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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. Thanks so much! Yes, it is hard on the whole family. Our dd misses her playful dad a great deal too. Thanks for that info. I work part-time and am looking for more work, so I don't know if that disqualifies me at all. But we do have a 12 yo dd at home. I just don't know if he will qualify, but we're thinking there's no harm in trying. Prayers are so appreciated. Thank you! Lucinda
  2. Many of you prayed when I asked recently and I thought I'd bring it up again since a couple of people have asked me about it. I haven't updated more on the situation yet because everything is still pretty much the same. We are still in waiting mode with dh's job, and it's really hard. Continued prayer would be so appreciated. For those that don't know, dh had a stroke last April and it resulted in him losing the required medical card for commercial driving. (DOT says he will have to go 5 years without another stroke, but he will be 64 by that time.) Therefore, he has been transferred to another position in the company, and is expecting a significant pay cut soon. The company he works for seems to care about his situation, but they can only do so much. They can only offer him a position that is open, so they've been talking to him about the formal transfer to maintenance dept. He is very over qualified for this position, although he was told by HR that they are waiting on approval for another position that he could transfer to that would be another level up and a little better pay. So in the meantime, he is still drawing a driver's wage while doing maintenance work. We know this isn't going to go on much longer though. Commercial drivers are the highest paid employees in the company, so as you can see he is very discouraged. The work dh is now doing in maintenance is very physical, which on one hand is good for him, but on the other hand he is still recovering from the stroke and tires very easily. He is so unsure about what direction to take with work now. Nothing seems to appeal to him anymore, but he is willing to go to a vocational rehab meeting for a program that is offered through our state. We don't know if there will be any help for him to retrain for another line of work, but he's going to see what counseling and referrals, placement, etc. is available through the program. He is also considering applying for Soc Sec disability, although we know it may be a long shot. He is 59 yo, and the pension wouldn't be the greatest unless dd and I also receive a supplement. So many things are unsure to us, and we are struggling to hold on to our home as it is already. The post-stroke depression continues as well, so dh is in a pretty unhappy state most of the time, even with meds. (Going to the doctor next week to discuss this because maybe his dosage or Rx needs to be changed or adjusted.) Because of all this, it's become even more critical that I increase my earnings. I am getting all set up to run Windows from my Mac so I can apply for telecommuting jobs and bring in more income while still hs'ing our dd and being at home for my elderly mom. I work out of the home one full day and an afternoon as it is, but need to be home the rest of the time. A telecommuting job would be perfect for the needs of our family. If you'd pray for a good job to open up for me during the evening hours I'd appreciate it so much. Thank you again for your kind support, encouragement and your prayers. I feel so blessed to know that I can come here and share these needs. So many of you have reached out and it means a lot to me -- truly. I don't know where I'd be without the Hive!! Blessings, Lucinda
  3. My suggestion would be to go with R&S for grammar only, but leave out the writing exercises. (This is what SWB recommends too.) Then go with WWE and on up the progression. For one, this would be good so your family is all with the same curriculum. Secondly, WWE and WWS are excellent writing programs. WWE/WWS really don't have to be given at a particular grade level. As long as the student learns the concepts of WWE/WWS before entering rhetoric level writing (In other words, way up ahead...) that is what is important. Through many discussions I've taken part in or read here on the boards, I've learned to let go of the Level # matched up to the student's grade in school. As far as WS goes, it's an ok program, but my dd did not gain and retain a lot of skill with it. I believe that SWB's writing programs will help my dd develop her writing well, and although I don't mean to totally dis WS, WWE/WWE imho are much stronger, more rigorous teaching tools. My goal is to complete the series and at some point in high school have her go through the One Year Adventure Novel. With these under her belt, she will be well prepared for college level writing. Blessings, Lucinda
  4. I absolutely love TOG, and highly recommend it for families. I started my dd with TOG at UG (5th grade) level, and have no regrets. The program was designed to be used for large families, but it also works beautifully with small families - even a family with one dc at home like ours. Now having said that, I also recommend that a family doesn't begin using TOG until the oldest is in UG or maybe even D level, about the same age as I just mentioned my dd was or a level higher. Then use the lower level books and lessons to bring the little ones in so the family is all studying the same period of history. The LG, and even the UG students, could actually use SOTW as their core history book. With this plan, you could buy the books and build a library that would be used by the family as children grow and move up to the next levels. That way you are buying the books to be used multiple times, and even at that you would only really have to buy the books that are used more than 1-3 weeks. For those books that are only used briefly you could use the library. I personally think a family could also start out with SOTW with all the PHP materials and use that program until students are in D level and up, then switch over to TOG. As much as I love TOG, I know that there are options out there that are very good and are less expensive. I am even at a point where I don't believe I'll be using TOG beyond this year because of that very reason. But after having used TOG for a few years, I have a really good idea how to put together a program myself TWTM way or even tweak another one like Biblioplan or Truthuest, whereas I wouldn't be able to say that if I had not been using TOG and learning how it works. TOG does compliment TWTM classical way of studying, just as another poster said. Please keep in mind, however, that it does not include science, math, grammar, spelling, logic and Latin though. You must purchase those subjects separately. Blessings, Lucinda
