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Everything posted by busymama7

  1. thanks! Im going to go with pentime. ordering now :) funny: I told my 11 year old I was ordering him a cursive book and he got excited. I warned him it would say grade 3. he was like, so? Ive never done it before. You could buy me a K workbook for all I care. I just want to learn it. LOL! Love homeschool and that he doesnt even care about "grade levels" :lol:
  2. Can you tell me the name of the app? Thanks
  3. I have two kids who were/are being taught Getty-dubay italics. They are begging to learn loopy cursive. Sigh. I love cursive italics but they want to learn "real" cursive LOL. I need a cheap and easy method/workbook. Thanks!
  4. I just have to second the Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge. Childhood favorite here :). Two years ago I got to take my older kids to NYC and my son who turned 10 while there wanted nothing more than to see the lighthouse. We went over the GW bridge a few times but its under it and can't be seen from the bridge. We hiked down to it just for him :) I think it was the highlight of the trip for him.
  5. In regards to lactose intolerance, lactase, the enzyme needed to digest lactose is present in raw milk. Many many people, my husband and children included, can digest raw milk and dairy just fine but not pasterized(when we can get it) This is just another example of our messed up food supply :( Also, some people with gluten issues are fine when the wheat is properly sprouted or sourdoughed. This is how our ancestors would have consumed it. Quick rise breads and commercial yeast is very very new and does cause many of these issues(I'm sure not celiac or allergies but more just the intolerance). Again, its a modern issue due to modern food practices.
  6. Oh for sure ;) I really could have been put under general and it would have been fine. I was still in not a good place after having my previous child stillborn at term and i was crazy paranoid. I didn't want any meds in my system if I could avoid it and my dentist thought it would be fine. He felt bad later and agreed it would have been wiser to put me under. Oh well. I only bring it up to warn others that even though it wasn't painful, it was miserable going through it while awake. Not everyone would be as sensitive and not all teeth a hard to remove as mine ended up being.
  7. I have digestive issues also but have been told that that is a sign of the xylitol killing off the candida in your system. You are supposed to start small and keep slowing increasing until you can tolerate it. I did that but found that if I didnt eat it consistently as a sweetener then I had issues again. I should keep it up but got morning sickness and well not back to normal yet stomach wise.
  8. I had mine out without general and I would never do it again :( I don't think it affected the pain level but the experience of being awake and hearing smelling and tasting the whole procedure was horrific. At least two of mine were impacted. I'm not a whimp to pain. I've had 6 babies at home ;) but it really was horrible. I chose to do it that way because I was breastfeeding and wanted to reduce the amount of stuff passed to my baby. And again it wasn't the pain. It was the taste.(insert barf smiley) and just the whole thing. I would totally do general if I had any more wisdom teeth! As far as recovery it took longer than I thought and I laid around for several days. I assume I took pain meds, I don't remember that part. It was almost Christmas and I went to a party a week later and was so relieved that I could finally mostly eat. My dentist is a friend whose wife also has home births. I told him that stupid remark about why natural childbirth if you wouldn't ha e dental work without novacaine is just ridiculous. I had dental work WITH novacaine and it was way way worse than childbirth.
  9. Yes, yes you can. But I wouldn't advise it :P. see previous post about deciding we just had too many kids ;) my husband insists on family names or names with other significance. And we have vastly different tastes. I kinda find it amazing that we have managed to agree on nine names so far!
  10. I think it's ok. If I knew someone who named their baby that I would think it was fine and kinda cute. It is much much better than many many names I hear. I am expecting my tenth and recently told my friend that I have had too many kids :P simply because naming them is so hard and we've used all the names and love and agreed on ;) Have you seen the website nymbler? You can put in names you like and it will give other suggestions that are similar. You can even use your kids names and it will give names that are similar/go with them. I like old fashioned names too. All my girls have quite old fashioned names (so do three of my boys but two have family surnames turned first names which is actually a bit trendy). Anyways I discovered that all my girls names are on the top 50 list of popular names in 1880. We are using that list to narrow down this baby girls name ;) not there yet though.
  11. Thanks. Yes for sure byu is cheap. But if he is really close to the degree the transfer process is easier. They take the whole degree. Then he would have less to do while at byu so there are those savings. If he goes with credits, some will transfer but some won't and he will have more schooling to finish there. Eta: I meant if he is close and then finishes instead of just transferring credits.
