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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :) It's great when it's something that is actually educational. :)
  2. LOL Don't even ask me how many Animorphs books we have, or Nancy Drew (which she doesn't even read!), or Baby Mouse, or Captain Underpants or.... lol Then there are the figures and dolls she collects. sigh. Obsessions are so expensive. My nephew who is high functioning Autistic does it too with Cars and Thomas the Tank Engine. You know how when you buy one it comes with the little paper insert that shows all the other ones available to purchase. Yeah, he has to have them all. He has his birthday and Christmas wishlist written out until 2015!! :tongue_smilie:
  3. :iagree::iagree: I was thinking the same thing! :)
  4. Yeah it certainly got people talking! lol Reminds me a bit of the brujaja over the Tiger Mom when that hit. The mom's comments though in the Yahoo article really made me question her motivation for posing for that picture when she knew it was going to be controversial. Was she hoping to stir things up to get a dialogue going? or was it to stir things up for the sake of stirring things up? I agree with you that the ignorance is appalling out there, but even here on these boards I think the consensus was that the editorial presented attachment parenting, specifically extended breastfeeding, in a negative light. I guess only the mother herself knows her true motivations for participating in the photo shoot, but it does make me wonder if she has ulterior motives.
  5. Welcome Beth!! I'm so glad you introduced yourself. I look forward to reading your posts. :) Happy Mother's Day! :)
  6. Wow!!! That is AWESOME!! You are so talented and creative! We love Totoro here too! I wish I could make something like that for my dd! Her birthday is just a couple of weeks away. Was it super difficult?
  7. Oh thank you! I did have an account with them. I got the Crypto Mind Benders! Thanks so much ladies for your help! :) Happy Mother's Day!
  8. Thanks for the details on the program and may I say your son has EXCELLENT taste! Calvin and Hobbes ruled! hehehehe
  9. There was another article about the mom on Yahoo today. Don't you just love Yahoo reporting? lol The title of the article says "Jamie Lynne Grumet Defends Her Time Magazine Breastfeeding Cover", but she never gives her response to the backlash of comments that were raised in the article, but she does admit that she knew exactly what she was doing when she posed for that picture.
  10. Link?? I don't know what HSBC stands for so I'm sure I don't have an account with them. I'm all up for a free Mother's Day gift though. :p hehe
  11. Welcome back you naughty girl! :p hehehehe Glad your son likes the math. I need to look into that myself. What grades is it for??
  12. Happy Mother's Day to you too sweetheart! :) :grouphug: :grouphug:
  13. Ditto! I'm so happy for you and your dh! Congratulations! :party: :hurray: :thumbup: :cheers2:
  14. Woo hoo!!! :party: :hurray: :thumbup: :cheers2: to your little bean! Feel better sweetheart! Happy Mother's Day too! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  15. It's a nice post, but GAH!! the medical details were a little rough to read. :eek: :svengo: Oh that poor little girl!! I hope I don't offend you Dustybug, it's a nice blog post, but I just wanted to give a head's up to anyone else who is a little squeamish about those things like I am. lol The breastfeeding part begins in the fourth paragraph if anyone needs to skip ahead a bit. ;) :p hehehehehe
  16. Do my Kids need structure?? Ummm yeah! Without their skeletons they'd just flop around and be dead weight. Who wants that!?
  17. We have gas! I think it's great that you and your family can embrace it! You go girl!! Rock that stinky butt!! :party: :hurray: :thumbup: :cheers2:
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