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Everything posted by busymama7

  1. It's actually been under two weeks but it is unusual. I just realized how unusual it is also that no one else has caught it. We have 8 kids and the small ones always pass this stuff around. Thanks. I can't get into my doctor but urgent care is open.
  2. My baby is 16 months. Still nurses occasionally but I don't have much if any milk due to current pregnancy. relevant since I don't have the best thing available to treat him :( Two weeks ago on Saturday evening he came down with a stomach flu by all appearances. He seemed to be in considered stomach pain, crying and doubling up. Vommitted for 3-4 hours. With a fever. Recovered fine over the next two days. The next Friday he started with a fever which I guessed was teething but wasn't sure. Seemed sicker Saturday and Sunday and then by Sunday afternoon was throwing up again. Only threw up twice though. Had some diarrhea. Monday he was seeming to go quickly down the road of dehydration and was refusing to drink anything. Still feverish. I wa able to bring him out of that by forcing fluids with a medicine syringe. Tuesday and Wednesday he continued to improve. Appetite was spotty but he did eat bland foods and drank plenty. Enough wet diapers. Some diarrhea and then more normal but very light colored stool last night. Today at breakfast I allowed him eggs as he seemed much better. He threw them up. Has thrown up crackers and bites of apple this am. Very low fever. I am watching him closely for dehydration and will take him in immediatly if he starts heading that way again. In the meantime, what else can I do? BRAT diet, small bits of fluid. What else? If I take him in and he's not dehydrated is there anything else they can do for him? I don't want to hesitate but I hate taking a sick child in to be told to keep doing what I'm doing which has happened many many times. Thanks.
  3. I would do it in these circumstances but I get it. My almost four year old at the time went to developmental pre k an had to ride a bus due to scheduling issues with the other kids stuff. I was nervous and I hated sending him but it was fine. He made leaps and bounds with his development and I still believe it was the right thing even though I don't believe in pre k or public school in general.
  4. Metal lice comb every single day for two weeks. You will never find and kill all random lice in the house and will exhaust yourself in the process. Basic cleaning of the major stuff and then comb everyday to catch any that were strays. I did it the standard way when my then five kids had it. They came back. I did the daily combing and got rid of them for good. They are resistent to the shampoos and sprays(or can be). Just comb them out every day. We watched lots of TV ;)
  5. If you pinch their nose they have to swallow to breathe :( it is sad but over in a second.
  6. I am pregnant with my tenth and this article changed my life. http://stevenandersonfamily.blogspot.com/2013/11/the-cause-and-cure-of-morning-sickness.html?m=1 I had almost no morning sickness and only threw up a couple times. I was on zofran last time and it didn't completely stop the vomitting(for reference).
  7. I agree with you and might go so far as to say thy rent should be paid. Adult not going to school supports themselves and does not work part time.
  8. The only thing I can imagine is a flight 93 kind of scenario. The chances of a hijacked plane ALSO coincidently having catastrophic issues to bring it down just seem so statistically impossible. I mean what is the chance of that? I'm wondering if it some kind of cover up at this point. Someone shot it down (unidentified in their airspace) and doesn't want to admit it. I don't know. It's all so confusing. And I am completely hung up and fascinated by the whole thing. I hope it is resolved soon. Those poor families :(
  9. Yes. Candex. My naturopath does not believe in the diet for the simple reasons that it is difficult to maintain and can lead to deficiencies. She also believes it comes from stress and since we can't eliminate stress, fighting it with the enzymes or whatever is in that stuff is the better option. It worked for me. As well as adding good healthy fermented foods for maintaince. No one can stay on that diet forever(nor should they!!) and yeast/candida can reoccur easily so keeping your system balenced in other ways is more effective. JMHO
  10. I read that today from Facebook but couldn't figure out how to link it here. I hope someone at least looks at the possibility. The idea of a hijacking just seems so remote.
  11. I am on my tenth pregnancy. No miscarriages but one full term still birth. I am LDS, born and raised andthe youngest of six and yet my mom has still had something negative to say about all but a few of our pregnancy announcements. Our first was too soon after we were married. The next four came too close together. (Again?!? Is what I heard every time.) My sixth pregnancy was the one following the still birth of my fifth child and the first one she sounded genuinely happy with. My ninth pregnancy I was fed up and told my sister first and why. I think she spoke to my mom because when I finally told her she was positive. This last one she was as well. But I think it was because my sister spoke up for me and told her to knock it off and that I was avoiding telling her because of her reaction. I honestly can't figure out what her deal is. As I said we are lds and we love kids :) she had six! We were married as virgins and didn't feel birth control was the best choice for our marriage. We were POOR college students but we made it. Those were good times ;) when my husband proposed he had $30 in the bank. We both got jobs, scrimped and saved and supported ourselves with the help of financial aid while my husband finished school. Im sure to many people those didnt look like good circumstances to marry let alone have babies. But we don't believe babies need that much and we took good care of those precious children. I loved every minute of my life staying home while my husband worked up to 3 jobs and finished school. We've never had a lot of money but we have had what we needed. We lived with 8 kids in a 3 bedroom house until last summer when we were finally able to buy a bigger one. And we have happy kids who are turning out just fine ;) I think the thread has gotten a bit off topic. She was asking about quiver full families specifically. I wouldn't call ourselves that exactly but we do believe that Gods plan is for a husband and wife to marry and raise children together and birth control does not really play into that plan except maybe in extreme circumstances(of which I have no desire to judge anyone's circumstances except my own) My mom mostly believes as we do(at least theoretically) and yet in practice still thought we should be doing things differently. Waiting to have children for a few years and not have so many and certainly not so close together. And yet they love our kids love spending time in our home and completely approve of the end result. I do wish she hadn't said negative things though. It has affected our relationship even though I try not to let it. Think very carefully of the result of speaking your mind before doing so.
