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Couple Ordered to Stop Holding Bible Study at Home Without Permit

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10-15 people does not equal 10-15 cars. That could be as few as 2-3 cars. We have neighbors that regularly have that many extra cars at their homes for various reasons.


Or it could be as many as six or eight cars. In my neighborhood, folks would forgive an occasional gathering of that size, but on a regular basis, given how difficult it would be to get in and out of our streets, there would be a number of complaints.

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What started out as a light hearted rebuttal, quickly went south. I really didn't mean to sound so harsh, I guess I just let my true feelings slip out. I am just always afraid to post here, because I always seem to get slapped. When I posted that quote, I thought to myself, "How can anybody argue with a quote?" Well, I guess I was wrong.


I shouldn't have posted to begin with. I should know better by now. I'll just glean from you guys through lurking. I'm just a wanna be WTM'er.


Oh, and I'm truly not trying to seek pity -- just stating the facts m'am.



Don't worry about it, it's only the internet.:001_smile:


We've all had our hands slapped by Spycar, consider yourself part of the gang now.;)

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http://www.10news.com/news/19595677/detail.html It is about parking someone finally complained about parking.Sheesh - the level of paranoia that certain media try to whip up is astonishing.


It's not paranoia. There was also a complaint about it being an unlawful use of land. Logically, there can be two infractions goingo on at once, right?


Why discount the unlawful use of land just because parking complaints also existed?

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I am just always afraid to post here, because I always seem to get slapped.


Oh, Julie, :grouphug:. Same here. Not because I've been slapped (well, not for a long time)...but because I've watched too many others get slapped. :glare:


But I don't THINK any one was out to get you this time. Don't quit posting ok!?


The quote was a good one and it does not matter WHO quoted it.


Ok...I'm going off to (mostly) lurk again.



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http://www.10news.com/news/19595677/detail.html It is about parking someone finally complained about parking.Sheesh - the level of paranoia that certain media try to whip up is astonishing.


I wish I could understand what saying "Amen" or "Praise the Lord" have to do with parking. I must be dense since it seems obvious to me that this is about much more than parking.


But I don't see how anyone can believe that this story is not about parking, when the parking issues were why the police got called in the first place.


From the article Danestress linked:



Wallar said the county only cares about how any event impacts the surrounding neighborhood.


"We want to make sure -- whether they're on a public road or a private road -- that they're parking safely; that we can get fire trucks in; that we can get police vehicles in," Waller said.



"We honestly don't care what people do inside their homes. That's their business. That's their private right," Wallar said.


If my neighbors called the police because my guests were parking all over the neighborhood, and when the police arrived they found that I was selling my "guests" drugs, would the case still be about parking? If the police don't care what people do inside their homes, why did they ask such specific questions about it?

Edited by LizzyBee
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Okay, I thought the quote was from Churchill. So, I googled the first line and his name together. The poem came up with his name attached, so I assumed I was right. Yes, I should be more sure of my facts before posting. However, as I am obviously not nearly as intelligent as you, I'd have to spend an inordinate amount of time making sure of my facts before posting. Thus, why I rarely post. You probably won't be hearing from me again for a while. Until my stupidity drives me to weigh in on something I obviously have no business talking about.







I don't think you're stupid. :grouphug:


I think it's rude to put a LOL smilie b/c someone misattributes a quote. Why is that funny?

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What started out as a light hearted rebuttal, quickly went south. I really didn't mean to sound so harsh, I guess I just let my true feelings slip out. I am just always afraid to post here, because I always seem to get slapped. When I posted that quote, I thought to myself, "How can anybody argue with a quote?" Well, I guess I was wrong.


I shouldn't have posted to begin with. I should know better by now. I'll just glean from you guys through lurking. I'm just a wanna be WTM'er.


Oh, and I'm truly not trying to seek pity -- just stating the facts m'am.


