin Christiana 1

Considering God's Creation


Winter Promise American Story 2



5th grader:


Growing with Grammar



Mosdos Press Lit. plus various novels and Teaching the Classics

Story Starters

Lift off w/Logic

Teaching Textbooks 7

Considering God's Creation

WP American Story 2


Latin Christiana 1

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I'll have a 2nd and 4th grader in the fall, and we're going to deviate from TWTM that we've loosely followed for the past 2 years. I've been wanting to do American History for a while, so we're going to try WinterPromise American Story 1 this fall.


I'm even considering using their language arts program as well---at least for my 2nd grader. The idea of having so much of our day scheduled and planned for me is SO appealing. I've nit-picked and tweaked other schedules and created my own for so long that I'm worn out by the time I start teaching. I think that the kids and I will all benefit from my having a more restful day.


I may still use Rod & Staff grammar (which I LOVE) for my 4th dd, because I really want a strong understanding of grammar for my kids. The language arts of WinterPromise does look a little light in comparison with what I've done in the past, so I'm still undecided.


I'm also going to stop trying to pull together science (ala TWTM) and go with a full-blown science curriculum. Right now, I'm liking Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry. My kids love science, but I seldom do much with them, because I don't like having to plan it all. I'm hoping having a "real" curriculum will help.


I'm also finding myself gradually moving away from the rigorous "classical" philosphy and more into the Charlotte Mason philosophy. I think my kids will respond much better to schooling with a more relaxed approach.




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9th grade:

SL core 7

Still thinking on adding in some literary analysis and what to use

Trailguide to World Geography


Warriners English grammar and composition, practice with SL LA 7 writing assignments

Spelling Wisdom

Something for Vocab- haven't decided

OR chuck all of that and go with Classical Writing, I am really changing my mind frequenbtly about LA for him this year


Friendly Chemistry


MUS Algebra and Geometry(starts Algebra next month and we work through the summer, so I think he might get in Geometry this year too, but who knows).


Latin Alive


Feel like I'm forgetting something that would be inserted here...



MFW Adventures(history, US geography, notebooking, science, art, hands-on activities)


PLL or else continue FLL, severely modified

SL grade 3 readers (or whatever they're called now- 2 advanced?)

ETC 7 and 8

MUS Beta and Horizons



MFW Adventures


SL grade 2 readers

ETC or spelling program for phonics review, haven't finalized

HWT printing

MUS Beta and Miquon



SL core B

ETC 1 and maybe more if its working for him

math games


BOB Books and Fun Tales



We school year round so its kind of hard to say, ds is starting grade 3 readers now and there is a good possibility he'll be done by fall and start on grade 3-5 by then, etc, etc.

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DD12, grade 8

Abeka Pre-Algebra

Abeka Science/Health 8

Rod and Staff English - finish 5/begin 6

Vocab from Classical Roots A

Literature: Medievel Period

Harp & Laurel Wreath - Poetry Memorization

Fallacy Detective/Thinking Toolbox

Latin Primer I & Latin Grammar I




DS11, grade 7

Abeka Pre-Algebra

Abeka Science/Health 7

Rod & Staff English 5/6

Vocab from Classical Roots A

Literature: Medievel Period

Harp & Laurel Wreath - Poetry Memorization

Fallacy Detective/Thinking Tool Box

Latin Primer I & Latin Grammar I

Computer Science, Pure & Simple



DD9, grade 4

Abeka Math 4

Abeka Science 4

First Lang Lessons finish 3, begin 4

Writing With Ease finish 3, begin 4

Spelling Workout E & F

Literature: Medievel Period

Latin's Not So Tough 1

Artpac 2



DS6, grade 2

Abeka Math 2

Abeka Science 2

First Lang Lessons finish 1, begin 2

Writing With Ease finish 1, begin 2

Spelling Workout B & C

Literature: Medievel Period

Latin's Not So Tough 1

Artpac 2



DS4, grade PreK

Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading

Abeka ABC123

Daily Story time


Family Studies:

Story of the World Volume 2

King James Bible and Memory Verses

Abeka Bible Flash A Cards

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eiiiiiii....my son will be in high school! Yikes! I just spent $340 on Trisms' materials for his first year (Ancient World). We'll use Apologia Biology with the honors syllabus from MODG; we'll study Shakespeare (probably using Lightning Lit)...continue with Videotext Algebra...Latin? German? Logic? Maybe...maybe not.

