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Everything posted by KathyBC

  1. UPDATE: Stylist went with blond foils to start. Comparatively less expensive, easy to upkeep roots. He said it would be easy to add in another color later if I wanted to... and at this point I'm quite certain I will want to add some lighter brown, too. Hubby loves it, dd loves it, middle son and I are not so sure, lol. It will take some getting used to. You definitely do not notice the gray anymore, lol. I appreciate the help and moral support!
  2. I'm sorry, but this thread title 😂😂😂 I'm on a human-free diet right now, lol.
  3. Another possibly? helpful search for book titles: https://www.google.ca/search?q=art+appreciation+books+christmas&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjwsqajr_jeAhUzMn0KHbBDDvkQsAR6BAgFEAE&biw=1445&bih=676 ETA: I don't know how much time you have to sort through google searches, so wanted to mention there was a Sister Wendy on the Art of Christmas title.
  4. That would have been huge during the Renaissance, no? https://www.google.ca/search?q=renaissance+christmas+art&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4_eXorvjeAhXgCTQIHd_1B-MQsAR6BAgBEAE&biw=1445&bih=676
  5. Leftovers!!! Cook one big meal, have many smaller spin-off meals.
  6. While the stories of neglected animals happen too often and are heartbreaking, it is far more common to see domesticated animals overfed and not as active as they could be. Which is why I think for people too, in our society, it is healthier to watch our calories and activity levels. Disordered control is for sure unhealthy, but for the majority of us, we need to monitor and care for ourselves. Self-discipline is not a bad thing. On the flip side, most of us can see that a spayed 8 year old dog will not look like a puppy, and it would probably do us some good to allow that 40+ year old adults are going to be a little rounder and that is also not a bad thing. We had an interesting thread on here not too long ago about how 50 year old women used to have a certain look, and how that has changed.
  7. You see this is in domesticated animals too. Ponies kept on scrub land maintain their weight. Kept by a loving owner, they can easily become overweight.
  8. But how to block the more-pervasive Instagram?
  9. Another apt comparison might be money. We all have to deal with it, we can see the balance needed between frugality and spending, and realize it can be unhealthy to lean too far in either direction. It's interesting, though, that you don't hear about people who simultaneously have both extremes in this area. Which is maybe? why an ED is mystifying to an outsider, because it looks sort of rational - after you indulge, you budget. I guess it really is the out-of-sight mental rumination that is the problem. I appreciate all the explanations!
  10. I had similar thoughts, Quill. If someone is taking in 1/3 of their calories at bedtime, why is that automatically "bad"? Maybe it helps them sleep. I mean, yeah I've heard of research about eating before bed, but you can find contradictory dieting research all day long. Different types of fasting seem to be a current trend, so some people are trying to get all their calories in a five hour window anyway. And that doesn't begin to cover the gamut of life circumstances like shift work (nurses, etc.), or seasonally long days (fisherman, ranchers, farmers) that can dictate when a person eats. But like you I chalked it up to not fully understanding eating disorders or that level of compulsiveness.
  11. I know what you mean - we can't afford to keep replacing low quality items when they break down, and need to just fork out the money once as it is actually less expensive in the long run. Not the phrase you're looking for, and it doesn't apply to everything obviously, but about some products my hubby says we're too poor to buy the cheapest brand, lol.
  12. Well here's one: https://www.salon.com/2017/03/15/everyones-wrong-on-immigration-open-borders-are-the-only-way-to-defeat-trump-and-build-a-better-world/ And another: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/feb/16/democrats-immigration-policy-open-borders-dreamers
  13. Oh, you don't have to be anti-immigration to be bigoted. Any immigration controls count as racist, with some folks.
  14. Yes, they advocate for the US to have open borders. And they don't define open borders or follow thoughts through to their logical conclusion, just you know, post self-righteous rants.
  15. Well, I personally do know people who believe those two things, but can't share a source as these would be Facebook friends. It's not hard to find those perspectives. I'm surprised you don't see that in your feed on a daily basis, frankly.
  16. Not to mention, you should be able to go there and use the wi-fi without buying anything, right?
  17. Rosamunde Pilcher titles are cozy. She has one called Winter Solstice that I haven't read, but it might meet your criteria
  18. You *do* intend to use it yourself... to give to someone else. If you were buying coffee for someone else and couldn't remember or didn't know how they took their coffee, a couple packets would be fine. So 1-2 packets yes, a handful no. ETA: I can't really imagine doing this deliberately as a way of life forever. I mean if you *know* when your MIL visits she's going to want sugar, yes just buy a small thing of sugar.
  19. Baked potato Spanish rice Steamed asparagus (remove woody stalks) Fettucine alla Romana Salad - big tossed, coleslaw, potato if I'm ambitious, carrot...
  20. Fancy Starbucks mug A selection of cute post-it notes (or maybe that's just me!)
  21. This comment perfectly encapsulates what texasmom33 is saying: This activity is unethical TO YOU. You have no idea whether or not it is unethical in the country where he vacationed or even among the majority of citizens he represented. And in this day and age, people can be fired in consideration of the feelings and opinions of strangers, rather than on the merits of their job performance. It might be useful to consider if the tables were turned. What if you could be fired because someone was against homeschooling?
  22. I am reading a non-fiction title, Right Here Right Now politics and leadership in the age of disruption, from Canada's 22nd prime minister, Stephen J. Harper. Conservative and current, I am enjoying. Recently read: Shooter by Caroline Pignat, Canadian YA title, shades of The Breakfast Club during a lockdown drill that is not a drill. I think kids would enjoy it. It would likely make a popular teen movie, which doesn't always translate to a quality read, IMO. Ginny Moon by Benjamin Ludwig, thanks to a recommendation here. It was less heartwarming than I had expected. I appreciated the characters as much more than upbeat stereotypes. The tension throughout the story of Ginny's questionable ability to safely relay her good intentions to a newborn infant was disturbing... though much more believable and honest. I respect the author's frankness. Light on Snow by Anita Shreve. Gripping story, so well told, spot-on narrator's voice. The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. Reading back-to-back with Light on Snow highlighted this book's less believable narrator and dialogue. But the Alaskan setting grabbed me, and the brutal events pulled me along to the end. I'm still thinking about the themes from this book. Worthwhile read.
  23. That would be a huge plus... they're so weird and wiry!
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