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  1. If schools happen to be open by may will it still be at home? how is it doing anyone a service to cut the content? Offering the exam is fine, allowing them to get their money back is great, cutting content, not great. If it is supposed to be representative of a certain college class, how is cutting out content from say calculus or chemistry or physics going to show that the student is ready to skip those classes in college? Allowing a student to believe they are ready when they really aren’t is only going to hurt them down the road.
  2. I am not much of a camper in the best of times (Mosquitos ❤️ me), but if you like camping it sounds fine to me. I would drive 45 minutes locally without too much thought so distance to medical care doesn’t seem like a major issue.
  3. Friday: dh home from work today - they are deep cleaning the first floor labs due to someone with the virus. The place is the size of a shopping mall and dh hadn’t been down that way in the last couple weeks-he has his own little area- so not too worried right now. Also, the first floor is rather like being outside-great ventilation- since you can drive cars around down there and they dissuade extraneous people from walking around down there so the don’t get run over by cars coming around some of the blind corners. cleaned bathrooms pretty well yesterday. School ok, but not great. 12yo did the live mark kistler drawing class on YouTube. Did get a walk for myself and the kids, good for me, but they need more. We did pray a family rosary. school trail life badge work, proof read Stars and Stripes project description finish second sock - I turned the heel last night and am working on the foot review and mail taxes order mp curriculum while free shipping and no one sick there another rosary, may try a recorded daily mass
  4. Calling it day 4, but really been longer as schools closed last week in Michigan... school work for 4 kids ages 6-17...that has been going reasonably well. 14yo has his Latin class with MPOA today clean bathrooms (much overdue)-got the rugs washed, but need to wash floors before returning them. Bathrooms are my least favorite cleaning task. wash load dish towels- trying to conserve paper towels so going through a lot of dish towels. get daughter’s Stars and Stripes project description submitted- don’t see how that is going to be all completed by December 1st birthday with no ability now to fundraise, but hopefully they will make more exceptions. We could pay, but they cap how much family can contribute and include out to cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles as family. keep boys working on trail life badgework and exercising yesterday I called ahead to the yarn store to get yarn for a sweater project for me and yarn for my daughter to knit hats for two cousins for Christmas presents. I also bought new needles for the socks I am making since the bamboo double points all had one rough end that would snag the yarn. So happy! we’ll see how much gets done today
  5. Well my guess is it has already kicked in. Things like multiple people for one ventilator don’t get proven out overnight. Inventions are often in the works for awhile before we hear about them. I just read this morning in the Detroit News that the President is in talks with at least 2 of the big 3 automakers about the feasibility of converting some production capacity to ventilaors.
  6. By the middle of the book, Foerster does assume calculator usage on most word problems. It sort of comes and goes, but there are going to be many problems that would be a royal pain without a calculator. It sort of bothered me with an older kid who is solid on arithmetic, but I would find it even more troublesome for a younger child. I liked the text well enough to get over it, but thought I would share.
  7. I remember my own AP days and I think we had the WORST physics textbook known to man and a male chauvinist teacher who thought we should all do it ourselves because in college they were just going to expect us to read the book. What a joke. My college professors did teach material...I still contend he wasn’t the one prepared for AP Physics. I told my father (an engineer) when he could give me some guidance I would go do my homework. He took one look at the textbook I was given and then pulled out he textbook from college. I received a 5 thanks to my dad and a lot of hard work. Today many kids don’t even have a textbook so how are they supposed to do this independently? Also there are kids with reading issues who are still capable of AP level science. I do remember from my old copy of TWTM the recommendation of a detox period when transitioning from PS to HS. I can’t imagine the stress some of these kids are experiencing right now.
  8. Dh still going to work, the rest of us stayed in all day doing school work. We got quite a bit done. Tonight I think dh will try to exercise with kids. They normally swim a couple hours a night so all the time inside is going to be a killer. My mother is dropping off dinner. She is going crazy at home with my father who has dementia so cooking is her only outlet. Maybe more contact than we should have with them, but I need her to not flip out dealing with him. project list - knitting I need something new. I started knitting socks last May when my son and I went to England and I have done most of both of them the last month. I tried the local shop when we got my daughter a project over the weekend, but I could put together the colors I wanted. My husband started cleaning out his closet - at least remolding the mess it had become - and I really need to find some new bedding. The pottery barn quilt from when we got married 18 years ago is in shreds. Scrapbooks - I REALLY need to download pictures, but extracting the laptop from my children is a problem. thanks for starting this thread.
  9. I agree with you. We had a hotly contested mileage renewal that passed on Tuesday largely because the township supervisor was threatening that police and fire would be laid off if it didn’t. To be clear the guys who bought all that hand sanitizer were evil, but to agree to an article with your name and picture was just plain dumb. As for people who post all sorts of stuff on social media, where they are vacationing (therefore also declaring they are not at home) or what they have are just asking for trouble. It’s not private people! Sort of like viruses, you may think you are only telling your friends, but information spreads. What ever happened to the wise old advice of never discussing money or politics?
  10. Mark kistler is offering free drawing classes on his YouTube channel at 12 central daily.
  11. I liked fever 1793 as an adult. When the library was closing I was scanning the science videos quickly. My daughter turned down the biology video on viruses as hitting too close to home.
