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Everything posted by threetreasurs

  1. Depends a bit on the kid. Is your child a natural speller? If so, the SWO might be overkill. If not, the two programs compliment each other.
  2. If you didn't see it happend yourself, the situation can become a awkward quickly if/when you speak to the parents - so tread carefully.:)
  3. I am just hoping that things settle down a bit. To have this right after the hurricane is hard to absorb. I keep thinking of people who need their investments to meet expenses after their houses and jobs have been wiped out; bad timing.:001_huh:
  4. :lurk5:Yeah! Please let us know how it works out.
  5. How old is your son? These things do ebb and flow with age so it would help to know before responding.:)
  6. Perhaps just focusing on the process? Non-visual students often do well with a just the explanation of how to solve the problem without the complication of pictures etc.
  7. I used Jacob's Geometry with my son. He was/is good at math but dislikes textbooks. Jacob's was a hit.
  8. Another option might be a different English class? Our school has several levels of English? Another consideration is where you want you want your child to end up/where he wants to end up. Going to CC without finishing high school might make it difficult to get into some 4 year colleges and can affect what CC programs a student can take.
  9. Perhaps it was just very fresh? If milk is not homogenized it can separate during shipping which is not always ideal.
  10. Structure helps me deal with stress but if I cling to structure too tightly it causes more stress; it's a double edged sword.
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