Oh no, you don't get to go back into the shadows now...We know you're out there! :D


Honestly, if you're getting slapped around it probably shows you have some strong opinions on some of the things here and the passion to speak up about them. Which means you have an interesting voice that the rest of us should get to hear. Trust me, those of us who like to debate have perpetual bruises! :)

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It is not about a parking ticket, it is about many cars parking at once and land use violations of laws that exist to protect the property rights of other homeowners. I would like to read the actual ordinance in question and the law regarding land use by a religious organization to see how the two are intersecting.

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Then the zoning law needs to be changed/removed. Why does it say "religious assembly" and not just "assembly"? And what constitutes an assembly? Number of people? Regularity of meeting?


Still lots of questions.


what if its a book club that meets twice a month for a wine and cheese gathering and then we chat about our books--15 friends attend. then what is it? should i be restricted from having my 15 bffs over in my home? what if i just like to party and have friends over 3-4 times a month? what if i'm participating in a political campaign and my cronies are coming over to make signs and plan strategy every week for eight months...as long as no one is parking illegally or disturbing the peace...why single out the bible study, is all i'm saying...

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I don't think you're stupid. :grouphug:


I think it's rude to put a LOL smilie b/c someone misattributes a quote. Why is that funny?


I sometimes use LOL smilies to show that I'm joking around...I tend to think it's always best to assume the best intentions. Even with smilies it's sometimes hard to sort intentions out on message boards. :)

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Wow. Unless we see people calling in to report Superbowl parties or Mary Kay gatherings being disbanded, I'm going to have to start assuming that that is persecution!


Give me a break. This has been going on on a regular basis (twice a month?) for years, evidently (based on the linked articles.) That's why someone called to complain about the parking. It wasn't a one-time deal like a Mary Kay party or a Superbowl party.


I agree that it's annoying that these people were asked questions about the nature of the gathering, and I'm sure the "religious gathering" language should be stricken from the law, but I think calling it persecution is a stretch.

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should i be restricted from having my 15 bffs over in my home?



LOL This had me in stitches. Too cute! :) hehe If you indeed have 15 bffs I hope you realize what a lucky lady you are! But with your sense of humor I wouldn't be surprised that you had that many friends. :) :grouphug:

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It is not about a parking ticket, it is about many cars parking at once and land use violations of laws that exist to protect the property rights of other homeowners. I would like to read the actual ordinance in question and the law regarding land use by a religious organization to see how the two are intersecting.


I think you hit the nail on the head. If it is a land use issue, regarding parking, they have to comply.


You just dont know about certain ordinances in your area. And San Diego is a mixed bag.


Maybe they could reduce parking issue by having wkly meetings. Tee hee. 5 cars a wk.

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How is it "trying to turn" if the letter the guy recieved specifically told him to stop his religious assembly???? A issue of parking would mention no such thing.


What I meant was that by leaving out the fact that the reason the police were called there in the first place was that the neighbors had complained about parking issues, it kind of left the impression that the police showed up for the sole purpose of harassing people at their Bible study. I guess what it really boils down to is this: not knowing all the facts, I'm willing to give the police officers the benefit of the doubt. I have had very good experiences with police officers in my life, and I have a lot of respect for the incredibly difficult and sometimes thankless job that they do. But I am, based on personal experience, somewhat less willing to give the media the benefit of the doubt! They have a clear motive ($$$) for blowing things out of proportion and getting attention. And they've gotten really good at doing just that.

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What I meant was that by leaving out the fact that the reason the police were called there in the first place was that the neighbors had complained about parking issues, it kind of left the impression that the police showed up for the sole purpose of harassing people at their Bible study. I guess what it really boils down to is this: not knowing all the facts, I'm willing to give the police officers the benefit of the doubt. I have had very good experiences with police officers in my life, and I have a lot of respect for the incredibly difficult and sometimes thankless job that they do. But I am, based on personal experience, somewhat less willing to give the media the benefit of the doubt! They have a clear motive ($$$) for blowing things out of proportion and getting attention. And they've gotten really good at doing just that.


