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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Have you considered having it done at a beauty school? I know a woman who is very well maintained. Hair, nails, clothes, makeup always perfect. She is a natural brunette with highlights in her hair and she used to pay a fortune on her hair until she started getting it done at a local beauty school. Now she says she only pays $35.00. She told me that she was nervous at first, but that the people who do her hair are the ones who are graduating and are getting more experience and the teacher, who is a professional, oversees what they do. She told me she would never pay for an expensive haircut again. I would love to go where she goes too, but $35.00 a month is still too high for me, but maybe it could be an option for you. Just a thought. :)
  2. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: That's great! Cheers to your dh! :cheers2: I hope you have a speedy recovery and get well soon. :grouphug::grouphug:
  3. This is just so sad to read and hear all of your stories. It really breaks my heart for the kids whose only option is PS. :(
  4. I'm not. I cut my own hair, dye it myself with stuff from SAlly's and do my own mani's and pedi's. It's not as nice as it would be if it were done by a professional, but it's good enough for me. I can't afford to go get things done. My mother actually took me to get a pedicure last summer as a special treat. It was the first time I had ever been in a beauty salon and the first time I'd ever had a pedicure by a professional. My feet looked amazing, but there is no way I could afford to do that on any kind of regular basis. So to answer your question, no.... not all of us are spending that kind of money on personal upkeep. :)
  5. There's nothing wrong with not wearing makeup or having sensory issues. :) I love the underpinnings idea if you could tolerate being in there long enough to get a good fitting or buying something and returning it for cash. Or maybe buying a nice gift online for a dear friend or your dh. :)
  6. Do you like makeup?? Nordstrom sells MAC and usually has items that are exclusive to them like gift sets or special products. Maybe you can find a nice kit or something if not for yourself for a special friend for Christmas or Mother's Day or a birthday gift. Shoot. I'd blow through a Nordstrom card so fast at the MAC counter. :p They also have other cosmetics too like Estee Lauder, Laura Mercier, Lancome, etc. :) Oh and I don't know about your Nordstrom, but mine also has a highly rated restaurant (I know weird but true) right in the store. They also have a coffee/smoothie shop that is good. :)
  7. One thing I see all the time that mystifies me is when friends are out together, but they are both on the phone to someone else. :confused: I see it all the time when I'm outside. Kids walking home from school together, but talking to someone else all the way home and they don't speak at all to the person that they are with. That is so strange to me. :confused:
  8. I think you are right. God is always so good to me. Even when He says no to me, it's with my best in mind. :001_wub:
  9. LOL :p On a serious note though.... I have a hard time making friends, (shocking I know. :p I'm just as weird and Hyper IRL as I am on here) and it used to really bother me. I prayed to God and asked Him to send me a friend for years and He never did. I eventually found this forum a few years back and have made some wonderful friends here so things are better, but I often wonder if God was sparing me?? When I read some of the things that you ladies talk about that go on in your home schooling groups and communities it makes me glad that I live in my own world and haven't come across these things. Maybe God didn't answer my prayer because He was sheltering me from crazies? :p Who knows.....
  10. Is it bad that I've never read To Train Up a Child (or even heard of it) and have no clue what CTBHHM even stands for?? I'm so culturally illiterate. I think I spent too much time watching Monty Python. :p
  11. Oooh that's a tough question. On the one hand, I would like to be there for my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and be that link to the past that still has the old family stories and history, but on the other hand, I would hate to have the issues that come with living to that long of an age. Outliving my spouse and friends or even a child (my grandfather died before his own father who was 100 when he died) would be so hard, plus the physical issues of living with a body that is wearing out. I really don't know. I long for Heaven too, but I think about the people in my own life who I wish were still here and wish they had lived longer and I would like to be there for those in my family.
  12. LOL This just struck me so funny. I am stronger than Autism and teenage hormones. I am stronger than the fear of what will become of my children in this world. Because I'm stronger I will trust in The One who can do all things. Because I am stronger.... I will laugh instead of cry. This is me laughing ---> :lol:
  13. Oh Jean, I hope they can get you sorted out. Praying for wisdom for that doctor. I hope he gets the right diagnoses and can help you. Please update us when you get back from the dr's. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  14. :( Poor Jean! Thanks for letting us know Rough Collie, please keep us updated. Praying for dear Jean. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  15. :grouphug::grouphug: Ugh, that is going to be tricky to navigate. I think it's best to let her know either to her face (preferable IMO) or in one of the letters mentioned in this thread that what she said was way out of line and hurtful and that you have nothing further to speak to her about. I suspect that it will cause her to go on the defensive since you said that when you encountered her she was acting like nothing happened. IME these people need to be called out otherwise they will just pretend like nothing has happened and if she's a total narcissist it is possible that she may really believe she did nothing wrong. If she comes and acts like it's nothing you could just say something like, "The things you said to me the other day were way out of line and you hurt me very deeply. I really have nothing further I wish to say to you." You hold her accountable for what she said to you and don't lose your grace in the process and she'll probably do the avoiding after that and you won't even have that responsibility. I do hope things work out for you. I would have a hard time seeing that woman every day too. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  16. Would someone make up my mind, please Sure! I'll help you out. :) Are you allergic to any cosmetics??
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