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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. That's great! :) About the distance, I too wish I could visit Rosie, but Australia is a wee bit far for me to travel with a family of 4 and Florida is a wee bit far for her to travel with her family of 4 too. Sigh. Maybe someday, but I'm so happy that at least the internet allows us to chat often. :) ETA: I don't know why I put so many :grouphug: in my prior post. :confused: I think I meant to put :iagree: but I'm tired and clicked the wrong smilie. :p hehe
  2. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: My closest friend IRL (because I do share my life here on these boards) is also my best board buddy Rosie. I talk to her just about every day. She's beloved to me and a part of my life. I don't think less of our friendship because it's "online". It's more real to me than people who keep me at a superficial distance IRL because we just don't have much in common. Rosie and I choose to spend our time writing each other or chatting on FB whereas a lot of people IRL who talk to me do so because it is a function where we just happen to be thrown together and they make surface conversation because it would be impolite not to.
  3. Sounds like you all had a fantastic day!! I'm so happy for you all. :)
  4. I love your tattoo Nakia. It's so beautiful. :grouphug:
  5. I love the story behind your tattoo. :) That's what I find fascinating. I never realized how many stories there are behind getting a tattoo until I started watching that show Miami Ink. It really opened my eyes and gave me a whole new appreciation for tattoos as well as the reasons people get them. I really thought it was just body art before that. I realize now how much deeper (no pun intended) it goes. I think it's cool and a really individual way to mark milestones in life.
  6. Thank you so much! That link is really helpful. :)
  7. That's so cool! Congratulations on meeting your birth family! How wonderful! :) Love it! You go girl! hehe :lol:
  8. I am one of those people who would have never guessed that you would have a tattoo. You go girl. :) I love the story behind why you got it. :) And btw, I would never judge you for it! hehe :tongue_smilie:
  9. Wow! I had no idea. Thanks for telling me. Thank you everyone for your replies. I feel better about taking the plunge. I just worry about calcium because I'm a coffee drinker and I know it leaches the calcium out of your bones. I guess I'll have to acquire a taste for greens. lol :tongue_smilie:
  10. But shoes aren't okay inside! :tongue_smilie: :leaving: :auto: LOL And don't forget the cleavage! ;)
  11. I am certainly not an expert in etiquette, :p but to me personally, I never like to take a kindness for granted. If someone does or says something kind to me, I always say thank you even if it's about my kids and not me. I think it's better to err on the side of gratitude IMO. Surely nobody can fault you for that, no? :)
  12. That's good to know. So by dark green veggies.... can you give me a quick list of which are best. Dobela already recommended broccoli. Also, how much do you need to eat of it to make sure you're covering your bases? Do you eat greens at every meal?
  13. Really?? Do tell. :) :bigear: I buy organic milk, but yeah it's bought in a typical grocery store.
  14. You could never be low class or trashy, Nakia! :grouphug::grouphug: I love your tattoo too. I even told Blessedwinter about it in the other thread because it was so beautiful. :) :grouphug::grouphug:
  15. I'm just shocked that anyone would think Pottery Barn is "cheap". :ohmy: I always thought their stuff was expensive. I can't imagine what anyone would think of my house if they think Pottery Barn is cheap. :lol::lol: Not that I really care. I have 2 Autistic kids. My house is trashed. Anyone who judges me by my house is just not living my reality. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm a little busy surviving my life right now to care! :p :lol:
  16. Thanks Dobela :) What kind of supplement do you take? I'm trying to go off of milk and I already don't eat much cheese, but I worry about my bone health for lack of calcium because I'm not a huge veggie fan. There are so many types of supplements out there and I've read some things about some forms not being able to be absorbed. :confused: It's all very confusing. How do you know which one will sufficiently protect your bones??
  17. I would think Little House in the Big Woods would be interesting to a boy too even though it's told from Laura's perspective. The things that Pa does and builds and just learning in general how things were made and done back then is fascinating. Well, to me it was anyway. :p hehe I absolutely love the Little House series. I've read all of them, several of them many times. :)
  18. do you mind sharing with me what you do for calcium? :bigear: Thanks to all who reply. :)
  19. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry about your sister. :crying:
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