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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. As the original poster of the other thread, I'm feeling discouraged myself. By what I see there it seems that most kids my dd's age are a year ahead of her in math, and I feel it's all my fault. It is a real weak area for me and so I am not a good teacher of math. But the real kicker for me is that the private school I want to enroll dd in for high school starts Algebra I in 8th grade. I'm not sure if we can get her to that level so that she'd be ready for geometry in 9th grade or not. I'm considering options in helping to insure that happens -- including having her tutored -- but I'm also considering that maybe the school would not be a good fit for her after all. I'm finding this to be a huge conundrum for me this week. All I can say is, "Lord, please give me wisdom!" Blessings, Lucinda
  2. We chose to never sign up for any soccer teams that would require Sunday games, and thankfully it never became an issue. Like others, we made the decision ahead of time and chose not to participate if it interfered with our practice of church and family time on Sunday. In our area it seems that more and more sports activities take place on Sunday, and it saddens my heart because it wasn't that way when I was growing up at all. Sundays and Wednesdays were always respected as off days for extra curricular activities because it was a given that the majority of families were involved in church. But hey -- I'm old, and boy has the world changed since then. Blessings, Lucinda
  3. :001_huh: I've never even considered using these boards for business, so didn't think about coming across that way. Sorry to raise your suspicions. Agreed. I want my dd to master as much in mathematics as possible. That is why we left the other curriculum and hopped over to Saxon and DIVE. The window of opportunity is so short and I don't want to miss out with this huge responsibility. Blessings, Lucinda
  4. Thanks for your input, coffeegal! That made me feel better. We are using the new editions of Saxon and could skip the Algebra 1/2 if we continue hs'ing, but I'm trying to get dd ready to enroll in a private classical school for high school/rhetoric level. I realize I may have to get a tutor during 8th grade to work with her if that does transpire. Blessings, Lucinda
  5. It's for my own personal use, gingersmom. I am curious to see where kids are compared to where my own dd is. We used Saxon back in 3rd grade, then we left for a few years and used other curriculum. Now we're back to Saxon and using the DIVE videos. She was about to go into Pre-Algebra, in another math program, but I was concerned that she isn't ready yet and decided to hold her back. This was after I gave her the Saxon placement test in August, and learned that she should be at the 7/6 level as a 12 yo 7th grader. Dd is a very bright kid, but she dislikes math and plugs along. (She is quite strong in language arts and history, and she is an artist and musician. Like me, she is more of a words and pictures kind of gal...). So anyway, I came back to this method because her retention has not been good. Despite getting good scores over the school year for the past few years, during a long break from school she'd forget concepts. This is when I finally realized that the spiral method might have been better for her all along, and I got to wondering where other kids that have used this method are at her age. So far it seems that she is behind other kids who've been using Saxon - although I do have a feeling that parent's of kids that are below the level of those that have posted so far are not going to speak up. But oh, I wish y'all would!! We can't be the only ones that are challenged in the math dept. :~) Ironically, it seems that the very reason we moved away from Saxon is the same reason we should have stayed! Now I'm concerned about having dd ready to take Algebra I in at least 9th grade. Maybe I should start a thread asking for suggestions on how to best to catch her up. I have to rely on video instruction because I am not a good math teacher, it just isn't my strong subject either. Blessings, Lucinda
  6. Thank you, all. Please keep the info coming. And if anyone is below grade level for one reason or another, please don't feel embarrassed to list the info anyway. I'm trying to get a feel, if possible, for where most students are at each age and grade level. Knowing about both advanced students and less advanced students would be very helpful to me in this informal poll. Thanks so much. Blessings, Lucinda
  7. I'm very curious to see where most of the logic level students here are at with Saxon Math. Please list your student's grade level along with the level of math they are on this year. If you use any video instruction (i.e. DIVE into Math or Saxon Teacher), please list that as well. Thanks in advance for your input. Blessings, Lucinda
  8. Wow, Jean. I wasn't even thinking of you when I posted my thoughts. :lol: I believe this is a choice that parents must make based on their family's and their children's needs. It's all about choosing the best fit. One choice isn't better than the other. The scarey part for me is when people think there is only one way to educate, and that you aren't a good parent unless you make that one choice. (You know what I mean - those that believe hs'ing is the only right choice for ALL people, or those that believe a private Christian school is the only really good choice for ALL Christian families.) Having options is a beautiful thing, and I'm thankful that we have that freedom. I don't stand in judgement of any choice you or others make about hs'ing through high school. None in the least. I'm truly sorry if it came across that way because I do respect whatever choice you, or any other parent, makes about this. Blessings, Lucinda
  9. Maybe that's me too because I just don't see it happening. I guess I'm just too sheltered! :D Blessings, Lucinda
  10. I'm right there with you, Nakia. I knew this day would come, but even so it is so hard to watch a daughter making such rapid changes! My heart goes out to you! Dd is 12 going on 20. She already has her figure and is wanting to wear makeup in the worst way. She is becoming so beautiful, and it is making dh so concerned - LOL! As much as I love watching this transformation take place, I miss my little girl so much. I'd give anything to visit with that little girl again for a few minutes; play Barbies with her one more time, read stories and say bedtime prayers like it was not so long ago. I raised three sons to manhood, and still miss the little boys they used to be, but there is something about a daughter that is so much more bittersweet, somehow so different. Here's a picture of my own dd. Blessings, Lucinda
