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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. I am seconding the literature books from Mosdos. You don't even need the workbook. The textbook has plenty.
  2. I love all of these! I agree about the cape, although it might be nice to have if the evening gets chilly. The first one is my favorite.
  3. My dh tried that when I stupidly bought a table with grooves. Make sure you specify slightly smaller than the actual table top size and request that the corners be somewhat curved. Otherwise, it just hurts to put your arms anywhere near the tables. Plus pokey corners. Guess how I know. We got rid of that table. No grooves ever again.
  4. Has she tried Aleve? Every 8 hours. That was my ob/gyn's recommendation for my teen dd's cramps.
  5. Honestly? I'd stick with Singapore since it's mostly worked so far, except for that one topic. You are always going to have a topic here or there that you need to teach in a different way from the book. Changing curriculum won't change that fact.
  6. According to my college student: you open a new tab with google on the front page, and then you go to the google apps button located in the upper right hand corner next to your profile picture. You click on the button and scroll down until you find docs. When you get to the docs page, there is a button that looks like a file on the Recent Documents row. Next to the capitlized letters A and Z. Click on that. Then click upload. Then you just select the file from your computer from there, and it will open it up for you in docs.
  7. Ooh, if they haven't ever eaten at Rudy's, they should. Lean Brisket (sandwich or just the meat by itself) and Sissy Sauce. Yum. Their potato salad is quite good, too. (Saw Rudy's on the hotel billboard.)
  8. We did that for everything except our computers. Dh wanted our devices to be able to talk to each other easily. It's been great! We are PC people though so no switch there. It's fine.
  9. Can you put a long ramp on the left side of the room from the doorway? I say long so it meets ADA suggested slope. I agree with the person that said to do something right next to your current laundry room and bar, taking advantage of the plumbing and electrical there but just adding some walls to create the spaces that meet your needs. Like his laundry room/bathroom could be right next to your laundry room and also extend to the bar area.
  10. I have a degree in math. People are always impressed. I think math majors can do many things, but it definitely doesn't lead to one specific job path. Grad school is an option. Teaching is a possibility. I tended toward desk jobs and so worked as a Contract Administrator, an Administrative Assistant, and a Management Assistant (and then a stay at home mom for twenty years and an awesome homeschool teacher ). But I could have done other stuff. It's a good degree, but you have to find your jobs. It's not as straight-forward, for instance, as my dd who is a Nursing major and will be a Nurse.
  11. Yes! One credit is 120-180 hours. I did my transcripts by subject so it would have been (probably under a Fine Arts heading): Photography 1.0 credit If you list by year instead, generally people do when they completed the class/hours.
  12. Have her try skipping the sour cream at Chipotle and seeing if that helps. That's an easy thing to try that might give a clue.
  13. Generally speaking, that is correct. Occasionally you hear about a fluke district that allows it, but no hardly ever. I think it also varies by private school. Our local classical private school would test and place accordingly.
  14. Sounds like she has English 9 and English 10. What about English 11? Has she done any reading and writing this year? Would she do a research paper on horses? Would she read some books with you and discuss them? Where is she in math? Algebra 1? Geometry? Algebra 2? I think the horse thing can count as something like Equine Science or Agri Science or something (look up what other schools might call it). I assume she has science from 9th grade and 10th grade. That plus the horse science would be three sciences and you're good. What history has she had? 9th grade and 10th grade probably had something. That's 2. You might need to throw in Government (have you done any following of current events and applicable laws this year?) and maybe a Personal Finance/Economics class (does she handle money stuff at the barn? Can you legitimately say she has learned to budget and about supply and demand and such?). If she did a foreign language for 9th and 10th grade, you can probably call that done. Take heart! You might be closer than you think you are! HTH
  15. I think the advice varies by location. For instance, we are in South Texas, and dh had chest pains on Sunday night, negative covid test. They sent the test out for confirmation, and called Wed. and said it was positive. The Health Dept. called and said to assume the whole family has it. We don't need to get tested. He will test positive for 90 days regardless of when his symptoms end. They are having all of us quarantine ten days from Sunday night.
  16. Okay, I don't know how to quote from your post, but the thing about Mars sounds pretty age-appropriate, actually. And picking a word in the topic sentence and hoping it's the main idea sounds like a good strategy. If I were you, I would look at some more workbooks and pick some up that target specific skills that you can see need to be addressed. You've got plenty of time, I promise. That's how I handled dd's writing issues (she hated it so very much). I just picked a specific skill to target and worked on that for awhile. When they hit high school, you can refine things. My understanding is that a "switch" does kind of flip for kids around junior high, developmentally. And with ASD, that switch might flip a little later. But just keep targeting a skill, one at a time. HTH
  17. My dd was a nontraditional learner, pretty right brained/visual spatial. She did great at copywork. She knew what good writing looked like. She didn't herself manage to do any particularly good writing until halfway through 7th grade. We did the copywork in WWE 1 through 3 or 4. She did Remedia Publishing's books on Outlining (there are two of them). We used the Hamburger visual for what a paragraph (or paper) should look like. We read The Conclusionator by Prufrock Press. In 5th grade, she did the Ready to Write Prompt box Gr. 2 and 3 from Lakeshore Learning. She used a dry erase marker to fill out each card. That's it. No additional writing. She got to where she could write summaries very well (thanks WWE). But I had to specify the number of sentences (3). (Honestly, she's a big picture thinker and could summarize something in three words.) I can tell you that she never got to where she could write fiction from her head. She's a nonfiction girl all the way. But she turned the corner in 7th grade and is a pretty great writer now (research papers generally for her classes). So my advice is keep getting examples of good writing in their heads, but maybe don't worry about the timeline. They are still very young. And if they are big picture thinkers at all, come to it from that perspective. Formula writing is okay, if your formula is good. Paragraph should have intro sentence, body, and concluding sentence (like Hamburger visual). Paper should have intro paragraph, body, and concluding paragraph (like Hamburger visual). Nothing wrong with a formula. It's a great starting point. (By the way, she adds adjectives to things in her college writing to make it better. She did not do that in junior high. ) Oh, and she hated Killgallon and talked me out of using it with her because it's focus is on good fiction writing. That's not her vibe. I taught her how to write summaries of fiction, and research papers mainly. HTH if any of this might apply to your kids.
  18. We always did the computer version but they do have a paper test, too. (I just like the immediate results of the computer version. Instant gratification is my favorite 🙂 )
  19. I always did the CAT test through Christian Liberty. It is timed.
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