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Everything posted by gingersmom

  1. My son has no clue about what is the cool/right things to wear. Since he was little clothes magically appear in his dresser drawers :) North face coat/sweatshirts, my son lives in polo shirts (some American eagle, Abercrombie type) and t shirts. No matter how cold he wears short sleeves.
  2. I buy the cheapest luggage because they are constantly changing size requirements. I bought luggage at AAA years ago that was less than $100 for a large suitcase (with spinning wheels) and has made over a dozen round trip flights with it and it is going strong.
  3. My 75 year old mother went from ancient flip phone to iPhone. Apple Store or any retailer that sells iPhone should be able to help her.
  4. I use self check even with a huge order (it's set up with 8 bags). So much faster plus I can bag all produce together, all frozen together, etc.
  5. My kids are avid skaters and have never encountered a rink that requires any kind if helmet. maybe 1-2 at most will be wearing one. We have been to some rinks that will lend you one for free. Figure skating in a helmet just seems odd.
  6. My furry children (2 cats, 1 dog) are insured by Petplan. www.gopetplan.com I have had one $2000 claim (I paid $100) and one $500 claim (cost me $100). Both were paid in less than 2 weeks.
  7. I would take an Uber to urgent care.
  8. I would go to urgent care. I ate a handful of movie theater popcorn and within minutes had red blotches and started itching on my arms. Within in an hour it spread to my face. Even doctor was shocked by what I looked like. It took a week of steroids to get rid of. Hasn't happened again although I avoid movie theater popcorn :)
  9. Everyone has annoying habits, this apparently is his. Leave the poor child in peace. He's not using drugs, robbing banks or beating up old ladies. He can come live with me, I have more bathrooms then we need.
  10. I volunteer with meals on wheels so we go and deliver food then come home and finish cooking. We eat in the dining room :) ( I eat there all the time but no one else does)
  11. I got my son M&M socks on etsy. It's like the m&m wrapper imprinted on the socks. They do tons like Doritos, lucky charms and more.
  12. Hope your son is finally home and getting some much needed rest!
  13. I would have never engaged in a conversation in the first place. I would suspect dementia though. I had an elderly widowed neighbor (male, late 70s, 2 houses down) who made inappropriate comments everytime he saw me, even in front of my children. I had known him for 10 years, knew he was not in his right mind but it was uncomfortable and my daughter was freaking out. I finally said something to his son who apologized profusely and it stopped for a little while. It resumed, then he landed in hospital (cancer) and died very soon after.
  14. I'm still waiting for a growth spurt. I've been the same height since age 12.
  15. I think over winter break this is how we are going to start. Sitting in garage, car off and go over parts of the car, let her sit in drivers seat, no pressure.
  16. I'm always pointing out parking lots and long empty roads (nothing but cows in sight) that we can practice on. She kinda says ok and then changes her mind.
  17. She had a Barbie car when she was like 4/5 (maybe 6). She was the worst at driving it!!!! I never knew driving a Barbie car was so difficult (it's not!!). She became the passenger and we let her younger brother drive.
  18. Any ideas? My daughter just turned 20 and still is resistant to learning to drive. Last summer I printed out all 50+ pages of manual so she could get permit and it went in recycling bin. She is going to volunteer off campus next year and will have to take Uber (unless can get friend to drive her). Plus she has 2 years of clinicals (nursing major) and is going to use Uber or pay someone for a ride. Crazy!! We just discussed it again and you can sense how nervous she is. I told her I would pay for unlimited lessons just so she could get some experience behind the wheel. I even offered to find a driving school near her school. You know how some people are petrified of flying. That's how she is about driving. Help!!!
  19. Thankfully she did not have the flu. She spent one night in health services then several more days feeling awful with laryngitis. This actually was a 2 week illness (started week prior) and just took forever to shake. She decided not to postpone one test, took it and didn't do as well as she normally would. Freak out ensued, lesson learned. Even the teacher thought she should have taken a few extra days.
  20. I've gotten a whole bunch of gifts off Etsy this year. My kids also had no ideas.
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