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Everything posted by AmyP

  1. That happened to me once. A couple of years ago. :D Enjoy it!
  2. I love demotivators. A couple of years ago when I worked in an office these really brought some levity to a high stress environment.
  3. Lemon dishwashing detergent: Washing dishes (by hand!) when I was about 8, looking out the window to the back yard wishing I could go play! Gunpowder: Takes me back to basic training Floral departments or anywhere there is a strong fresh flower scent: My dad's funeral
  4. At my house it was after they broke them off and we bought non-twanging ones. :lol:
  5. My two little ones have them. My daughter (7) rarely plays hers, but my son (8) plays his a little too much. They are quite handy on long trips. Since they both have one they often play games together.
  6. I chose 2-3 years. My oldest two have been homeschooled since 2008. My youngest two have been homeschooled always except for a brief stint in public school last year when I went back to work. I have so much to learn, especially with the older ones. Sometimes I feel like I should apologize for using them as experiments--at least, I hope I have it down by the time my younger two are in high school.
  7. $3.15 in NE Georgia I'm visiting my sister in SC today and here it was $3.07.
  8. Grades PK-2: 9 3-5: 10 6-8: 10 9-12: 9 My youngest thrived during my kids short time in public school here. She would probably thrive anywhere. My son does better at home though, and I really like the freedom homeschooling allows. We live in a VERY small town known (in this area) for its great schools. I know several families who pay out of area tuition and drive their kids from 30-40 miles away to attend the local high school.
  9. I found this thread very helpful a while back, there are some links in different posts, but especially in post #5.
  10. I wouldn't have been for prohibition. I'm from another moonshining family. And I really hate to be told what to do. :D
  11. Congratulations! We gave up satellite right before Christmas. So far, only my DS8 has complained, but even so, he hasn't said much lately. :001_smile:
  12. Haven't posted the last few weeks, but I've been reading! Lately I have read Square Foot Gardening, The Justice Game and I'm currently reading The Hangman's Daughter.
  13. I have the Kindle 2 with 3G. I got it about a year ago and I really love it. I'm so spoiled to reading books on it I feel put upon when I have to hold an actual book for long periods of time. I also really love it for reading on the treadmill. I enlarge the print and it's about a million times easier to read than a regular book while I walk.
  14. Confession: When my DH isn't here, I find reasons for my 15 yo to sleep upstairs, instead of downstairs, where her room is. If she isn't available, I might just have a sleepover with my DD7 & DS8.
  15. This is how I feel. Torn, really. But then again, I am torn about many things church related lately.
  16. I never vote other, but this time I did! :D After our last I really felt certain that I wouldn't want another child. Now I'm not sure I want another, but I'm not sure I don't either.
  17. I'll be reading Twelve by Twelve. It fits in with my simplify my life theme I'm working on this year.
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