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Everything posted by akmommy

  1. No, I was born about 500 mi. north of here, but I live in the same town my parents moved us to when I was not quite 6. I still think of Fairbanks as my hometown even though i grew up here. Quite a few of my family members still live there. Both sets of grandparents moved their families to Fairbanks in the fifties, before statehood. If all goes well we will be moving next year.:auto:
  2. Hehe I saw the thread title and thought it was the start of a joke.:lol:
  3. ah yes!! The made up words kept in the toolbox for use when Even I have no idea what I'm talking about. Doobywacker is a new one to add to my toolbox. Sort of a variation of my often used "doohicky".:lol:
  4. Currently the two dogs, one cat and a turtle in the room. There is another cat somewhere in the house, probably on my bed and a guinea pig in the dining room.
  5. I found a dead bug in a package dole celery bought at wal- mart not to long ago. That was the last time I bought produce at walmart. Our locally owned grocery is usually cheaper on most grocery items anyway and their produce tends to look fresher, too. Until now it had never occurred to me that I should wash bagged salads, but after this thread I may start.
  6. The article only talks of one family and wants to use this one example to vilify a whole group of people. If this dad were really concerned about his children's education then where was he in the years they were falling behind? It sounds to me like he turned a blind eye to it, but then when they are going through a divorce he wants to use it as ammunition in court.
  7. We've had the inlaws all get together in the community we live in and still been excluded. Heck, I've pretty much been excluded from DH's paternal family from day one. All because I wouldn't cow-tow to the old man with an ego problem (DH's grandfather). Meh, who needs them anyway. Now that the old man is gone DH's dad seems to want to take his place. Well, I won't cow-tow to him either. After an incident this last spring (well, really a series of behavior but the one incident was particularly destructive) he isn't even allowed to see our children without DH or I present so that we can gather the kiddoes and leave when he starts with the behavior.
  8. I think it's a wonderful idea. I'm assuming at his age he has all the "stuff" he needs or wants. I don't know how much or how well you fill cooks, but what man wouldn't love a freezer full of home cooked meals made especially for him.
  9. It's an older song, but I like Turn Around by Danny Kaye. Sonny and Cher did a remake of it in the 60's. the song talks about little girls growing up and fits bill for slow. Hth
  10. Please don't run and hide, (heavan knows I let mine eat stuff they shouldn't) but do be careful with these. My dh had developed an energy drink habit a couple years ago and then started to have problems with high blood pressure. When he decided to kick the energy drink habit the blood pressure problems magically disappeared. Then a couple of weeks ago my DD's life skills class had a police officer come talk to them specifically about these drinks. Seems not to long ago paramedics were called to a teenage party because a young girl had collapsed. The toxicology report sho we'd no alcohol or illegal drugs in her system. just high quantities of caffeine and Taurine (sp?). She literally died from an energy drink overdose. At the moment there is a box of cookie crisp sitting in my pantry DS talked me into in a moment of weakness and ramen is a favorite easy snack around here.:tongue_smilie: Also they are allowed a soda now and then, try to limit it to no more then one 12 oz. Soda in a day and they don't get them everyday. Eta: looking back at other peoples posts I have to say there are quite a few things we eat that others would consider taboo.
  11. Not having seen the situation myself I think I would start with animal control. If the officer who responds believes the situation is unhealthy for both kids and pets alike then I would think they would have to report it. This would also send a message to uncle and aunt that someone is concerned about the situation and they may clean up their act to prevent further investigations.
  12. :iagree: I have run into this attitude from both atheists and religious people. When I hear or read it from an athiest I will often think that athiesm is that person's religion. Not because I think of athieism in general as a religion, but because some I have run into (mostly online) have been as in your face about it as some fanatical religious people are. I'm agnostic and have heard both sides of the argument more often then I would like and it drives me crazy that some on both sides think that if I hear their side just one more time I will believe or not believe. I don't consider agnosticism as being wishy washy, but rather just accepting that I don't know and that the truth is more likely than not unknowable.