  12. It's to protect the propriety of the adults. Married men and women are not to be alone with someone of the opposite gender. Another leader is included also. So then there are three leaders not two.
  13. My son is dual enrolled at the community college. Would we qualify for the student plan and could we switch over to it on the same account?
  14. My 11 year old son is blowing through MUS zeta. He is quite bright and seems gifted in the maths and sciences. He like MUS just fine, did not love Life of Fred but did ok with it. I am looking ahead to pre algebra and trying to decide what to plan for him. I have MUS and there is no good reason not to use it, except *I* am bored (would be my 4th time through it) I would also like something fairly self directed because I am expecting a baby and he is smack in the middle of our big family :) While we keep up and get the basics done every day, I feel like he could be doing much more just based on his ability and I may be holding him back, accidentally. I am considering Teaching Textbooks or Art of Problem Solving. Teaching Textbooks would be a plus because of the self checking and explanation of any missed problems. I could easily see him taking off and being motivated to do multiple lessons per day. He LOVES math :) and wouldnt be held up waiting for me to check his work etc. Art of Problem solving seems to be geared for kids who are naturally gifted in math. I am not sure how self directed it is. He really would thrive I think on something he could just dig in to and do on his own. Thoughts? Other programs to consider? Thanks!
  15. Have they identified the five passengers who had luggage on the plan and then didn't board? I want to know what their story is. I mean one person could be any number of things but five?!? Sorry if I missed it. I have read this whole thread and many news stories.
  16. I have four older sisters, 7,9 and 11 years(twins) older than me and am closest to the one who is 9 years older. Even as a child I was. My eight kids are ages 1-17 with another on the way. I think the oldest ones get along best with the younger ones. The ones closest in ages tend to have the most conflicts/fighting. But the older ones love and adore the younger ones and sometimes the youngest ones prefer them over me :) I do think having no other siblings does change that dynamic a bit but even with kids 18 months apart you do not know what you will get personality wise or anything. There are no guarantees of anything. Have a child if you want a child. You aren't having the child for your son but for you.
  17. You are worrying because the stomach flu is horrible. And it's horrible times 1,000 away from home :( Wash hands carefully and do immune boosting stuff before you leave and while traveling. Possibly look into carrying activated charcoal with you and studying how to use it. It has worked well for us but I won't use it on anyone at risk of not making it to a receptacle because the vommit(should they vommit again) will stain anything. I think from your other post that your kids are old enough though. Carry Lysol wipes. Do all you can and then relax. It will most likely be just fine ;)
  18. It is a way to follow the conversation and get notifications when someone else answers it. Just liking it won't do that. You can follow a post from a pc but not on mobile so people reading in their phone will do it. I know its annoying. Doesn't stop me from doing it though :(
  19. Ok I do have the browser blocked but didn't realize I could block the store too. But that still annoys me. My teens are old enough to look around for books they are interested in but I don't wish them seeing porn to do it. Not only that, *I* don't wish to see it either and I do browse for books. I would totally use parental controls on mine if I could block all that from coming up in searches.
  20. Be aware that they can see major filth if they search for free books or even just browse the bookstore. I wish there were parental controls for that :(
  21. ^^^ I agree. I don't have the same spread. 17-unborn but I relate so much to what you say. And I have always wished for the friendship of a mom who had already been where I'm going. I also get not seeming to fit in anywhere. I have that issue too. It's hard.
  22. I didn't read the replies but I have packed that way before for our family of ten and it is so easy!!! We much prefer it to everyone in their own suitcase unless we are going to just one place an staying there.
  23. A drop from a bottle of EO will do the same thing and is smaller to carry. I couldn't believe that commercial was real. But really its so preposterous that the commercial fit. If it had been more serious it would have just not worked.
  24. When the seventh came out we were still following the rule that I had to read pretty much everything first. I started reading it immediatly but it wasn't fast enough for my oldest. He kept begging me to let him have it. Finally we laid next to each other on the bed and read, from different parts of the book at the same time. We held up the pages in between. It's hard to explain and I wish I could find the picture but it is a great memory ;)
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