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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. I'm glad you decided to take the plunge! As a side note, I just wanted to mention that your used version of Pre-Algebra does not have the built in gradebook feature. They are in the process of updating and revising the whole series and until this year, Pre-Algebra and above haven't been fully updated yet. The version that will be released this month, however, will be set up for PC/Mac and will have the gradebook included. I don't know if this matters to you or not, but I just thought I'd bring it up. Blessings, Lucinda
  2. You're right, SaDonna. A moderator posted it to this thread on the 20th. Blessings, Lucinda
  3. Oh, well that's different then. I wouldn't have even thought of printing out the Loom. :D Just keep the disk handy and that's really all you need. Blessings, Lucinda
  4. I always keep the Loom disk inside the cover of my TM along with the maps and evaluations CDs, and it has come in handy numerous times. I've mainly used it for a quick reference to previous SAP's or ones that I have yet to print out (I don't print out the whole year's worth in advance...just each unit.) I've also referred to the Writing Helps section, Corrections and Book Updates section at times. Blessings, Lucinda
  5. Nope, no matching. I just had her go through each of the lessons as far as she wanted to go within the given time on Fridays. She kept a LOF notebook and I only checked the bridges. Some people here on the boards have said they use LOF for reinforcement and review by choosing one level lower than their student is actually on in their regular math program. I've thought about doing that too. Here is a bit from TWTM 3rd edition that got me to use LOF as a supplement: (from pgs. 96-97) In the Logic stage section of the book, it suggests a schedule of regular math lessons M-Th, then using LOF on Fridays for 60 min. This is what we did all last school year and my dd thought it was great because we also did art and co-op on Fridays, making the last day of the week different than the other days of the week. This year for 7th grade I'm going to save LOF until dd completes Pre-Algebra in the spring, then let her finish up a year of hard work with a bit of fun. Either way, I think LOF is great to add along with TT, or any other math program, as a supplement. Blessings, Lucinda
  6. Just got this today. Try 'Time305'. Says it's good for 25% off through the 29th of this month. Blessings, Lucinda
  7. My dd used LOF last year every Friday as her math lesson. We combined TT and LOF at the recommendation of TWTM to add some fun learning and variety to the normal week. If you have the 3rd edition of TWTM, you'll find the info on pages 96-97. Blessings, Lucinda
  8. I said "Other" because the closest option to staying with TT that I saw on your list gave a reason I didn't agree with. I would recommend staying with TT because she is currently using the curriculum and obviously advancing. Moving around with curriculum is something that I've found from experience to frequently cause big gaps in learning. (We've had this happen in both grammar and math programs, and now I am in the process of rebuilding solid foundations in both.) In my opinion, it would be better to stay with TT and supplement with another choice if you feel that it's necessary. FWIW, Lucinda
  9. I like the looks of your plan, Jill. May I ask what age your ds is? And would you mind letting us know how the transition you're describing is working? It would be great if those of us that are transitioning to WWS/ALL from other programs could stay connected. Maybe the sub-thread for writing in the Logic section? Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Lucinda
  10. No, there is nothing regarding paragraphing, outlining or anything really that I think R&S holds over what a combination of ALL and WWS will offer. When we chose to go with R&S last year, I was desperate for a solid, thorough grammar program that would help us get on track. R&S did that and I'm extremely thankful. Having said that, I think I would have used FLL 4 and moved on to ALL this year if I had investigated it further simply because I like TWTM way of teaching language arts. They are BOTH excellent programs for grammar, but since I want to move over to SWB's style, I am favoring the PHP materials over R&S now. The fact that strong and effective grammar and writing lessons available with the new curriculum compliment and support each other is what makes PHP materials a real deal breaker for me. Combine that with the concept that R&S writing assignments leave a lot to be desired, and you've summed up my main reasons for moving over to the other side. Blessings, Lucinda
  11. My dd will definitely need at least 1.5 hours for reading and writing each day. Some days she may actually need 2 hours, depending on projects we're working on. Literature and writing are real strengths for her though, so other kids may not require the same. Blessings, Lucinda
  12. You live in a great place for things like that to happen, don't you? What a great incident for your dh! I loved that movie and was just fascinated in learning about her. It would be quite the experience to hear her speak and actually meet her. I live in a rural community up in the PNW, and we have an excellent rehab center nearby that often hosts celebrities. So if we see someone famous in OUR town, it's usually because they are in treatment! (One time when I was office manager of a local church, R*bin Will*ams was actually in the building. It was really hard to stay away and not gawk in the room where he was....:D ) How fun. Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Lucinda
  13. Buy fresh or frozen berries and gently fold them into freshly whipped cream (REAL whipping cream, not cool whip, etc.) Generously "frost" store bought angel food cake. Slice and serve immediately or chill for up to an hour, then serve. Garnish with some of the berries and a mint leaf if desired. Every time I serve this to guests it is a HUGE success. Everyone loves it, especially if I use fresh strawberries that have been crushed with a small bit of sugar or honey added. It is also wonderful with raspberries. Easy, inexpensive and you don't have to heat up the kitchen. Enjoy! Lucinda