  12. Does your team have their own pool? Our schools closed last week, but all the teams here swim short course at schools so it all ground to a screeching halt. Homeschool choir only canceled yesterday, but I already told the kids we wouldn’t be going. Entire families camp out there for the afternoon and it has been the source of my illnesses this winter. Piano for my 6yo is my big up in the air item. The teacher is old, but his wife died of a blood clot 10 years ago and piano is his life. I plan on calling to check on Tuesday morning. I really don’t get the impression he teaches for the money at this point (his rates aren’t high, he doesn’t push little kids into long lessons, two Steinways in the house) I think it is what gives his life purpose. I am so torn...
  13. Unlike games that can’t be made up, I am still hopeful that schools can figure some way around an AP being canceled. They made the rules and can change them. Sort of like the library said not to worry about overdue fines when the closed abruptly on Friday. They said it will show up normally on the computer, but said there won’t be fines. If they cancel APs your child (and mine) will not be the only one affected and I feel like the schools will have to deal with it somehow.
  14. We are not having indoor socializing with anyone. Of the two families we see fairly regularly- one is the county medical director and the other family is caring for a grandfather with cancer. We did have a church get together on Wednesday, but that was the day before the first announced case in the state and before schools were closed. I did let my son walk over to get a pizza yesterday and bring it home and I will still walk over to Kroger, but my husband still has to go to work so it isn’t like we are able totally sealed off anyway. The only thing that hasn’t been canceled yet is a badge day for trail life that is outside. I expect it to be canceled, but I haven’t decided what to do if it isn’t. It probably wouldn’t be more than 10-15 people.
  15. I wish amazon would take down the person selling a Costco pack of emergen -c. for $80
  16. I have always told my kids they can have a snow day when there is measurable snow blocking their path to the kitchen 😀 The last couple of days haven’t exactly been business as usual around here because every trail life/choir/AHG/church/swim anything has been rescheduled then canceled within the last two days. They even canceled my daughter’s 5:30 morning swim practice at 5:15 after confirming it was on last night. We were back to business as usual today until my daughter got an email from the library where she works at 4:00 that the library was closing at 5:00 until April 6th. We dropped everything and drove to the library to check out a month’s worth of books in 30 minutes. One must have all necessary emergency supplies. With all the free time they will have from swim and other evening activities being canceled until after Easter, my son was calculating how many lessons of math per day he would have to complete to finish his Algebra book by Easter, We canceled our DC trip in April and are planning to take our long vacation when this all blows over.
  17. I am not on board with the general absolution either, but if we all just go be traddy all of the rest is already in place in the TLM. If it could be implemented other places it would make it easier to find an acceptable Mass when going on vacation (when we get to have those again).
  18. How about Masses where they don’t distribute communion? Technically, as Catholics you are required to hear Mass on Sundays and Holy days of obligation, but only have to receive communion once per year, during the Easter season. While most churches have the seemingly obligatory line of people filing up for communion, it isn’t required to receive a every week. It would protect the priests and the parishioners.
  19. My teenagers are feeling the same. I have been trying to gently prepare them, but things have become more “real” in the last couple of days. Michigan had its first two confirmed cases two days ago. Yesterday the universities announced going online and my 14yo came home with the news that Michigan swimming cancelled the 13&U state meet and possibly zones. I assume the university closure will also cancel our homeschool field biology class. As far as contingency planning, everyone seems to put online learning as the backup for school closures. Has anyone tested out these systems like zoom and adobe connect to see if they can handle such a massive increase in users in such a short period of time???
  20. Our Costco in Michigan had no samples today.
  21. Kolbe Academy has lesson plans if you want to get through the book in a year. The non-honors plans basically drop the trig chapters as best as I can tell, My daughter isn’t the most consistent (her Latin and Greek consume much of her time) and she is taking two years to complete the whole book. I think one year would be quite aggressive. I do love the text and the word problems, although my daughter says the algebra/trig text has fewer puns (funny names) than the algebra 1 text.
  22. My daughter did not wear white and I don’t remember white dresses at confirmation last week. At our official parish (we usually attend Latin Mass elsewhere), the have the kids wear adult baptismal robes for confirmation probably so everyone is reasonably covered up. There is quite a range of opinions on what constitutes an appropriate dress for church.
  23. Yes. I think the biggest difference now is there are so many more outlets like social media to express that meanness all day, every day. My daughter had a girl at swimming target her in the locker room and turn all the girls against her. No one would talk to her. I had a girl in fourth grade do the same to me. It was a miserable year. It doesn’t change or hurt less when it comes as an adult. A good friend of mine (or so I thought) dumped us completely out of the blue at the end of Suzuki group class maybe 10 years ago. Our kids seemed to get along, but she claimed my daughter had said something mean to her son the previous weekend and wouldn’t be seeing us anymore. We did some wonderful new people at the library the next day. The weirdest thing was we saw her again at a college day this fall and she talked to us liked nothing had happened. My daughter was still bitter. In all the cases mentioned above there was something in the life of the one being mean. The girl in fourth grade...her parents were getting divorced and I was a quiet kid and an easy target. The mom that dumped us was always very concerned about sharing all the stuff they were doing, how much stuff cost, etc and they must have been stretched too thin and lost their house during the big downturn. I think she dumped us to save face. I am sure that C is a super sweet girl. While it is hard at the time to deal with it, please help her understand that it is not her fault. I would encourage her to try some new things that aren’t associated with this other girl.
  24. My 12 year old still responds pretty well to team reading. A couple of years ago it was he read a paragraph and I read a couple of pages. We now just alternate pages. He likes the time with mom and it allows us to get through books quickly enough not to lose the plot. I can also assess comprehension as we go along.
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