I don't believe this was a police officer, but rather a city official from a particular office. Very different.

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I have to add that like this pastor, I also live on a cul de sac, and I can't imagine calling the police on my neighbors who constantly have company, sometimes a lot of it. For a while, they were part of a home church that sometimes met in their home. Sometimes their guests park on our side of the property and sometimes they're even a little bit on our grass. Sometimes they sit outside and we can hear them laughing or playing music (but not obscenely loud - that would bother me!). I'm more concerned about remembering to watch out for their vehicles when I'm backing out of my driveway than thinking they shouldn't be there. I hope my grass or property line never becomes more important than the relationships I have with my neighbors!!!

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I don't believe this was a police officer, but rather a city official from a particular office. Very different.


I could have sworn that I had read it was an officer who originally showed up. But I went back and looked at the article and it said "county code enforcement officer". Whatever that means. :) I guess my mind zeroed in on the word officer and didn't notice those modifiers. Sorry!

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I could have sworn that I had read it was an officer who originally showed up. But I went back and looked at the article and it said "county code enforcement officer". Whatever that means. :) I guess my mind zeroed in on the word officer and didn't notice those modifiers. Sorry!


Totally understand ;)

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Just curious, but do we know that they didn't try that?

One would hope (we know it's not always the case) that the pastor would have mentioned it in his interviews or that an interviewer would have thought to have asked, "have any neighbours ever come to you with a complaint or concern?"

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I haven't read the whole thread.....


But the pastor said this morning on the news that his neighbors were fine with the parking issue and that the caller was actually a visitor of one of the neighbors. He says that he has talked to his neighbors and they are fine with what he's doing.....something like that.....I wasn't listening that closely :)


I wasn't sure if someone mentioned that already.

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Things must be different in San Diego because here, the street in front of your house is fair game for parking...public property...no one owns it. The only thing you have control over is your own driveway. No one else can park in your driveway or block your access to it. But people can park in the street in front of your house and there is nothing you can do about it.

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Okay, I thought the quote was from Churchill. So, I googled the first line and his name together. The poem came up with his name attached, so I assumed I was right. Yes, I should be more sure of my facts before posting. However, as I am obviously not nearly as intelligent as you, I'd have to spend an inordinate amount of time making sure of my facts before posting. Thus, why I rarely post. You probably won't be hearing from me again for a while. Until my stupidity drives me to weigh in on something I obviously have no business talking about.




Ah Julie, I was trying to be light-hearted. I really didn't mean to make you feel bad. Honestly. I'm sorry.



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Or it could be as many as six or eight cars. In my neighborhood, folks would forgive an occasional gathering of that size, but on a regular basis, given how difficult it would be to get in and out of our streets, there would be a number of complaints.


I'm just pointing out that we don't know all the facts. Saying 10-15 people doesn't tell us anything. Saying 2,4,6 or 15 cars does.


From the way things are apparently worded, it wouldn't matter if everyone walked there. They would be in violation. I'll be watching to see how this pans out.

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Things must be different in San Diego because here, the street in front of your house is fair game for parking...public property...no one owns it. The only thing you have control over is your own driveway. No one else can park in your driveway or block your access to it. But people can park in the street in front of your house and there is nothing you can do about it.


It is not just San Diego. We have restrictions in our neighborhood for just these types of problems. Occasionally gatherings and such are fine. But no one in our neighborhood wants the streets clogged on a regular basis.

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Let's see?


Fox News. World Net Daily.


They wouldn't skew the news for their own purposes. Would they?



:lol::lol::lol: Of course not. Media is always objective, honest and fair. Just look at all the homeschooling stories.


On a more serious note: I'd need to know more about this, and I'm not so sure I'm going to get this from the media.

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Don't worry about it, it's only the internet.:001_smile:


We've all had our hands slapped by Spycar, consider yourself part of the gang now.;)



Yes, I think Spy Car and I have had our disagreements, but he's never been mean and we're friends now. I've been corrected and have corrected on this board. Lots of learning.

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