  11. Yes, absolutely, for grades 9-12. I work part-time at a classical Christian school very much like your description and although hs'ing has fit our family lifestyle well for the past five years, I have very recently decided that I will definitely enroll my dd in this school for rhetoric stage. It has been a wonderful, life changing experience for us to hs, but I see the season ending in about two years. We will both be at the school, which will be wonderful. Instead of it being my place of work, it will become OUR school. I've come to the conclusion that she will soon need to be in a school again because she needs to step out into the community and engage more with others. She is nearly ready for that. As a teenager she will need more academic structure and the benefits of group learning. And I believe being in a classical school would prepare my dd well for college - much better than I believe I could prepare her myself. The rigor would be excellent for her, and I look forward to having her enjoy new challenges that will be taught by really bright, caring teachers. I know these people; they are my collegues. And I can honestly say that our school IS a family. I have experienced it personally as a member of the faculty for a number of years now. Not every school can meet the needs of every child and family, just as hs'ing cannot meet the needs of every child and family. There are seasons and situations that change during the growing up years. We as parents do have options. Frankly, I find it scarey when I hear about people that are stuck on only one way of educating children. Each situation is different, and we as parents need to pray for wisdom and discernment as to what is the best choice for each individual child as they grow up. Blessings, Lucinda
  12. :iagree: Same here. We have many discussions in all subjects - especially history and science, but dd does the work independently. I help her whenever she needs input or has a question, and in some subjects we read together. I'm learning French with her, and sometimes she teaches me. :D At this stage, we're working towards independence bit by bit, and getting closer. But oh, I'm going to feel sad when she reaches rhetoric. We're planning for her to go to private school and obviously I won't be involved even more. Even if we hs through rhetoric, it would be mostly all independent with check in points. But hey, it's a mom's job to let go, right? Waaaaah! Blessings, Lucinda
  13. While that may be the case in some threads, it is definitely not the way it is in all. I have frequently expressed a disagreeing opinion on these boards without having the experience you describe. In fact, I can honestly say that I've engaged in or read through numerous threads during my time here that have contained respectful discussions that have had opposing viewpoints. I'm sorry you've had negative experiences. Blessings, Lucinda
  14. Chris...Chris...Chris....what are we going to do with you? :lol: Lucinda
  15. Saw the choices. Clicked immediately on the month I ALWAYS struggle with. Posted my vote and - voila! I see I'm with the majority. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: February, ah February...There's a reason why that month has fewer days than any other month. Clearly, God is merciful. Blessings, Lucinda
  16. There was a thread on this very subject sometime during the summer. A lot of people commented that they love frozen grapes, including me. I heard a nutrition expert recommend keeping frozen grapes on hand as a quick, healthy and sweet pick-me-up in the afternoon instead of eating a high calorie treat. The grapes do taste best in a frozen to semi-frozen state. After a week or two in the freezer they aren't so good though, so freeze small quantities or only as many as you will eat in a reasonable amount of time. Bon appetit! Lucinda
  17. I LOVE this comeback -- really LOVE it!! Snarky, yes, but still a good one. :D :D Blessings, Lucinda
  18. Hmmmm.....been here even longer than my username/id indicates and I've never heard of this before either. If it's been expected of me over the years, I've sure let everyone down. Where in the world did you get this information anyway? Blessings, Lucinda
  19. :iagree: I might pick out the bacon bits. But resuming the fast afterward would be in good keeping with the intent of the fast. To waste the salad seems rather legalistic to me. It is truly the heart that matters. Blessings, Lucinda
  20. I've been hs'ing my dd for the past five years and things like this don't even phase me anymore. Some people tried to talk down to us early on, but I just stayed focused on what I knew was best for my child and brushed it all aside. After a while, the comments did die down. In fact, in the past year I've had several folks tell me how much they admire and respect my dedication in educating my own child. It's always nice to get validation like that, but truly - I care more about what my child needs than about what others think. At the end of the day it won't matter in the least what anyone else thought about how I raised and educated her. Knowing that I did my best and that she's becoming a delightful young woman matters more than anything. Blessings, Lucinda
  21. I have a close friend who is the same age as I am. We have dds that are 12 yo, and we were both 45 when they were born. My friend gave birth to her dd, who is the youngest of four bio children. I adopted mine, but she is actually my bio gdd by birth. (We became parents upon adoption, so have always been Mommy & Daddy to her.) Blessings, Lucinda
  22. I voted to give it to the little guy, BUT I'd only do it with specific conditions/guidelines that included not having him walk around constantly with earbuds in his ears - a really bad habit that many teenagers have. This could actually be a great way to train a child in the proper use of an personal electronic device instead of waiting to get this across to a resistant teen or preteen. I think I'd also give him limited access to the iPod at his age, especially on where it can be used (i.e. in the house, in the car vs. at a friend's house, etc.), and at what times of day. And I'd use it as leverage with discipline because having an electronic device like an iPod is definitely a privilege. Blessings, Lucinda
  23. That's an awesome idea. And to get started with this practice it seems that clearing all cookies from the regular browser would be a smart idea. Blessings, Lucinda
  24. This is true and I'm surprised I hadn't considered that possibility. It would be nice if blog owners could trace the referral back to the posted link, just to see what the purpose was...but I guess that would be asking too much wouldn't it? Oh well... Blessings, Lucinda
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