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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. :iagree: Excellent point. This is all interesting and invites a closer look, but I hope people don't all come to conclusions based on the opinions of others. Go read the books, watch the interviews, etc. then form your own opinions please. Lucinda
  2. Well, I'm pretty conservative, but I can't help it...out with the truth. It makes your butt look big. :D Lucinda
  3. Hi again, I just read through the thread again, including my previous post, and I want to apologize for sounding so harsh. My points are still the same, but I think I could have used a softer tone. All I can say is that I was distracted while writing, plus I am pretty passionate about some of the things I said -- especially the part about raising our children with grandchildren in mind and grown kids leaving the faith of their family. I'm really glad that you took that to heart though. This is maybe the most critical need you have in the whole thing imho. Blessings, Lucinda
  4. Little Britches was one of our favorite read alouds a couple of years ago, so don't limit it as a boy's story. We LOVED it! Blessings, Lucinda
  5. You didn't state anything about your dh in all of this. Is he attending church with the family? If so, what does he think/see/discern? I think this has to be a decision for the two of you if the whole family is involved. Have you expressed all of these things to him? How does he feel about what you are saying? But if that is not the case, and you are attending church without dh, then I'd encourage you to move on to another church. What you are telling me sounds like the church is not a healthy place to be. There are all kinds of red flags waving in your description. I would be particularly unhappy if my dc were not making connections, were bored and unchallenged. How can we possibly expect our kids to want to continue in the Christian faith if they are regularly exposed to ineffective ministry and lack of fellowship? They matter! They are the parents of our grandchildren, and we as parents absolutely must do our best to pass a legacy of faith on to the next generation as well as the one to follow. As the mom to older dc that have departed from the faith of their family, I can honestly tell you that a good part of this was because of poor choices that were made in our family's church involvements. They became bitter, and when they were out on their own they had no desire to be a part of a church. This is a heartache beyond anything for me as a mom. Please take this to heart, dear lady. Your dc's spiritual maturity and growth is in your hands right now. Find an excellent place for them to thrive as you also teach them the faith at home and you will never regret it. Secondly, I'd be very leery of the family leadership that is in place at your current church. It seems like a heavily biased situation that I could not in clear conscience be connected with. When people and families take over a church, dominate it with their philosophy and agenda (even a well-meaning agenda) then it limits the involvement and growth of others in the church. It is clearly a case pf conflict of interest. I have been on staff in a church and could tell you some really unhappy, sad stories about this type of thing. Go find a church that has balanced leadership. The matter of no church vibrancy and growth is the final deal maker here, and it's no wonder by what you've described. Make this a real matter of prayer, ask for wisdom and direction and the Lord will give it to you. Blessings, Lucinda
  6. My mom lives with our family and will be 81 years old in October. Although she has health problems and is on oxygen 24/7, she is still active in many ways. We are blessed by her assistance with cooking 1-2 times per week, her baking, jelly making, sewing and flower growing on the patio and other things. In reading the poll results so far, I see that I'm old enough to be the mother of 125 of you dear homeschool moms! I love being part of this forum, connecting with women who are a variety of ages. We all have so much to give and to learn from each other in this diverse, multi-generational group! Blessings, Lucinda
  7. If hsing is something you feel deeply about and desire that the most for your dc, then you CAN make this work! In the beginning it feels overwhelming, but in time you get a rhythm going and you also start to realize that there are many opportunities to teach and make sure the kids get their lessons effectively (i.e. school in the evening vs. during the morning, lessons on the weekend with days off during the week, etc.) Like someone else mentioned, you don't have to do it the traditional way in order to succeed. You don't have to follow the same schedule as schools do, you don't have to follow the same calendar as schools do, you don't have to structure anything other than the way it works for you and your family. I have to work too and I'm going to be adding more hours on to the schedule I already have, but there's no way I'm going to compromise on dd's education. Even though we have to move things around to allow for my work hours, she's still getting a much better education - not to mention the type of socialization that influences her in a positive way. We will make this work because dh and I know it's all in her best interest. Blessings to you as you explore the many options that are there and as you transition to an adjusted lifestyle. Be encouraged, there are others here in the Hive that will offer support whenever you need it. Lucinda
  8. I well remember the Kennedy era, even JFK's campaign and victory in 1960. I was in the 1st grade at the time, and was jumping up and down in circles while arm in arm with a friend when we heard it. That's my first real news memory. In the 4th grade I remember our teacher bustling into the classroom (her high heels clicking on the floor as she was running), to tell us our president had been shot and killed. They wheeled a TV into our room so we could watch the reports together. Later on in 1968, when I was up late watching TV during the summer, I saw RFK's assassination live. I also remember listening/watching the Chet Huntley-David Brinkley news reports on NBC back in those days. Everything was in B&W back then too, and my family only had one TV station (NBC). Blessings, Lucinda
  9. For those Beverly Cleary fans out there that haven't yet read her memoirs, you may want to check these out - Girl From Yamhill and My Own Two Feet. They help to understand the author's background and pov a bit better, and they're great for gaining an appreciation of the times in U.S. history during her childhood and as she was growing into adulthood. I live literally down the road from the old Cleary farm, so the books were especially interesting to me from the historical perspective, but my older kids also read her books and enjoyed them - especially my youngest son. My youngest just thinks they were so-so. Blessings, Lucinda
  10. Wow! Thanks everyone. Obviously I haven't explored that many sites for recipes. :) Blessings, Lucinda P.S. Supercook.com was actually the one I was trying to remember. I'll be sure to check out the others too.
