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Can I hear an "it's all ok" please!

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I got the labs back and a place I had is a basal cell skin cancer. THey removed it this morning with a little surgery. I will get labs back to see if all was gotten I think at the next visit next week to get stitches out.


SO, I'm a tiny bit freaked -- I know it is ok, right? But a little weirded out. But it really is nothing, right? I don't need to worry endlessly, right? Just feeling kind mildly popped in the gut so my belly is up in my throat and was hoping for some reassurances.


So, I am taking today AND next week off. I am just fried!

thanks for coming to my little pity party here.

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My mother in law had some spots like that on her arm. It was a long time ago. I only had one child at the time, so it was at least 20 years ago. The spots were removed and this has never come back.


I would be fried too, but looking at this objectively, I think you will have a positive outcome. Of course if they were MY cells I would be reacting just as you are!!!

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Thanks! My head, intellectually, knows that it is really a smallie, not a biggie. But hearing the words kind of did me in for a bit. And the area is not all that comfortable right now. Again, smallie, not a biggie. Just need a wee bit of time to process information and all. Thankful it is not something much worse. Thankful it is going to be fine. Just a little scared initially. And it is itching like mad with the numbing starting to wear off and the stitches settling in. Very annoying.


Sometimes a little commiserating is helpful. Thanks for that!:)

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My mom had this on her leg two years ago. She actually went in because of a different spot, but the doc told her he thought this particular one looked like basal cell. He was right. Like you, she had it removed, had stitches, and went back the next week to have them removed. She's been fine ever since. Hang in there!



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Ok, honest here. It is on my chest, right next to my, you know. ANd the whole blasted , you know, is itching and stuff. Really really driving me batty! I am trying to keep my hands busy with typing or knitting to take my mind off the itching but GAH -- how to relieve that? Any ideas?


Thanks, I do know it will be fine. The time to process it helped. You all helped. I just needed a bit of time to read and think. Now I am ok with it. Just the doggone itching is ARGH!!!!

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Ok, honest here. It is on my chest, right next to my, you know. ANd the whole blasted , you know, is itching and stuff. Really really driving me batty! I am trying to keep my hands busy with typing or knitting to take my mind off the itching but GAH -- how to relieve that? Any ideas?


Thanks, I do know it will be fine. The time to process it helped. You all helped. I just needed a bit of time to read and think. Now I am ok with it. Just the doggone itching is ARGH!!!!



Ish. What an awful spot to have itching discomfort. Bless your heart. Now I feel itchy on your behalf.

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Just a little commiseration!


I had two spots, one kind of large, the other small, removed from my NOSE this past December. I *totally* understand your feelings. Like you, my head says "it's all going to be OK, this is the kind of skin cancer to get" and my heart is going "Hey, I'm 39! I'm too young for this! I don't want to spend the rest of my life getting this done!"


Wishing this is the last one you ever get. (((((hugs))))


If you are interested in trying an untested "natural remedy" on other spots, PM me and I'll send you a link to something I tried on a spot similar to the ones I had removed with surgery. It's weird, but it seemed to work! :o


Oh, and for the itching, the only thing I can recommend is perhaps a little gentle pressure, or itching the *opposite* side - it's supposed to trick the body somehow.

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I totally understand what your are going through. I had a lump in my bre*st earlier in the year and they biopsied it and didn't feel like it was a big deal but I was a mess. The first time I felt it my knees almost gave out. But all was fine, it's the not knowing that is hard huh? I'm sure all will be fine are we going to the museum next week since your off? :)

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I totally understand what your are going through. I had a lump in my bre*st earlier in the year and they biopsied it and didn't feel like it was a big deal but I was a mess. The first time I felt it my knees almost gave out. But all was fine, it's the not knowing that is hard huh? I'm sure all will be fine are we going to the museum next week since your off? :)



Do you all remember what a total drama queen I was a couple years ago when I had that ovarian tumor?:rolleyes: Sheesh, you'd have thought I'd invented tumors. I tied the board up for weeks whining about that thing.


Certain things are just so scary.


