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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. Here's another vote for WWS for writing. R&S is great for grammar only (leaving out the composition exercises completely since you would use a separate writing program). The only other comment I might add is your interest in using LOF as a complete math program instead of just a supplement. We've used LOF and I can't imagine having that be the main course. It's fun, but definitely doesn't teach the solid math concepts and skills that I'd want my 6th grader to learn. Blessings, Lucinda
  2. I'm planning to go with the Notgrass America the Beautiful course next year for dd as a one year study of the U.S. After looking at a number of courses, I finally narrowed it down to this one. It seems to have a different flavor than most of the others in that the reading isn't dry, there are connections to people and culture, lots of photos and interesting facts woven throughout. Blessings, Lucinda
  3. Everything! We took 2 weeks off and I feel absolutely uninspired about starting again. I'm sure this is partly because I'm starting another part-time job this week and am in training. Even though it will be an evening job, I feel stressed adding another thing to my life. But I have no choice in this at all. So all that said, I'm focusing on the Three R's this week, just to gently ease us both into the school routine again. Blessings, Lucinda
  4. We're going with Hake at current grade level for next year, but we're going to be tossing out the writing exercises and using WWS instead. With WWS, all you need to do is add a good grammar program and vocabulary study of choice. Makes a wonderful LA program! Blessings, Lucinda
  5. I've checked around myself for U.S. History for my own dd for 8th grade and have decided to go with ATB. It looks like a great choice for this level of learning, especially since students go more in-depth later on in rhetoric stage. From what I've seen of ATB, it would be very doable for a co-op. Blessings, Lucinda
  6. I was leaning towards buying the land until I read what you said here. If you have room for more children in your family in the house where you are, then why in the world would you want to give up the house that you love and a paid off mortgage? I'm voting now, and I say - BE CONTENT! Blessings, Lucinda
  7. I wouldn't even pay half of the quoted price. That's still ridiculous considering she's providing frames. Lucinda
  8. For a beginner it might take an hour to hour and a half perhaps. Two if you are slow. But it might be a good idea to get some extra mat board to practice on first. Remember: measure twice, cut once!! You can get info online on how to cut mats. It doesn't take rocket science. You will also get info with your mat cutter. I highly recommend Logan brand mat cutters BTW. I've had mine for years and it's wonderful. Mat board and foam core are not that expensive. You can order online through Dick Blick and it shouldn't cost a fortune unless you're going to do some fancy double or triple matting. Or you could just head over to Michael's to buy the mat board and save some bucks on shipping. Oh, and be sure to get some good, acid free framer's or linen tape to hold the art work in place. Don't EVER use other types of tape when matting and framing. (The adhesives can ruin the artwork.) You're a handy gal from what you've told me before, so you'll do well with this. Maybe you'll get so good at it that you can hire yourself out in the area where you live. :~) Blessings, and have fun! Lucinda
  9. Honestly, FB has caused a number of rifts in families and friendships. My brother has written me out of his life because I dared to post a political message on FB that was contrary to his views and agenda, and he refuses to put it aside and move on. On another occasion, one of our DILs came unglued because she saw a picture of my dh holding one of our grandchildren on his shoulders. DIL was jealous and accused him of spending more time with that grandchild than her own dd, which was completely untrue. She is still holding a grudge, and it's been almost two years. Be careful with FB and don't allow yourself to read too much in to what happens there. People can be sincere yet thoughtless about what they say, do, post, upload, friend or unfriend. I've come so close to pulling the plug on my account because it has caused some real damage and hurt in my life. I'm learning to put more stock in direct communications than what happens on FB. It just isn't worth the hassles. I agree with others, move on and let go of it. Blessings, Lucinda
  10. That quote seems QUITE inflated. I really think that sometimes this happens when they really don't want to do a project. KWIM? Also, you're bringing them your own frames, and that is one of their main sources of income so they might be padding the rest significantly. Actually this is usually done by matting first, then framing the matted artwork, rather than framing first and then matting. By going at this backwards it could be very problematic, depending on the size of the pictures and the size of the frames you have chosen. Another possibility is that your art work may be a non-standard size and the whole thing may require custom cutting. At any rate, I would never pay that much for this sort of thing -- and I'm an artist! Honestly, RoughCollie, your idea to go to the local community college is a really good one. I would encourage you to go that route. If that doesn't work and you would like some personal input on how to do it yourself, send me some digital photos and I'll try to help you. Blessings, Lucinda
  11. As an art teacher in a classical private school, myself, I appreciate a resource for shared ideas. I really like several of this teacher's ideas and I've bookmarked it, but overall I think the lessons lack in teaching students how to actually build artistic skills. Not to say it isn't a good resource, I just mean that there should be more added to lessons of this type. I fully believe that art should be fun and enriching, but it should also be a subject that is approached with the serious intent of building drawing skills and learning techniques with a variety of mediums. Once this foundation is in place, then the lessons should be supplemented with fun projects such as the majority of ones on this website. Just my opinion fwiw. Blessings, Lucinda
  12. So THAT'S where they went!! I've been looking all over for them!!! Joyfully, Lucinda