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I love seeing what everyone else has planned!

DD-1st grade

Five in a Row

Leading Little Ones to God

The Writing Road to Reading (phonics and handwriting)

Rightstart Level B

Prima Latina

Alfred Piano 1A

Story of the World vol 1 with go-along books

Artpac 1

nature walks (Handbook of Nature Study)

artist and composer studies


Before Five in a Row

R&S preschool workbook

Preschool Activities in a Bag

Leading Little Ones to God

join in with big sis whenever he wants


We're going to focus on world cultures and geography using FIAR books and Legends & Leagues. I'm hoping to do a Christmas around the world study in December.

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7th grader:


Learning Adventures: A World of Adventure

Geurber's "History of.." books (Egypt, Greece and Rome)

Teaching Textbooks 7

Rainbow Science

French Essentials


5th Grader:


Learning Adventures: A World of Adventure

Guerber's "History of.." books (Egypt, Greece and Rome)

Teaching Textbooks 5

The Easy French

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Guest sarathan

My list is so short compared to a lot of yours!!


This fall my oldest ds is doing MFW K and I will get some of the Sonlight Core B books just to read on our own for fun. :)

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I'll have a bona fide 3rd grader in the fall. We'll be using:

Explorer's Bible Study - In the Beginning

Saxon 5/4 (and 5/6 if he finishes early)

LLATL Yellow book


Prima Latina (continuing from this year ) then move on to LC1

SOTW 3 with a unit study in the spring on US History

Considering God's Creation

continuing Trail Guide to US Geography

Cursive Connections/ Classically Cursive books 2 & 3

continuing private piano lessons

weekly home school support group meetings

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7th grader:


History: SL core 6

Math: pre-algebra using either saxon or TT with Life of Fred

Grammar: Abeka Grammar and Comp. I

Spell/Vocab: Abeka

Literature: Abeka to supplement SL

Science: Apologia General

Bible: SL core 6 and Kay Arthur books (still not sure about this)

Fallacy Detective

Spanish I

Piano Lessons 1x wk and practice 1hr everyday

Art: finish Thomas Kinkaid

PE: swimming at Y, turbo jam dvd, walking, bicycling, and homeschool co-op.

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3rd gr. dd who's never without a book:

SWO finish D and on to E

R&S4 or FLL4

CW Aesop or WWE


Horizons 4

Sonlight Readers

Pathway 5 Reader

Biblioplan Readers


1st gr. dd who is always drawing:

ETC 5 & 6 for spelling & phonics

Continue FLL1/2


Prima Latina

Saxon 2


Sonlight Readers

Pathway 2 Readers

Biblioplan Readers


3 yo dd who must be kept busy to avoid disaster!

Kumon books, puzzles, etc.



History - Middle Ages using either MOH 2 or SOTW 2 as a spine, along with Biblioplan read-alouds

Lit - Sonlight Core 2 read-alouds

Bible - Bible reading and various missionary stories

Science - probably Apologia Zoology 1

French - the girls are begging for a modern language so were going to try Easy French Junior to keep it low-key

Art - various classes

P.E. - group class & swimming

Music - chorus

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ds 16


LL Medieval/Kolbe 11th grade Literature

Oak Meadow American Govt.

Apologia Chemistry

Saxon Algebra II or Jacobs Geometry

Spanish I

Total Health

some elective related to Art/Music


dd 14


LL Medieval/Kolbe 11th grade Literature

Oak Meadow American Govt.

Apologia Chemistry

Foerster's Algebra II

Spanish I/II

Latin II

Total Health


ds 11


Ambleside Online/LL 7th grade

R&S Science

WT 2/GWG 5

Triangle Arithmetic (old math book)/Key to...books

Artpac/Art Supplies


Listen to Read-Alouds


ds 9


Ambleside Online/Middle Ages books

Nature Readers/R&S Science

WT 2/MT 2 (old oop grammar book)

Triangle Arithmetic



Listen to Read-Alouds


dd 8


Ambleside Online

Nature Readers

WT 1

Horizons Math



Listen to Read-Alouds


ds 6



Horizons Math



Listen to Read-Alouds

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I just can't decide!.. Here are the three options: vote please!



