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Care to share your chiropractic stories? Also, anyone correct scoliosis by chiro?

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Thanks. I'd love to hear your stories, good or bad. I have an 8 yo dd with an S curve in her back. Do you think this can be remedied?


My chiro story is regarding my MIL. Her first two pregnancies ended in miscarriages due to a tipped pelvis/uterus. She went to a chiropractor, THE Dr. Gonstead. After he treated her (not sure of the number of treatments, I'll have to ask) she went on to full term with each of her pregnancies and had 10 kids!

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I've been to 3 Chiropractors, all highly recommended by friends, all well known in the community. I was trying to give them a chance. Trying not to let one bad experience spoil my feelings about them. All three were Quacks with a capital Q. I will never go again.


The stories are long. Suffice it to say that I am not over reacting and these Dr's would be considered Quacks by ANYONE'S standards so long as they had an iota of common sense.


Oh, OK....I HAVE to tell just one.


This "DR." was a father of 8 homeschooled children and claimed to be a Christian. I went to him for severe sciatic pain. He said he was going to test the levels of nutrients in my body. After the "test" for which he charged me $50, he told me I was deficient in calcium and several other nutrients.


He took no blood test. This is how he could tell. He told me to put 2 fingers on my face right next to my nose, and my right arm up in the air extended. He pressed down on my arm with his hand and told me to resist. Then he placed a plastic vial filled with calcium on my skin. Then he pressed down on my arm again. He claimed that I was weaker in my resistance the second time and that proved that I was low in calcium.


Ackkkkk.!!!!!!!!!! I asked him how my body became weak because a plastic vial of calcium was touching my skin. He said, "Well, it's sort of like Magnadoodle. You know, the magnet can still effect the iron flecks though the plastic." I KID YOU NOT!!!!! I asked him why my 2 fingers had to be touching my face right next to my nose. He said it was due to energy fields, pressure points or some such thing, but that the test wouldn't work unless my fingers were there. OMG.


I told him that I take tums several times a day and drink about a quart of milk a day not to mention all the cheese and yogurt I eat. He said that those kinds of calcium were not being used properly by my body and that I needed a different kind of calcium that I could get in the supplement he was holding in his hand. It was only $46! Ah.......


I told him point blank he needed to go to a real college and take some science classes and then go to church and learn about being honest.


He was a graduate of a prestigeous chiropractic college. I don't get it, don't they teach them scientific stuff there?????

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I know that there are different "methods" of chiro. I absolutely LOVE our chiro. I would think that if it's something any chiro can do, he could! I would recommed going in for a consult and making sure that you don't give your daughter any "scared" vibes. When the kids are little here, the chiro gives them "hugs" and most things pop right into place.... As they get older...he starts really adjusting them.(more...the hugs....and little adjustments count, too!) When my daughter(step) was younger I had her adjusted for something?? can't remember what it was called...and then she had Ortho gels for her shoes for a couple of years... I love chiros...well...most of 'em. Make sure they kinda do a mini little rub on the spot...and then ours does Snap Crackle Pop...feels better:-)


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Thanks. I'd love to hear your stories, good or bad. I have an 8 yo dd with an S curve in her back. Do you think this can be remedied?


My chiro story is regarding my MIL. Her first two pregnancies ended in miscarriages due to a tipped pelvis/uterus. She went to a chiropractor, THE Dr. Gonstead. After he treated her (not sure of the number of treatments, I'll have to ask) she went on to full term with each of her pregnancies and had 10 kids!


I was treated as a kid for mild scoliosis by a chiro. That worked for me. However if it is more severe, she may need to be treated with braces or surgery. I don't think chiro will help with those cases.

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I have been to 3 different Chiropractors. I have had good experiences with pain management with them. However, I have yet to meet one who did not believe in life-long treatment.


I was pretty skeptical about chiropractic until I was pregnant with my 3rd child and I had excruciating back pain. My midwife insisted that I see one. Well, after 3 visits, I was pain free. I continued to go, because if I went more than a week without adjustments, the pain was there. I went on to have a 2 hour, uncomplicated delivery with that baby.


A couple years later, the pain returned and I had pain in my neck. (I have suffered with low-level back pain since childhood, but it was pretty much ignored.) I went to a different chiro (closer to home.) He did x-rays, which showed I have degenerative disc disease in my neck (C5) and my lower back (L5-S1). I had treatment from him for a couple years. At first, it was intensive (3 times a week) which then moved to every 2 weeks. Whenever we tried to go to once a month, the pain would get worse. After several years with this guy, I became frustrated because I had new pain (new locations) but he did not look for a cause, nor did he change his treatment. After one treatment where I left in more pain than when I walked in, I stopped going.


