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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Ugh...drama at my son's drama class Isn't that the point?? :confused:
  2. :) That's great news!! :hurray: :party: Nice! This is a woman who knows how to do pregnancy! :) What color did you go with? Did you go with any of the trends? I have neon hot pink on my toes right now! :D I wish it had been a professional pedicure though instead of a DIY. Those foot massages are wonderful! :tongue_smilie:
  3. San Jose, Cupertino, San Francisco folks... Worst neighbors ever LOL Sorry! It was just sitting there staring at me. I couldn't resist! :p
  4. can you freeze... I'm sure I could if I really applied myself. :)
  5. Yay!! I'm looking forward it! I can't wait for you to see your baby's heartbeat! :)
  6. Great video! I wish I had known about cuisenaire rods when dd was young. What a great tool. :)
  7. LOL I'm afraid to google it to see what you mean. I'll take your word for it. I've had too many "surprises" pop up from Google searches. :001_huh::glare::tongue_smilie:
  8. LOL Bill! You're so crazy! hehehehehe :lol::lol::lol::tongue_smilie:
  9. That's so weird. We call it an Indian burn too. I guess it is regional. I'm from the South as well. I've never heard it called a "snakebite" or anything else. I learn something new everyday! :)
  10. By "u-know'what" I hope to God you're referring to a cigarette. If not, I'm even more out of the loop than I think I am. :001_huh::tongue_smilie::lol:
  11. ROFL :lol::lol::lol: Man how I wish I could have seen that go down! hehehehehehe That's too funny!
  12. Yep! It will be here soon! :) Hang in there hon. How is your throat??
  13. Well obviously if the lawnmower breaks you just go to your neighbor and borrow one!! How could you let your lawn get out of hand like this? Really now! Have you no shame?? just kidding! :D :p lol Seriously, your neighbors need to get a life. It's grass for crying out tears! No need to bring out the Crimewatch police! It makes me wonder what they would do if you had a crisis on your hands that took precedence over the lawn. Would they call out lynch mobs? Sheesh!!
  14. I'm not creative at all in an artsy kinda way. My mom had glass vases and things with interesting shapes that were filled with layers of colored sand back in the 70's, but apart from going that route, something I've always wanted to do with my kids, was to coat a box with grout or some kind of liquid cement and have the kids decorate it with sea shells and colored sand and stuff. I haven't done it (yet), but I always thought that might be a fun project for a box that is just plain to jazz it up some. I guess if you're just doing sand you could always use just a spray adhesive or a coat of paint that will keep the sand in place when it dries. I look forward to reading the responses you get. There are a lot of super creative moms here. :)
  15. Oh nooooo. Don't blame me for 'Speidi' induced stress! I warned you! :D hehehe
  16. :lol::lol::lol: I haven't really watched any other "reality" shows so I can't really compare how good/bad it is to some others, but it was bad enough to get me hooked. hehehehehe Apparently I'm not the only one either. I had a free subscription to Rolling Stone and I remember there was one issue with all the girls from The Hills on the cover and I didn't even know who they were. Curiosity got the better of me. hehe Who was it that was talking about train wrecks?? :D hehe
  17. How do children do this? Honestly. I'm still trying to figure it out. My best guess... it was a Twister game that went horribly wrong. Go figure! :confused:
  18. PSA- Gnats! They look just like regular gnats except they are more vocal and opinionated. :p
  19. We don't do birthday parties. We take the children out somewhere special and celebrate it as a family.
  20. Ironically I just saw someone wearing them the other day which is weird because I definitely live in an urban area. I wonder if he took a wrong turn at Albuquerque? :confused:
  21. It was so good to hear from you Peela. I hope you will pop in and let us know how you're doing from time to time. :) I'm so glad things are going so well for you and your children. :) :grouphug:
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