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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. hehehe. Nope, but you weren't too far off. Joe Pesci and Robert DeNiro were in Goodfellas together after all. Nope the reference was from Untouchables where DeNiro played Al Capone. There is a famous scene where Capone is holding a baseball bat and talking about "entusiasms". Whenever I say or hear the words, "enthusiasm" or "enthusiastic" in my head I always hear DeNiro as Capone saying "entusiasms". Hehe You definitely get points though for guessing it was said by an Italian. It's not that easy to guess a reference with just one word to go on. :)
  2. Hmmmm. I can see your dilemma. My mother used to give us wine mixed with water with certain meals (dinner) and I never thought anything of it. It certainly didn't cause any adverse long term effects in me. To this day I only drink wine with a meal and only certain types of foods at that. So I guess in a way they were modeling how to consume alcohol in an appropriate way, but on the other hand, in your situation with the history of alcoholism in your family that are his direct genetic line, I don't know if I would risk it.
  3. I love that tree! That's a really cool design. :) :grouphug::grouphug: Awww that stage in your life is part of the path that got you to this current one. No need to apologize for that. I think you're great just the way you are. :)
  4. For me I guess it would be pants. I live in shorts and tops inside the house and often sleep in them too so it's not a huge change from day to night, but I almost always wear pants when I go out of the house anywhere and the first thing I do when I come home is take them off and put my shorts on again.
  5. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I get sentimental about things too. It's a good thing I think. :)
  6. They are precious! What a gorgeous family you have! :)
  7. I wish there was an "other" in the poll because for me it depends. I like lingerie and do think it makes me feel sexy, but I don't need it to feel sexy either. And not all lingerie is created equal either. ;)
  8. I wish you would explain it to me then because it absolutely mystifies me. :confused:
  9. This! This always makes me crazy. I get so angry at people who refuse to heed the warnings because they put other people's lives in danger when they have to be rescued. It makes me frothing at the mouth mad. I remember during hurricane Charley there were mandatory evacuations. There was a man and his son that died in their car because they didn't evacuate and when the storm hit and things got hot they tried to make a run for it and got caught in it. It's so sad because it was completely preventable. I really don't understand why people just don't evacuate? Is it pride, or fear of looters or do they just think it's not going to be as bad as the experts say it is? It always puzzles me. Surely whatever it is you think will happen if you were to evacuate is not of greater worth than your life or the lives of your loved ones. :confused:
  10. Those are great! What a lovely family you have and I love the setting as well. :) It looks so peaceful and green. :)
  11. Ay poor Margot. What happened with that does anyone know? And hadn't she lost her front teeth too? That was all so strange. :confused:
  12. I thought the same thing for some reason. She said "hoops" and I was thinking "tunnels" for some reason. :confused: :iagree: He does. He looks like he would be really funny too like he would have a great loud infectious laugh that makes everyone else laugh to hear it. You have a beautiful family. :)
  13. I love your husband's first tattoo. The one with the tree. That's really cool. :) What a beautiful boy! :)
  14. LOL Well, it was never really "my stereotype" but rather my family's. But it really wasn't even something on my radar. I had never really thought about it and therefore had never really formed my own opinion on it, but just had my family's opinion in the back of my mind that it was not something you shouldn't do. My best friend got several tattoos while we were friends and I never once thought any different about her nor advised her not to do it. It was something that she wanted to do so I supported her even if it was something that I myself wouldn't do. But like I said, it wasn't until I saw that show Miami Ink (which is fascinating btw) and started to learn more about why people get tattoos and the significance of them that I started to have understanding and form my own opinion of them rather than have my family's opinion rattling around in my head. lol I hope that makes more sense. I never say things as clearly as I should. I didn't really have a problem with them before, but didn't have my own opinion on them. Now I have my own opinion on them and think it's a unique way to mark milestones in one's life and also that the artistry and the meanings behind them are often time very beautiful. :) And I still don't have a problem with them or the people who get them. :)
  15. LOL I love your enthusiasm! hehehehe :) "enthusiasms" (pronounced "entusiasms") Let's see who gets that reference. :D Gosh, I really do think in movie lines! lol :confused:
  16. LOL Have a wonderful time. Don't you love being able to get your kids the perfect gift that they want? It happens so rarely. Enjoy being the best mom in North Carolina this Christmas! :D ;)
  17. Sorry to go off topic, but what is "passing the peace"? I've never heard of that before. Now back to your regularly scheduled thread. :D
  18. Awww that's so sad. :( May she rest in peace.
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