  13. Years ago I bought a Eureka Mighty Mite canister vacuum cleaner and wore it to death over a long period of time because it was the best tool I'd ever owned. We replaced it with a new one four years ago and it remains my favorite. Instead of the basic model found in dept. stores, we bought this one by Electrolux, which is commercial grade yet very affordable. It is the vacuum of choice used by professional housecleaners and hotel cleaning staff. It is unbelievably low in price. I use my little Mighty Mite 3-4 times per week to go over our mostly laminate floored home and the linoleum floors in our kitchen and baths, and then damp mop as needed. Like you, I have to clean floors every other day because we have pets and dust from living in a rural area. My vacuum is light weight, easy to go up and down stairs with, and the sucking power is amazing for such a small machine. It's also great for dusting furniture when you're in a hurry. I know this sounds like a commercial, but I rely on this machine and would be lost without it. Blessings, Lucinda
  14. I watched SWB's new video about the newly released WWS yesterday on Youtube, and she includes a bit about how to add in TCW as a supplement. It was perfect! I highly recommend watching . It also covers the issue of whether or not to use the IG. Very informative. Blessings, Lucinda
  15. I have been hs'ing my only dd for the past five years, and I have to say that you will need to allow your child to grieve the loss of day-to-day contact with friends as it was in school. Our dd attended k-2 at a public school before we brought her home, and it did take her some time to adjust. She did get through it though. After the first year everything changed for her and she became quite happy with our hs arrangement and lifestyle, but it didn't happen over night. Over the years we have enrolled dd in community soccer, a scout troop, a hs co-op, summer youth camps, horse camps, summer science and art classes for hs'ers and as many church activities as we've been able to get her to. We have made a conscious effort to take her to these activities because we don't want her to feel isolated at home. We've also maintained connections with one family that we met while dd was in public school, mainly because that family understands and appreciates our efforts to educate at home, and we've made a strong connection with a local family that also homeschools. Along with this, we invite girls from church over for sleepovers and slumber parties and we allow our dd to do the same with girl friends at their homes. All in all, I want to encourage you to understand two things: 1. It takes time to adjust to the new lifestyle and perhaps grieve over the loss of the way things were. There is hope in this, and time is your friend. 2. You will have to help build a network for your child, sacrificially going beyond your own comfort at times in order to provide healthy activities for your child. At this age, she is dependent on you to help make it happen. 3. Consider this as a time to draw closer together as parent and child. Your companionship will help replace some of the loss, and you can build on that. This season you are in will also carry her through to a new place that includes a new set of friends that are more geared to your hs lifestyle. And remember, you are in transition. It will be worth the effort to get through it, I promise. Blessings to you, Lucinda
  16. We unhooked the landline and used cell phones exclusively for about five years, but this past year we reinstalled a landline. We are with Frontier (Verizon) and it is really nice to have a home phone once again. One of the biggest issues for me was the fact that if someone was at home alone and did not have a cell phone, they were left without a way to get help in an emergency. We also prefer to use a landline for 911 calls. If we have to cut back on costs, we'll opt to give up extras like going to movies, eating out, or giving up text messaging packages or even cutting back on the number of cell phones in the family. It's amazing how we have become so convinced that we HAVE to have these things. Blessings, Lucinda
  17. You may want to listen to SWB's audio lecture, "A Plan for Teaching Writing: Focus on the Middle Grades". She explains in the lecture that with any of these programs you simply leave off the composition and use them for grammar only. Regardless of any edition of any of the suggested curriculums, the answer is the same: replace the composition exercises with either TWTM method of teaching writing (or use WWS). I hope this helps, but I also encourage you to listen to the lecture because it is very helpful. Blessings, Lucinda
  18. May I ask you to please clarify a bit on this? I'm not sure if you have a manila envelope for each bill and use each separate envelope for the whole year, or if you have manila envelopes for bills, bank sheets/pay stubs and medical bills for each month, or what. Just how many manila envelopes are there? Blessings, Lucinda
  19. You've nailed it, Audrey! And your comment on the creep factor just about made me blow my drink out my nose as I laughed. Good one!! Blessings, Lucinda
  20. Yes, this is how I have always taken it, exactly! I love that book and I cry every time I read it. (So does my bff, by the way.) No matter what stage, age or circumstances -- it's all about how mothers love their sons even though we have to keep an appropriate distance when they reach a certain age, and then we finally have to let go and launch them into manhood. Our hearts still love them just as much as when they were little babes/tykes that depended on us. As an older mom with grown sons, I can totally, totally relate to those feelings. Blessings, Lucinda
  21. Same here. Sometimes books are available to order before they are actually in the warehouse. This happens once in a while with me, but otherwise I get everything on time. Amazon Prime is fantastic and I use it frequently. Don't know what I'd do without it actually. Blessings, Lucinda
  22. I concur. Colors are my thing. Green and red (pink) are complimentary colors, and it would look awesome! You might consider variations on that, i.e. white walls with one accent wall in the bold green. Or you could go with a softer shade of green, and that would be beautiful too. If it were an adult woman's room I'd say gray might work, but it would be almost formal in looks and it would lack the warmth that a little girl's room needs. Blessings, Lucinda
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