  5. This is my third year using TWPD, and my dd's first year of using their student planner. I use the planner to create our weekly lesson plans, then I check them off as they are completed. Using pencil and sitting down with the planner over the weekend to plan the coming week has worked really well for me. Then if something isn't finished on a given day, I can erase and move it to another day. I also use a colored pencil for the check marks so it's really visible. I love using my planner to pull everything together for the week, including appointments, field trips, etc. I even keep track of horse or music lessons and what I owe for each when they occur. Most generally I don't use the menu planner, but I like it that it's there if I want it. My dd and I meet on Mondays and I give her all of her assignments that will be done independently for the whole week and she writes them down in her own planner. I think this is a super thing for kids to learn once they hit logic stage especially. Before she was doing this, I just told her what to do each day, or sometimes wrote out a note listing books, pages, etc. In my opinion, TWPD is well worth the money and I love having it at my fingertips. I keep a spreadsheet for grades, but really don't think I'll switch to a computer planner at least until high school - if then. Blessings, Lucinda
  6. I have three ds who are grown and gone, the oldest being 36. I also have a 12 yo dd. :D Blessings, Lucinda
  7. Thanks so much for your reply, Kinsa! Everything you said was so helpful. I'm not interested in using the DIVE disks with any other program. I realize that the switch will have to include Saxon, but my dd and I have been discussing this for the past couple of days, looking at the various choices and we just keep coming back to DIVE. I'm pretty sure we've made up our mind to switch from TT to Saxon w/DIVE. Your post helps solidify that decision. I still believe that TT is an awesome program, and I'd recommend it to anyone that needs help with math instruction. I just feel that my dd needs more reinforcement, so we are going to give this a try. If it isn't a good fit, we will go back to TT and try to supplement somehow. Blessings, Lucinda
  8. Any others willing to share their experience? Thanks so much! Lucinda
  9. That's great information, JanOH. Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Lucinda
  10. We are big fans of TT at our house, but recently I ran into information online and at the hs conference this summer about DIVE Math that has been very compelling. I'm all for using more than one program over the years as a student studies and progresses, especially since learning from different teachers broadens one's perspective. As much as we like TT, I'm not opposed to using DIVE if it works well in meeting dd's needs. From all appearances DIVE Math seems like a solid program. And since I have to rely on others for math instruction, I like the idea of the video teaching for each lesson. (I do realize that Saxon also offers video instruction, but I'm really feeling pulled toward DIVE.) Dr. Shormann seems to be a brilliant man and a very dedicated teacher. His Christian worldview is a good fit for our family, so that is a bonus. The only drawback is the use of Saxon math, which we didn't enjoy in the past, but I am willing to go back to Saxon if Dr. Shormann's teaching is effective enough. Any feedback from others here? I'd love to hear how it went for your family if you'd be willing to share. Thanks and God bless, Lucinda P.S. As a side note comment - I sure wonder why we can't have solid math instruction on video by a female teacher for girls that need a woman role model and someone feminine to relate to. Wouldn't that be awesome? __________________
  11. We are big fans of TT at our house, but recently I ran into information online and at the hs conference this summer about DIVE Math that has been very compelling. I'm all for using more than one program over the years as a student studies and progresses, especially since learning from different teachers broadens one's perspective. As much as we like TT, I'm not opposed to using DIVE if it works well in meeting dd's needs. From all appearances DIVE Math seems like a solid program. And since I have to rely on others for math instruction, I like the idea of the video teaching for each lesson. (I do realize that Saxon also offers video instruction, but I'm really feeling pulled toward DIVE.) Dr. Shormann seems to be a brilliant man and a very dedicated teacher. His Christian worldview is a good fit for our family, so that is a bonus. The only drawback is the use of Saxon math, which we didn't enjoy in the past, but I am willing to go back to Saxon if Dr. Shormann's teaching is effective enough. Any feedback from others here? I'd love to hear how it went for your family if you'd be willing to share. Thanks and God bless, Lucinda P.S. As a side note comment - I sure wonder why we can't have solid math instruction on video by a female teacher for girls that need a woman role model and someone feminine to relate to. Wouldn't that be awesome?
