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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Yeah!! I liked that part best too that and the end when the dog eats to food he threw on the fire to put it out. hehe
  2. :lol::lol::lol: Wouldn't it be funny if OP's children's names where Hansel and Gretel. hehehe I'm so silly. I need to go to bed already. :p
  3. :lol::lol: That dog is just looking at him like, "Dude! You're nuts!" hehehe
  4. Absolutely!! No shame in that! I plan to do some Tebowing myself when I find that hand lotion! ;) Awwww I'm sorry about your grandma. :( :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: That is so tough. My grandma was in a nursing home too before she passed but she had Dementia not specifically Alzheimer's. It's not easy. She didn't even recognize her own children at the very end. :( I hope I keep my memories too. Although the way my brain is now I do worry sometimes. :(
  5. LOL I'm good at stories for the most part, but I never know my exact age (for the most part) or what month it was or year etc. My uncle was truly amazing. I have a 90 year old aunt like that too! I saw her a few weeks ago and she was telling me stories about kids that she had when she was a school teacher something like 60 years ago!! And she remembered their names! I taught a group of girls and it took me weeks until I could get their names straight! I don't know how they have such good memories! I wish I had a memory like that. It sure would cut down on the embarrassment when I'm talking to someone again after having spoken to them on several occasions and I have absolutely NO CLUE what there name is. :blushing:
  6. Absolutely!! :iagree::iagree: LOL Rosie, you always say everything so succinctly. :D I wish I had your talent with words. :)
  7. hehehehe I know right! The only thing missing is my kids bouncing off the walls. Well, that and the hand lotion. :p
  8. Oh yes!!! Thank you so much! I could totally kiss you right now!! :) I'll show it my mom tomorrow. :) Oh thank you so much! LOL And I love the Godfatheresque music in the beginning. It's even funnier when you consider what the video is about. Can you imagine The Don forgetting who he was supposed to have whacked?? lol :p
  9. Ooh OOh I think I know this one! Modal verbs are the verbs that are used to describe fashion! :) What do I win?? :D ;)
  10. ROFL!! I would never whack a cat!! They have claws. Besides have you seen Maru?? He's the awesomest cat ever (next to you of course. :D ) hehe If it's going to take me until I'm 82 to find the lotion I think I'll just buy another one. sigh and I still can't find the video.
  11. Bad kitty! My hands are all dry from the cold we had up here (I'm visiting mom in North GA) and they're cracking. I need the hand lotion that I bought at Walmart the other day and can't find. lol That and the video too so I can show it to my mom. hehehehehe I'll tell you what. My 82 year old uncle was over here yesterday and was telling me stories about WWII and how he proposed to my aunt etc. He knew the year, the month, dates... I was so impressed. I told him, "you're amazing. I'm only 40 and I can't remember anything!" :001_huh: hehehe
  12. ROFL :lol::lol: Let me know if you find the hand lotion while you're wandering. :tongue_smilie:
  13. well, laugh if you must, :p but I am trying to find that video that someone posted up I guess about 2 weeks or so ago about the woman who starts doing one thing and then gets distracted by something else and then nothing gets done. You remember that video?? I want to play it for my mom, but I can't remember what the video is called or what thread it was in. Sigh. I'm just like that lady and my mom is too which is why I want to find it. If only I could remember where it was. :001_huh::D Anyone know??
  14. LOL I have done that before too when people call my number by mistake and leave this important information for dates and meeting times and stuff on my answering machine. I would call them back so that they know the person didn't get the message. lol I just couldn't bear the thought of thinking what if it was a job interview or something and this person didn't get the message because they mis-dialed.
  15. LOL I don't know how either. I try, God knows I try, but my son..... nuff said. :p Sorry for the thread hijack Kris. :blushing: I know at the end of the day you've got to do what you feel comfortable doing, but I agree about taking the money if she offers it to you. Didn't she want them for free? If she offers you money don't you think it would come with a guilt trip with the hopes (on her end) that you will tell her not to pay?? It's just playing into her hand (again just my opinion). :grouphug::grouphug: It just sucks so bad this position she has put you into. There's just no pleasant way out of it, but I think you handled your encounter with her today brilliantly. :)
  16. hehehehehe I know right. Every homeschooler I know has a messy house. It's part of the package. I also live less than 2 miles from the beach. :D
  17. LOL Next time I go up. :) My kids are both Autistic so we come with our own bag of fun too! :p hehehehe I have to replace the vertical blinds in the room my kids are sleeping in because my son is literally tearing them down one by one. :001_huh: We're going to wait until we leave to fix it though so he won't break up the new ones.
  18. LOL I would be more inclined to stop and cook for you if it weren't a 14 hour drive back home. Maybe next time I go up to Disney I'll let you know and see if we can do something. :)
  19. :grouphug::grouphug: I agree 100% with everything you said. It completely mystifies me how some people can behave so badly. :001_huh:
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