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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I'm glad the event went well at your husband's shop. Hang in there darlin! Time will reveal all things! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  2. :iagree: I would ask the parent myself rather than the kid too.
  3. Hang in there Nance. I hope you get some conclusive results that ease your mind soon. What you've got so far though seems positive. I hope all goes well for you at your husband's shop today and that everything goes well with the doc's tomorrow! Sending lots of cyberhugs and positive thoughts your way! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  4. Congratulations!! Ay all this baby talk is making me want one too!! I hope your pregnancy goes smoothly and that your baby is delivered safely in January. :) I'm so happy for you! :)
  5. That's fantastic!! You should be proud! Thank you for sharing your wonderful news with us! :) :party: :hurray:
  6. :) We're all in this with you honey! Sleep well. :) :grouphug::grouphug:
  7. That's so sweet. I hope too! hehehehehe That would be fun. You come on down by me. I have a pool and live near the beach and we have yummy Cuban desserts here! :p hehe
  8. I voted yes and went to public school graduated in 1989. There was a girl who was raped in a stairwell at my high school and definitely the boys doing the groping thing. I remember that even i middle school. Pigs!
  9. Okay, I know not everyone is a fan of the pictures, but I think it would help in this case! :p For you Nance! Hang in there girl! :grouphug: :grouphug:
  10. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: This is true! Maybe go out and see the new Avengers movie? Watching Thor and Robert Downey Jr. for a couple of hours has to count for something, no?? ;) :D
  11. Happy birthday!! Wow! So many May b'days on the boards! :party: :hurray: :cheers2: Enjoy your special day! :)
  12. 7 pounds, the foods you are eating is what changed and happy. Did I get the answers right?? :D What do I win? hehehe Congratulations honey! That's fantastic news! It's so good when things click isn't it?? I'm so happy for you! :) :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. Well only sorta. I've been mostly dead all day! :D hehehe Good to see you back Nicole. :) Hope your Lent was great. We missed you!! :grouphug::grouphug:
  14. Oh sweetie! I can't even imagine the emotions you are feeling right now! :grouphug::grouphug: Since the unknown can't be known probably until Monday I want to focus on the positive that IS known and give you my heartiest congratulations on your pregnancy. I'm SO happy for you!! :party: :hurray: :cheers2: :grouphug::grouphug:
  15. Happy birthday honey! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! :)
  16. Happy birthday!! Enjoy your day! :) :party: :cheers2:
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