Last summer, I decided to take care of the "whole" me and went to a multi-disciplinary sports medicine place. I needed work on my knees (patella-femoral syndrome) and my back. I had the full gamut of x-rays and a full PT evaluation. I was worked on by physical therapists and by a chiropractor. This chiropractor was pretty helpful (he was the one who sent me to get an MRI and found out that I have 2 herniated discs, and I have several healed spinal fractures). I just didn't feel that I was getting the chiropractic care I needed and the physical therapists didn't help my knees. (They were giving me exercises for men, not for women, and made the knee problem worse.)


I would like to continue treatment, but need someone a little closer to home and someone who will not pressure me to do long term expensive treatment. The best one I saw was the first one. He would not work on me until one of his students gave me a massage. He felt that muscle tightness gets in the way of treatment.


There are a million chiros out there and they all practice differently. Some are more into the "quackery" side of things and some are into just what they teach in school.


KateMary - your chiro was doing something called muscle testing. It is a pretty "out there" treatment. I know someone who firmly believes in it and her son is a different person since they did this. I, like you, am much more skeptical. At any rate, I don't think a chiro is trained to do this properly. There is an organization called NAET that does this type of therapy.

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We love our current chiropractor. I grew up getting adjustments so I didn't find anything unusual about taking my children. My youngest had scoliosis that was "fixed" with chiro. There are many different types of chiropractors out there; you kind of have to try them on to see who fits you. The one we have now was very VERY gentle with the kids when he started seeing them. He played with them and went very slowly in their adjustments, getting them used to the momentary pressure. He does what a pp mentioned, where he rubs the spot to be adjusted first before doing it.


I have another doctor who is our DAN (defeat autism now) doc and he is also a chiropractor. I do not let him adjust us. He's a cookie-cutter type doc, snap... crackle... pop... no matter what. He doesn't personalize his adjustment to the need of the patient and he actually made me feel worse physicall speaking, after an adjustment so I stopped letting him adjust us.


I went to my mom's chiro when I was visiting her last year. She kept saying he was hurting her. Yep, he was... he hurt me and treated the kids like little walking money machines. I told my mom not to go back to him - anyone who treats all patients the same is not in the healing business, they're in the money business, IMO.


I believe what a pp mentioned about the calcium was a form of muscle testing - although not a form I've heard of before. It has to do with the electrical system of the body but very few chiros jump straight into that; it's kinda weird that the one doc did that. Muscle testing can be an accurate guide but it sounds like he was a bit of a scheister with trying to immediately sell you one of his supplements...


I highly recommend chiropractic care to anyone looking to naturally correct a problem. If you get a good one, the things they can put back into balance in the body will surprise you. You'll know pretty quick if you got a quack.

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I have had chiropractic care all through out my life. And in all instances I have had my issues resolved.


When I was around 8 or 9 I had issues with something being off in my back and pelvic region resulting in one of my legs feeling longer then the other. After continued treatment it was corrected. I still occasionally have the off balance again but is corrected with simple adjustment.


Then when I had my ds the doctor sprained my leg back in delivery and I could not walk for weeks and had to use a walker. I started chiropractic care after trying all kinds of other alternatives and finally found relief and was corrected after a bunch of treatments.


And then now my whole family is in treatment after we were rear ended a few months ago. We all have various degrees of whiplash and have been getting treatment over the last 6 months. My ds really notices when he needs to have an appointment again and immediately finds relief after adjustment.


So needless to say, after these elaborate details (sorry), our family believes in chiropractic care. With anything, I am sure that there are some quacks out there who treat the practice in a way that suits their beliefs and lifestyle which may be a little bizarre. The key is finding someone who fits your style and meets your expectations.

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I go the the chiro 1 time a month now. I discovered chiro two years ago when I had a disk bulging (L5 wrapped around S1). This is a lower lumbar disk and it was wrapped around the root of a nerve causing much pain and discomfort to me. Anyway, initially it took several visits, but it really helped. I was in good shape for a little over a year. Then another disk herniated to the center of my spinal column. They can't really help much with that. Eventually, I had surgery, then the same disk herniated from the other side back to the center of the spinal column. This was emergency surgery as it was on a weekend and my motor nerve was affected. Anyway, I love my chiro. He helps keep my back aligned and also helps my foot which was injured several years ago. He is gentle and when I did need surgery, he knew he couldn't help me anymore. He knows his limitations as a chiro.

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I am a medical skeptic because of hard experience with my DH's spinal problems. Doesn't matter if it's traditional or alternative medicine, there's some out that will help, and some that will not. My FIL's chiropractor missed hairline fractures in two vertebrae and did more damage. A surgeon didn't do the correct surgery the first time on my husband which resulted in more surgeries and permanent disability. If any professional is not helping you or doesn't pass the "smell" test, you move on.