5th daughter

MFW Exploration to 1850 including the science

BJU English 5


Rosetta Stone Spanish

Continue Spell to Write and Read OR BJU Reading 4 and sequential spelling


7th Son

MFW Exploration to 1850

BJU writing and Grammar 7 OR Easy Grammar OR applications of Grammar

Write at Home online

BJU Physical Science

BJU Literature 7

Rosetta Stone Portugese

sequential spelling




5th daughter

Sonlight Core 3+4

Sonlight Science 4

Sonlight LA OR BJU English 5

Continue Spell to Right and Read'

Rosetta Stone Spanish


7th Son

Sonlight Core 100

BJU Physical Science

Write at Home online

Easy Grammar OR BJU Writing and Grammar 7

Rosetta Stone Portugese

sequential spelling



5th daughter

MFW Exploration to 1850

BJU English 5


Rosetta Stone Spanish

Continue Spell to Right and Read or BJU Reading 4 and sequential Spelling


7th Son

Sonlight Core 100

Write at home online

BJU Physical Science

Easy Grammar or BJU Writing and Grammar7

Rosetta Stone Portugese

Sequential Spelling


I also have an 11th daughter but she is doing something different!






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Guest tinda

alsmot 6 year old doing K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade material, depending on the subject


continue with Spanish using Muzzy

Prima Latina

Singapore Math

Handwriting Without Tears

Chemistry I using Real Science for Kids


continue Suzuki violin

begin piano lessons

chorus for kids

she reads to me from various books

I read to her from classic literature

Spelling Workout A

First Grammar Lessons

general biology following WTM suggestions for 1st grade

swimming lessons

dance lessons

free art

picture study

music appreciation (listening to certain composers while in the car)

at least 4 hours outside, if it's over 55 degrees (DAILY)


Most of this we have been doing or have just begun -- and we do NOT do everything each day!



3 year old:


gentle math intro each day (15 minutes tops, mostly in the form of silly games)


basic phonics (Letter of the Week free online curriculum)


also must be outside at least 4 hours a day, if it's over 55 degrees

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I think I am all set game plan wise and I do have a lot of our curriculum purchased, all used so far.

dd 7th is going to be using:

Lial's BCM

Apologia General with lapbook

Mystery of History 3 (still need to buy)


CLE Language Arts

Latin Prep 2

Lightening Lit


children's choir



dd 2nd

CLE Language Arts

CLE Math

CLE reading

Apologia Elementary Science

SOTW volume 1

Artner's Reading Guide to US History unit 1

Lively Latin



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For my rising 5th grader:



-music: piano

-Math: MUS Epsilon with LOF as a supplement

-Latin: Henle I (MP online class)

-Writing: IEW Theme-based writing (Ancients)

-Greek: Alphabeterion

-Reading: various books from the historical period


Once a week

-History: FMOG, FMOR

-Science: Exploration Education

-Geography: A Child's Geography (The Holy Lands)

-Church History: Peril and Peace series


For my 4yo

-Music: piano

-Math: MUS Primer

-Phonics: CLickNKids, 100ez, Bob books, etc.

-Penmanship: HWT


PE: the 5th grader takes swimming and the 4yo does gymnastics

We do bible study and devotion as a family every night after dinner.

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We have quite a mixture of things going on...baby due in 10 days so we're taking all of April for spring break! Just finished our hours in March, so not too worried if we don't do much til July 1 (that's when our hour counting begins in MO). But, I do plan to get back at it in May & June a little bit, wrapping up a few things we left hanging. Here's the overall plan for 7th & 9th grades:


7th grade ds:

SL 7 w/ TQ AOR I (I plan to write up a plan of how to combine these...)

BJU 8th gr. science

Jacobs Elem. Alg. (did ch. 1 in March)

continue French I, may add in Henle if interest?

continue sequential spelling

Econ - Penny Candy continue (started in March)

Writing - IIW the Grammar of Poetry (love this! started in Feb)


9th gr dd:

SL 7 w/ TQ AOR I

BJU 8th gr. science

TT 7 continue

cont. French

Penny Candy

IIW - poetry

BJU geography


Seems like there's more but I don't have the plan in front of me. Anyone else trying to post stuff here so they can post on fs? I'm a little behind I think or not getting something!




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My 5 year old is going to private school for kindergarten. I will miss him dearly. After much prayer we think this is going to be a blessing for him.


Here's what my second grader will be doing in the fall:


Rod and Staff Grade 1 Reading and Phonics (This curriculum includes bible)

First Language Lessons

Saxon Math 2

Winter Promise Animal Worlds

Veritas Press Old Testament to Ancient Egypt


I started planning already and I think we will have fun!



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