  12. Haha. Yes of course. I was thinking I should but figured there would be someone here who's been through it and would know. Lazy I suppose ;)
  13. This is helpful, thanks. I kinda guessed byu would have a preferred plan. We have talked about him finishing before he goes but he is chomping at the bit to go and doesn't want to wait longer than he has to ;). I will have to sit down and look over his credits and stuff again and see if i can see the big picture. If he came back to finish it would be purely a financial decision. It just seems easier to go ahead and do all the apps during his senior year instead of waiting and losing contact/forgetting things etc. so I'm glad to know that's what the byu's are saying to do. Thanks :)
  14. Got it. Makes sense. He isn't sure what he wants to do and may not make that decision right away but sounds like we have nothing to lose by waiting to do the apps till he is about to come home(yes that's allowed).
  15. My older is ending his junior year as a dual enrolled student. He is taking the ACT next month. He plans to go on his mission next summer after he graduates. Next school year he will continue with the dual enrollment program. His post mission plans are to attend byu or byu-I. He is considering coming home and finishing his associate degree at the CC here since he won't quite be done before he leaves. So my question is: what do we do about applying to colleges? Do we go through the process as normal his senior year and defer enrollment? Do we wait till he's headed home? What about things like letters of recommendation and such? Do we gather them and hold them for two years? I feel kinda lost here :) obviously the byu schools will understand where he's been but I just want to be sure we have all our ducks in a row and do everything we should next year. He was homeschooled from 1st grade until this semester (2nd of junior year) Thanks!
  16. We moved twice last year. Left our home and moved to a temp rental while looking for a new house to buy and then moved to our new house. We didn't have very much time to leave our home but I was meticulous about packing boxes and writing each and every thing that was in the box on a 3x5 card. I also labeled all four sides of the box with the letter/number that was on that card so it didn't matter how they stacked the boxes, I could still see which box it was. Kitchen was K-1, K-2 etc. this made livng in the rental bearable because we only unpacked the minimum but could find anything we needed if it came up. I say this just to say that if you do decide to pack nonessentials, this system will keep you from going insane should those nonessentials become essential for some reason :) We have been in our new home since August and not everything is unpacked yet. But anytime I need anything I just pull out the cards and go to it immediatly. It was worth the extra time it took packing (it didn't take much extra time)
  17. Google magnesium deficiency. Topical magnesium oil is better absorbed but the calm mentioned earlier is also a good choice. Just because its hormones etc doesnt mean there arent nutritional helps. :) serenity EO from doterra is like flipping a switch for my husband who has these. Obviously he's not menopausal ;) and I've also started him on the mag oil.
  18. Nah, there is a big difference between a 14 year old at a dinner and toddlers.
  19. I agree with this too. But if you do want to keep peace in the family then think about if this is your hill to die on. Btw, if it helps I think things will get better as more siblings have kids. I'm sorry this is so yucky :(
  20. I think parents should go out without kids on a fairly/semi regular basis. I think planning a kid free party is fine and probably less stressful for you in the long run then having your kids there. If it was a major holiday or just a simple get together then telling you not to bring kids would be weird/rude but I think it's totally ok for the adults in a family to get together without kids. If you don't want to go or can't get a sitter then politely decline. But don't hold it against them. It doesn't sound to me like they've done anything wrong. (In *this* case, I've seen some of your other posts...)
  21. As someone from a very conservative religion that teaches modesty and as someone who both lives it and teaches it to my children, these discussions always confuse me. It has never been taught to me nor have I ever believed that we dress modestly to prevent rape?!? I mean I guess from what is always said here some people must beleive that. But I dress modestly and teach my children to because of respect. Respect for our own bodies and parts of them that are sacred and private. And respect for other people who do not wish to see private areas of someone else. As a heterosexual female, I do not wish is see women's cleavage etc. it's not a lust thing or anything. I just wish they would respect those around them enough to keep private parts covered. And the men i know feel the same way. They dont wish to see the breasts of a woman to whom they arent married. So would prefer that the women around them kept them covered. Sure they look away and choose not to think lustful thoughts as is their duty. But they tire of it being in their face every where they go. It is all about dignity and respect and nothing to do with rape. ETA: I used breasts as an example but would apply to other "areas" ;)
  22. I know I've been through this before too. The one drastic time I can remember my (then) 3 year old was down to 19 lbs from 27 and they sent me home cause he wasn't dehydrated and told me to just keep it up. I was scared out of my mind when i saw the scale but they were all laid back and said he would gain it back. I can go to an all night urgent care. I'm just waiting for my husband to get home to stay with my other littles as my older ones are gone. Or maybe I will watch him over night.
  23. Darn. I forgot the clinic by my new house closed at 5 not 8. He is awake, drinking Gatorade and has no fever. He seems ok. Maybe I can wait till morning which was my original deadline in my head. But he has gotten better and then started up again so who knows if this is the last time.
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