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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. LOL You win hands down for the best post in this thread! You get the first place trophy! :thumbup: :hurray: hehehehe Thanks for all the great advice and the entertaining read. If you're not a writer you really should be. You have a wonderful way with words. :) Muchisimas gracias Tia :p
  2. Wow!! Those are some serious boots! :grouphug::grouphug: Thanks hon. :) LOL Well, I think "hearty" is relative. Ya'll win hands down for hearty in the cold, but come on down here and visit me in the heat of the summer when it is 94-95 F and 100% humidity and see how hardy you are. ;) :p I can work all day outside in the heat of the summer and be just fine. I don't burn when I'm out in the sun all day and the heat doesn't bother me. Are you up to the challenge Imp. ;) :D hehehehe
  3. LOL Okay that would totally freak me out. Me no likey zombies. They eat brainz. :ack2:
  4. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry for all that you're going through. I am praying for you and will continue to pray for you and your family. Please update us and let us know when he gets the job on Thursday so we can celebrate with you. :)
  5. I just wanted to thank everyone for the helpful advice. I'm bearing up a little better today and your suggestions have been very helpful. :) One more question though. Is there a trick to keeping your sleeves up so they don't get wet when you wash your hands or dishes or something?? Every time I push my sleeves up, they keep falling down mid wash and get wet. :glare: Is there a trick ya'll have to keep that from happening? Ugh, I'm such a warm weather girl. I'm only used to short sleeves.
  6. Well actually 80 comes first. ;) :p hehehe *ducks and runs away* :auto: I saw that on the news that ya'll got pounded this winter. You see, that's what I find scary. When ya'll get a big snow storm and the power goes out what do you do?? I reckon you can run generators, but what if the gas runs out?? Hurricanes may be awful, but when the power goes out there's no chance you'll freeze to death, kwim?? How did your family fare in that big storm you all got?? I hope that you didn't lose your power. That would be dreadful. :grouphug: Oh and completely unrelated, but I always wonder if your screen name comes from the Led Zeppelin song Misty Mountain Hop and since you're talking to me I guess it's a good time to ask. :p hehe :) So it took a year with proper clothing. That's a little longer than I'll be here visiting so I guess I'll just have to tough it out. My aunt called me yesterday and told me it was 84 F in South Florida when it was in the low 40's here at my mom's. Today is 50 and the static isn't as bad so I'm not quite so freezing as I was yesterday. I do miss the sun though. It seems cloudy outside when it's really not. :confused:
  7. :lol::lol: Oh my!! I wouldn't go either. It was in the high 40's for most of the daytime today and I wouldn't go outside at all! No way. I can't even imagine wanting to go out in weather like what you are describing and with a baby too! :svengo: lol On the flip side, I have funny stories of Canadians and other cold climate peoples and how they look when they arrive at the international airport in Miami. lol I went to Europe in September of '96 and on the flight back (direct flight 13 hours non-stop) from Holland to Miami, the Dutch and other European passengers all looked so chic in their leather jackets and such on the plane. I saw those same people after we landed sitting half naked while waiting for taxis and their baggage all red faced and sweaty with their hair all a mess. :lol: :lol: It was so funny. It was cold in Holland in September, but in South Florida that's still part of the summer doldrums. :p hehehehehe
  8. What do people do to protect their eyes when it's that cold?? My eyeballs burn when it gets too cold. I can't imagine what it would do with a real below zero winter. :ohmy:
  9. I believe you. I am experiencing that here myself. When it was 68 degrees the other day and sunny, it felt like how it feels when it's in the mid-high 70's back home in South Florida.
  10. Okay, you're the second person to mention freezing nose hairs! lol What happens when your nose hair freezes that makes it so awful?? :eek: :svengo: I can just imagine. Hopefully they didn't have any hurricanes to contend with too. That must have been rough.
