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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. YES!! :iagree::iagree: Look forward to seeing it. :) This is OT, but did you see the tatoo that Nakia got on her back a year or so ago? It had a lot of the same colors as your first one and it was really beautiful too. The meaning was especially poignant. :)
  2. Better late than never. :) Thanks for participating. :) Actually, you and my dear friend are in very good company. If you were to read this entire thread you would discover that the majority of the posters didn't know what the heck I was talking about. hehehe :)
  3. It's really not that scary, suspenseful yes with some scary moments sure, but I personally don't think of it as a horror film the likes The Exorcist or Amityville Horror or even Alien. It's more of a thriller IMO. Certainly by today's standards it wouldn't be considered a horror film. ETA: I'm referring to the 1978 version. :)
  4. I know exactly which scene you're talking about. Where he finds the tooth and "drops it" when he finds the fisherman. That scared the crap out of me too. To me though, the scariest parts are when people are near the beach in the water and you just hear the JAWS theme and know that shark is prowling and the people are oblivious to it. The suspense that builds until it gets someone is crazy! That movie scared me so much when I saw it, (I grew up in Ft. Lauderdale walking distance from the beach and we went every weekend) that I couldn't swim for the longest time. I was afraid even of the deep end of the swimming pool and my bathtub! lol Oh, your poor aunt. So the rents banished her then? :p
  5. Wow! Are all of those pictures real? I was shocked to see that woman with a full body tattoo in that day. I didn't even think there were women who had them back then. Amazing! I like the tattoo artist in the first picture too. He looks like an Italian barber. hehehe :p
  6. LOL Love Seinfeld. :) hahahahahaha! That clinches it! I'm watching JAWS this weekend! :D I'm going to make that shark and offer he can't refuse. :D
  7. Cool! :) I think I may watch JAWS again this weekend or Alien since I already own them on DVD. I'm going to put the director's version of Blade Runner on hold from the library and see how it compares with the theatrical version. Gosh it's been ages since I've seen Blade Runner. Maybe I'll keep it old school and watch Logan's Run too! :D hehe
  8. I just wanted to thank everyone who participated and took the time to answer the questions. I think it's been shown by the answers here that it is not as widely known as I thought it was. Thanks again to all who participated. :). And if anyone is looking for a movie to watch this weekend I can recommend a good one. :D
  9. It's so sad to think that even with a ship nearby that was waiting for them, even with the radio transmissions giving her compass location, Morse code and further transmissions that nobody could find them. How long could they really survive on a deserted atoll? :(
  10. The second one is really pretty too. I like the red and gold. :)
  11. I like the first one. :). I noticed though that the one has cool colors and the other warm ones. Are you one of those blessed people that can wear anything and look good? If not then maybe get the one that fits your skin tone best . :)
  12. The 78 version is very tame by today's standards. It wouldn't even be considered a horror film I think by today's standards but maybe just a "drama" or a "psychological thriller" perhaps. It's a good movie though even with 1978 special effects. :D hehe
  13. :) Reminds me of my grandma even though we're Spanish/Cuban and not Italian. She had a lot of similar kinds of rituals and amulelts. :)
  14. LOL I've yet to see the meat truck guys. hehehe I can't believe someone was trying to make sales that early in the morning! That is nowhere near a respectable hour to be knocking on doors "twice, very loudly". :glare:
  15. Oh! I'm so sorry. Try this one. Hopefully this one will work. If not, just do a search on the thread title "organized folks don't do this" :) http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=354011&highlight=organized+people+don%27t+do+this Nope. Not just you. :D
  16. Wow! I haven't yet encountered anyone wanting their child to be on the spectrum. :ohmy: That is so strange. Why would anyone wish Autism on someone they love? It's heartbreaking to watch how they struggle. :confused:
  17. LOL No of course not. I always heard growing up that the island footage was filmed in Ft. Lauderdale, but I looked it up just now and see that it was actually Hawaii. lol Me thinks some people I grew up around are liars. :D
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Body_Snatchers LOL We should start a list shouldn't we. :) :lol: hehehehe You're welcome :) :iagree: ROFL Sigh. I hate it when that happens. We get older and everyone coming up behind us just gets younger and all our references get lost in translation. sigh. Such is life I guess.
  19. The movie has been made and re-made 4 times in those respective years. The question about the years is which version of the movie is your favorite. :) No need for embarrassment at all. If you've read the other responses, I think more people don't know it than do. Maybe I should be the embarrassed one talking about pods and making people go :confused: and thinking I'm crazy. :lol: Oooh thanks for this Mrs. Mungo. I saw a year or so ago that they released a Director's Cut version of Blade Runner on DVD and I was going to check that one out. I've only ever seen the original to date. :) :) We were total Trekkies too and I loved Gilligan's Island. I'm coming to that same conclusion reading these responses. It seems it was the 1978 version that made the most impact on people. I did see the other two later versions and they didn't have the same impact on me as the 1978 one. My parents let us watch anything and often took us to the movies with them if they couldn't hire a babysitter so I guess I saw a lot of stuff that other people my age wouldn't have, but it's interesting to me too because I know so many people around my age that know the reference, that's why I thought it was so common knowledge. I think you're probably right though about the age of the person the time the '78 version came out and moving on to other things by the time it came on VHS or cable. If I were 10 years younger and had only seen the 1993 version for example, I don't think it would have made the same impact on me as seeing the 1978 version did when I was that age (but again I'm biased :D ) hehe
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