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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. One more idea: My costume hater briefly toyed with being Three Hole Punch Jim (from The Office) this year. I found a t-shirt on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KW62VZD/?coliid=I21PPEN1VFQTL4&colid=1UVYM77JSKB2V&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  2. My costume hater will wear a hat of some sort from Party City, and then maybe coordinate clothes accordingly: https://www.partycity.com/costume-accessories-hats Edited to add: Peruvian hats or baseball style caps are preferred. She is wearing a Where's Waldo baseball cap this year. Add jeans and a striped shirt. She owns a purple minion peruvian hat and has worn it in the past with a purple shirt and jeans.
  3. I can only speak about my little corner of the world in South Texas. I think masks will be required until most everyone is vaccinated. I hope that is no later than summer 2021. I think my church will remain open with masks required. That is wonderful for my family because it is a huge part of our lives. I think no more lockdowns except for bars possibly. I don't drink so I don't care. I think I will still get curbside grocery pickup because it's so convenient. I think dd's college will continue offering mostly online or "blended" classes and not allow any clubs to meet in person. Dd belongs to a religious college group that meets off-campus because they aren't allowed to meet on-campus, and it has been a true mental health saver. Blended classes will be once a week at best, masks required and plexiglass and social distancing. I wonder how many kids will withdraw because this is not the college experience anyone wanted. But what else are they going to do with their time? I hope our numbers get low enough (single digit new cases every day is my personal standard) for me to go back to Yoga at the gym. I am hoping that happens in the next two or three weeks, but I am not counting on it. I think that where I am, things will be not terrible because people are really trying. Plus our weather is pretty nice in winter and people get outside. So I am optimistic about the next six months, in my corner of the world.
  4. I slightly renamed myself with all the glitchiness and confusion, but I don't think my account was deleted. I could search my old use name and get stuff to come up.
  5. We have a towel ring attached to the upper cabinet on the left hand side of the sink. Like this: https://www.amazon.com/Franklin-Brass-Kinla-Rubbed-Bronze/dp/B017W5HPGM/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=towel+ring&qid=1602419353&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyRzRITjFFSTNNVllMJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzI3NDk1T0FNNDFWU1NFV0tGJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA0MTQxNTExWk5MU01CUzgxNjFPJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
  6. I get baby wipes (unscented) from the grocery store. They are in plastic bags instead of canisters, but they still work great. I can buy a three pack of them, just added to my regular curbside grocery order.
  7. Wet wipes. Wet wipes in both bathrooms. Wet wipes in the kitchen. Makes it so easy to quickly wipe counters and things. Can't get the Clorox wipes these days, but the unscented baby wipes do just fine. Also, leaving enough time to tidy up when I'm working on a project. When I was younger, I used up all my energy on the project and then was too tired to clean up. Now I hold energy in reserve and maybe leave some of the project for a different day, just so I have time and energy to clean up. Keeping the living room tidy. Just putting things away when we're done. It makes such a difference. Pre-sorting the laundry. We own so many hampers, but that allows us to sort our laundry as we remove it from our bodies, saving a big step.
  8. Yes! I thought it was just me. I keep looking for the setting to change it, and I can't find it.
  9. Stiff soled shoes are all they used to do for broken toes. My dd has broken her pinky toe before and literally, the doctor said stiff soled shoes. I feel like he may even have given us a medical boot thing that velcros. At least one of the times. (she's broken it a couple times.)
  10. I agree with Sherry. I would get gray felt and make a horseshoe pillow. Black felt circles on the ends.
  11. I would not include 8th grade classes in a transcript, especially since she attended a private high school and presumably has met their graduation requirements. Plus the private school should be providing a transcript of her high school years. No advice on the outside courses actually taken during high school except that it sounds like she took them from the same place. Can they provide a transcript or record of sorts?
  12. Moonhawk has been the high point of this thread, but I did want to say from further upthread, that "buggy bay" is about the cutest term I've ever heard for a cart corral.
  13. In Texas, your homeschool is a private school that determines your own graduation requirements, and therefore you do not NEED Economics to graduate. However, if you are like me, I look at the university's requirements and try to meet them. I did use Dave Ramsey and call it Economics. It is a sort of individual economics and I'm checking their box my way. It does cover production, consumption, and transer of wealth, but mainly by an individual person. We also touched on Adam Smith a little in our history book, so I was very comfortable calling our Dave Ramsey course Economics on my transcript. The university had no problem with it.
  14. Our whole family got it in August, the week before college started. Last year, flu came early to campus and was RAMPANT. Dd didn't get it (lives at home) nor did we. Yay, flu shot!
  15. I must also add that I love my bikini. I use it as underwear underneath my rash guard and capris. I love that we have so many body-hiding options these days. I would have loved even the swim shorts they have now when I was a thin, but self-conscious teenager. Modern swimwear is the bomb.
  16. Yes. And I live in a beach town so I also see them in the grocery store and the big box store. I don't care. I am very perplexed, however, by the current trend of the bikini bottoms wedged IN the booty so the entire booty shows. It looks so uncomfortable to me. It makes me want to shift in my seat on their behalf (we do a lot of staring at the ocean from the car, and bikinis pass by on occasion.)
  17. Maps Charts Graphs. My dd did the whole series during her grades 5-7, I want to say. (I didn't discover them until then.) They are leveled by letters on the cover, not grade numbers. We started with book A and continued on in order. https://www.rainbowresource.com/hSearch.jhtm?keyword=maps+charts+graphs
  18. Not entirely sure what you are looking for, but Prufrock Press (prufrock.com) has several books on the different decades in America. Exploring America in the ... (1950s, for instance). They have website references and book suggestions (textbooks anyway, can't tell about others). The table of contents might spark some thoughts. There is a Look Inside feature so you can see some of the books. Here is a link to the 60s book: https://www.prufrock.com/Exploring-America-in-the-1960s-Our-Voices-Will-Be-Heard-Grades-6-8-P1897.aspx
  19. As a Cat Who fan myself, I can say that very few book series are as good, in that same genre. Mrs. Pollifax books might be enjoyed. They are very good. The MC Beaton series with Hamish MacBeth is decent. Nothing really tops Cat Who though. If Catholic, the Andrew Greeley mysteries are enjoyable and well-written and well-vocabularied (even though I just made up that word), like the Cat Who books. She might like them even if not Catholic, but it lends a certain background knowledge that is helpful. I read a Gervase Phinn book, The Other Side of the Dale, that was quite wonderful. She definitely would enjoy that.
  20. Sounds like it's time to have a meeting with the hubby and put in your two weeks notice.
  21. Thank you, Lanny! This had dropped completely off my radar.
  22. Remedia Publications makes a great outlining workbook for 4th grade. Here is a link: https://www.rainbowresource.com/product/022861/Beginning-Outlining-Grades-3-4.html In fact, it used to be recommended in one of the WTM books. That's how I heard of it. My dd used both workbooks by Remedia on Outlining. (The other one is for grades 5-8.) Here is the Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Outlining-Grades-Reproducible-Activity/dp/1561752932/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=beginning+outlining+by+remedia&qid=1601486338&sr=8-1
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