  11. I've always suspected that the humidity makes the cold colder. When we get cold snaps in South Florida, I freeze and am soooo cold. There was a winter a few years ago where it got down to 55 degrees in the daytime. That's usually an overnight temperature for us here and things warm up quickly once the sun comes out. I had had a field trip that day so I had to go out and I was so cold my hands were numb. That same feeling was more like what it felt like here at my mom's house when it was in the low 40's and it was different still because I didn't have the ache in my bones the way I do when it gets cold in South Florida. Maybe because all our cold fronts typically come with rain before them? They're wet and cold and they make my bones ache and I feel so chilled. It usually only lasts a very few days though. My mom is like you. She was so sick of the heat and the hurricanes so when she retired she moved way up here to the mountains. She doesn't like the winter, but she deals with it by just coming down and staying with family.
  12. Thanks. I think she does have a thrift store in town. :) Hear Hear! My thoughts exactly. August and september are only two months and once you get through them it's not so bad. Yeah it's still hot, but it's not slit your wrists hot anymore.:tongue_smilie: Brrrrrrr Not even a jacket?? Wow! :ohmy: You're a tough lady! :)
  13. Oh my!! :ohmy: LOL LOL What are stegers?? Thanks so much Laura. I know you've lived in tropical climes before too. How long did it take you to get acclimated?? LOL My mom lives about 3 hours from the Tennessee border, but she's up in the mountains less than a mile from North Carolina.
  14. :) I was cooking a lot in the kitchen this morning and baking a pizza for my son to eat and that was more comfortable, but the tap water comes out ice cold and takes a long time to heat up and cleaning up the kitchen after dried my hands out even more. :( Yeah, but those temps are really for only the months of August and September so it's bearable (to me :p ) The days are still long and there is plenty of sunshine so you don't get the blues like you do in the winter. My mom comes down to visit us 3-4 times a year and all of those visits are in the winter! lol She hates being here when everything is cold and dead and she gets the winter blues too and needs to be in the sun. She told me recently that she has to take Vitamin D supplements now too because she doesn't get enough. That's unheard of in Florida. LOL Yep I remember the pic. Only -15 she says! You're nuts woman!! lol
  15. I swear, it took me probably a full 30 seconds before I realized what you were talking about. I thought you were telling me to take one of my little ones (my children) to bed with me. :confused: lol I think this cold is effecting my brain. I've been so tired and groggy since it got into the 20's and 30's. :closedeyes: Yeah, this used to be a barn so it's big barn shaped, but it's like a typical house on the inside except for the very high and weird shaped ceilings. ;) I asked my mom and she said I could take one of the humidifiers in my room tonight. :) I've been slathering on lotion and lip balm. Hopefully I'll get sorted soon.
  16. Hopefully she'll let me have one. :) It must be what you say because I've only been here a few days and my skin is freaking out! :eek:
  17. LOL You'd hate Florida then. lol 80 is daytime winter temps! :p 94 degrees with near 100% humidity is hot!! :ack2:
  18. :) Different strokes for different folks I guess. I grew up 2 minutes away from Ft. Lauderdale beach and swimming was just always a way of life so wet hair is common and doesn't bother me. Different ways of life I guess. :)
  19. Walking in -30 degrees?? :svengo: You poor thing! That must have been awful! :grouphug: I just googled my mom's town and it says the humidity is 25%!! I think that must be my problem. The humidity when I left home was 78%. Her house is actually an old barn so it's really large with big open spaces and high ceilings. She does just have the little humidifiers. I don't know if she has a spare one that can go in my room or not, but I'm going to ask her. I bought some hot cocoa at the store and will try drinking that. As much as I love coffee I can only drink so much. lol Thanks for the advice. :)
  20. Even with the static electricity, the dry skin, the icy cold tap water and the chapped lips?? Heat is so much easier to deal with. You just wear light clothes and wet your hair if you get hot and sit in front of a fan. Easy! No dry lips or skin, no static, no snow or ice or layers and layers of clothes. Heat is much easier IMO. :) The only thing about the heat is that it also brings the hurricanes which are a PITA. :glare: Oh nice! :) Thanks for the link.
  21. Thank you. :) My mom says tonight will be cold and it will warm up after that so if I'll try to hold off, but if it gets really cold again I may just order them. :)
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