  12. We have used TT6 and TT7, and are ready to move on to Pre-Algebra this year. My not-so-mathy kid has done really well with it, and her test scores and demonstrated understanding of math concepts have proven that it works. I also have friends with six children that all use TT, and they are completely satisfied that it is an excellent program. Blessings, Lucinda P.S. UPDATE - I was just about ready to purchase this year's TT Pre-Algebra when I ran into another program that I think will be even better for my dd. We're going to give Saxon with DIVE cd's a try this year because I just discovered that dd has not been retaining as much math as I thought she was. I still love TT and highly recommend it though.
  13. It was a set up!! I'm not a thief, really I'm not!! :lol: You girls are funny! Hey, am I supposed to do anything now, or did you just use me to plant a robbery? Lucinda
  14. From your post it sounds like you are only using the books. Are you also using the DVD's? Blessings, Lucinda
  15. My father is no longer living, but my dear elderly mother lives with us in our home. That is just about as close as you can get to living near your parent! As another poster mentioned, we have a multi-generational home because of g-ma, dh and I, and our dd. It is a blessing to all of us every day. Dh's parents are both deceased, so this is it for us. The furthest I've ever lived from my parents was about 200 miles, then for many years it was more like 20-30 miles away. Blessings, Lucinda
  16. I just mentioned in another thread that I listened to SWB's audio, "A Plan for Teaching Writing: Focus on the Middle Grades", and in the lecture she suggests that very thing. If I were going to continue with R&S, that is exactly what I'd do. We're hopping over to PHP for grammar and writing as of this year. Blessings, Lucinda
  17. Dd's spelling is not the best, but we're going to do remedial phonics this year in combination with SP, and I have high hopes that with that focus we're going to get her to where she needs to be. My plan is to continue with formal spelling through the end of this school year (7th grade), then we'll likely just work on words she needs help with when she does her weekly writing once she's in 8th grade. As I listened to SWB's audio on "A Plan for Teaching Writing: Focus on the Middle Grades", I remember her suggesting that at about that level in middle school you can drop the concentrated spelling program. Blessings, Lucinda
  18. Your subjects and workload look very similar to what we did last year for dd's 6th grade year. I think you will be fine. Have a wonderful time and enjoy those kids. Time is short -- love each day because it is a gift. Blessings, Lucinda
  19. I'm learning that, sadly to say. Blessings, Lucinda
  20. In the case of a disability issue, he doesn't have a right to push for a higher position. According to law, the company is only required to offer a position that is open. They can, at their discretion and ability, create a position. But it seems that is not going to happen. We will know more on Monday when he meets with HR. One big concern is the medical insurance that we have through his job. A drop in pay would really hurt us because of the premiums we are paying for that out of his wages. Ouch! Lucinda
  21. Thank you all. It means the world. Blessings, Lucinda
  22. Dh is not restricted on regular driving, but he can no longer do commercial driving. They said he has to go 5 years without another stroke, and by then he'll be 64. So that pretty much takes care of that. Thank you all for praying. Thank you every so much. Blessings, Lucinda
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