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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I am another who is in the "bad girl that all the adults thought was good girl" teen camp. My kids get away with NOTHING. :)
  2. I've been entering as often as I could. ::fingers crossed::
  3. Crispy bacon. I bake it in the oven...so much easier than frying.
  4. I'm late to this thread, but today I had low carb cream cheese pancakes with sugar free syrup and unsweetened almond milk.
  5. My oldest had two jobs as a teen. I voted for walked in to a business with "now hiring" on the door-that is how he got his job at our local Mexican restaurant. His second job was gotten through family/friend-working at a plant nursery.
  6. Want to add that you don't have to feel deprived. You can make desserts of all types and also breads and pancakes and waffles with almond flour, coconut flour, cream cheese, whey protein powder, nuts, or flax meal. The website I linked in my previous post has tons of great recipes. My favorite cookbook is http://www.amazon.com/500-Low-Carb-Recipes-Snacks-Dessert/dp/1931412065
  7. I did it. I still do it. :) Low carb is a lifestyle for me. I will sometimes cook meat and veggies and then serve bread, rice, or pasta on the side for my family. A lot of times I make recipes from this site and everyone loves them: http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/
  8. I am glad she is okay. Prayers for a quick recovery!
  9. I am sorry for your loss, but thankful for the nice service.
  10. Yes. I read it as I was starting homeschooling and then I read it again a couple of years ago.
  11. Thank you all so much. I love hearing stories of survivors. It is truly inspiring. You have given me some wonderful ideas.
  12. I teach K-2nd at our co-op. Last year I taught Five in a Row. This upcoming year I plan to teach US Geography and Art. The most important advice I can give you (left over from my ps teaching days) is to be consistent and firm with your rules. Go over them the first day and enforce them. If a rule is broken, enforce the consequences EVERY time. Secondly, be organized. Have a solid plan for what you will do each week. Gather materials and supplies and place them in an easily transportable bag or container. Plan more work than what you will actually get to do. That will save you from having nothing to do with a room full of kids. ;)
  13. I couldn't find a thread started yet. Here's our weekly wrap-up: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2014/05/homeschooling-and-life-week-of-may-12.html
  14. I've always loved Beauty and the Beast and Sleeping Beauty. Is there anywhere online to read the original versions? ETA: I found both online and then remembered that I own The Blue Fairy Book, which contains both...duh, LOL. I reread both of them, and I love them even more now as an adult. :) When I was a child, Beauty and the Beast was more about finding a handsome prince and living happily ever after. When I read it today, it was more about digging deeper than what's on the surface to find the true depth and beauty on the inside of a person. Also, it spoke to me of finding contentment and happiness regardless of one's circumstances. (This could be because I'm currently struggling with issues of sadness about my special needs child, being very tight financially, and envying other people on lavish vacations.....) As for Sleeping Beauty, no real revelations there, except for the reminder that the original is so different from the Disney version.
  15. Glad she was understanding. I hope you will have a nice weekend.
  16. Loved seeing the pics! I am so glad she enjoyed the cards.
  17. I hope your SIL and her children will come to a place of peace and healing. These women you describe sound absolutely horrific. Jealousy is nasty enough, but coupled with their accusations and lies, it's downright disgusting and despicable.
  18. I love fairy tales. I could name a vast amount of them with no problem.
  19. I have a dear friend who is having a double mastectomy and reconstruction this coming week and then will start chemo next month. Some friends and I will be alternating taking meals and we also want to fix a gift basket. I plan to include gift cards for local restaurants and a devotional book, but I need more ideas. Also, prayers for my friend are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  20. I am in the deep south - south Alabama to be exact. I do not use any form of the "n" word. Neither do any of my friends (and I have friends of different races and ethnicities.) My husband has a few family members who do, which I hate to admit, but I am doing so for the sake honesty. Also, though, since I'm being honest, these family members exhibit ignorance and narrowmindnedness on several levels. Sometimes I wonder how hubby turned out so great. I will add that I also don't appreciate any sort of racist or ethnic jokes, and sometimes people tell me Asian jokes "since you have a daughter adopted from China." Huh?!?
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