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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. ROFL It really is a great movie. I think I may have to check it out again myself. :p That and Blade Runner. I haven't seen that movie in AGES!!
  2. I was amazed too. I'd never known anyone who didn't get that reference before. That's why I wanted to start this questionnaire because I seriously thought it was common knowledge, but now I see it's not as common as I thought. :) It's interesting nonetheless. No right or wrong answer of course, it's just interesting to me to see how my perceptions of how common knowledge it is measures up against the actual data. :)
  3. Her version was okay, but it didn't compare with Donald Sutherland's (but again I'm biased :D ) The 1978 version will always be the best IMHO. It scared the crap out of me too when I saw it. That ending with Donald, after trying and fighting so hard not to succumb, it does leave you with a sense of hopelessness and I guess that's why it sticks with you and IS so scary. I guess that's why I thought it was common knowledge, because that movie made such an impact in it's day (and even beyond), but I was born in 1971 so it was still very culturally relevant to me even though I saw it as a kid, everyone my age knew the reference as well. You crack a joke about sleeping next to a pod and everyone got it. :)
  4. This question is in reference to which version is your favorite. There have been 4 versions of it made in each of those years. :)
  5. It's a good movie. I love the 1978 version best. The ending is classic! :)
  6. For myself I'm certainly trying. I decluttered my living/dining room and kitchen. Everything now has a home and it's so much easier to keep it clean. It's been a month now and the clutter hasn't come back (in those rooms). After I decluttered I started washing walls and painting too so I haven't gone to the upstairs rooms yet (they're still cluttered and messy), but I hope to do it over summer and have the whole house under control. I'm already seeing the benefits in having just the living/dining room and kitchen done. :)
  7. Alright ya'll posting spoilers stop it! :D I really want to hear the answers to the questions. :)
  8. I'm in the same boat trying to get my house under control. In my case it's mostly clutter because I have a small house and too much stuff. This thread helped me enormously. It has lots of tips and ideas and Pretty in Pink's pictures really inspired me to take the reins and get my house under control. I still have such a long way to go, but I'm getting there. :) My living room and kitchen are done anyway which I didn't think was even possible so there's hope.:) Good luck to you! :) You can do it!
  9. I didn't set out to have my child sleep in my bed (they had a crib, bassinette of their own), but they usually wound up in my bed at some point in the night when I was too tired to stay up rocking them anymore. I nursed them both.
  10. :) I've gotta watch this one again. It's been a long time. Seeing that trailer makes me want to go on an old movie bender! This one :D, Alien and maybe 2001 Space Odyssey and Blade Runner to start. :D hehe
  11. LOL. I suggest the 1978 version. It's really good ( I'm biased though :D).
  12. Wow! I'm really surprised at the answers so far! I always thought it was so common a reference. Interesting. :) I want to see how this poll goes for awhile, but I promise to post the answer later on for anyone who is curious. :)
  13. I was speaking with a dear friend today who was very busy doing all kinds of work in her house after not having the energy to do much for awhile and so I jokingly said to her, "Did you fall asleep next to a pod?" to which she just gave me one of these :confused: and said, "I'm guessing that's supposed to mean something." I was quite taken aback because I thought that was a pretty common knowledge reference, but said friend is 10 years my junior so it got me wondering if perhaps it is not which led me to wanting to ask The Hive since we have such a wonderful range of ages (and cultures) represented here. :) So if you have a minute and you don't mind answering a few questions, I'd really appreciate it. What I would like to know is the following.... 1. Do you understand the reference about sleeping (or waking up) next to a pod? 2. If yes, do you think it is a culturally important reference (ie. pretty widely known/common knowledge) or not? 3. What country do you live in? 4. How old are you? 5. And just for fun 1956, 1978, 1993, or 2007? :D 1978 was my first experience with it and still my favorite. Gotta love Donald at the end! ;) :p Thanks to all who participate. :) BTW, this is just a informal questionnaire based on my own curiosity. :) It's not meant to embarrass anybody if they don't know the reference. :grouphug: ETA: The answer is in post #163
  14. That's so great, Joanne. :). I'm so happy for you that you have a job that you love and so happy for the patients that they have an enthusiastic and caring therapist. :)
  15. LOL. Alright ya'll are seriously making me blush now. Hehehe. You're all very sweet and kind. Now stop it! :tongue_smilie: hehehehe
  16. Not to be contrary, but in Numbers 22 Balak hires Balam specifically to curse the Israelites. That seems evidence enough for me.
  17. ROFL :lol::lol::lol:. Bill you're too funny. You may not be a Queen Bee anymore, but I still think you're just as fabulous if it's any consolation. Hehehe ;)
  18. Ah I didn't even see that thread, but I would have thought of Steve Martin too. So classic! lol :lol:
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