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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. LOL We had that one too, but it got ruined now. :( It was actually the first Veggie Tales that I bought. It was the one that was playing in (the then) Baptist Book Store and I got that one for my dd when she was little. :) Sowweeeee. I wasn't trying to make you feel old, just saying I remember them because we had them to. :p LOL Them's fightin words Imp! hehehehe
  2. :) I remember 8 tracks. We had an 8 track player when I was growing up. I used to listen to Bye Bye Miss American Pie on it. :)
  3. We have 2 too! :) One is one of those all in one TV/VCR thingies. It's in the kids' room. My son loves playing his Veggie tales vhs in there. :)
  4. LOL Yep. I remember that too, the only difference was I learned to type on an electric typewriter, but we owned a manual one in our house. I used that for anything that had to be typed and had the correcting strips to go over typos. :p yep, we still have a record player too and tons of old records. LOL love the bolded part about the beeper. hehehe :p
  5. :iagree::iagree: How is the kitty doing today? How is her fever?
  6. I knew them all too and know exactly what you're talking about above as well. I guess I'll join you in the "old" club. :p Remember pet rocks? What about pop rocks? hehehehe
  7. :eek: Oh my gosh that was amazing!!! That guy John had nerves of steel. I don't know if I could be so calm with a Silverback gorilla directly behind me. :ohmy: Thanks for sharing. That was wild (no pun intended :p)
  8. :iagree::iagree: I'm pretty cynical too, but still try to believe (and hope) for good in people in the world. I know it exists because I am one and my children are, dh is iffy :p (j/k) and if there is us in the world then there have to be others too. Sometimes it may feel like digging in a landfill for a diamond, but when you find them hang on and don't let them go out of your life. :) :) I just thought it so fitting after reading your post that your current read-aloud is Pollyanna. :)
  9. Congratulations Nance!! Woo Hoo! I'm so proud of you!! But you know with a thread title like that it's going to wind up in the Forum Game thread right. :D
  10. I did it!!! Remember that elephant's penis I talked so much about?! uh no! I think I would remember that conversation! :eek: :svengo:
  11. Doe any one lnow about this "Creative writing" prgram? Maybe you should try another one. I don't think this one's working out for you.
  12. Rip Van Winkle's Catskills and Tarry Town (Sleepy Hollow) the way it was when Washington Irving wrote about it. Other than that, the starship Enterprise. :D
  13. wow! I had no idea that it would still be that cool even in the summer. I would love to see Alaska. I saw some pictures of it in a National Geographic magazine in the mid 80's and I am still haunted by those images. It was so beautiful.
  14. I just have to say about the bolded that August and September are the height of hurricane season when the storms are most active. The Keys are a mandatory evacuation zone in the event of a hurricane. You really don't want to come to Florida during those months if you can help it. Even if there wasn't a hurricane it's in the mid 90's everyday with really high humidity and it rains every day in the afternoons. No fun. :( I really like the rest of the ideas on Kayaking Mom's list though. They sound fantastic. :)
  15. If people want to die on their land of course the option is theirs for the choosing, but I don't think they have the right to make that choice for anyone else but themselves. Forcing a child to stay behind in a mandatory evacuation situation is taking away their rights. The land will still be there after the storm or fire are gone.
  16. I'm so glad that she got the treatment that she needed. I hope everything will be looking up from this point. :) :iagree::iagree::glare: I hope so too. Poor kitty. She's really been through the wringer. :(
  17. Thank you Cat. I didn't see this thread until just now. You're so kind hearted. :):grouphug:
  18. oooh what about Alaska? I would love to see it (in the summertime of course :D ) I've never been there, but I'm guessing it should be warm still in August, no? You definitely don't want to come to Florida though I can tell you that.. August and September here are the two worst months of the whole year!
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