  11. I will pray for you and your family for sure, and with an understanding heart. My family knows all about things you've mentioned. Isaiah 41:26-31 says: 26 Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing. 27 O Jacob, how can you say the Lord does not see your troubles? O Israel, how can you say God ignores your rights? 28 Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. 29 He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. 30 Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. 31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. :grouphug: Blessings, Lucinda
  12. You know, the one that you enter your ingredient and it pulls recipes out of a database for you that use that ingredient.... Thanks for your help. My memory is drawing a blank here. Blessings, Lucinda
  13. :iagree::iagree: Any more time than what you are projecting (other than extra time spent on planning a unit celebration or working on a special project), would be cruel and unusual punishment for young kids the age of yours. My dd started TOG at the age of 10, and we averaged 1.5 to 2 hours a day on regular assignments. Until last year when she started D level and took on a bit more reading, that remained the case. If you push too much on your younger students they may lose the joy of learning their lessons in history, geography and literature. My suggestion would be to build up slowly. I think this sounds about right. And I really like the looks of Susan's schedule. I may switch to Friday assignments too! Blessings, Lucinda
  14. I'll be praying for you and your dh, Roughcollie! You guys have had such a rough time, and my heart goes out to both of you and your dc. My own dh had a small stroke in April and we understand all the emotions, etc. that are involved. Please keep us posted, and know that you are cared for by many here on the forum. Blessings, Lucinda
  15. If I had it to do all over again, I'd add radio choices to the poll. Sorry folks, I live in a rural area where radio reception is so poor that I forget sometimes it even exists. :001_huh: Thanks for all the replies. This has been even more informing than I thought it would be. Lucinda
  16. Yeah, I knew that, but had to ask anyway. :D Thanks! Lucinda
  17. If you've commented but didn't use the poll, would you mind terribly doing so now? It would be a nice visual to see results as they come in. Thanks! Lucinda
  18. Hmmmm...I've not seen this one. Guess I'm going to have to check it out. Thanks for the tip! Lucinda
  19. I would go to Drudge Report more often, but honestly, I really HATE the text format on their portal. The Courier-like monospace font drives me insane. :lol: Lucinda
  20. I've been in a rut with watching CNN, occasionally Fox and going online to CNN, Yahoo and BBC websites. One of my reasons for posting this thread is to help expand my horizons a bit. I'm not convinced there is an unbiased source out there, but would love to read about what you think. Lucinda
  21. When it comes to keeping up with current events, what do you find to be the most unbiased, reliable source(s)? Do you feel that there is a particular news source that is objective and bipartisan in nature? (NOTE: This is NOT an invitation to speak politics!) Please feel free to leave comments in addition to selecting your choice(s) above. I've done my best to add an appropriate poll, but if needed please select the obvious "Other" and just add your specific comments to the thread. Lucinda P.S. Sorry, I realized to late that this is a multiple choice poll and that there is also a multiple choice option....but you get the jist, I'm sure!
  22. I love quotes! So I'll chime in with a few that may help. Blessings, Lucinda "By perseverance the snail reached the ark." ~ Charles Spurgeon "To start on that long-planned voyage to the moon! Never to write a line that does not ring With truth, which has its well-spring in the heart, To be content to say, 'My garden's small, My fruits and flowers are few, but they are mine.'" ~ Cyrano De Bergerac "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart." ~ Proverbs 15:30 "A happy heart makes the face cheerful." ~ Proverbs 15:13 "Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face." ~ Victor Hugo "True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in the worth and choice." ~ Johnson And one of my very favorites: "We've all got to go to school, I expect, and we don't all get the same lesson to learn, but the one we do get is our'n, 'taint nobody else's, and if it's real hard, why it it shows the teacher thinks we're capable." ~ Rose Terry Cooke
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