  13. It wasn't a favorite here, but I do think it is a sweet bedtime story. My favorite bedtime book/poem when the kids were little was Winken, Blinken, and Nod.
  14. Catcher in the Rye- Ugh! I read the entire book waiting for something to happen or a plot to develop, but it never did. The Wheel of Time series- Just could not get into it. I know some here will hate me for saying this but I did not like or finish any of the original Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit was just okay. I have not tried to read any Nicholas Sparks books as I could tell from reading the back covers of a couple of them that they were not for me. I'm just not a fan of romance novels.
  15. 1 son- intact and no issues. We had planned to have it done for no other reason than that is just what is done, but after talking to his Dr. we just never bothered. She would not do it until he was at least a week old so we took the time to learn a little more. :iagree: The cleaning part scared me quite a bit so it was recieving this info that really helped change my mind. It's his penis and if he wants anything cut off of it thats his decision. If he were to come to me at 14 or older, after researching the topic, with a well thought out argument for why he wants to have it done I will take him to have it done.
  16. I had an English teacher in High School who only banned the use of one word in his classroom, both written and oral, and that word was suck(s). He didn't even mind the occasional curse word it was just that one word that drove him nuts.
  17. My older DD is a senior this year and taking English and Japanese at the CC and doing math and probably creative writing (she is a talented writer and this is her choice for an elective) at home. The younger two are going PS this year for a number of reasons and I'm hoping we made the right decision here. They have never been to a B&M school. Today was their first day and younger DD's day seems to have gone pretty well. DS will be home in about 15min.
  18. That's awesome. My mom had one that must have lasted almost 20yrs. For years at Christmas I would giggle to myself pulling out that same box of wrap year after year to wrap leftovers in. Crazy!
  19. When the oldest was little she was my Bugaboo or just Bug for short and often she was Sam-I-Am. When she started preschool she informed me that wished to be called Sammy (her full name is Samantha). Sometime during the tween years she outgrew Sammy and it was shortened to Sam, but I can still get away with Sam-I-Am. Younger DD has always been my Sarahbear, but DH and I are the only ones who can still get away with it. DS is Bubba, Bubby, Buddy, or Little Man. We don't encourage other people to use them though. When introduced to new people we/he always use his proper name.
  20. We have recently become big Dr. Who fans ourselves thanks to Netflix and older DD's online friend in the UK. I must admit though that we recently tried to watch an episode from the '70's, but only got about 5 minutes into it before shutting it off. Maybe we didn't give it enough of chance. The bad acting, cheesy set design, and clothes were just more than we could take. Made me think of the original Star Trek series and I can't stand to watch that either although I've enjoyed most of the more recent spin-off series.
  21. My oldest dd usually takes both dogs to bed with her. She currently has a queen size bed so she has room for the 45lb. and the 85lb. mutts, but the larger one gets hot easy and will usually end up on the floor before the nights over. If dd is away for the night they sleep on the floor by our bed. Sometimes the larger one will choose to sleep in our room on the floor even if DD is home. Dh has always been a "No dogs in my bed" kind of guy, but recently I caught him in bed with the larger(and older) dog laying next to him.
  22. Oldest DD was about 6 1/2 Younger DD took of with reading just after her 5th B-day DS was about 6 3/4
  23. My first and third were induced using pitocin. With the first I hadn't hardly started dilating at all, but my water had spontaneously ruptured with no other signs of labor beginning which is why they induced and it took about 9 hrs. With my third I was dilating for a couple weeks and was at 4 1/2 when they decided to induce and it took less than 4 hrs. ETA: My middle was completely natural and took about 5 hrs.
  24. You can try putting it in a paper bag with fresh clean kitty litter or I've also heard that dryer sheets work too (although I would think that this would just mask the smell). HTH
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