Can I come to the museum too? Oh wait, I bet I would have to drive on I40 to get to you, wouldn't I? Well, that's not going to happen.:p

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They find this thousands of times a day across America. I had this while pregnant and they couldn't even do anything about it until after I delivered. The first couple of things they tried didn't work and I *was* beginning to get a little antsy. Finally, they did the culposcopy and that took care of it. They've really gotten good at handling this sort of anomoly. I'm sure it will be fine. We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers,



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Thanks so much for the support. Thinking about it has given some perspective.


I went in 2 weeks ago to have some moles removed. I was aware they were odd but not thinking anything bad. I thought I was just being preventative. I was unaware that what they did was to take a biopsy of the one place. I thought it was being removed and sent to the lab, not sampled and sent to the lab.


Then I go in yesterday thinking they are checking to make sure it was healing ok. He walks in and just says, "It was a basal cell carcinoma. See, here is the lab report. That is the best kind to have. We'll go take that out now."


Ok, ummm, excuse me while I throw up. You just said the C word with respect to me!


They take me to another room. He comes back after I was numbed up and told me his motivation for how he told me. He was sorry to spring it on me like that. He thought that's what it was the first time I came in. He did not want me to get worked up and upset while waiting for the lab reports and he prefers to do it in person. So, he tells me what it was, and then immediately, they do the little surgery to remove it. Then I am not sitting around waiting and wondering.


While I don't agree entirely with his method, I do understand. He could have told me did just a biopsy the first day. He could have said something like it was because he wanted to know what kind of thing it was in order to best remove it. But I do appreciate not sitting here for the past 2 weeks and freaking out over the possibility of cancer or something.


So for half a day, I processed it instead. I'll take that time frame over the 2 weeks. Not a biggie. I just really did need to take it in and figure it out. It is ok. I am mostly not worried. Well, a tiny bit, but who isn't? In the scheme of things, I'll take this over most other stuff. But we all need to be allowed to feel what we are feeling in order to deal with what we get, you know! Thanks for being there to help with that!


Odds are, I might have more some day. I am fair and had a few whopper burns in my day. It this happens again, as long as it is just this, not so bad. I hope nothing more and am going to think that way!


Now, I am going to pamper myself with a day of relaxing and knitting. Anyone care to join me?:D

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I had a spot on my chest (the part that always show with a v-neck) that turned out to be the basal C word! I was totally scared to death. Just the mention of cancer and I thought it was the beginning of the end! I cried off and on for days! As it turned out, it was really okay. They removed it about 6 years ago and no problems since! It's just amazing the stigma one word can carry!


I'm glad they caught yours so soon! Try not worry about it! I know its hard not to, but it really will be OK! ;)




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That's kind of where mine it. Just left of center and not quite on the bre*ast. Very close to the v-neck reveal spot.


Kelli -- let's CHitty Chitty Bang Bang you past I-40 so you can do the museum with us! (I am totally with you on that) Even going into Knox. on that road can give me the willies. I don't go there often, that's for certain!

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I just wanted to say thanks for all the support and all. I am feeling much much better about things (cramps -- bad ones -- did not help the frame of mind on Friday either). I am just thankful for the better report rather than the bad one.


But you all still understood the need to feel it and work through it. Thanks for lifting me up when I needed it!

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Yeah, that's wonderful! Dh had a spot of it removed from his nose several years ago and hasn't had a recurrence. His dad has had many spots over the years, both basal and squamous. Pale skinned and red highlights to their brown hair. Scottish heritage. Some folks just aren't meant for sun exposure. Good thing he lives in NY where we don't have to worry about that! Ha ha.


Blessings to you, and don't worry. It's more common than most people realize and not as bad as most people worry that it is.


I join you in a Mike's toast!

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Oh that is WONDERFUL news!!:)


Have a blessed weekend!


By the way, we're getting our first snow in years here in north Mississippi and in MARCH! Crazy. It won't last long, but it's nice to see the white stuff every now and then. And the funny thing is that we had park day with our homeschool group yesterday with gorgeous spring 67 degree weather!!

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