Some scoliosis can be corrected by a chiropractor and/or physical therapy, but some cannot. Some will require seeing a back specialist in scoliosis who may prescribe bracing or even surgery. If it was me, I frankly would get several opinions from several different types of professionals before pursuing any kind of treatment. I had scoliosis as a child that wasn't treated completely, and I am suffering in middle age. It's something you want handled correctly.

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You can't "correct" scoliosis. Posture and various other things can slightly improve a curve - but once you have it, you have it. Unless you have surgery.


A brace does nothing more than STOP the curve in it's tracks. It does NOT straighten it at all.


Because of your DD's age, she falls in a special group of kids with Scoliosis. I think that chiropractic care can help with various issues, but with an 8yo with a diagnosis of Scoliosis - there would be no messing around. Puberty growth spurts will make it worse.


My middle child was diagnosed by a doctor at the local urgent care. He happens to be BOTH a MD and a Chiropractor (and owns the Urgent Care Center). He urged in my 8yo that she be treated by an Orthopedic.


For the record - i have 2 with it, my oldest is in a brace. She has about 6 months worth left in it (her hip growth plates are about closed), since going into the brace her curve stopped. She went from 11 degrees to 26 in 6 months time.


My Middle child is sitting at about 15 degrees, not a lot of progress at this point - but they watch her like a hawk. Her growth disorder complicates hers too (especially when she is on her growth hormones, which is what kicked it off - they didn't cause it, if you are going to have it, then you will have it, but they accelerated the process).


you will however find a variety of differing opinions on the subject. I urge you to do your OWN research and do what you are comfortable with....

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Thanks. I'd love to hear your stories, good or bad. I have an 8 yo dd with an S curve in her back. Do you think this can be remedied?


My chiro story is regarding my MIL. Her first two pregnancies ended in miscarriages due to a tipped pelvis/uterus. She went to a chiropractor, THE Dr. Gonstead. After he treated her (not sure of the number of treatments, I'll have to ask) she went on to full term with each of her pregnancies and had 10 kids!

We go to a chiro regularly. He is wonderful. We have never had problems like you are describing but our Dr is very honest and up front about what can and can not be done.

To katemary63 our Dr does muscle testing every visit. He also sells vit. but tells you up front what to look for in a good vit and if you can find it elsewhere for less to get it.

There needs to be an understanding of the meridian points in your body and how the electoral system of our body works. It is real and by adjusting the meridian point can bring much healing. I was skeptical to start also but also felt very strongly that God had let us to this Dr. so I obeyed, started the treatments and put my faith in God that He would not mislead me.

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To katemary63 our Dr does muscle testing every visit. He also sells vit. but tells you up front what to look for in a good vit and if you can find it elsewhere for less to get it.

There needs to be an understanding of the meridian points in your body and how the electoral system of our body works. It is real and by adjusting the meridian point can bring much healing. I was skeptical to start also but also felt very strongly that God had let us to this Dr. so I obeyed, started the treatments and put my faith in God that He would not mislead me.



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A couple of my aunts and uncles were strong believers in chiropractors. The chiros missed my cousins' curved spines and they had to wear back braces as teens.


Our GP caught my sister's problem early (one leg was shorter, which would have led to a curved spine eventually) He put her into special shoes to compensate for the leg difference. Eventually her legs evened out and she never needed a back brace.

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My mother took me to a chiropractor when I was a teen, which certainly helped. When I was an adult and having trouble again, I went back for a short time. This was a well respected chiropractor, but I stopped going because he wouldn't tell me what he was doing. My body, I have rights to that information! I guess he didn't like being questioned by someone he knew as a kid *shrug* Anyway, found another who was great. He did insist, well insist is too strong a word, recommend I follow a course of treatment which involved x-rays then twice weekly visits for a few weeks, weekly for another few, then easing off to fortnightly. In theory, easing off to monthly then three monthly visits, but I am still carrying small children around so that won't be happening any time soon! It was VERY expensive, but to be honest, I'd be leery if I started with a new chiropractor who didn't want to see xrays, and who didn't have a recommended course of treatment. If this guy had have said "You have to do this," I'd have been out of there like a shot, but they schedule a long appointment the first time you attend so they can talk you through what they do and why. I will be grateful to that guy forever for fixing up my rather nasty period pain!

When we moved towns, I had to go shopping for a new chiropractor. I went to the one nearest my house and asked the receptionist how the chiro diagnosed the problems. "He just knows, because your body tells him." Needless to say I went elsewhere. Heck, if the receptionist can't do better than that, I don't want to see the chiropractor! The next one I tried, the receptionist ummed and ahhed briefly before admitting, panickly, that it was only her second day on the job so she didn't know! One of her co-workers came to rescue her, gave me a brief description and suggested I schedule an appointment to talk to the chiro, with no obligation to stay for an adjustment. Turns out this chap has 4 kids and is pursuing further studies in pediatric chiropractoring so that helped me feel safe.