  14. :iagree: She took the words right out of my mouth! :iagree: As much as we all love the oftentimes leisurely lifestyle of being at home, there comes a time when we need to stop and realize the critical nature of what we're doing. (Please know that I'm speaking to myself too as I type this.) Our children's futures are depending on us. This is our job. When I see us slip a bit, I have to be very intentional about getting in gear. I have to make myself get dressed first thing in the morning -- with shoes -- and be ready to tackle the day. Then I have to rouse my dd to do the same. It's up to me, because without me, it ain't gonna happen! I also have to get those lesson plans made before Monday, and follow them! Again....this is my job! Speaking of lesson plans, having an annual plan as a map is what school teachers do, so I feel that it's only right that I do the same for my own dc. I highly recommend that you create an annual plan right now and start the year right. Now if you find that you most often flex or change the schedule so much that it disrupts the flow of your goals, then you would be wise to allow more school days in your annual plan to cover that possibility. If you stay on task during the year, your reward will be free time to do fun stuff when you've completed the lessons. Your children will love you. You will be their hero! Blessings, Lucinda
  15. Hi there, It looks really good, but I do have one thing for you to consider. I don't know if you are new to TOG or not, so I have to interject. Has your 7th grader done a lot of spelling and vocabulary already? Is he strong in language arts? If so, I just thought I'd point out that TOG vocabulary is aimed at the weekly lesson rather than learning to spell everyday words, classical language root meanings, etc. For some students, the TOG vocabulary would work just great if this is the case, but as a TOG user myself I would not use the vocabulary list as the only spelling/vocabulary study for my 7th grader. I use the list to help cement comprehension of the TOG lessons. Just a thought fwiw. Blessings, Lucinda
  16. That is great to know! Thank you. :) I am still going to go over the Level 4 materials at least for a few weeks with dd for the same reasons I explained. Maybe we'll hop over to WWS/FLL sooner with the available samples until December when our texts arrive. There are so many of us waiting for the materials, I just thought I'd throw in my idea as another option for those like us that have never used SWB's LA curriculum before. Isn't it great to have options? Thank you PHP for being so generous and accommodating! Blessings, Lucinda
  17. I LIKE this way of thinking! If we always remember to look at it this way, we'd never feel like a loser threadkiller ever, ever again! Blessings, Lucinda
  18. Why thank you! That's a great compliment. :001_smile: I love being here too! I could not homeschool successfully without this forum. Blessings, Lucinda
  19. I struggle with the same. The fact that our heart desires that time is good though. Blessings, Lucinda
  20. :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: Can't you just FEEL the love on this forum?!!!! ((hug)) Lucinda
  21. I have the sample too, but when you start the new semester in August, there is still a gap between using it and the release date. Also, I finally decided I don't want to buy a PDF file that I can't resell. So everyone's situation is different. This is just one way to work it out, at least for some of us that have never used SWB's LA curriculum. Blessings, Lucinda
  22. I have shared previously on this forum that we used R&S English 5 last year when dd was in 6th grade. It did a great job of filling in some holes for us because we had hopped around grammar programs a bit too much up until then. R&S is fine -- and I highly recommend it -- but I made the decision to move over to SWB's new grammar and composition program because the more I read about it, the more I'm convinced it will prepare my dd for high school and college. Like many of you though, I've been trying to figure out how to make it work when the release date is going to be later than I really need it. Well, I have come up with a solution, and I thought that maybe it will help someone else. Since we are switching to a new way of doing LA, I've decided to bone up a bit on how the system works. So I bought a used copy of the WWE Complete Writer instructor book, and a FLL4 student book with workbook. We are going to go over these new methods thoroughly between August and December when our hardcopy texts that are pre-ordered from Amazon will arrive. If we need to stay with FLL4 and WWE a bit longer then we will, but I think that we'll most likely be ready to move right over to WWS and ALL when it arrives. I know that a lot of what WWE and FLL4 teaches will be review for my dd, but it will also help us come up to speed on narrations and dictation that we haven't worked on as hard in our previous programs. It will also help us get back on track with some memory work that I have neglected for the past couple of years. And it will review the 8 parts of speech taught TWTM way for dd, which really won't hurt. I've noticed that there would be a lot of review of this type anyway if we'd moved on to R&S 6. Anyway, I just thought I'd share this because there has been a lot of discussion about how frustrated people are in working around the release dates for the new curriculum. If you're interested in moving over to SWB's program, but are caught in the middle like we are, why not consider filling in the gap this way? I know it won't work for everyone...but I think if a person considers the idea of mastery rather than grade level, this just may be a good way to go about it. Blessings, Lucinda
  23. I've got Prime too, but I've placed 16 in the past 6 months. It helps that we pay cash up front (debit card) and are on a limited budget - otherwise I'd be ordering stuff waaaaaay more than that! I love Amazon!! Blessings, Lucinda
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