So, he keeps the kids and I in good order, will answer any questions I ask (even about local politicians, lol!) and has a very good replacement for when he's on holidays. He can't fix my problems, because carting toddlers around is too much strain on the body, but he does his best. When I've weaned my last, I'll start putting some effort into pilates or something to strengthen my back, and I should then be able to cut back from fortnightly (only take the kids monthly) to less frequent visits.

There are different styles of adjustments. Some people will swear by one practitioner and you might think they're a quack. Or vise versa. It's a good idea to educate yourself about what chiropractics is, and what it's meant to solve so you know what you are looking for.


Good luck,


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Thanks. I'd love to hear your stories, good or bad. I have an 8 yo dd with an S curve in her back. Do you think this can be remedied?





My chiro has scoliosis himself, not that you could tell, and he's always very willing to answer questions about it. I've been to a few chiropractors. He's the second one I've visited here in AZ and he is MUCH better than the first one I visited!


Anyway, if you'd like his number, please send me a PM. I'll be glad to give it to you.

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My brother is a dedicated chiro- unfortunately he doesn't live in the same state as me. My dad told me a couple of days ago that my aunt, who had an accident 20 years ago and has had chronic back pain ever since- and who previously refused to try chiropractic- visited and had 4 sessions with my brother. After the first session, she was walking without her stick. She went home feeling very different. She is a medical doctor- very sceptical- I am glad she gave it a go.


A homeschooling friend of mine used to visit a chiro regularly. The chiro was the one who diagnosed her liver cancer- he sent her to the doctor and it was true. She is still alive.


A few weeks ago I was suddenly crippled with neck pain, my head pulled over onto my right shoulder, in agony, unable to move. I have scoliosis which basically needs regular maintenance in the form of stretching exercises, and I had been slack with my yoga for quite a while.

My dh got me up and moving- he used to be a massuer specialising in back and neck pain- and I literally had to walk around the house for 5 hours non stop- if I stopped, I locked up. Lying down was agony- walking hurt but was so much better. I have never felt so much pain except in chidlbirth.

After 2 days, I went to an emergency chiro. After one session, I was so much better- but I overdid it and relapsed. After 5 sessions in about 10 days, I was completely better.


I doubt chiro can fix scoliosis in an adult- although perhaps in a child whose bones are still forming. However, my scoliosis is not much of a problem as long as I keep my back flexible, and visit the chiro every now and then.

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Honestly I don't put any faith in anything quackwatch says but that's just me. ;) I have used kinesiology on myself and my children and find it to be fairly accurate; not always accurate but helpful, kind of like lab tests.


So this should be applicable to our 8yo daughter, who is severely allergic to peanuts, right? If I put a jar of Skippy (smooth, not chunky) in her hand, she should practically collapse to the floor, right?


Wanna put a wager on the outcome?

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So this should be applicable to our 8yo daughter, who is severely allergic to peanuts, right? If I put a jar of Skippy (smooth, not chunky) in her hand, she should practically collapse to the floor, right?


Wanna put a wager on the outcome?


I have children with anaphylactic food allergies and have on many occassions had to use an epipen to bring them out of it. I'm not looking for a fight, just sharing my opinion about something that we have found to be a useful tool.

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So there should be a measurable effect, right?


When I have had it done on myself, holding foods with sugar in them make me weak (I am intolerant of sugar). It has been harder to do on the children, and they are more than intolerant - they're anaphylactic like your child - but I did take one of the kids to a NAET practitioner and she tried to clear her of one of her anaphylactic allergies. It didn't work. To me it's a guiding tool to be used with common sense. No way would I give my child a glass of milk to hold but there is some use in understanding the electrical system of the body and how to use that information. But when I introduce a new food, I usually muscle test them first to make sure it's not going to make them weak.


And it's ok if you think that's weird. :001_smile:

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Thanks. I'd love to hear your stories, good or bad. I have an 8 yo dd with an S curve in her back. Do you think this can be remedied?


My chiro story is regarding my MIL. Her first two pregnancies ended in miscarriages due to a tipped pelvis/uterus. She went to a chiropractor, THE Dr. Gonstead. After he treated her (not sure of the number of treatments, I'll have to ask) she went on to full term with each of her pregnancies and had 10 kids!


My dd7 is being treated by a chiro right now for the beginning stages of scoliosis. Her feet were really turning in too which was why we took her in the first place. He said scoliosis can usually be treated by chiro if it has not gone too far. It really is helping her.

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